MACAU American Express Selects SM brings you a world of privileges with an exciting selection of year-round offers and savings. Wherever you find your

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Macau 澳門 2013/14 Exclusively for all American Express Cardmembers 唯美國運通卡會員尊享 Exclusive provider of American Express Cards in Macau.

MACAU American Express Selects SM brings you a world of privileges with an exciting selection of year-round offers and savings. Wherever you find yourself, from Bangkok to Tokyo to Sydney, you ll enjoy exceptional value and privileges in travel, leisure, dining and shopping. So use your Card now and discover an array of attractive benefits in key destinations worldwide. The magic and excitement of Macau awaits you! As our valued Cardmember, you ll enjoy a wide variety of privileges and benefits all over Macau. Please take a moment to browse through this booklet so you can look forward to the many special offers we have arranged for your pleasure. Just remember to spend with your American Express Card at the participating merchants from now till October 31, 2014, and enjoy the most of fabulous shopping, dining, hotel and travel offers! 澳門 美國運通優選禮待誠意獻上一系列優惠, 讓您體驗更精彩 更稱心的權益 無論您置身世界任何角落, 旅遊 消閒 美食 購物等優惠, 一應俱齊 現在便盡情憑卡簽賬, 在全球主要地區把握唯您尊享的禮遇! 盡情投入奇妙及魅力四射的澳門 貴為美國運通卡會員, 您可在澳門尊享一系列專有的禮遇及優惠 請即細閱本小冊子, 盡情享用我們為您精心安排的各項非凡禮遇! 您只需由即日起至 2014 年 10 月 31 日, 以美國運通卡在澳門參與商戶簽賬消費, 便可尊享一系列購物 美食 酒店及旅遊優惠!

Dining 飲食 02-19

Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 澳門葡京路 (853) 2828 3838 The Eight 8 餐廳 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine; this offer only applies for dinner) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ; 此優惠只適用於晚膳時間 ) 2/F, Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店二樓 (853) 8803 7788 The Kitchen 大廚 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) 3/F, Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店三樓 (853) 8803 7777 Food and beverage discount is not valid for banquet function. Food and beverage discount is not valid for festive menu. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, discount and set menu. BNU and Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 餐飲優惠不適用於私人宴會 餐飲優惠不適用於節日套餐 此優惠不能與其它優惠及套餐優惠同時使用 大西洋銀行及澳門新葡京酒店保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門新葡京酒店保留最終決定權 2 Dining

Don Alfonso 1890 當奧豐素1890意式料理 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 所有酒品除外 3/F, Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店三樓 (853) 8803 7722 Noodle & Congee Corner 粥麵莊 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 所有酒品除外 U1/F, Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店一樓上層 (853) 8803 7755 Round-the-Clock Coffee Shop 日夜咖啡室 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 所有酒品除外 U2/F, Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店二樓上層 (853) 8803 7766 Food and beverage discount is not valid for banquet function. Food and beverage discount is not valid for festive menu. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, discount and set menu. Payment must be settled with an American Express Card. BNU and Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 餐飲優惠不適用於私人宴會 餐飲優惠不適用於節日套餐 此優惠不能與其它優惠及套餐優惠同時使用 所有費用必須以美國運通卡支付全額 大西洋銀行及澳門新葡京酒店保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議 大西洋銀行及澳門新葡京酒店保留最終決定權 飲食 3

Lotus Lounge 蓮花廊 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) G/F, Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店地下 (853) 8803 7366 Crystal Lounge & Deli 水晶廊 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) U1/F, Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店一樓上層 (853) 8803 7711 Food and beverage discount is not valid for banquet function. Food and beverage discount is not valid for festive menu. The offer for Crystal Lounge & Deli is only valid until 30/06/2014. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, discount and set menu. BNU and Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 餐飲優惠不適用於私人宴會 餐飲優惠不適用於節日套餐 水晶廊優惠有效日期 :2013 年 12 月 1 日至 2014 年 6 月 30 日 此優惠不能與其它優惠及套餐優惠同時使用 大西洋銀行及澳門新葡京酒店保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門新葡京酒店保留最終決定權 4 Dining

Hotel Lisboa 葡京酒店 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 澳門葡京路 2-4 號 (853) 2888 3888 Portas do Sol 葡京日麗 10% savings on food & beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) 2/F, East Wing, Hotel Lisboa 葡京酒店東翼二樓 (853) 8803 3100 New Furusato 新故里日本料理 10% savings on food & beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) 2/F, East Wing, Hotel Lisboa 葡京酒店東翼二樓 (853) 8803 3677 Food and beverage discount is not valid for banquet function. Food and beverage discount is not valid for festive menu. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, discount and set menu. BNU and Hotel Lisboa, Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Hotel Lisboa, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 餐飲優惠不適用於私人宴會 餐飲優惠不適用於節日套餐 此優惠不能與其它優惠及套餐優惠同時使用 大西洋銀行及澳門葡京酒店保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門葡京酒店保留最終決定權 飲食 5

Noite e Dia Café 不夜天 Café 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) L/F, Lisboa Tower, Hotel Lisboa 葡京酒店西座大堂 (853) 8803 3140 Gallery Lounge 日麗廊 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) 2/F, East Wing, Hotel Lisboa 葡京酒店東翼二樓 (853) 8803 3101 Guincho a Galera 葡國餐廳 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) 3/F, Lisboa Tower, Hotel Lisboa 葡京酒店西座三樓 (853) 8803 7676 Food and beverage discount is not valid for banquet function. Food and beverage discount is not valid for festive menu. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, discount and set menu. Food and beverage discount is not applicable to buffet dinner at Noite e Dia Café. BNU and Hotel Lisboa, Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Hotel Lisboa, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 餐飲優惠不適用於私人宴會 餐飲優惠不適用於節日套餐 餐飲優惠不適用於不夜天 Café 自助晚餐 此優惠不能與其它優惠及套餐優惠同時使用 所有費用必須在酒店內以美國運通卡支付全額 大西洋銀行及澳門葡京酒店保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門葡京酒店保留最終決定權 6 Dining

Pousada de São Tiago 聖地牙哥古堡酒店 Avenida da República, Fortaleza de São Tiago da Barra, Macau 澳門西灣民國大馬路 (853) 2837 8111 La Paloma 芭朗瑪餐廳 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) Cascata Bar 10% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 九折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) Food and beverage discount is not valid for banquet function. Food and beverage discount is not valid for festive menu. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, discount and set menu. BNU and Pousada de São Tiago, Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Pousada de São Tiago, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 餐飲優惠不適用於私人宴會 餐飲優惠不適用於節日套餐 此優惠不能與其它優惠及套餐優惠同時使用 大西洋銀行及澳門聖地牙哥古堡酒店保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門聖地牙哥古堡酒店保留最終決定權 飲食 7

Altira Macau 澳門新濠鋒 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa, Macau 澳門氹仔廣東大馬路 Reservations 預約電話 :(853) 2886-8868 YING 帝影樓 10% savings 九折優惠 Level 11, Altira Macau 澳門新濠鋒 11 樓 KIRA 吉良 10% savings 九折優惠 Level 10, Altira Macau 澳門新濠鋒 10 樓 Cardmember has to quote this offer at the time of reservation. Advanced reservation is required and subject to availability. Blackout Dates: Macau SAR Establishment Day: December 20, 2013; Winter Solstice: December 22, 2013; Christmas: December24-26, 2013; New Year Eve: December 31, 2013; New Year: January 01, 2014; Chinese New Year: January 30 February 02, 2014; Valentine s Day: February 14, 2014; Ching Meng Festival: April 05, 2014; Easter: April 18-20, 2014; Labour Day: May 01, 2014; Buddha s Birthday: May 06, 2014; Mother s Day: May 11, 2014; Dragon Boat Festival: June 02, 2014; Father s Day: June 15, 2014; Mid Autumn Festival: September 09-10, 2014; China National Day and Chung Yeung Festival: October 01-03, 2014. Restaurants subject to 10% service charge. This offer can only be enjoyed once per transaction and per table. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers or discounts. This offer cannot be redeemable for cash. This offer does not apply to public holidays and special occasions. Terms and conditions apply. BNU and Altira Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. BNU and Altira Macau reserve the right to change the offers, terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 信用卡用戶需於訂座時提出享用此優惠 須預先訂座及視乎供應情況而定 優惠不適用於 : 澳門回歸 :2013 年 12 月 20 日 ; 冬至 :2013 年 12 月 22 日 ; 聖誕節 :2013 年 12 月 24 日至 26 日 ; 新年前夕 :2013 年 12 月 31 日 ; 新年 :2014 年 1 月 1 日 ; 農曆新年 :2014 年 1 月 30 日至 2 月 2 日 ; 情人節 :2014 年 2 月 14 日 ; 清明節 :2014 年 4 月 5 日 ; 復活節 :2014 年 4 月 18 日至 20 日 ; 勞動節 :2014 年 5 月 1 日 ; 佛誕 :2014 年 5 月 6 日 ; 母親節 :2014 年 5 月 11 日 ; 端午節 :2014 年 6 月 2 日 ; 父親節 :2014 年 6 月 15 日 ; 中秋節 :2014 年 9 月 9 日至 10 日 ; 中國國慶及重陽節 :2014 年 10 月 1 日至 3 日 以上餐廳優惠並不包括 10% 服務費 此優惠只限使用一次, 以每一張單及每一張枱計算 此優惠不可與其他優惠及折扣同時使用 優惠不適用於公眾假期及特別日子 此優惠不可兌換現金使用 其他條款及細則適用 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門新濠鋒保留最終決定權 大西洋銀行及澳門新濠鋒保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 8 Dining

TENMASA 天政 10% savings 九折優惠 Level 11, Altira Macau 澳門新濠鋒 11 樓 Aurora 奧羅拉 10% savings 九折優惠 Level 10, Altira Macau 澳門新濠鋒 10 樓 38 Lounge 38 酒廊 10% savings 九折優惠 Level 38, Altira Macau 澳門新濠鋒 38 樓 Cardmember has to quote this offer at the time of reservation. Advanced reservation is required and subject to availability. Blackout Dates: Macau SAR Establishment Day: December 20, 2013; Winter Solstice: December 22, 2013; Christmas: December24-26, 2013; New Year Eve: December 31, 2013; New Year: January 01, 2014; Chinese New Year: January 30 February 02, 2014; Valentine s Day: February 14, 2014; Ching Meng Festival: April 05, 2014; Easter: April 18-20, 2014; Labour Day: May 01, 2014; Buddha s Birthday: May 06, 2014; Mother s Day: May 11, 2014; Dragon Boat Festival: June 02, 2014; Father s Day: June 15, 2014; Mid Autumn Festival: September 09-10, 2014; China National Day and Chung Yeung Festival: October 01-03, 2014. Restaurants subject to 10% service charge; 38 Lounge subjects to 10% service charge and 5% government tax. This offer can only be enjoyed once per transaction and per table. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers or discounts. This offer cannot be redeemable for cash. This offer does not apply to public holidays and special occasions. Terms and conditions apply. BNU and Altira Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. BNU and Altira Macau reserve the right to change the offers, terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 信用卡用戶需於訂座時提出享用此優惠 須預先訂座及視乎供應情況而定 優惠不適用於 : 澳門回歸 :2013 年 12 月 20 日 ; 冬至 :2013 年 12 月 22 日 ; 聖誕節 :2013 年 12 月 24 日至 26 日 ; 新年前夕 :2013 年 12 月 31 日 ; 新年 :2014 年 1 月 1 日 ; 農曆新年 :2014 年 1 月 30 日至 2 月 2 日 ; 情人節 :2014 年 2 月 14 日 ; 清明節 :2014 年 4 月 5 日 ; 復活節 :2014 年 4 月 18 日至 20 日 ; 勞動節 :2014 年 5 月 1 日 ; 佛誕 :2014 年 5 月 6 日 ; 母親節 :2014 年 5 月 11 日 ; 端午節 :2014 年 6 月 2 日 ; 父親節 :2014 年 6 月 15 日 ; 中秋節 :2014 年 9 月 9 日至 10 日 ; 中國國慶及重陽節 :2014 年 10 月 1 日至 3 日 以上餐廳優惠並不包括 10% 服務費 ;38 酒廊優惠並不包括 10% 服務費及 5% 政府稅 此優惠只限使用一次, 以每一張單及每一張枱計算 此優惠不可與其他優惠及折扣同時使用 優惠不適用於公眾假期及特別日子 此優惠不可兌換現金使用 其他條款及細則適用 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門新濠鋒保留最終決定權 大西洋銀行及澳門新濠鋒保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 飲食 9

Galaxy Macau 澳門銀河 Galaxy Macau, COTAI, Macau 澳門銀河 綜合渡假城澳門路氹城 (853) 2888 0888 Cascades 水簾 Enjoy 15% savings on high tea set (available from 3-6pm every Monday to Friday) 下午茶八五折優惠 ( 只適用於星期一至五下午 3 時至 6 時 ) G03 & 05, G/F, Galaxy Macau 澳門銀河 綜合渡假城地下,G03 & 05 (853) 8883-2221 Gosto 葡軒 Enjoy 10% savings and one complimentary glass of Sangria per person 可享九折優惠及每位客人可獲贈葡式鮮果持飲乙杯 G21, G/F, Galaxy Macau 澳門銀河 綜合渡假城地下,G21 (853) 8883-2221 Promotion period: 10 Feb 30 Jun 2014. To enjoy this offer, cardmembers must present their American Express Card at time of ordering, and must settle payment with the same card. This offer may not apply to public holidays and festivals (Eve and on day) or other participating days of business from time to time. Please check with respective outlets for details. This offer is not applicable in conjunction with other discount/special promotions. Advance reservation is required. Tel: +853 8883 2221. BNU and Galaxy Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Galaxy Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 活動優惠期 : 2014 年 2 月 10 日至 6 月 30 日 請於點餐前出示美國運通卡, 並以該卡簽帳付款方可享有優惠 優惠可能不適用於公眾假期及節日 ( 前夕及正日 ) 或商戶不時指定之其他日子, 詳情請向有關商戶查詢 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 須提前訂座, 訂座熱線 : +853 8883 2221 大西洋銀行及 澳門銀河 保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及 澳門銀河 保留最終決定權 10 Dining

Jin Yue Xuan 金悅軒 Complimentary dessert for lunch and dinner 凡於午市及晚飯時段惠顧即可獲贈甜品乙份 101, 1/F, Galaxy Hotel 銀河酒店 一樓 101 (853) 8883-2221 Terrazza Italian Restaurant 庭園意大利餐廳 One complimentary bottle of Galaxy Macau wine for four or more dinner patrons 享用晚餐 ( 每枱四人或以上 ), 即可獲贈 澳門銀河 葡萄酒乙瓶 201, 2/F, Galaxy Hotel 銀河酒店 二樓 201 (853) 8883-2221 Jin Yue Xuan Promotion period: 10 Feb 30 Jun 2014; Terrazza Italian Restaurant Promotion period: 2 Jan 31 Dec 2014.. To enjoy this offer, cardmembers must present their American Express Card at time of ordering, and must settle payment with the same card. This offer may not apply to public holidays and festivals (Eve and on day) or other participating days of business from time to time. Please check with respective outlets for details. This offer is not applicable in conjunction with other discount/special promotions. Advance reservation is required, Tel: +853 8883 2221. BNU and Galaxy Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Galaxy Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 金悅軒餐飲優惠期 :2014 年 2 月 10 日至 6 月 30 日 ; 庭園意大利餐廳餐飲優惠期 :2014 年 1 月 2 日至 12 月 31 日 請於點餐前出示美國運通卡, 並以該卡簽帳付款方可享有優惠 優惠可能不適用於公眾假期及節日 ( 前夕及正日 ) 或商戶不時指定之其他日子, 詳情請向有關商戶查詢 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 須提前訂座, 訂座熱線 : +853 8883 2221 大西洋銀行及 澳門銀河 保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及 澳門銀河 保留最終決定權 飲食 11

Grand Lapa, Macau 金麗華酒店 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau 澳門友誼大馬路 956-1110 號 (853) 2856 7888 Café Bela Vista 薈景閣咖啡室 - 15% savings on Food - 八五折餐饗優惠 2/F, Grand Lapa, Macau 金麗華酒店二樓 (853) 8793-3871 Kam Lai Heen Chinese Restaurant 金麗軒中餐廳 - 15% savings on Food - 八五折餐饗優惠 2/F, Grand Lapa, Macau 金麗華酒店二樓 (853) 8793-3821 Vasco 乘風廊 - 15% savings on Food - 八五折餐饗優惠 2/F, Grand Lapa, Macau 金麗華酒店二樓 (853) 8793-3831 Offer is valid up to 31 October 2014. The offer is not applicable to banquet or conference. Advance reservation is required and subject to availability. The offer can only be applicable to one table with a maximum of 12 diners. 10% service charge on tea and condiments (if applicable) apply, and will be calculated base on original price. The offer is not applicable during Macau Grand Prix, public holidays and eves, festive days and eves. The offer cannot be used in combination with other promotional offers, discounts, or cash coupons. BNU and Grand Lapa, Macau reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Grand Lapa, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 優惠有效期至 2014 年 10 月 31 日 此優惠不適用於私人宴會及會議 需提前預訂 ( 須視乎情況而定 ) 優惠只適用於上限每桌 12 人享用 所有餐饗優惠需加收 10% 服務費及茶芥 ( 如適用 ) 此優惠不適用於澳門格蘭披治大賽期間 澳門及香港公眾假期前夕及正日, 節日前夕及正日 此優惠不可與其他優惠 折扣或現金券同時使用 大西洋銀行及金麗華酒店保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及金麗華酒店保留最終決定權 12 Dining

Grandview Hotel Macau 澳門君怡酒店 142 Estrada Governador Albano de Oliveira, Taipa, MACAU 澳門氹仔柯維納馬路 142 號 (853) 2883 7788 Valencia Restaurant 華倫西餐廳 10% savings on food and beverage 餐飲美食九折優惠 2/F, Grandview Hotel Macau 澳門君怡酒店 2 樓 (853) 8896-1982 Grandview Chinese Restaurant 君怡軒 10% savings on food and beverage 餐飲美食九折優惠 2/F, Grandview Hotel Macau 澳門君怡酒店 2 樓 (853) 8896-1901 Cherrie s Corner 醉怡吧 10% savings on food and beverage 餐飲美食九折優惠 G/F, Grandview Hotel Macau 澳門君怡酒店大堂 (853) 2883-7788 ext 1940 The F and B discount offer does not apply to Public Holidays and Special Occasions. The F and B discount offer is not valid for banquet and festive menu. The discount offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers or discounts. BNU and Grandview Hotel Macau reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Grandview Hotel Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 餐飲優惠不適用於公眾假期及特別日子 餐飲優惠不適用於私人宴會及節日套餐 此優惠不可與其他優惠及折扣同時使用 大西洋銀行及澳門君怡酒店保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門君怡酒店保留最終決定權 飲食 13

Holiday Inn Macau 澳門假日酒店 Rua de Pequim, No.82-86, Macau 澳門北京街 82 至 86 號 (853) 2878-3333 Frascati Café 假日軒西餐廳 20% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 八折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) 1/F, Holiday Inn Macau 澳門假日酒店一樓 (853) 2878-3333 ext 1488 Oskar s Bar 奧斯卡酒吧 20% savings on food and beverages (except on wine) 八折優惠 ( 所有酒品除外 ) Lobby, Holiday Inn Macau 澳門假日酒店地下大堂 (853) 2878-3333 ext 1059 Offers are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tax. BNU and Holiday Inn Macau reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Holiday Inn Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 優惠並不包括 10% 服務費及 5% 政府稅 大西洋銀行及澳門假日酒店保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門假日酒店保留最終決定權 14 Dining

Hotel Royal Macau 皇都酒店 Estrada da Vitoria, No.2-4, Macau 澳門得勝馬路 2 至 4 號 (853) 2855-2222 Catalpa Garden Shanghainese Restaurant 梓園上海菜館 10% savings 九折優惠 2/F, Hotel Royal Macau 澳門皇都酒店二樓 (853) 2855-2222 ext 189 FADO 花道葡萄牙餐廳 10% savings 九折優惠 M/F, Hotel Royal Macau 澳門皇都酒店 M 樓 (853) 2855-2222 ext 138 Lobby Lounge 大堂酒廊 10% savings 九折優惠 Lobby Floor, Hotel Royal Macau 澳門皇都酒店地下大堂 (853) 2855-2222 ext 168 The discount from FADO is not applicable to Food Festival Buffet. The discount from Catalpa Garden is not applicable to VIP Rooms. The above discount offer is not applicable to Banquet or Special Functions. The above discount offer is not applicable to drinks (except Lobby Lounge). Blackout dates are applicable. Kindly contact the outlets for details. The offer is non-transferable and is applicable to the above purchase of goods/services only. It cannot be redeemed for cash. The above offer cannot be used in conjunction with other offers. BNU and Hotel Royal Macau reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Hotel Royal Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 優惠不適用於花道葡萄牙餐廳美食節自助餐 ; 梓園上海菜館優惠不適用於貴賓房 優惠均不適用於宴會及特別推廣節目 優惠不適用於飲品 ( 大堂酒廊除外 ) 優惠不適用於本酒店釐定的特別日子, 詳情請查詢以上商戶 不可轉讓, 僅對所示優惠有效, 不可兌換現金 不可與其他優惠一起使用 大西洋銀行及皇都酒店保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及皇都酒店保留最終決定權 飲食 15

Sands Macao 澳門金沙 Largo de Monte Carlo, No.203, Macau 澳門蒙地卡羅前地 203 號 (853) 2888-3388 Copa 高雅扒房 15% savings on food and beverage 餐飲美食八五折優惠 3/F, Sands Macao 澳門金沙 3 樓 (853) 8983-8222 Golden Court 金沙閣 15% savings on food and beverage 餐飲美食八五折優惠 3/F, Sands Macao 澳門金沙 3 樓 (853) 8983-8222 888 Buffet 888 自助餐 15% savings on food and beverage 餐飲美食八五折優惠 2/F, Sands Macao 澳門金沙 2 樓 (853) 8983-8222 Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts, gift vouchers or cash coupons. The offer cannot be redeemed for cash or refunds. This offer can only be enjoyed once per transaction. BNU and Sands Macao reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. BNU and Sands Macao reserve the right to change the offers, terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 優惠不可與其他優惠 / 折扣 / 禮券 / 現金券同時使用 優惠不可兌換現金或退款 每次惠顧只限享受優惠一次 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門金沙保留最終決定權 大西洋銀行及澳門金沙保留於任何時候更改優惠內容 條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 16 Dining

Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central 澳門喜來登金沙城中心酒店 Estrada do Istmo. s/n, Cotai, Macau SAR, P.R. China 澳門路氹連貫公路 (853) 2880 2000 Bene Italian Restaurant 班妮 意大利餐廳 15% savings 八五折優惠 Level 1, Sheraton Macao Hotel 澳門喜來登酒店 1 樓 (853) 8113-1200 Feast World Flavors Buffet Restaurant 盛宴 國際風味自助餐廳 15% savings on lunch and dinner 午餐及晚餐八五折優惠 Level 1, Sheraton Macao Hotel 澳門喜來登酒店 1 樓 (853) 8113-1200 This offer is valid for dine-in only. Advanced booking is required. This offer is applicable to one table with a maximum of eight people. This offer is not applicable to special events, public holidays and the following blackout periods: 2014: 1 January, 31 January-5 February, 14 February, 4-6 April, 18-21 April, 30 April-3 May, 6 May, 11 May, 31 May-2 June, 15 June, 1 July, 7-9 September, 30 September-7 October. This offer is applicable on food items only, alcoholic beverages are not included. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotional offers or cash coupons. Restaurants subject to 10% service charge. This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or other products. BNU and Sheraton Macao Hotel reserve the right to revise, withdraw or discontinue the offers, or amend any terms and conditions stated herein at any time without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of BNU and Sheraton Macao Hotel shall be final. In the event of any discrepancy between Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. 優惠只適用於堂食 需提前預訂 優惠只適用於上限每桌八人享用 優惠不適用於以下日子 : 2014 年 :1 月 1 日,1 月 31 日至 2 月 5 日,2 月 14 日,4 月 4 日至 6 日,4 月 18 日至 21 日,4 月 3 0 日至 5 月 3 日,5 月 6 日,5 月 11 日,5 月 31 日至 6 月 2 日,6 月 15 日,7 月 1 日,9 月 7 日至 9 日,9 月 30 日至 10 月 7 日 優惠只適用於食品, 不適用酒精類飲料 優惠不可以與其他優惠 折扣或現金券同時使用 所有餐饗優惠需加收 10% 服務費 不可退回現金或轉換成其他產品 大西洋銀行及澳門喜來登金沙城中心酒店保留隨時修改 / 暫停或取消推廣優惠或修訂條款及細則之權利而毋須事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門喜來登金沙城中心酒店保留最終決定權 如中英文條款有所差異, 一概以英文版本為準 飲食 17

Palms Lobby Lounge 喜柏 大堂酒廊 15% savings 八五折優惠 Level 1, Sheraton Macao Hotel 澳門喜來登酒店 1 樓 (853) 8113-1200 Xin Asian Hotpot and Seafood Restaurant 鮮 亞洲火鍋及海鮮餐廳 15% savings 八五折優惠 Level 1, Sheraton Macao Hotel 澳門喜來登酒店 1 樓 (853) 8113-1200 This offer is valid for dine-in only. Advanced booking is required. This offer is applicable to one table with a maximum of eight people. This offer is not applicable to special events, public holidays and the following blackout periods: 2014: 1 January, 31 January-5 February, 14 February, 4-6 April, 18-21 April, 30 April-3 May, 6 May, 11 May, 31 May-2 June, 15 June, 1 July, 7-9 September, 30 September-7 October. This offer is applicable on food items only, alcoholic beverages are not included. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotional offers or cash coupons. Restaurants subject to 10% service charge and Palms subjects to an addition of 5% government tax. This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or other products. BNU and Sheraton Macao Hotel reserve the right to revise, withdraw or discontinue the offers, or amend any terms and conditions stated herein at any time without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of BNU and Sheraton Macao Hotel shall be final. In the event of any discrepancy between Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. 優惠只適用於堂食 需提前預訂 優惠只適用於上限每桌八人享用 優惠不適用於以下日子 : 2014 年 :1 月 1 日,1 月 31 日至 2 月 5 日,2 月 14 日,4 月 4 日至 6 日,4 月 18 日至 21 日,4 月 3 0 日至 5 月 3 日,5 月 6 日,5 月 11 日,5 月 31 日至 6 月 2 日,6 月 15 日,7 月 1 日,9 月 7 日至 9 日,9 月 30 日至 10 月 7 日 優惠只適用於食品, 不適用酒精類飲料 優惠不可以與其他優惠 折扣或現金券同時使用 所有餐饗優惠需加收 10% 服務費 喜柏 另加收 5% 政府稅 不可退回現金或轉換成其他產品 大西洋銀行及澳門喜來登金沙城中心酒店保留隨時修改 / 暫停或取消推廣優惠或修訂條款及細則之權利而毋須事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門喜來登金沙城中心酒店保留最終決定權 如中英文條款有所差異, 一概以英文版本為準 18 Dining

Antonio Authentic Portuguese Cuisine 安東尼奧 Rua dos Clerigos No.7, Old Taipa Village, Taipa, Macau. 澳門氹仔舊城區木鐸街 7 號安東尼奧 (853) 2899 9998 10% savings on food and beverages 9 折優惠 BNU and Antonio Authentic Portuguese Cuisine reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Antonio Authentic Portuguese Cuisine reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 大西洋銀行及安東尼奧保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及安東尼奧保留最終決定權 飲食 19

Lodging 住宿 22-28

Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 澳門葡京路 (853) 2828 3838 Deluxe Room (Published Rate MOP4,400 + 15%) Special offer rate: Weekday (Sunday Thursday): MOP2,070 + 15% Friday and Saturday: MOP2,740 + 15% Added benefits: - Complimentary consumption of mini bar beverages in-room - Complimentary local calls - Complimentary Wifi internet access in room - 10% savings on Laundry and Chauffeur Limousine Service 豪華客房 ( 正價 : 澳門幣 4,400 + 15%) 尊享優惠價 : 平日 ( 星期日至星期四 ): 澳門幣 2,070 + 15% 星期五及星期六 : 澳門幣 2,740 + 15% 額外住宿優惠包括 : - 於房間內免費享用私人酒吧內飲料 - 免費撥打本地電話 - 於房間內享用免費無線上網 - 使用洗衣服務及豪華房車服務可獲九折優惠 Advanced reservation is required at least one day prior to arrival and subject to availability. Each American Express Card can reserve a maximum of two guest rooms for the same staying period. For special festive periods, please refer to Hotel Reservations Department. Blackout dates for the following periods: Christmas: 24 26 December, 2013; New Year: 31 December, 2013 4 January, 2014; Chinese New Year: 31 January, 2014 7 February, 2014; Easter: 18 20 April, 2014; Labour day: 30 April, 2014 2 May, 2014; Buddha s Birthday: 5 May, 2014; Tuen Ng Festival: 1 June, 2014; HKSAR Establishment Day: 30 June, 2014; Mid Autumn Festival: 7 8 September, 2014; National Day: 1 7 October, 2014. This offer can not be used in conjunction with any other promotion or discount. BNU and Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 住宿客房優惠須於入住前至少 24 小時進行預訂 ( 須視乎酒店入住情況而定 ) 每張美國運通卡最多可為兩間住宿日期相同的客房作預訂 特別日子之客房優惠以酒店公佈為準 客房優惠不適用的日子如下 : 聖誕節 :2013 年 12 月 24 日至 26 日 ; 新年 :2013 年 12 月 31 日至 2014 年 1 月 4 日 ; 農曆新年 :2014 年 1 月 31 日至 2 月 7 日 ; 復活節 :2014 年 4 月 18 日至 20 日 ; 勞動節 :2014 年 4 月 3 0 日至 5 月 2 日 ; 佛誕 :2 014 年 5 月 5 日 ; 端午節 :2 014 年 6 月 1 日 ; 香港特別行政區成立紀念日 :2 014 年 6 月 3 0 日 ; 中秋節 :2 014 年 9 月 7 日至 8 日 ; 中國國慶 : 2014 年 10 月 1 日至 7 日 此優惠不能與其它優惠同時使用 大西洋銀行及澳門新葡京酒店保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門新葡京酒店保留最終決定權 22 Lodging

Hotel Lisboa 葡京酒店 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 澳門葡京路 2-4 號 (853) 2888 3888 Lisboa Tower Superior Room (Published Rate MOP2,250 + 15%) Special offer rate: Weekday (Sunday Thursday): MOP1,000 + 15% Friday: MOP1,350 + 15% Saturday: MOP1,550 + 15% Added benefits: - Complimentary consumption of mini bar beverages in-room - Complimentary local calls - Complimentary Wifi internet access in room - 10% savings on Laundry and Chauffeur Limousine Service 高級客房 ( 正價 : 澳門幣 2,250 +15%) 尊享優惠價 : 平日 ( 星期日至星期四 ): 澳門幣 1,000 + 15% 星期五 : 澳門幣 1,350 + 15% 星期六 : 澳門幣 1,550 + 15% 額外住宿優惠包括 : - 於房間內免費享用私人酒吧內飲料 - 免費撥打本地電話 - 於房間內享用免費無線上網 - 使用洗衣服務及豪華房車服務可獲九折優惠 Advanced reservation is required at least one day prior to arrival and subject to availability. Each American Express Card can reserve a maximum of two guest rooms for the same staying period. For special festive periods, please refer to Hotel Reservations Department. Blackout dates for the following periods: Christmas: 24 25 December, 2013; New Year: 31 December, 2013 4 January, 2014; Chinese New Year: 31 January, 2014 7 February, 2014; Easter: 18 20 April, 2014; Labour day: 30 April, 2014 2 May, 2014; Buddha s Birthday: 5 May, 2014; Tuen Ng Festival: 1 June, 2014; HKSAR Establishment Day: 30 June, 2014; Mid Autumn Festival: 7 8 September, 2014; National Day: 1 7 October, 2014. This offer can not be used in conjunction with any other promotion or discount. BNU and Hotel Lisboa, Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Hotel Lisboa, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 住宿優惠須於入住前至少 24 小時進行預訂 ( 須視乎酒店入住情況而定 ) 每張美國運通卡最多可為兩間住宿日期相同的客房作預訂 特別日子之客房優惠以酒店公佈為準 客房優惠不適用的日子如下 : 聖誕節 :2013 年 12 月 24 日至 25 日 ; 新年 :2013 年 12 月 31 日至 2014 年 1 月 4 日 ; 農曆新年 :2014 年 1 月 31 日至 2 月 7 日 ; 復活節 :2014 年 4 月 18 日至 20 日 ; 勞動節 :2014 年 4 月 30 日至 5 月 2 日 ; 佛誕 : 2014 年 5 月 5 日 ; 端午節 :2014 年 6 月 1 日 ; 香港特別行政區成立紀念日 :2014 年 6 月 30 日 ; 中秋節 :2014 年 9 月 7 日至 8 日 ; 中國國慶 :2014 年 10 月 1 日至 7 日 此優惠不能與其它優惠同時使用 大西洋銀行及澳門葡京酒店保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門葡京酒店保留最終決定權 住宿 23

Pousada de São Tiago 聖地牙哥古堡酒店 Avenida da República, Fortaleza de São Tiago da Barra, Macau 澳門西灣民國大馬路 (853) 2837 8111 Da Barra Suite (Published Rate MOP5,800 + 15%) Weekday (Sunday Thursday): MOP2,500 + 15% Friday and Saturday: MOP3,100 + 15% Added benefits: - Complimentary consumption of mini bar beverages in-room - Complimentary local calls - Complimentary Wifi internet access in room - Complimentary transfer to and from Macau Maritime Ferry Terminal or Macau International Airport (three days notice in advance) 豪華海景套房 ( 正價 : 澳門幣 5,800 + 15%) 尊享優惠價 : 平日 ( 星期日至星期四 ): 澳門幣 2,500 + 15% 星期五及星期六 : 澳門幣 3,100 + 15% 額外住宿優惠包括 : - 於房間內免費享用私人酒吧內飲料 - 免費撥打本地電話 - 於房間內享用免費無線上網 - 酒店免費專車接送往返澳門外港客運碼頭或 澳門國際機場 Advanced reservation is required at least one day prior to arrival and subject to availability. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion or discount. Each American Express Card can reserve a maximum of two guest rooms for the same staying period. For special festive periods, please refer to Hotel Reservations Department. Blackout dates for the following periods: Christmas: 24 26 December, 2013; New Year and Eve: 31 December, 2013 2 January, 2014; Chinese New Year: 31 January, 2014 6 February, 2014; Easter: 18 20 April, 2014; Labour Day: 30 April, 2014 1 May, 2014; National Day:1 5 October, 2014 BNU and Pousada de São Tiago, Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Pousada de São Tiago, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 住宿優惠須於入住前至少 24 小時進行預訂 ( 須視乎酒店入住情況而定 ) 此優惠不能與其它優惠同時使用 每張美國運通卡最多可為兩間住宿日期相同的客房作預訂 特別日子之客房優惠以酒店公佈為準 客房優惠不適用的日子如下 : 聖誕節 :2 013 年 12 月 24 日至 2 6 日 ; 新年 :2013 年 12 月 31 日至 2014 年 1 月 2 日 ; 農曆新年 :2014 年 1 月 31 日至 2 月 6 日 ; 復活節 :2014 年 4 月 18 日至 20 日 ; 勞動節 :2 014 年 4 月 3 0 日至 5 月 1 日 ; 中國國慶 :2014 年 10 月 1 日至 5 日 大西洋銀行及澳門聖地牙哥古堡酒店保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門聖地牙哥古堡酒店保留最終決定權 24 Lodging

Altira Macau 澳門新濠鋒 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa, Macau 澳門氹仔廣東大馬路 (853) 2886-8888 Reservations 預約電話 : (853) 2886-8866 Hong Kong Toll Free Number 香港免付費電話 : 800-900-123 China Toll Free Number 中國免付費電話 : 4001-200-820 Published Rate : MOP6,988 + 15% taxes per room per night Special Offer Rate : MOP1,888 + 15% taxes per room per night Package Validity : Applied on Weekdays only (Sun Thurs) - One night accommodation in Waterfront View Room - Complimentary in-house Hollywood movies - Round-trip limousine pick up service at ferry terminals, airport or border gate - Local calls and in-room internet access - Mini-bar (selected items) - two pieces of pressing daily (non-accumulative) 原價 : 澳門幣 6,988 + 15% 平日 ( 星期日至星期四 ): 澳門幣 1,888 + 15% - 澳門海景客房一晚 - 免費觀看精選荷理活電影 - 可於港澳碼頭 澳門機場或關口享用專車來回接送服務 - 免費本地通話及客房上網服務 - 免費享用迷你酒吧指定項目 - 免費熨衣服務, 每天只限兩件 ( 此服務不可累積享用 ) Advanced reservations are required and subject to availability. This offer cannot be enjoyed in conjunction with other promotional offers or discounts. Each American Express Card can reserve a maximum of two guest rooms for the same staying period. For special event dates, please refer to Hotel Reservations Department. Blackout dates for the following periods: Christmas: December 24 25, 2013 New Year Eve: December 30 31, 2013 New Year: January 01, 2014 Chinese New Year: January 30 February 06, 2014 Easter: April 20 21, 2014 Labour day: April 27 May 01, 2014 National Day: September 30 October 06, 2014 BNU and Altira Macau reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Altira Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 客房優惠預約及視乎酒店入住情況而定 此優惠不能與其它優惠同時使用 每張美國運通卡最多可為兩間住宿日期相同的客房作預訂 特別日子之客房優惠以酒店公佈為準 客房優惠不適用的日子如下 : 聖誕節 :2013 年 12 月 24 日至 25 日 新年前夕 :2013 年 12 月 30 日至 31 日 新年 :2014 年 1 月 1 日 農曆新年 :2014 年 1 月 30 日至 2 月 6 日 復活節 :2014 年 4 月 20 日及 21 日 勞動節 :2014 年 4 月 27 日至 5 月 1 日 中國國慶 :2014 年 9 月 30 日至 10 月 6 日 所有費用必須在酒店內以美國運通卡支付全額 大西洋銀行及澳門新濠鋒保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門新濠鋒保留最終決定權 住宿 25

Galaxy Hotel 銀河酒店 Galaxy Macau, COTAI, Macau 澳門銀河 綜合渡假城澳門路氹城 (853) 2888 0888 Galaxy Suite Offer / Galaxy Room Offer one-night stay for two in Galaxy Suite / Galaxy Room at Galaxy Hotel Offer: 10% savings Daily Best Available Rate for American Express Cards Includes: - Daily buffet breakfast for two at Festiva (only for Galaxy Suite Offer) - Complimentary Galaxy Express (shuttle services between Galaxy Macau and Macau Ferry Terminal/Taipa Ferry Terminal/Macau International Airport/Border Gate/ Lotus Bridge Border) - Access to Grand Resort Deck with the world s largest Skytop Wave Pool - Use of Galaxy Health Club, heated lap pool and Jacuzzi - Pre-stocked refreshments with compliments - Complimentary in-room Wifi - Complimentary chocolate box (only for Galaxy Suite Offer) 銀河套房 / 銀河客房優惠雙人入住 銀河酒店 之銀河套房 / 銀河客房一晚優惠 : 使用美國運通信用咭預訂, 尊享九折優惠優惠包括 : - 雙人 群芳 餐廳自助早餐 ( 只適用於銀河套房優惠 ) - 免費乘坐銀河快線往來 澳門銀河 及港澳碼 頭 / 氹仔客運碼頭 / 澳門國際機場 / 關閘 / 蓮花口岸 - 尊享天浪淘園內休閒設備, 包括全球最大的空中衝浪池 - 尊享酒店內健身設備 恆溫泳池及按摩浴池 - 免費享用房間內迷你酒吧 - 免費享用房間內上網服務 - 免費享用精美朱古力 ( 只適用於銀河套房優惠 ) (Galaxy Suite 銀河套房 ) Booking and Stay period: 17 February 2014 30 June 2014 (Black-out dates apply and subject to availability). Rates shown above are in MOP/HKD, and are subject to 10% Service Charge and 5% Government Tax. Reservations are required to be made in advance by quoting the promotion code AMEXSE (for Galaxy Suite) / AMEXRO (for Galaxy Room). Tel: +853 2888 0888 / E-mail: / Online booking: A valid American Express Card is required to guarantee and hold the reservation. The holder of the American Express Card used to guarantee the reservation must be present upon check-in and part of the staying party. The hotel reserves the right to amend the room rate to the best available rate upon failure to comply. Extensions will require a reservation change for the additional date(s) subject to availability and prevailing rates and this package rate may not apply. All package inclusions are on a per stay basis, unless stated differently. Unused package benefits cannot be reimbursed or redeemed for cash either in full or in part. Charges for optional incidentals (including but not limited to gratuities, food and beverage, parking, movie and other optional incidentals) are not included. This package offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers. Rates are subject to change without prior notice. Galaxy Hotel has the right at any time to discontinue or change this offer. In case of dispute, the decision of Galaxy Hotel shall be final. A registered guest must be 18 years of age or above to check in to Galaxy Hotel. Daily buffet breakfast can only be redeemed at Festiva at Galaxy Hotel (only for Galaxy Suite offer) The maximum number of registered persons in any suite or any room in Galaxy Hotel is three adults or two adults and two children aged 12 or below. The third occupying guest (13 years old or above) or requesting an extra bed is subject to an surcharge of MOP/HKD 388 per person per night and 10% service charge and 5% government tax. Subject to room availability and blackout dates may apply. Payment must be made with American Express Cards. Failure to pay by American Express Cards will result to being charged the published rack rates by the Galaxy Hotel. Cancellations or a modification must be made 24 hours prior to the arrival date at 1500hrs. Otherwise it will be subject to a charge of one night s prevailing room rate. Other prevailing terms and conditions apply. BNU and Galaxy Hotel reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Galaxy Hotel reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 預訂及入住日期 :2014 年 2 月 17 日至 6 月 30 日 ( 需視乎實際供應情況而定及不適用於指定日期 ) 優惠以澳門元 / 港幣計算, 並附加 10% 的服務費及 5% 的政府稅 優惠須預訂房間, 致電訂房熱線 +853 2888 0888 / 登入 網上訂房, 並說明銀河套房優惠編號 AMEXSE/ 銀河客房優惠編號 AMEXRO 此預訂必須使用有效之美國運通信用卡作為預訂擔保 客人在前檯辦理登記入住手續時, 持卡人需提供有效之美國運通信用卡, 信用卡資料需與預訂時之信用卡相同, 信用卡持有人必須為預訂房間之其中一位入住客人 如客人未能滿足上述條款, 酒店將保留最終權利按當日最優惠價格加以收取房費 訂房一經確認後, 任何延長住宿均需視乎本酒店當天的實際供應情況而定, 並以本酒店提供之最佳房價作為計算標準 優惠內容以每次入住計算, 凡未使用之套票優惠不予以退款服務, 不論是部份或全部 所有自願支付之雜費 / 費用 ( 如小費 餐飲費用 泊車 電影或其他娛樂消費等 ), 恕不包括在此優惠當中 此優惠不可與其他推廣優惠同時使用 房價如有變更, 恕不另行通知 登記入住的客人, 必須為 18 歲或者以上之人士 自助早餐僅限於 銀河酒店 內 群芳 餐廳使用 ( 只適用於銀河套房優惠 ) 銀河酒店 內之任何套房或任何客房最多可登記入住三位成人或兩年位成人加兩位 12 歲或以下之小童 如第三位登記之賓客已滿 13 歲或需要加床服務, 需繳付每人每晚澳門幣 / 港幣 388 元連 10% 服務費及 5% 政府稅 房間提供需視乎實際供應情況而定及此優惠不適用於指定日期 必需使用美國運通信用咭支付費用以享此優惠 如客人未能出示並成功以美國運通信用咭支付費用, 則須支付房間正價收費 如需取消或者修改, 必須於入住日期前 24 小時的下午 3 點前通知 否則將收取 1 晚的房間費用 優惠須受其它一般條款及細則約束 大西洋銀行及 銀河酒店 保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及 銀河酒店 保留最終決定權 26 Lodging

Grandview Hotel Macau 澳門君怡酒店 142 Estrada Governador Albano de Oliveira, Taipa, MACAU 澳門氹仔柯維納馬路 142 號 (853) 2883 7788 70% savings on tariff rate for Sunday to Friday 55% savings on tariff rate for Saturday 50% savings on tariff rate for Public Holidays and Eve - Inclusive two complimentary buffet breakfasts - Complimentary upgrade to next room category 星期日至五按牌價三折優惠星期六按牌價四五折優惠公眾假期及前夕按牌價五折優惠 - 包括雙人自助早餐 - 免費房間升級優惠 All bookings and room upgrade are subject to availability. Advance booking is mandatory. BNU and Grandview Hotel Macau reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Grandview Hotel Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 訂房及客房升級服務需視乎客房供應量而定, 以上客房優惠必須預先訂房 大西洋銀行及澳門君怡酒店保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門君怡酒店保留最終決定權 住宿 27

Hotel Royal Macau 皇都酒店 Estrada da Vitoria, No.2-4, Macau 澳門得勝馬路 2 至 4 號 (853) 2855-2222 Package for Premier Room 01/11/2013-31/12/2013 01/01/2014-31/10/2014 Sunday - Thursday MOP1,230 MOP1,280 Friday MOP1,380 MOP1,380 Saturday MOP1,680 MOP1,680 Above rates are inclusive of: - Two American Buffet Breakfasts - Soft drinks, wine, juices, snack at Lobby Lounge with live piano entertainment - Daily local and international newspapers and magazines - Unlimited usage of workstations at the Business Center - Pressing of one suit and one shirt upon arrival - Welcome fruit plate - Complimentary local calls - Late check out till 16:00 - Complimentary shuttle bus service between Hotel and Macau Ferry Terminal - Complimentary shuttle bus service to Venetian Macao at 11:00 and 17:30 hours - Complimentary usage of indoor heated swimming pool and fitness equipment - Complimentary usage of in-room broadband internet and wi-fi access 行政客房優惠 01/11/2013-31/12/2013 01/01/2014-31/10/2014 星期日至四 MOP1,230 MOP1,280 星期五 MOP1,380 MOP1,380 星期六 MOP1,680 MOP1,680 以上價格包括 : - 兩位美式自助早餐 - 於大堂酒廊免費享用酒類 果汁等飲品 特色小食及欣賞鋼琴師現場演奏 - 每日贈閱本地及國外報章雜誌 - 全天享用商務中心 - 入住當天提供熨燙一套西服及一件襯衣服務 - 迎賓鮮果 - 免費本地電話 - 延遲退房時間至下午四時 - 免費穿梭巴士來往港澳碼頭及酒店 - 免費穿梭巴士前往澳門威尼斯人 ( 上午十一時及下午五時半 ) - 免費享用酒店室內暖水泳池及健身室 - 免費享用客房寬頻及無線上網服務 Advance booking is mandatory. Please contact Reservation Department (853-2855 2222, ext 158) for bookings and inquires. Blackout dates are applicable. Kindly contact reservation for details. All bookings and late check-out are subject to availability. The above rates are inclusive of 10% service charge and 5% government tax. Live piano entertainment is not available on Mondays. Complimentary usage of workstations does not include printing service. The offer is non-transferable and is applicable to the above purchase of goods/services only. It cannot be redeemed for cash. The above offer cannot be used in conjunction with other offers. BNU and Hotel Royal Macau reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Hotel Royal Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 以上客房優惠必須預先訂房 客房預訂, 請聯絡酒店訂房部 (853)2855 2222, 內線 158 優惠不適用於本酒店釐定的特別日子, 詳情請查詢酒店訂房部 訂房及延遲退房服務需視乎客房供應情況而定 以上費用包括加一服務費及零五政府旅遊稅 週一不提供鋼琴師現場演奏 全天享用商務中心不包括打印服務 不可轉讓, 僅對所示優惠有效, 不可兌換現金 不可與其他優惠一起使用 大西洋銀行及皇都酒店保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及皇都酒店保留最終決定權 28 Lodging

Health and Beauty 健康與美容 30-36

Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 澳門葡京路 (853) 2828 3838 Lisboa Spa by CLARINS 10% savings (for single treatment only) 九折優惠 ( 只適用於單項護理療程 ) 5/F, Grand Lisboa 新葡京酒店五樓 (853) 8803 7703 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion or discount. Advanced booking is recommended to secure the preferred date and time of treatment. Cancellation requires a minimum of four hours advanced notice prior to scheduled booking. BNU and Grand Lisboa Hotels, Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offer and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 此優惠不能與其他優惠及折扣同時使用 為確保顧客能優先預約合適的護理療程及時間, 建議提前進行預定 如需更改或取消預約, 請於已預約時間前的四小時作出通知 大西洋銀行及澳門新葡京酒店保留隨時終止有關優惠及不時修訂有關優惠之條款及細則之權利, 而不會作另行通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門新葡京酒店保留最終決定權 30 Health & Beauty

Altira Macau 澳門新濠鋒 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa, Macau 澳門氹仔廣東大馬路 Reservations 預約電話 :(853) 2886-8886 ALTIRA SPA 澄水療 20% savings on A La Carte Treatment Menu 自選療程八折優惠 Level 15, Altira Macau 澳門新濠鋒十五樓 Subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tax. Advanced reservations are required and massage treatment is subject to availability. This offer can only be enjoyed once per transaction. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers or discounts. This offer cannot be redeemable for cash. A Card number will be required to confirm your reservation and cancellation policies will apply. Cardmember has to quote this offer at the time of reservation. Subject to availability. Terms and conditions apply. BNU and Altira Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. BNU and Altira Macau reserve the right to change the offers, terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 優惠並不包括 10% 服務費及 5% 政府稅 請先預約, 水療服務需視乎供應情況而定 此優惠只限使用一次, 以每一張單計算 此優惠不可與其他優惠及折扣同時使用 此優惠不可兌換現金使用 顧客須提供信用卡號碼以確定預約, 取消預約之條款及細則適用 須受其他條款及細則限制 大西洋銀行及澳門新濠鋒保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門新濠鋒保留最終決定權 健康與美容 31

City of Dreams 新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau 澳門路氹連貫公路 (853) 8868-6688 The Spa at Crown 漾日水療中心 20% savings on a la carte treatments 自選護理八折 Level 3, Crown Towers 皇冠度假酒店三樓 (853) 8868 6883 Rock Spa at Hard Rock Hotel 騰水療中心 20% savings on a la carte treatments 自選護理 8 折 Level 3, Hard Rock Hotel 澳門 Hard Rock 酒店三樓 (853) 8868 3318 To enjoy this offer, Cardmembers must state their intention to settle the payment with their American Express Card. All offers are non-transferable and may only be used by American Express Cardmembers. All spa treatments are subject to a 10% service charge and 5% government tax. The offers cannot be enjoyed in conjunction with any other offers or promotions, not redeemable for cash and are not exchangeable for other products and services. All matters and dispute will be subject to the final decision of Melco Crown (COD) Hotels Limited and BNU. Melco Crown (COD) Hotels Limited and BNU reserve the right of final decision on the amendments and interpretation of these terms and conditions (including the use, suspension and cancellation of this promotion). The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions. Other terms and conditions apply (and will be provided upon request). 須以美國運通發行之信用卡簽賬消費方可享受上述優惠 所有優惠限美國運通卡戶專享, 不可轉讓 所有水療護理優惠需加收 10% 服務費及 5% 政府稅 所有優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用, 且不能兌換現金 其他產品或服務 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及新濠博亞 ( 新濠天地 ) 酒店有限公司保留最終決定權 大西洋銀行及新濠博亞 ( 新濠天地 ) 酒店有限公司保留修訂及詮釋本條款及細則之最終決定權 ( 包括使用 暫停使用和取消此推廣活動之所有權利 ), 不需另行通知 所有條款及細則以英文版為準, 中文譯本僅供參考 其他條款及細則適用, 可供索取 32 Health & Beauty

Holiday Inn Macau 澳門假日酒店 Rua de Pequim, No.82-86, Macau 澳門北京街 82 至 86 號 (853) 2878-3333 Tea Tree Spa 茶樹水療 20% savings 八折優惠 Rua de Pequim, No.82-86, Holiday Inn Macau, 9/F, Macau 澳門北京街 82 至 86 號澳門假日酒店九樓 (853) 8790-1930 Offers are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tax. Advanced booking for Spa is recommended. BNU and Holiday Inn Macau - Tea Tree Spa reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. BNU and Holiday Inn Macau - Tea Tree Spa reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. 優惠並不包括 10% 服務費及 5% 政府稅 水療優惠需預約 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門假日酒店 - 茶樹水療保留最終決定權 大西洋銀行及澳門假日酒店 - 茶樹水療保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 健康與美容 33

Grand Emperor Hotel 英皇娛樂酒店 288 Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 澳門商業大馬路 288 號 (853) 2888 9988 The Royal Thai Spa 英皇水療中心 20% savings on base at Royal Thai Spa menu and Spa product 水療服務及產品八折優惠 20/F, Grand Emperor Hotel, 288 Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 澳門商業大馬路 288 號英皇娛樂酒店二十樓 (853) 8986-7525 Offer is not applicable to promotional items or packages. Advanced booking for Spa is required. Offers cannot be used with other promotions or cash coupons. BNU and Grand Emperor Hotel - The Royal Thai Spa reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Grand Emperor Hotel - The Royal Thai Spa reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 優惠不適用於推廣項目或水療套餐 水療優惠需預約 優惠不可與其他推廣或現金券同時使用 大西洋銀行及英皇娛樂酒店 - 英皇水療中心保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及英皇娛樂酒店 - 英皇水療中心保留最終決定權 34 Health & Beauty

MGM MACAU 澳門美高梅 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 澳門外港新填海區孫逸仙大馬路 (853) 8802 8888 Six Senses Spa Six Senses Spa 水療中心 - 30% savings on all Six Senses Spa a la carte treatments - 15% savings at Spa Retail Shop - Complimentary access of spa facilities and outdoor swimming pool with any scheduled spa treatment appointment - Two hours complimentary valet parking per treatment per visit - 惠顧水療項目可獲七折優惠 ; - 惠顧水療中心精品店可獲八五折優惠 ; - 預約任何水療療程均可免費使用水療設施及室外游泳池 ; - 每次惠顧水療療程最多可享兩小時免費代客泊車服務 3/F, MGM MACAU, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 澳門外港新填海區孫逸仙大馬路澳門美高梅三樓 (853) 8802 3838 This offer valid between Monday to Thursday only. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers, discounts, or cash coupons. This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or gift. 24 hours advance reservation is required for spa treatment. A minimum age of 18 is required for spa access and treatments. A 50% cancellation charge will be incurred for any no show or treatments cancelled within 2 hours prior to appointment. This offer valid at MGM MACAU s Six Senses Spa on Level 3 only. Payments must be settled with an American Express Card. BNU and MGM MACAU s Six Senses Spa reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and MGM MACAU s Six Senses Spa reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 必須以任何一張美國運通卡簽賬, 方可享有此優惠 此優惠只適用於星期一至星期四 此優惠不可與其他優惠 折扣或現金券同時使用 此優惠不能兌換現金或任何禮品 水療療程需提前二十四小時預約 水療中心只准許十八歲或以上人士進入 於療程前兩小時內取消任何預約或預約後未能出席者, 將被收取相當於該療程訂價之一半金額 此優惠只適用於澳門美高梅酒店三樓之 Six Senses Spa 水療中心 大西洋銀行及澳門美高梅 Six Senses Spa 水療中心保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門美高梅 Six Senses Spa 水療中心保留最終決定權 健康與美容 35

Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central 澳門喜來登金沙城中心酒店 Estrada do Istmo, s/n, Cotai, Macau SAR, P.R. China 澳門路氹連貫公路 (853) 2880 2000 Shine Spa for Sheraton 喜來登炫逸水療 15% savings on spa treatment 水療服務八五折優惠 Level 3, Sheraton Macao Hotel 澳門喜來登酒店 3 樓 (853) 8113 0222 This offer is valid between Monday and Friday only. Not valid during Saturday and Sunday, on public holidays of Hong Kong and Macau and any blackout dates as designated by Sheraton Macao Hotel. This offer does not include hair salon services, manicure, pedicure and waxing. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotional offers or cash coupons. This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or other products. Advanced booking is recommended. Spa offer does not include 5% government tax. BNU and Sheraton Macao Hotel reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Sheraton Macao Hotel reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. In the event of any discrepancy between Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. 此優惠只適用於星期一至星期五 優惠不適用於香港及澳門之公眾假期, 以及澳門喜來登金沙城中心酒店指定之特別日子 優惠不適用於美髮, 美甲, 美足及脫毛服務 優惠不可以與其他優惠 折扣或現金券同時使用 不可退回現金或轉換成其他產品 水療服務需提前預訂 水療優惠折扣不包括 5% 政府稅 大西洋銀行及澳門喜來登金沙城中心酒店保留隨時修改 / 暫停或取消推廣優惠或修訂條款及細則之權利而毋須事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門喜來登金沙城中心酒店保留最終決定權 如中英文條款有所差異, 一概以英文版本為準 36 Health & Beauty

Shopping 購物 38-40

Häagen-Dazs Ice-cream 10% savings upon purchase of $200 or above (Dine-in only) 惠顧滿 $200 或以上即可享九折優惠 ( 只限堂食 ) Location: - Travessa do Roquete, No.5, Loja A, R/C, Macau - Rua de S. Paulo, 26B, S/Nome, R/C, Macau - Shop No. 917, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, Macau - Rua do Regedor No.139-145, Chun Fok Village - 2 Faso Wai Hong Kok D & E R/C, Taipa, Macau - Galaxy Macau Resort Shop G47 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI, Macao 地點 : - 澳門羅結地巷 5 號地下 A 座 - 澳門大三巴街 26 號 BC - 澳門威尼斯人 - 度假村 - 酒店大運河購物區 917 號 - 澳門氹仔地堡街泉福新邨 139 至 145 號偉鴻閣地下 D 及 E 舖 - 澳門路氹城望德聖母灣大馬路澳門銀河渡假城 G47 舖 (853) 2838-9666 / 2833-0666 / 2882-8338 / 2882-5668 / 2872-5338 ext 8180 / 2828-3868 The offer is applicable for dine-in only. BNU and Wai Lung Investment CO., LTD reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Wai Lung Investment CO., LTD reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 優惠只適用於堂食 大西洋銀行及威龍發展一人有限公司保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及威龍發展一人有限公司保留最終決定權 GODIVA Chocolatier 10% savings upon purchase of $200 or above 惠顧滿 $200 或以上可享 9 折優惠 Shop No.915, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, Macau 7/F, New Yaohan, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau Galaxy Macau Resort Shop G11 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI, Macao 澳門威尼斯人 - 度假村 - 酒店大運河購物區 915 號澳門商業大馬路新八佰伴 7 樓澳門路氹城望德聖母灣大馬路澳門銀河渡假城 G11 舖 (853) 2882-8388 / 6211-3525 / 2828-3822 BNU and Alice Investment CO., LTD reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Alice Investment CO., LTD reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 大西洋銀行及雄獅發展一人有限公司保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及雄獅發展一人有限公司保留最終決定權 38 Shopping

October Fifth Bakery 十月初五餅家 15% savings on regular price for all bakery items 全線正價烘焙類產品可享有 85 折優惠 117, Rua de Cinco de Outubro, RC, Macau 澳門十月初五日街 117 號地下 (853) 2823-1005 BNU and October Fifth Bakery reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and October Fifth Bakery reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 大西洋銀行及十月初五餅家保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及十月初五餅家保留最終決定權 3D-GOLD Jewellery 金至尊珠寶 12% savings on regular-priced jewellery items 選購正價珠寶鑽飾八八折 Macau Shop 1: G/F, No.12-18, Av. do Infante D. Henrique, Macau Macau Shop 2: Shop 300, Mask Street, Shoppers Grand Canal at The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, Taipa, Macau Macau Shop 3: G/F, 422 Avenida Do Infante D. Henrique, Macau 澳門 1 店 : 澳門殷皇子大馬路 12 至 18 號地下澳門 2 店 : 澳門威尼斯人 - 度假村 - 酒店大運河購物中心 臉譜街 300 號澳門 3 店 : 澳門新馬路 422 號地下 (852) 2766 3693 Offer is applicable to 3D-GOLD Jewellery in Macau. Offer is not applicable to purchase of loose diamonds, pure gold/platinum/k-gold products, electroforming pure gold products, watches, cash vouchers, discounted and promotional items. BNU and 3D-GOLD Jewellery reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and 3D-GOLD Jewellery reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 優惠適用於澳門金至尊珠寶 優惠不適用於購買散鑽 足金 / 鉑金 /K 金首飾 足金電鑄產品 手錶 現金禮券 推廣及特價貨品 大西洋銀行及金至尊珠寶保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及金至尊珠寶保留最終決定權 購物 39

O Che 1867 謝利源 20% savings on Natural Jade Jewellery 12% savings on Diamond, Pearl and Italian 18K Gold Jewellery 天然翡翠首飾八折優惠鑽石 珍珠及意大利 18K 首飾八八折優惠 Shop 2426C, St. Mark s Square, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, Macau Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, No.105A, R/C, Macau 澳門威尼斯人 - 度假村 - 酒店大運河購物中心 2426C 商號澳門俾利喇街 105 號 A 地下 (853) 2882-8508 / 2852-8686 BNU and O Che 1867 reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and O Che 1867 reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 大西洋銀行及謝利源保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及謝利源保留最終決定權 Ring Master 利源軒 12% savings on Diamond, Pearl and Italian 18K Gold Jewellery 鑽石 珍珠及意大利 18K 首飾八八折優惠 Av. Horta e Costa, No.60A, R/C, Macau 澳門高士德大馬路 60 號 A 地下 (853) 2852-5051 BNU and Ring Master reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. BNU and Ring Master reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 大西洋銀行及利源軒保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及利源軒保留最終決定權 40 Shopping

Others 其他 42-44

AVIS Macau 華國旅遊社有限公司 Chauffeur and Tour Service - 15% savings on service over four hours - 20% savings on service over eight hours Self-drive Car Rental - 15% savings on car rental 豪華轎車接送及觀光服務 - 租賃四小時以上八五折優惠 - 租賃八小時以上八折優惠自駕車租賃 - 八五折優惠 Macau Grand Lapa Hotel Car Park Macau Maritime Ferry Terminal, Room 1022, G/F, Macau 澳門金麗華酒店停車場澳門港澳碼頭地下 1022 室 (853) 2833-6789 / 2872-6571 The above offers are applicable only to rental service within Macau. All cars and services are subject to availability at time of rental. An advanced reservation with request for discount is required. The American Express Card must be presented at time of reservation. Reservation must be made through AVIS Macau directly. Blackout restrictions may apply. Taxes, optional items and other surcharges may apply. Offers cannot be exchanged for cash or any other services. Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or offers. All other standard terms and conditions of AVIS Macau apply. BNU and AVIS Macau reserve the right to suspend, revise or terminate the above offers and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. BNU and AVIS Macau reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. 以上優惠只適用於澳門區範圍內之租賃服務 所有服務需視乎屆時之供應量而定 需直接向 AVIS Macau 澳門華國旅遊社有限公司預訂有關服務並聲明享用以上優惠 客戶需於預訂時出示美國運通信用卡 以上優惠於指定日子並不適用 如有關稅項及額外收費, 會另行通知及收取 優惠不可兌換為現金或其他服務 優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 AVIS Macau 華國旅遊社有限公司之其他標準條款及細則亦適用於以上優惠 大西洋銀行及 AVIS Macau 華國旅遊社有限公司保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及 AVIS Macau 華國旅遊社有限公司保留最終決定權 42 Others

Challenger (Macau) Limited 澳門挑戰者有限公司 10% savings on Paint Sealant Polishing and Car Compartment Steaming Services (one-set) 三重特亮 水晶車腊 + 蒸氣清洗車箱 服務 ( 全套 ) 九折優惠 New Yaohan Department Store Car Park The Venetian Car Park, Cotai The Millennium Centre Car Park, Costa Sun Star City Car Park, Central Sun Star Plaza Car Park, Border Gate 新八佰伴停車場威尼斯人停車場高士德世紀豪庭停車場信達城停車場關閘信達廣場停車場 (853) 2872-5700 / 2886-6640 / 2852-9816 / 2832-2485 / 2843-1903 BNU and Challenger (Macau) Limited reserve the right to make the final decision in the event of any disputes. BNU and Challenger (Macau) Limited reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行及澳門挑戰者有限公司保留最終決定權 大西洋銀行及澳門挑戰者有限公司保留於任何時候更改條款及細則之權利, 而不會作任何事先通知 其他 43

City of Dreams 新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau 澳門路氹連貫公路 (853) 8868-6688 The House of Dancing Water 水舞間 10% savings on The House of Dancing Water A, B and C reserve standard adult tickets 水舞間 A B 及 C 區成人標準門票九折 Dancing Water Theater 水舞間劇院 (853) 8868 6688 To enjoy this offer, Cardmember must state their intention to settle the payment with their American express Card. All offers are non-transferable and may only be used by American Express Cardmembers. The House of Dancing Water ticket discount is applicable for performance on or before 31 December 2014. Offer is subject to availability and applicable only to A, B and C reserve standard adult tickets. Each Cardmember can enjoy the discount for up to four (4) tickets per show. Tickets can be purchased at The House of Dancing Water Box Office at City of Dreams. Purchases through the ticketing Hotline (853) 8868 6688 or email to must be made using American Express Card. To collect The House of Dancing Water tickets at The House of Dancing Water Box Office, cardmember must present the credit card used for booking, their ID card/ passport and the booking confirmation letter. Full payment will be charged to the American Express Card upon booking confirmation. No cancellation or amendment is allowed. Tickets are purchased for the show and session specified but the date and time of the show may be subject to change without prior notice. All tickets sold are subject to the management s right to cancel, alter and/ or reschedule the performance, add, withdraw or substitute the artists, vary advertised programs, change the venue or number of seats. In the event of cancellation/ postponement of a show, the management reserves the right to refund the amount paid or to reschedule the show date. The offers cannot be enjoyed in conjunction with any other offers or promotions, not redeemable for cash and are not exchangeable for other products and services. All matters and dispute will be subject to the final decision of Melco Crown (COD) Hotels Limited and BNU. Melco Crown (COD) Hotels Limited and BNU reserve the right of final decision on the event of the amendments and interpretation of these terms and conditions (including use, suspension and cancellation of this promotion). The English version of these Terms and conditions shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions. Other terms and conditions apply (and will be provided upon request). 須以美國運通發行之信用卡簽賬消費方可享受上述優惠 所有優惠限美國運通卡戶專享, 不可轉讓 水舞間 優惠適用於 2014 年 12 月 31 日或之前之表演場次, 信用卡持卡人可到水舞間劇院票務處購票, 或透過訂票熱線 (853) 8868 6688 或以信用卡透過電郵至 購票 每持卡人限使用優惠每場次購買最多 4 張 A B 或 C 區成人標準門票, 並須需視乎供應情況而定 換領 水舞間 門票, 持卡人必須到水舞間劇院票務處出示有效之美國運通信用卡 身份證明文件正本 ( 護照 旅遊證件或居民身份證等 ) 及購票確認信核對身份 購票交易一經確認, 全數費用將從訂票之信用卡戶口扣除, 且不可更改或取消 水舞間 門票只適用於指定表演及演出時段, 但演出日期及時間或有所更改而不作另行通知 管理層有權將節目取消或改期, 增加 刪減或更換演出者, 修改節目內容 演出地點或座位數目 假若演出取消或推遲, 管理層保留決定退還門票全數費用或更改演出日期之最終決定權 所有優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用, 且不能兌換現金 其他產品或服務 如有任何爭議, 大西洋銀行股份有限公司及新濠博亞 ( 新濠天地 ) 酒店有限公司保留最終決定權 大西洋銀行股份有限公司及新濠博亞 ( 新濠天地 ) 酒店有限公司保留修訂及詮釋本條款及細則之最終決定權 ( 包括使用 暫停使用和取消此推廣活動之所有權利 ), 不需另行通知 所有條款及細則以英文版為準, 中文譯本僅供參考 其他條款及細則適用, 可供索取 44 Others