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Linked Data Structures Cheng-Chin Chiang

Introduction 鏈式資料結構 : 一種容器資料型態, 元素以節點 (Node) 形式儲存, 前後元素之間藉由單向或雙向指標互相連結 範例 串列 (Linked List) 樹 (Tree)

Nodes 每個節點可以宣告為一個 structure 或 class 記憶體靠動態配置產生 須包含指到其他節點的 pointers (links) struct ListNode { string item; int count; ListNode *link; }; typedef ListNode* ListNodePtr; ListNodePtr head; // 宣告一個串列的起點 ListNode

Accessing a Node 透過指標則使用 ->, 透過 dereference (*) 則用. (*head).count = 12; // 把 head 所指 node 中的 count 欄位設為 12 head->count = 12; // 同上 cin >> head->item; // 鍵盤輸入 head 所指 node 中的 item 欄位值

End Markers 一個鏈式資料結構必須有終點 將最後一個節點的指標欄位設為 NULL

Linked List 串列包含二個重要元素 第一個節點 ( 頭,head) 我們一定會在程式中儲存一個指標指向它 最後一個節點 ( 尾, tail 或 end) 此節點的指標欄位必為 NULL

Linked List Class Definition class IntNode { public: IntNode() { } IntNode(int thedata, IntNOde* thelink) : data(thedata), link(thelink) { } IntNode* getlink() const {return link;} int getdata() const {return data;} void setdata(int thedata) {data = thedata;} void setlink(intnode* pointer) private: int data; IntNode *link; }; typedef IntNode* IntNodePtr; {link=pointer;}

Create 1 st Node IntNodePtr head; 宣告一個節點指標, 預備使其指到串列頭 head = new IntNode; 動態配置第一個節點記憶體, 將 head 指到此節點 head->setdata(3); 設定節點資料值為 3 head->setlink(null); 此時因此節點為串列頭, 亦為串列尾, 所以將其指標欄位設為 NULL!

Adding a Node at the Head

Lost Nodes Pitfall

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Removing a Node

Searching a Linked List Function with two arguments: IntNodePtr search(intnodeptr head, int target); //Precondition: pointer head points to head of //linked list. Pointer in last node is NULL. //If list is empty, head is NULL //Returns pointer to 1 st node containing target //If not found, returns NULL

Pseudocode for search Function while (here doesn t point to target node or last node) { Make here point to next node in list } if (here node points to target) return here; else return NULL; while (here->getdata()!= target && here->getlink()!= NULL) here = here->getlink(); if (here->getdata() == target) return here; else return NULL;

Doubly Linked Lists Doubly Linked List 每個節點有二個指標, 一個指向前元素, 另一個指向後繼元素 可以雙向跟尋 利用 NULL 標示二頭端點

Doubly Linked Lists class DoublyLinkedIntNode { public: DoublyLinkedIntNode ( ){} DoublyLinkedIntNode (int thedata, DoublyLinkedIntNode* previous, DoublyLinkedIntNode* next) : data(thedata), nextlink(next), previouslink(previous) {} DoublyLinkedIntNode* getnextlink( ) const { return nextlink; } DoublyLinkedIntNode* getpreviouslink( ) const { return previouslink; } int getdata( ) const { return data; } void setdata(int thedata) { data = thedata; } void setnextlink(doublylinkedintnode* pointer) { nextlink = pointer; } void setpreviouslink(doublylinkedintnode* pointer) { previouslink = pointer; } private: int data; DoublyLinkedIntNode *nextlink; DoublyLinkedIntNode *previouslink; }; typedef DoublyLinkedIntNode* DoublyLinkedIntNodePtr;

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Program Using the Queue Template Class

Hash Tables 雜湊 ( 赫序 ) 表 可以快速儲存與取出資料的對應表 ( 或映射 ) 我們將以單向串列來模擬 使用雜湊函數 將資料對應到索引 (Key) 在此以 string integer 為例

Simple Hash Function for Strings 函數輸出定義 : 將字串內所有字元的 ASCII 碼總和除以一數的餘數 此函數可以自行依照需要設計與定義 int computehash(string s) { int hash = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length( ); i++) { hash = hash + s[i]; } return hash % SIZE; // SIZE = 10 in example } Example: dog = ASCII 100, 111, 103 Hash = (100 + 111 + 103) % 10 = 4

Hash Table Operations 存入 (Store) 準備十個串列 加入一字串資料時, 先算出此字串之雜湊函數輸出值, 假設為 N 將新資料節點加入第 N 個串列中 取出 (Retrieve) 以輸入字串為索引, 計算雜湊函數輸出值, 假設為 N 從第 N 個串列中搜尋出此字串所在之節點

Constructing a Hash Table

Interface File for a HashTable Class (1 of 2) 1 // This is the header file hashtable.h. This is the interface 2 // for the class HashTable, which is a class for a hash table 3 // of strings. 4 #ifndef HASHTABLE_H 5 #define HASHTABLE_H 6 #include <string> 7 #include "listtools.h" The library "listtools.h" is the linked list library interface from Display 17.14. 8 using LinkedListSavitch::Node; 9 using std::string; 10 namespace HashTableSavitch 11 { 12 const int SIZE = 10; // Maximum size of the hash table array

Interface File for a HashTable Class (2 of 2) 13 class HashTable 14 { 15 public: 16 HashTable(); // Initialize empty hash table 17 // Normally a copy constructor and overloaded assignment 18 // operator would be included. They have been omitted 19 // to save space. 20 virtual ~HashTable(); // Destructor destroys hash table 21 bool containsstring(string target) const; 22 // Returns true if target is in the hash table, 23 // false otherwise 24 void put(string s); 25 // Adds a new string to the hash table 26 private: 27 Node<string> *hasharray[size]; // The actual hash table 28 static int computehash(string s); // Compute a hash value 29 }; // HashTable 30 } // HashTableSavitch 31 #endif // HASHTABLE_H

Implementation File for Hash Table Class (1 of 3) 1 // This is the implementation file hashtable.cpp. 2 // This is the implementation of the class HashTable. 3 #include <string> 4 #include "listtools.h" 5 #include "hashtable.h" 6 using LinkedListSavitch::Node; 7 using LinkedListSavitch::search; 8 using LinkedListSavitch::headInsert; 9 using std::string; 10 namespace HashTableSavitch 11 { 12 HashTable::HashTable() 13 { 14 for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) 15 { 16 hasharray[i] = NULL; 17 } 18}

Implementation File for Hash Table Class (2 of 3) 19 HashTable::~HashTable() 20 { 21 for (int i=0; i<size; i++) 22 { 23 Node<string> *next = hasharray[i]; 24 while (next!= NULL) 25 { 26 Node<string> *discard = next; 27 next = next->getlink( ); 28 delete discard; 29 } 30 } 31 } 32 int HashTable::computeHash(string s) 33 { 34 int hash = 0; 35 for (int i = 0; i < s.length( ); i++) 36 { 37 hash = hash + s[i]; 38 } 39 return hash % SIZE; 40 }

Implementation File for Hash Table Class (3 of 3) 41 void HashTable::put(string s) 42 { 43 int hash = computehash(s); 44 if (search(hasharray[hash], s)==null) 45 { 46 // Only add the target if it's not in the list 47 headinsert(hasharray[hash], s); 48 } 49 } 50 } // HashTableSavitch

Hash Table Demonstration 1 // Program to demonstrate use of the HashTable class 2 #include <string> 3 #include <iostream> 4 #include "hashtable.h" 5 #include "listtools.cpp" 6 #include "hashtable.cpp" 7 using std::string; 8 using std::cout; 9 using std::endl; 10 using HashTableSavitch::HashTable; SAMPLE DIALOGUE Adding dog, cat, turtle, bird Contains dog? 1 Contains cat? 1 Contains turtle? 1 Contains bird? 1 Contains fish? 0 Contains cow? 0 11 int main() 12 { 13 HashTable h; 14 cout << "Adding dog, cat, turtle, bird" << endl; 15 h.put("dog"); 16 h.put("cat"); 17 h.put("turtle"); 18 h.put("bird"); 19 cout << "Contains dog? " << h.containsstring("dog") << endl; 20 cout << "Contains cat? " << h.containsstring("cat") << endl; 21 cout << "Contains turtle? " << h.containsstring("turtle") << endl; 22 cout << "Contains bird? " << h.containsstring("bird") << endl; 23 cout << "Contains fish? " << h.containsstring("fish") << endl; 24 cout << "Contains cow? " << h.containsstring("cow") << endl; 25 return 0; 26 17-43} Copyright 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.

Hash Table Efficiency 最差狀況 (Worst Case) 全部資料都有相同的雜湊輸出值, 導致搜尋時要搜尋全部的節點才能找到資料 ( 或確定不存在 ) 最佳狀況 (Best Case) 每個料都有不同的雜湊輸出值, 如此只要搜尋僅包含一個節點即可找到資料 ( 或確定不存在 ) 好的雜湊表必須有好的雜湊函數 抉擇取捨 : 須靠大空間來換取低的雜湊碰撞 (Collision) 率

Set Template Class 集合包含多個不重複的元素 集合基本運算 Add Contains Union Intersection

Interface File for a Set Template Class (1 of 2) 1 // This is the header file set.h. This is the interface 2 // for the class Set, which is a class for a generic set. 3 #ifndef SET_H 4 #define SET_H 5 #include "listtools.h" "listtools.h" is the linked list library interface from Display 17.14. 6 using LinkedListSavitch::Node; 7 namespace SetSavitch 8 { 9 template<class T> 10 class Set 11 { 12 public: 13 Set() { head = NULL; } // Initialize empty set 14 // Normally a copy constructor and overloaded assignment 15 // operator would be included. They have been omitted 16 // to save space. 17 virtual ~Set(); // Destructor destroys set

Interface File for a Set Template Class (2 of 2) 18 bool contains(t target) const; 19 // Returns true if target is in the set, false otherwise 20 void add(t item); 21 // Adds a new element to the set 22 void output(); 23 // Outputs the set to the console 24 Set<T>* setunion(const Set<T>& otherset); 25 // Union calling object's set with otherset 26 // and return a pointer to the new set 27 Set<T>* setintersection(const Set<T>& otherset); 28 // Intersect calling object's set with otherset 29 // and return a pointer to the new set 30 private: 31 Node<T> *head; 32 }; // Set 33 } // SetSavitch 34 #endif // SET_H

Implementation File for a Set Template Class (1 of 4) 1 // This is the implementation file set.cpp. 2 // This is the implementation of the class Set. 3 #include <iostream> 4 #include "listtools.h" 5 #include "set.h" 6 using std::cout; 7 using std::endl; 8 using LinkedListSavitch::Node; 9 using LinkedListSavitch::search; 10 using LinkedListSavitch::headInsert; 11 namespace SetSavitch 12 { 13 template<class T> 14 Set<T>::~Set() 15 { 16 Node<T> *todelete = head; 17 while (head!= NULL) 18 { 19 head = head->getlink( ); 20 delete todelete; 21 todelete = head; 22 } 23 }

Implementation File for a Set Template Class (2 of 4) 24 template<class T> 25 bool Set<T>::contains(T target) const 26 { 27 Node<T>* result = search(head, target); 28 if (result == NULL) 29 return false; 30 else 31 return true; 32 } 33 void Set<T>::output() 34 { 35 Node<T> *iterator = head; 36 while (iterator!= NULL) 37 { 38 cout << iterator->getdata( ) << " "; 39 iterator = iterator->getlink( ); 40 } 41 cout << endl; 42 }

Implementation File for a Set Template Class (3 of 4) 43 template<class T> 44 void Set<T>::add(T item) 45 { 46 if (search(head, item) ==NULL) 47 { 48 // Only add the target if it's not in the list 49 headinsert(head, item); 50 } 51 } 52 template<class T> 53 Set<T>* Set<T>::setUnion(const Set<T>& otherset) 54 { 55 Set<T> *unionset = new Set<T>(); 56 Node<T>* iterator = head; 57 while (iterator!= NULL) 58 { 59 unionset->add(iterator- >getdata( )); 60 iterator = iterator->getlink( ); 61 } 62 iterator = otherset.head; 63 while (iterator!= NULL) 64 { 65 unionset->add(iterator- >getdata( )); 66 iterator = iterator->getlink( ); 67 } 68 return unionset; 69 }

Implementation File for a Set Template Class (4 of 4) 70 template<class T> 71 Set<T>* Set<T>::setIntersection(const Set<T>& otherset) 72 { 73 Set<T> *interset = new Set<T>(); 74 Node<T>* iterator = head; 75 while (iterator!= NULL) 76 { 77 if (otherset.contains(iterator->getdata( ))) 78 { 79 interset->add(iterator->getdata( )); 80 } 81 iterator = iterator->getlink( ); 82 } 83 return interset; 84 } 85 } // SetSavitch

Set Demonstration (1 of 3) 1 // Program to demonstrate use of the Set class 2 #include <iostream> 3 #include <string> 4 #include "set.h" 5 #include "listtools.cpp" 6 #include "set.cpp" 7 using std::cout; 8 using std::endl; 9 using std::string; 10 using namespace SetSavitch; 11 int main() 12 { 13 Set<string> round; // Round things 14 Set<string> green; // Green things 15 round.add("peas"); // Sample data for both sets 16 round.add("ball"); 17 round.add("pie"); 18 round.add("grapes"); 19 green.add("peas"); 20 green.add("grapes"); 21 green.add("garden hose"); 22 green.add("grass");

Set Demonstration (2 of 3) 23 cout << "Contents of set round: "; 24 round.output(); 25 cout << "Contents of set green: "; 26 green.output(); 27 cout << "ball in set round? " << 28 round.contains("ball") << endl; 29 cout << "ball in set green? " << 30 green.contains("ball") << endl; 31 cout << "ball and peas in same set? "; 32 if ((round.contains("ball") && round.contains("peas")) 33 (green.contains("ball") && green.contains("peas"))) 34 cout << " true" << endl; 35 else 36 cout << " false" << endl; 37 cout << "pie and grass in same set? "; 38 if ((round.contains("pie") && round.contains("grass")) 39 (green.contains("pie") && green.contains("grass"))) 40 cout << " true" << endl; 41 else 42 cout << " false" << endl;

Set Demonstration (3 of 3) 43 cout << "Union of green and round: " << endl; 44 Set<string> *unionset = round.setunion(green); 45 unionset->output(); 46 delete unionset; 47 cout << "Intersection of green and round: " << endl; 48 Set<string> *interset = round.setintersection(green); 49 interset->output(); 50 delete interset; 51 return 0; 52 } SAMPLE DIALOGUE Contents of set round: grapes pie ball peas Contents of set green: grass garden hose grapes peas ball in set round? 1 ball in set green? 0 ball and peas in same set? true pie and grass in same set? false Union of green and round: garden hose grass peas ball pie grapes Intersection of green and round: peas grapes

Iterators 迭代器 用來在鏈式結構中依序逐一拜訪節點元素的機制

Pointers as Iterators 我們可以利用指標來模擬迭代器 指標迭代器 : 範例 : Node_Type *iterator; for (iterator = Head; iterator!= NULL; iterator=iterator->link) Do_Action

Iterator Classes 我們也可自定一個比指標迭代器更多功能的迭代器類別 此迭代器類別可有下列運算子 : ++ 迭代器移到下一個節點 -- 迭代器移到上一個節點 == 比較迭代器是否相等!= 比較迭代器是否不相等 * 取得迭代器所指的節點 也可有下列成員函數 : begin(): 傳回第一個節點 end(): 傳回最後一個節點

Iterator Class Example 逐一拜訪並處理每個節點 : for (i=ds.begin();i!=ds.end();i++) process *i //*i is current data item i: variable name of iterator class

Trees 樹的資料結構較複雜 樹的每個資料節點可有多個指標指到其他節點 二元樹範例

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Tree Properties 根節點 樹的頭 路徑 (Paths) 從根節點到其他任一節點的串列不能出現循環 二元樹 (Binary Trees) 除了葉結點外, 每個節點都有二個連結指到其他二個節點最常用到的樹 葉節點 二個連結指標都是 NULL( 不指到其他節點 )

Trees and Recursion 樹是一種遞迴結構 每棵二元樹都有二棵 子樹, 每個子樹又有二棵子樹, 依此類推 用在樹上的許多演算法都可用遞迴方式來設計 例如 : 樹中的資料搜尋

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