FalconStor CDP FalconStor CDP DataCore Dbvisit dynatrace EMC EATON FalconStor Gemalto e FalconStor CDP FalconStor CDP 24x7 FalconStor CDP CDP 255 Falc

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NASDAQ: FALC disk-based data protection Forbes 25 5 IT FalconStor VTL FalconStor CDP FalconStor NSS FalconStor FDS TOTALLY Open IPStor Business Continuity Disaster Recovery Backup Optimization Data De-duplication Storage Virtualization IT RTO RPO ROA OPEX 4000 1000 Fortune 1000 IT Acer COPAN Systems Data Direct Networks DSI EMC H3C Intel Microsoft Pillar Data Systems Spectra Logic Sun VMware OEM

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CDP FalconStor FalconStor CDP Appliance ( ) CDP Storage Server ( ) 1 FS7CDPSA006X1A 690,000 2 FS7CDPSA012X1A 1,200,000 3 FS7CDPSA024X1A 1,900,000 4 FS7CDPSASVB03S 390,000 5 FS7CDPGA700W1A 690,000 6 FS7CDPGA720W1A 690,000 CDP Appliance Option ( Per CDP Appliance) FalconStor CDPSA 4TB Storage Appliance ( ) 1. 2U 2. CDP HA UNIX client 3. FalconStor CDPSA 10TB Storage Appliance ( ) 1. 2U 2. CDP HA UNIX client 3. FalconStor CDPSA 20TB Storage Appliance ( ) 1. 2U 2. CDP HA UNIX client 3. CDP Software Appliance Kit 1. CDP HA UNIX client 2. FalconStor CDP GA700 Gateway Appliance ( ) 1. 2U, 24GB RAM, 4x 8Gbps Fibre Channel ports, 4x 1Gbps Ethernet ports 2. FalconStor CDP GA720 Gateway Appliance ( ) 1. 2U, 24GB RAM, 2x 10GbE, 2x 8Gbps Fibre Channel ports, 4x 1Gbps Ethernet ports 2. 7 FS7CDPSAFCA21A 200,000 Dual-port 8G FC HBA 8 FS7CDPSATGA12A 200,000 Dual-port, 10Gbps Ethernet-to-PCIe Converged Network Adapter & 5M SFP+ TwinAx cables 9 FS7CDPXM701A-H 1,000,000 2U CDP Capacity Expansion Unit - 12x 1TB NL-SAS (10TB Usable) for CDPSA 10TB and CDPSA 20TB 10 FS7CDPXM701B-H 1,600,000 2U CDP Capacity Expansion Unit - 12x 2TB NL-SAS (20TB Usable) for CDPSA 10TB and CDPSA 20TB 11 FS7CDPXM701C-H 2,200,000 2U CDP Capacity Expansion Unit - 12x 3TB NL-SAS (30TB Usable) for CDPSA 10TB and CDPSA 20TB 12 FS7CDPXM701S-H 990,000 2U CDP Capacity Expansion Unit - 7.2 TB 15K rpm SAS( 6TB Usable) for CDPSA 10TB and CDPSA 20TB) 13 FS7CDPXM704S-H 1,300,000 2U CDP Capacity Expansion Unit - 7.2 TB 15K rpm SAS( 8*8Gbps Fibre Channel ports, for CDP Gateway Appliance 7 ) 14 FS7CDPXM704A-H 1,600,000 2U CDP Capacity Expansion Unit - 12 TB NL-SAS (10TB Usable, 8*8Gbps FC ports, for CDP Gateway Appliance 7 ) 15 FS7CDPXM704B-H 2,200,000 2U CDP Capacity Expansion Unit - 24 TB NL-SAS (20TB Usable, 8*8Gbps FC ports, for CDP Gateway Appliance 7 ) 16 FS7CDPXM704C-H 2,800,000 2U CDP Capacity Expansion Unit - 36 TB NL-SAS (30TB Usable, 8*8Gbps FC ports, for CDP Gateway Appliance 7 ) 17 FS7CDPGAB0012S 80,000 Storage Capacity - 1TB (For CDP Gateway Appliance) 18 FS7CDPSKB0012S 80,000 Storage Capacity - 1TB (For CDP SAK) CDP Appliance Agent ( Per Server / Per License) 19 FS7CDPBPWNLN1S 100,000 Client Package for Backup Server - Windows, Linux 20 FS7CDPCPUNIX2S 100,000 Client package for UNIX ( DB agent *1, Recovery agent) 21 FS7CDPBPUNIX1S 100,000 Client package for UNIX Backup Server ( HyperTrac *1, Dynapath *1) 1. 5% 2. CDP Appliance 3. DataCore Dbvisit dynatrace EMC EATON FalconStor Gemalto Go Go www.sysage.com.tw 147

FalconStor VTL FalconStor VTL DataCore Dbvisit dynatrace EMC EATON FalconStor Gemalto FalconStor VTL FalconStor VTL Data deduplication Do more with less IT FalconStor VTL 8Gb FC 10Gb iscsi VTL HA 2,800 MB/sec 100TB 10 FalconStor VTL Symantec NetBackup 6.5 30 FalconStor VTL VTL FalconStor VTL AES Advanced Encryption Standard FalconStor VTL DoD Standard 5220.22- M FalconStor VTL SIR SIR Index FalconStor VTL Hardware compressiontape-format aware FalconStor VTL Replication option WAN Encryption VTL 20 1 95 FalconStor VTL Global deduplication SIR 148 Go Go www.sysage.com.tw

VTL FalconStor VTL-S /VTL +SIR SKU# ( ) FalconStor VTL-S ( Deduplication) 1 FS7VTLSA304R2A 790,000 FalconStor VTL-S SA304 Storage Appliance (with deduplication)-4tb ( ) 1. 2U appliance 2. Backup Cache SIR ( SIR 32TB) 2 FS7VTLSA311R1A 2,000,000 FalconStor VTL-S SA311 Storage Appliance (with deduplication)-11tb ( ) 1. 5U appliance 2. Backup Cache SIR ( SIR 32TB) FS7VTLSA318R1A 2,800,000 FalconStor VTL-S SA318 Storage Appliance (with deduplication)-18tb ( ) 1. 5U appliance 2. Backup Cache SIR ( SIR 32TB) 3 FS7VTLSA634R1A 4,500,000 FalconStor VTL-S SA634 Storage Appliance (with deduplication)-34tb ( ) 1. 5U appliance 2. Backup Cache SIR ( SIR 68TB) 4 FS7VTLGA700F-A 1,500,000 FalconStor VTL-S GA700 Gateway Appliance (with deduplication)- ( ) 1. 2U appliance 2. SIR. 5 FS7VTLGASVR0-S 690,000 VTL-S Dedupe Software Appliance Kit (with deduplication) ( ) 1. Fibre Channel and iscsi 2. SIR. 3.,email VTL-S 6 FS7VTLGAC001-S 120,000 VTL-S Gateway GA700 Repository Capacity License -1TB 7 FS7VTLGAC0011S 120,000 VTL-S SAK Repository Capacity License -1TB 8 FS7VTLXM024C1A 1,500,000 VTL-S 300/600 Series Disk-base Backup Cache Expansion - 24TB (including H/W and License) 9 FS7VTLXM322R2A 2,000,000 VTL-S 300 Series Repository Expansion - 22TB (including H/W and License) 10 FS7VTLXM14CR2A 1,700,000 VTL-S 300 Series 10TB Backup Cache and 14TB Repository Expansion (including H/W and License) 11 FS7VTLXM622R1A 2,000,000 VTL-S 600 Series Repository Expansion -22TB (including H/W and License) 12 FS7VTLSWACSL-S 500,000 ACSLS Shared Library Option 13 FS7VTLSW3494-S 500,000 IBM 3494 Library Support Option 14 FS7VTLSWIBMI-S 500,000 IBM iseries (AS/400) Support Option VTL-S/VTL DataCore Dbvisit dynatrace EMC EATON FalconStor Gemalto Go Go www.sysage.com.tw 149

FalconStor NSS DataCore Dbvisit dynatrace EMC EATON FalconStor Gemalto FalconStor NSS (Network Storage Server) - 99.999% 50% 75% 90% FalconStor NSS (SAN) iscsi FalconStor NSS FalconStor NSS IPStor x86/x64 (FC) SCSI iscsi InfiniBand TCO 50% FalconStor NSS Thin Provisioning 40% 90% 50% VMware SRM Failover Failback FalconStor NSS VMware SRM Site Recovery Manager TimeMark / FalconStor Application Snapshot Director, ASD VMware ESX / FalconStor NSS VMware SRM Failover Replica FalconStor NSS Role Reversal Failback 150 Go Go www.sysage.com.tw

NSS FalconStor 項次 產品料號 建議售價 ( 未 ) 產品名稱 NSS (Network Storage Server) 本價格即日起開始適用 1 FS7NSSGA700W-A 790,000 FalconStor NSS GA700 Gateway Appliance (含硬體) 1. 2U 機架式, 內附24GB RAM, 4x 8Gbps Fibre Channel ports, 4x 1Gbps Ethernet ports 2. 可增購以下選項 (Storage Capacity, HyperTrac Option, Snapshot Agent for Unix DB) FS7NSSGA720W-A 790,000 3 FS7NSSSASVB03S 490,000 NSS Software Appliance Kits (SAK) 純軟體 1. 支援iSCSI/Fibre Channel (限定使用Qlogic HBA) 協定 2. 可增購以下選項 (Storage Capacity, HyperTrac Option, Snapshot Agent for Unix DB) NSS Option 選項程式 ( Per NSS server) 4 FS7NSSSKC001-S 5 FS7NSSSKCMAX3S 6 FS7NSSGAC001-S 7 FS7NSSGACMAX3S 6,000,000 8 FS-HWOFCFCA21H 200,000 2*8Gbps Fibre Channel target ports HBA 9 FS-HWOFCFCE22H 200,000 Dual-port, 10Gbps Ethernet-to-PCIe Converged Network Adapter & 5M SFP+ TwinAx cables 80,000 80,000 Storage Capacity - 1TB (For NSS SAK) Storage Capacity - as needed (For NSS SAK) Storage Capacity - 1TB (For NSS Gateway Appliance) Storage Capacity - as needed (For NSS Gateway Appliance) FS7NSSCPUNIX-S 250,000 Client Package for Server - AIX, Solaris, HP-UX (內含1*DynaPath, 1*File system snapshot agent, 1*DB snapshot agent) 11 FS7NSSBPVSVR-S 300,000 Client Package for Backup Server - VMware (內含1*DynaPath, 1*HyperTrac) 12 FS7NSSBPWNLN-S 150,000 Client Package for Buckup Server-Windows, Linux (內含1*DynaPath, 1*HyperTrac) 13 FS7NSSBPUNIX-S 250,000 Client Package for Buckup Server-AIX,Solaris,HP-UX (內含1*DynaPath, 1*HyperTrac) 備註 1. 以上價格不含 5% 營業稅 2. 本報價 NSS Gateway Appliance 提供硬體隔日到府及一年零件保固 軟體一年版本更新升級 3. 不提供安裝服務 EATON 10 EMC NSS Agent 代理程式 ( Per Server / Per License) dynatrace 6,000,000 Dbvisit 2 FalconStor NSS GA720 Gateway Appliance (含硬體) 1. 2U 機架式, 內附24GB RAM, 2x 8Gbps Fibre Channel ports, 2x 10GbE, 4x 1Gbps Ethernet ports 2. 可增購以下選項 (Storage Capacity, HyperTrac Option, Snapshot Agent for Unix DB) DataCore FalconStor NSS (Network Storage Server) FalconStor Gemalto 聚 碩 科 技 Go Go 購 本刊規格 價格及圖示僅供參考 如有異動則以原廠提供為準 www.sysage.com.tw 151