% Peabody-Winsway 50% Peabody-Winsway Peabody-Winsway Mongolia Peabody-Winsway Mongolia 79

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51%............................................................................ 1 2 78

10 240................... 55.5% 3 47 450................... 4 Peabody-Winsway 50% Peabody-Winsway Peabody-Winsway Mongolia Peabody-Winsway Mongolia 79

Cheer Top Cheer Top Goldliq 6 Goldliq 40% 60% Goldliq 62,425,170 Goldliq 35% 25%848,809.5 606,292.5 40%970,068 75% 25% 70% 5% 1,697,619 121,259 2,425,17012,425,17099.02% 0.98% 16.58%2,060,100 82.44% 16.58% 0.98% Cheer Top 82.44%10,243,811 Cheer Top 16.58%2,060,100 Cheer Top 99.02% 0.98% Cheer Top 80

12,425,17012,428,193 Cheer Top 99% 1% 1% 124,282 Cheer Top 1% Cheer Top Cheer Top 12,428,19323,428,193 Cheer Top 99.5% 0.5% Cheer Top 0.5% Cheer Top 80% 80% 23,428,19334,303,911 Cheer Top32% 68% Cheer Top 32% Cheer Top 98.61% 98.61% Cheer Top 30%10,313,922 Cheer Top 2% 98% Cheer Top 2% Cheer Top 98.61% 98.61% Cheer Top 2%686,078 Cheer Top 91.4% Cheer Top 34,303,91163,500,000 91.4% 18 (1) 81

5,000,000 4,798 1,762,000 210 (2) 61,500,000 95,370,000 49% Royce Petrochemicals 51% (3) 10 (4) 10 (5) 5 (6) 50 (7) 30 (8) 10 82

(9) 1 (10) 58 (11) 15 (12) 20 51% 49% (13) 99% 1% 9,900,000 100,000 10 (14) 20 51% 49% (15) 20 51% 49% 83

(16) 20 51% 49% (17) 30 51% 35% 14% (18) 10 (1) Lucky Colour Lucky Colour Lucky Colour (2) Reach Goal Reach Goal 1 Reach Goal (3) Winsway Coking Coal Holdings (HK) Winsway Coking Coal Holdings (HK) 31,312,613 1 31,312,613 Winsway Coking Coal Holdings (HK) Cheer Top (4) Winsway Australia Winsway Australia 1 Winsway Australia 84

(5) Winsway Logistics Winsway Logistics 100,000 1 100,000 Winsway Logistics (6) Winsway Singapore Winsway Singapore Winsway Resources Holdings Winsway Resources Holdings 1 Winsway Singapore (7) Winsway Mongolian Transportation Winsway Mongolian Transportation 1 9 9 Winsway Mongolian Transportation (8) 100,000 8,800,000 11,700,000 China Capital Resources Holdings China Capital Resources Billionway Holdings Ltd.Billionway 1 Billionway Billionway 24,702,000 85

China Capital Resources Winswell Energy Limited Winswell 51 Winswell Winswell 3,000,000 5,000,000 90% 10% 13,020,000 8,680,000 EnerStar Asia Eagle Development LimitedAsia Eagle 5,450,001 Asia Eagle Asia Eagle EnerStar Global Luck International Ltd.Global Luck 1 Global Luck Global Luck EnerStar MonChallenge Investment Ltd. MonChallenge 10,001 MonChallenge MonChallenge EnerStar MonCrown Investment Ltd. 86

MonCrown 100,001 MonCrown MonCrown Winsway International Petroleum & Chemicals 10,000,000 Sparkle Land 37,735,849 1.00% 3.875 3.8751.82 Sparkle Land Wu Sek Un 5,000,000 Top Dream 30,303,030 0.80% 3.875 3.8752.59 Top Dream Guo Qi 2,000,000 Gold Shine 12,121,212 0.32% 3.875 3.8752.59 Gold Shine Guo Qi 600,000 Unique Grace 3,636,364 0.10% 3.875 3.8752.59 Unique Grace Chen Shuaiyun 1,000,000 Champaign 5,000,000 0.13% 3.875 87

3.8752.32 Champaign Wong Im Lei 10,000,000 Samtop 60,606,060 1.6% 3.875 3.8752.59 Samtop 60% 40% 60,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 10,000,000 Winstar 25 Winstar 60,000,000 88

Coppermine 39 A 500331268 1,730(i) 230(ii) 1208(iii) 2626 Coppermine 25,000,000 171 25,000,000 sogo shosha 75 150 10,000,000 89

Winstar Winstar 60,000,000 363,636,364 3.875 2.59 Winstar Winstar Winstar Winstar 3.5% Winstar 360 Winstar 2.5% Winstar Winstar (a) 90 (b)30 (c) 45 Winstar 90

Winsway Resources Holdings Winstar 545,454,515 Winsway Resources Holdings Winsway International Petroleum & Chemicals Coppermine Coppermine 25,000,000 25,000,000 10,000,000151,515,152 151,515,15250,000,2503.875 2.59 2.59 2.32 Coppermine Coppermine Coppermine Coppermine 3.5% 3% 360 Coppermine 2.5% Coppermine (a) 90(b) 91

45(c) 45 Coppermine Winsway Resources Holdings Coppermine 227,272,727227,272,727 Winsway Resources Holdings Winsway International Petroleum & Chemicals Coppermine Cheer Top 92

Winstar Coppermine 1 2 3 67.82% 25.80% 6.38% 90% 4 Reach Goal Winsway Singapore Winsway Australia Winsway Coking Coal Holdings (HK) Winsway Logistics Winsway Mongolian Transportation Lucky Colour 50% 5 Color Future Cheer Top Peabody - Winsway Royce Petrochemicals King Resources 6 51% 12 51% 7 5% 8 51% 9 51% 10 51% 11 51% 13 1. Winsway Petroleum Holdings Winsway Resources Holdings Winsway International Petroleum & Chemicals 67.82% Winsway Petroleum Holdings Winsway International Petroleum & Chemicals Winsway Resources Holdings 60.21% 7.60% 93

2. a. 13.09% b. 5.46% c. 5.46% d. 1.8% 3. (1) a. Sparkle Land 1.36% b. Top Dream 1.09% c. Gold Shine 0.44% d. Unique Grace 0.13% e. Samtop 2.18% f. Champaign 0.18% Unique Grace (2) Ray Splendid 1.00%Ray Splendid Ray Splendid 4. Winsway Mongolian Transportation 10% 5. Peabody Holland Peabody-Winsway 50% 6. 0.77% 7. 49% 8. 95% a. (62%) b. (10%) c. (10%) d. (5%) e. (5%) f. (2%) 94

g. (1%) 9. 49% 10. 49% 11. 49% (35%) (14%) 12. 49% 13. 49% 3.875 Winstar Coppermine Peabody Energy 1 2 3 49.73% 18.92% 5.21% 26.14% 90% Reach Goal Winsway Singapore Winsway Australia Winsway Coking Coal Holdings (HK) Winsway Logistics Winsway Mongolian Transportation Lucky Colour 50% Color Future Cheer Top Peabody - Winsway Royce Petrochemicals King Resources 51% 51% 5% 51% 51% 51% 51% 1. Winsway Petroleum Holdings Winsway Resources Holdings Winsway International Petroleum & Chemicals 49.73% 95

2. a. 9.60% b. 4.00% c. 4.00% d. 1.32% 3. (1) a. Sparkle Land 1.00% b. Top Dream 0.80% c. Gold Shine 0.32% d. Unique Grace 0.10% e. Samtop 1.60% f. Champaign 0.13% (2) Ray Splendid 0.73% (3) Peabody EnergyPeabody Energy0.53% 96