X APS : Ver Windows 2000/XP, CTEX (v0.5c 2004/09/29) ctexart, L A TEX (V2.3, WinEdt 5.4 Build: , MiKTeX , CJ

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\ tabularnewline 5 32 \ hline 5 33 \ cline{n-m} 6 34 \ vline 6 35 \multicolumn{ }{ }{ } \tabcolsep 7 42 \arrayrulew

1 2

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:,,.,,,... D. Kennedy (Science, )

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1 TEX LIVE 的 安 装 2 LATEX 极 速 体 验 听 说 过 TEX 或 L A TEX? 想 立 即 体 验 L A TEX? 到 下 载 安 装 TEX Live; 打 开 编 辑 器 TeXworks, 鼠 标 copy 下 面

[9] R Ã : (1) x 0 R A(x 0 ) = 1; (2) α [0 1] Ã α = {x A(x) α} = [A α A α ]. A(x) Ã. R R. Ã 1 m x m α x m α > 0; α A(x) = 1 x m m x m +

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看 什 么 看, 没 见 过 空 白 页?



XX X XXXX XX Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, Vol.XX No.X, Mon Year : 2007/xxx Ver.02 APS (, 20024),.. :,,, CTEX. : O22.xx.. 980 30,,.,,. TEX Word, TEX, Word. 2006 Word, L A TEX,.,,,. L A TEX, [ 6]. :. (2345678). XXXX XX XX, XXXX XX XX, : APS (986 ), /,, :, E-mail:aps@stat.ecnu.edu.cn.

X APS : Ver.02 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. 2. Windows 2000/XP, CTEX (v0.5c 2004/09/29) ctexart, L A TEX (V2.3, WinEdt 5.4 Build: 2005037, MiKTeX 2.4.46, CJK 4.5.2, GSview 4.5, GNU Ghostscript 7.06). MikTeX, : WinEdt, WinShell, LEd(L A TEXEditor), TEXMaker, MTEX(, ), BaKoMa TEX.. (AMS) :amsmath,amsfonts, amsthm, amssymb; : fancyhdr ; : natbib. 2. (.) : pstricks, epsfig, graphicx, picins, picinpar, subfigure; : fancyverb; 2.2 2.2. TEX, TEX,. L A TEX TEX,., AMS -L A TEX.

X APS : Ver.02 3, $ $ \( \), $$ $$ \[ \] \begin{\displaymath}...\end{displaymath}, \begin{equation} \end{equation}. 2.2.2, amsmath, \usepackage{amssymb,amsmath} : a + b a b ab a b a b a/b a b $a+b$ $a-b$ $a b$ $a \cdot b$ $a \times b$ $a/b$ $\frac{a}{b}$ : a i,a 3,a i $a_{i}$,$a^3$,$a^{i}$ : $\check{a}$ ǎ $\tilde{a}$ ã $\hat{a}$ â $\grave{a}$ à $\dot{a}$ ȧ $\ddot{a}$ ä $\breve{a}$ ă $\bar{a}$ ā $\vec{a}$ a : TEX $m \choose n$ amsmath $\binom{m}{n} ( m n). : $$ \left(\frac{a+b}{a+b^2}\right)^2$$ ( ) 2 a + b a + b 2 :, log n sin x, $\log n$ $\sin x$, $log n$ $sin x$, logn sinx. : :,...,.,... $\cdots$, $\ldots$, $\vdots$, $\ddots$.

X APS : Ver.02 4 + 2 + + n, i =, 2,..., n,. :, 0,,,,, \int^_0,\int,\oint,\iint,\iiint,\iiiint,\idotsint. : $\sqrt{2}$,$\sqrt[3]{2}$ 2, 3 2. : \[ \[ \begin{matrix} a & b & c\\ c & e & f \end{matrix} \] \] \begin{pmatrix} a & b & c\\ c & e & f \end{pmatrix} a b c c e f ( ) a b c c e f : n i=0 i 2, n i=0 i 2 \[ \sum_{i=0}^n \frac{}{i^2}, \qquad \_{i=0}^n \frac{}{i^2} \]

X APS : Ver.02 5 :,, x 0, f = 0,, (2.) $$ $$ f=\begin{cases},&\mbox{ $x\ge 0$},\\0, &\mbox{,} \end{cases} 2.2.3 µ µ 2 µ k. (xx) y = x z = w (xx-) (xx-2)!!! A i,, A ik (2.2) A j,, A jk (2.3) { π = 3.4 2 =.44 (2.4)

X APS : Ver.02 6 π = 3.4 (2.5) 2 =.44 (2.6) \nonumber ( ), π = 3.45926 ( ) 3.4. (2.7) dy = f (x)dx (2.8-a) f (x) = dy/dx (2.8-b) dy = f (x)dx (2.9) f (x) = dy/dx (2.9 ) 2.2.4 ( L A TEX ) : WinEdt TEXSymbol GUI L A TEXmacros ( MTeX ) TeXaide (http://www.dessci.com/en/products/texaide/, ) Mathtype (http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathtype/, ), ( ), TEX L A TEX2.09 and later. TeXFriend L A TEX (http://miktex.nankai.edu.cn/noscript/sate2...ches4miktex.exe)

X APS : Ver.02 7 2.3 2.3. tabular tabular*, ( ) : \begin{tabular}[ ]{ } \end{tabular} \begin{tabular*}{ }[ ]{ } \end{tabular*} tabular, L A TEX : tabular* tabular,, ( ).,, center. 2.3.2,, : t: b: ( ): 2.3.3,.,,. : l: r: c: p{ }:,,

X APS : Ver.02 8 : : *{ }{ }:, *{5}{ c} c c c c c 2.3.4 \\. &.,. \ tabularnewline : \ tabularnewline, \\,. \ hline : \\,.,,. \hline. \ cline{n-m} : \hline,. n, m. \ vline :,.,. \multicolumn{ }{ }{ } : (&),,.. tabular. @ : @ : @,.

X APS : Ver.02 9 2.3.5,, 2 4,, 3-a 3-b 3-c. 23 4 5 23 4 523 4 5 23 4 5 67 890 3 23 4 523 4 5 23 4 5 67 890 3 23 4 523 4 5 23 4 5 2 2 234 4 ff gh vfhgd 234 4 ff g4h vfd 2434 454 ff gh vfhd 3-a 3-b 3-c 23 4 5 67 890 3 23 4 5 67 890 3 23 4 5 67 890 3 4 Positiion Club Games W T L Goals Points Amesville Rockets 33 9 3 66:3 5:5 2 Borden Comets 33 8 9 6 65:37 45:2.. 7 Quincy Giants 33 7 5 2 40:89 9:47 8 Arlson Regulars 33 3 9 37:74 7:49. 2.3.6 WinEdt Tabular WinEdt Table Designer (http://www.winedt.org/plugins/array.php) WinEdt LaTable (http://www.g32.org/latable/)

X APS : Ver.02 0 WinEdt Tablas Designer (http://www.informatica.us.es/ calvo/latex.html#tablas) 2.4 L A TEX, epsfig, graphics, graphix, picins, wrapfig, picinpar, subfig. :. : epsfig, graphics, graphix 2. : picins, picinpar, wrapfig 3. : subfigure (minipage), [3]. 2.4. epsfig ( graphics ) graphics graphix,, \epsfig{file=file_name.eps,key=value,...} \includegrpahics[key=value,...]{file_name} key,, scale=ratio_value, width=length_value, height=length_value. epsfig,. \scalebox \resizebox.. ( text \epsfig \includegraphics ) ()\scalebox \scalebox{h_scale}{v_scale}{text}, h_scale, v_scale.,! (2)\resizebox resizebox{h_lenght}{v_length}{text}, h_length, v_length,!, :. \vskip v_length \hskip h_length, \centering.

X APS : Ver.02. ) epsfig+resizebox \vskip 0mm \hskip 50mm \resizebox{7cm}{!}{\epsfig{file=sin}} \caption{ EPS \label{fig:fig}} 0.5 2 3 4 5-0.5-2) includegraphics + resizebox EPS \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \resizebox{6cm}{3cm}{\includegraphics{figs/sin.eps}} \caption{ \ref{fig:fig} resizebox \label{fig:fig2}} \end{figure} 0.5 2 3 4 5-0.5-2 resizebox 3) includegraphics + scale

X APS : Ver.02 2 \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{figs/sin.eps} \caption{ \ref{fig:fig} scale \label{fig:fig3}} \end{figure} 3. 0.5 2 3 4 5-0.5-3 scale 4) includegraphics + width height \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0cm,height=4cm]{figs/sin.eps} \caption{ \ref{fig:fig} width height \label{fig:fig4}} \end{figure} 0.5 2 3 4 5-0.5-4 width height

X APS : Ver.02 3 2.4.2 picins,wrapfig picinpar,picins wrapfig, picinpar, picinpar. picinpar window, figwindow tabwindow.,., picinpar. \begin{window}[,,, ]\end{window} \begin{figwindow}[,,, ]\end{figwindow}., l,. c r., figwindow., figwindow..,,,,,,......,. 2.4.3 0.5-0.5-2 3 4 5 5: Sine Curve,..,,, \includegraphics. \begin{figure} \centering \begin{minipage}[c]{0.5\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=2in]{figs/sin.eps} \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}[c]{0.5\textwidth}

X APS : Ver.02 4 \centering \includegraphics[width=2in]{figs/fig.eps} \end{minipage} \caption{centers Aligned Vertically} \end{figure} 6.. 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 2 3 4 5 0 0.2-0.5 0.4-0.6 0.8 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8,. \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{minipage}[t]{0.35\linewidth} \centering \imgp[width=\textwidth]{sin.eps} \caption{ \label{fig:float2-}} \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\linewidth} \centering \imgp[width=\textwidth]{fig.eps} \caption{ \label{fig:float2-2}} \end{minipage} \end{figure},,. : \begin{figure} \subfigure[ ------]{

X APS : Ver.02 5 0.5 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 3 4 5 0 0.2-0.5-0.4 0.6 0.8 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.5 0 0.2 2 3 4 5 0.4-0.5 0.6 0.8-0 2 3 4 5 6 7 (a) ------ (b) -2-2-2-2-2-2 9 \label{fig:mini:subfig:a} %% label for first subfigure \begin{minipage}[b]{0.4\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=in]{figs/sin.eps} \end{minipage}}% \subfigure[ -2-2-2-2-2-2]{ \label{fig:mini:subfig:b} %% label for second subfigure \begin{minipage}[b]{0.4\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=.2in]{figs/fig.eps} \end{minipage}} \caption{ } \label{fig:mini:subfig} %% label for entire figure \end{figure} 9, 9(a) 9(b)., 2.:, 2.2:, \ref 2., 2.2, \renewcommand{\thesubfigure}%

X APS : Ver.02 6 {\thefigure.\arabic{subfigure}} \makeatletter \renewcommand{\@thesubfigure}{\thesubfigure:\space} \renewcommand{\p@subfigure}{} \makeatother 2.4.4,,,,,. 2.4.5 WinEdt Graphics Interface (http://www.winedt.org/plugins/graphics.php) 2.5 2.5. AMS-L A TEX amsthm L A TEX \newtheorem, L A TEXtheorem,.,,. : ;,, italic roman. 2.5.2 \newtheorem,,. : \newtheorem{ }{ } \newtheorem{ 2}{ }[ ] \newtheorem{ 3}[ 4]{ }

X APS : Ver.02 7, theorem thm ; ( ), ;, (chapter) (section).,. ( ),,, ( 0).. : \begin{ }[ ] \end{ } \theoremstyle{ }, theorembodyfont, newtheoremstyle, amsthm., : \newtheorem{definition}{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}}[section] \newtheorem{proposition}{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}}[section] \newtheorem{property}{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}}[section] \newtheorem{theorem}{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}}[section] \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}} \newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}} \newtheorem{axiom}{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}}[section] \newtheorem{exercise}{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}}[section] \newtheorem{question}{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}} \newtheorem{example}{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}} \newtheorem{notation}{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}} \newtheorem{remark}{\hspace{2em}{\bf{ }}} (proof), : \renewenvironment{proof}[][~ ]{\textbf{#:~~~}}{\hfill\hspace{cm}$\square$}, #,.

X APS : Ver.02 8 2.5.3 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.2 : 2.3 2. 2.6, thebibliography : \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem[ ]{ } \bibitem[ ]{ }...... \end{thebibliography} ( ),,. \addtolength{\itemsep}{< >} \addtolength{\itemsep}{-0.8 em},.,.bib.,. [2, B]. L A TEX BibTEX, BiBEdt BibTeX Manager (http://www.imamod.ru/ vab/bibtexmng/), [8].

X APS : Ver.02 9 2.7, (chapter) (section) (equation, eqnarray, align) (theorem, lemma) (table) (figure) (enumerate) (page) (bibiliography)., ( )., \label{ },.. \label : \pageref{ }. \label equation, eqnarray, align, lemma, theorem enumerate, figure table \caption, \ref{ }. enumerate, \label \item. \newtheorem, \label,. \cite[ ]{ }. \bibitem[ ]{ }. :. \ref{eq:no}:,, (\ref{eq:3}) (2.4). 2. \eqref{eq:no}:, \eqref{eq:3} (2.4).

X APS : Ver.02 20 2,,, \supercite{ }, : \newcommand{\ucite}[]{\textsuperscript{\cite{#}}} 2 3 4 5 6 2.2 (2.8-a). 9 2.3 3-a. 5 2.4 9(a). 8 2.5 2.2. 6 [2, 86 ], [2 4]. [], L A TEX ( ), 997. [2],,, L A TEX2e, 200. [3],, : L A TEX, 200. [4],,, L A TEX,, 2002. [5] K. Reckdahl,, Using Import graphics in L A TEX2e, 2000. [6] Tobias Oetiker, ChinaTeX, LATEX2e, 2002. [7] Mytex, TexFriend/Graphics, 2003. http://www.ctex.org/forums/ [8], fixbbl: BibTEX, 2003. http://www.hooklee.com Template for Applied Probability and Statistics APS Editorial Board (School of Finance and Statistics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 20024 ) The paper introduces some key techniques used in scientific typesetting, including page setting, typesetting of different types of formulae and tables, theorem environment, figure insertion, reference inputting and citation of formulae, tables, figures, theorems and references. The template is exclusively designed for the magazine Applied Probability and Statistics.

X APS : Ver.02 2 A.,,,. :. 2007. E-mail TeX pdf (TeX ),,,,. Word. 2., AMS Subject Classification; AMS Subject Classification,. ( ).,,. 3.,. 4.., : ( ) [ ] ( ),, ( ), : ( ),. [ ] ( ),,,. [ ] ( ),,,,,,. 5.,,,. 6.,. 7. 2000 7, 50,,. 8.,. 2007 : 8 80 /, 8 9 20 /... 9.. 0.,. : 3663, : 200062, : 02-62232636 : http://aps.ecnu.edu.cn, E-mail: aps@stat.ecnu.edu.cn, 2007

X APS : Ver.02 22 Template for Chinese Journal of APS Ver.02 APS Editorial Board (Department of Statistics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062) This paper introduces the techniques in the typesetting of scientific papers, including page settingup, typesetting of mathematical formulae and tables of different types, resetting of theorem environment, inserting of figures, bibliography and referring of formulae, figures, tables and references. This template is specially designed for Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics. Keywords: Scientific paper, typesetting, page setting, CTEX. AMS Subject Classification: 62Nxx.