Terminology 1. BUILDING GRADES GRADE A Highest quality building in prime locations with state-of-the-art specifications and highly sought after by the

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江 干 区 杭 州 萧 山 医 药 有 限 公 司 浙 江 润 格 药 业 有 限 公 司 浙 江 省 医 药 工 业 有 限 公 司 拱 墅 区 浙 江 长 广 医 药 股 份 有 限 公 司 杭 州 浙 江 省 医 药 工 业 有 限 公 司 西 湖 区 浙 江 天 晴 中 卫 医 药 有 限

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封 面 图 片 : 上 海 新 天 地 企 业 天 地 与 朗 廷 酒 店 作 者 :Perry Jacobs 2

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162 方 忠 明 香 港 辦 理 以 大 眾 運 輸 導 向 之 開 發 與 我 國 辦 理 臺 北 都 會 區 捷 運 土 地 開 發 之 探 討 一 香 港 鐵 路 有 限 公 司 (MTR) 與 港 鐵 路 網 1975 年 香 港 政 府 鑑 於 都 市 交 通 的 日 益 繁 忙, 成

市 监 狱 管 理 局 南 汇 监 狱 市 监 狱 管 理 局 南 汇 监 狱 市 监 狱 管 理 局 南 汇 监 狱 市 监 狱

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北 角 North Point Shop No. L40, LG/F., Fitfort, 560 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong 香 港 北 角 英 皇 道 560 號 健 威 坊 地 下 低 層 L40 號

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1 市 场 要 闻 回 顾 : 名 称 收 盘 价 日 涨 跌 幅 上 证 综 指 4, 深 证 成 指 16, 沪 深 300 4, 融 资 余 额 当 日 买 入 额 截 至 上 周 五 (5 月 22 日 ),A 股 融 资 融

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Chinese oil import policies and reforms 随 着 经 济 的 发 展, 目 前 中 国 石 油 消 费 总 量 已 经 跃 居 世 界 第 二 作 为 一 个 负 责 任 的 大 国, 中 国 正 在 积 极 推 进 能 源 进 口 多 元 化, 鼓 励 替 代

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北 化 股 份 现 场 及 网 络 类 北 化 投 票 互 动 娱 乐 现 场 及 网 络 类 互 动 投 票 银 之 杰

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01 第 八 届 中 国 欧 盟 投 资 贸 易 科 技 合 作 洽 谈 会

股东大会投票信息( )

市 水 务 局 ( 海 洋 局 ) 上 海 市 水 务 局 ( 上 海 市 海 洋 局 ) 市 水 务 局 ( 海 洋 局 ) 上 海 市 水 务 局 ( 上 海 市 海 洋 局 ) 市 文 广 影 视 局 文 物 保 护 管 理

SZ 丹 邦 科 技 可 以 网 络 投 票 SH 南 京 新 百 可 以 网 络 投 票 73868

江 苏 瑞 峰 建 设 集 团 有 限 公 有 限 公 江 苏 鲁 工 建 设 工 程 有 限 公 江 苏 溧 鸿 建 设 有 限 公 江 苏 明 创 科 技 园 发 展 有 限 公 公 公 有 限 公 江 苏 茂 盛 建 设 有 限 公 江 苏 鼎 洪 建 工 有 限 公 富 强 机 电 安 装


Contents 目 录 1. Summary Page 3 报 告 摘 要 2. Research Report.Page 4 报 告 正 文 3. Analyst Resume.Page 20 作 者 简 历


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诗 经 简介 诗经 是中国第一部诗歌总集 它汇集了从西周初年到春秋中期 五百多年间的诗歌三百零五篇 诗经 在先秦叫做 诗 或者取诗的 数目整数叫 诗三百 本来只是一本诗集 从汉代起 儒家学者把 诗 当作经典 尊称为 诗经 列入 五经 之中 它原来的文学性质就 变成了同政治 道德等密切相连的教化人的教


Market Report Shanghai Office Leasing Guide 4th Quarter 2015 Proud Member of

Terminology 1. BUILDING GRADES GRADE A Highest quality building in prime locations with state-of-the-art specifications and highly sought after by the high-profile companies. GRADE B These buildings fall just below Grade A buildings and have slightly lesser specifications and quality. They are typically older and just outside prime office locations. GRADE C These are older office buildings with low specifications and less appealing to many companies. They are typically sought after for cost conscious firms who feel the need to not be centrally located in the heart of business districts. 2. LEASING TERMINOLOGY GROSS FLOOR AREA (G) In most buildings, gross floor area is the common method of measurement. It is the area within the perimeter of the outside walls including wall thickness, service core including lift lobbies, passenger and service liftwells, staircases, lavatories, pantries, mechanical, and electrical areas. LETTABLE AREA (L) The net area plus a percentage of common usable area such as lift lobbies and toilets (apportioned if the floor area is sub-divided). Lettable to net efficiency is generally 80%. NET AREA (N) Sometimes referred to as the usable Sometimes referred to as the usable area or carpeted area, the total net area of the premise is measured from the inside walls and excludes internal structures. EFFICIENCY (NET/GROSS AREA RATIO) Most buildings in Shanghai have an office efficiency of 60%-70%, depending on internal structures that decreases the usable area of an office space. Building units are typically given in gross area square footage Leasing Terminology And Costs General Market Practices with efficiency (for example) of 70% efficiency which then calculates the usable area or net area. OPTION TO RENEW In addition to the initial lease term, some landlords may grant to a coveted tenant user an option to renew for a further term at a rent either pre-agreed upon by both parties or at prevailing market rent at the time of renewal. EARLY TERMINATION Early Termination is usually not allowed on the fixed lease period. In some cases, early termination might be allowed based on mutual agreement or by finding a replacement tenant. REINSTATEMENT In almost all cases, tenants are contractually required to reinstate the premises to its original condition and remove all alterations prior to handing back the premises to the landlord. LANDLORD S PROVISION These are the fixtures and/or fittings provided by the landlord free of charge. Sprinkler system for fire protection, basic air-conditioning apparatus and false ceilings are commonly provided. RENT FREE PERIOD Tenant may be entitled to a rent-free period granted for fit-out works. A typical rent-free period is two months for two year leases, but may vary according to the size and lease term of the office space taken. ABSORBTION The volume of office supply leased in relation to the amount of office supply relinquished, over a given period of time, in a particular market. 3. COSTS INCLUDED WITHIN A LEASE RENT Rental rates are generally quoted per meter and payable monthly or quarterly in advance. SECURITY DEPOSIT Upon the execution of the Tenancy Agreement (TA), tenants are required to pay a security deposit of three months total sum of the following: rental plus management fee, government rates (estimate) and other charges, if applicable. MANAGEMENT FEE Management fees for Grade A and B office space can range from CNY25- CNY50 per square meter gross per month, depending on age and location of the building. Management fees pay for cleaning and maintenance for common areas and general building upkeep. They typically also include central air-conditioning costs during normal office hours and half-days on Saturdays, though not in all cases. LEGAL COSTS Tenants are to bear their own legal costs and are advised to consult their solicitors to ascertain actual fees. TAX Tenants are not required to pay tax that is related to rent. Property tax and business tax are paid by landlords. UTILITY COSTS & TELECOMMUNICATION Tenants are required to apply for a separate electricity account for the premise, if applicable. Deposits shall be paid directly by the tenant to the utility providers. Tenants are solely responsible for the installation and service charges of telecommunication usage in their own premises. FIT-OUT COSTS Fit-out cost is approximately CNY2,000- CNY4,000 per square meter of net area for international standard finishing. For top-end offices in Grade A buildings this maximum amount can vary individually. Tenants are required to obtain approval from the landlord for the lay-out plan. Government approvals also required for fire and safety and quality and safety.

Shanghai Shanghai Market Review GDP RMB 2,356.09 billion (2014) Equivalent to USD 383.83 billion GDP growth 7.0% ( 2014 ) y-o-y Inflation Rate 2.7% ( 2014 ) y-o-y Population 24,150,000 Unemployment Rate 4.2% ( 2014 ) Currency RMB Exchange Rate RMB 1 = USD 6.20 Spot rate on 11 June 2015 GDP RMB Billion Shanghai GDP & GDP Growth Rate GDP Growth Rate 2,500.00 16.00% 14.00% 2,000.00 12.00% 1,500.00 GDP(RMB Billion) GDP Growth 1,000.00 Shanghai Office Rental Index Year 2003=100 200 160 140 10.00% 120 8.00% 100 6.00% Rental 180 80 60 4.00% 500.00 2.00% 0.00% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Years 40 20 0 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 Years

CBD Main CBD Areas in Shanghai No. CBD Area Tier / Remarks 1 Jing An West Nanjing Road Tier 1 MNC s Offices + Luxury Retail 2 Huang Pu People s Square & Huai Hai Road Tier 1 Office + Retail 3 Pu Dong Lujiazui & Zhuyuan Tier 1 New Financial Center Offices + Retail 4 Xu Hui Xujiahui Tier 2 Primarily Retail 5 Chang Ning Hongqiao Tier 2 International Business Area

CBD Shanghai Metro Map Map is not to scale

Jing an (West Nanjing Road) The location of the famous Chinese Buddhist temple that bears its name, this is one of Shanghai s most central and densely populated districts. Jing an district crosses into the former French Concession and Huangpu district, and is currently accessible by metro lines 2 and 7. Regarded as the most international district, Jing an boasts many western-style, restaurants, cafes, bars, retail, outlets/malls and apartments. It is a popular location for its easy access to all five of Shanghai s major business districts, as well as its clustered selection of well-established and newly-completed prime Grade A office buildings, occupied by some of the world s largest multinationals. Total Grade A Office Supply 909,500 sq.m Average Rent (Gross) Grade A 10.7/sq.m/day Grade B 7.5/sq.m/day Current Vacancy 3.5% Metro Lines Line 2 Line 7

Jing an (West Nanjing Road) 14 6 2 4 53 19 51 36 21 22 18 26 7 17 49 11 10 37 30 27 31 23 35 54 12 40 8 24 47 50 29 3 33 13 46 39 43 52 44 48 38 20 25 41 5 42 28 9 32 1 34 55 16 45 15 1 Apollo Business Centre 阿波罗商务中心 31 Nan Zheng Building 南证大厦 2 ASA Building 亚盛大厦 32 OOCL Plaza 东方海外大厦 3 Aviation Centre 上海机场城市航站楼 33 Oriental Centre 东方众鑫大厦 4 Ben Ben Building 本本大厦 34 Overseas Chinese Mansion 华侨大厦 5 Bo Ai Building 博爱大厦 35 Pacheer Commercial Centre 三五大厦 6 Catic Tower 凯迪克大厦 36 Pan Pacific Tower 泛太平洋大厦 7 Gao He Building 高和大厦 37 Park Place 越洋国际广场 8 China Merchants Plaza 招商局大厦 38 Plaza 66 (Phase I & II) 恒隆广场 一期 二期 9 China Venturetech Jingan Plaza 中创静安大厦 39 Shanghai Centre 上海商城 10 CITIC Square 中信泰富广场 40 Shen Shi Building 绅士大厦 11 Concord 协和城 41 The Exchange 东海广场 12 Crystal Century Mansion 晶采世纪大厦 42 The IVY & Express Plaza 长春藤运通大厦 13 Dazhongli Project 大中里 43 United Plaza 中欣大厦 14 Dong Zhan Building 东展大厦 44 Universal Mansion 环球世界广场 15 Dongyi Building 东艺大厦 45 Wan Tai Mansion 万泰大厦 16 Dynasty Business Centre 朝代商务中心 46 Want Want Building 旺旺大厦 17 Eco City 1788 国际中心 47 Wen Xin Newspaper Building 文新报业大厦 18 Fortune Gate 静安中华大厦 财富汇 48 Westgate Mall 梅龙镇广场 19 Garden Square (Huamin Imperial Tower) 嘉地中心 华敏帝豪大厦 49 Wheelock Square 会德丰广场 20 Guo Li Building 国立大厦 50 Wiselogic International Centre 科恩国际中心 21 Guo Lv Mansion 国旅大厦 51 Xing Ye Building 兴业大厦 22 Hai Sen International Mansion 海森国际大厦 52 Yu Yuan Tower 愚园108 23 Henderson 668 恒基 668 53 Yueda New Time Square 悦达新时代广场 24 Honi International Mansion 恒利国际大厦 54 Yun Hai Yuan Building 云海苑大厦 25 Jian Jing Mansion 建京大厦 55 Zhongya Building 中雅大楼 26 Jin Hang Building 金航大厦 27 Jin Jiang Xiang Yang Building 锦江向阳大厦 28 Jing An New Century Mansion 静安新时代大厦 29 Kerry Centre 嘉里中心 30 Kerry Centre Phase II 嘉里中心二期

Huangpu (People s Square, Huaihai Rd) One of the most densely populated urban districts in the world, Huangpu is Shanghai s traditional urban core. This district consists of three well-known neighborhoods: The Bund, People s Square, and Huai Hai Road. People s Square has access to three key metro lines: 1, 2, and 8, however the office buildings are becoming somewhat dated compared to alternatives in the market. Huai Hai Road is a bustling hub for business, shopping, and entertainment, and offers a wide selection of offices. The Bund is developing as a location for office space, from what was previously simply a tourism and F&B hotspot. Huangpu is the seat of the municipal government and includes a sizable portion of the former French Concession, noted for its iconic boutiques, restaurants, and old-world architecture. Total Grade A Office Supply 1.07 million sq.m Average Rent (Gross) Grade A 9.5/sq.m/day Grade B 8.0/sq.m/day Current Vacancy 5.1% Metro Lines Line 1 Line 2 Line 4 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10

Huangpu (People s Square, Huaihai Rd) 70 78 29 16 21 45 71 11 72 33 62 17 37 34 13 26 52 74 57 10 1 3 76 58 38 69 25 27 8 49 28 19 15 6 54 75 22 73 77 68 51 47 2 23 43 31 9 39 61 20 42 63 44 64 66 65 14 35 40 32 56 7 5 30 59 12 48 41 53 18 67 60 46 4 55 24 36 50

Huangpu (People s Square, Huaihai Rd) 1 686 Jiujiang 宝 龙 大 厦 2 Alison International Tower 埃 力 生 国 际 大 厦 3 Asia Mansion 亚 洲 大 厦 4 Bridge 8 8 号 桥 5 Bund 100 金 外 滩 国 际 广 场 6 Bund Centre 外 滩 中 心 7 Bund Finance Centre 外 滩 金 融 中 心 8 Central Plaza 中 区 广 场 9 Century Bashi Building 世 纪 巴 士 大 厦 10 Chong Hing Finance Centre 创 兴 金 融 中 心 11 Ciro's Plaza 仙 乐 斯 广 场 12 Corporate Avenue 企 业 天 地 13 Cross Tower 腾 飞 浦 汇 大 厦 14 East Huaihai International Building 东 淮 海 国 际 大 厦 15 East Ocean Centre I/II 东 海 商 业 中 心 16 Eastern Tower 东 银 大 厦 17 Finance Square 金 融 广 场 18 Fuxing Plaza 复 兴 广 场 19 Gang Tai Plaza 港 泰 广 场 20 Golden Bell Plaza 金 钟 广 场 21 Golden Bridge Plaza 新 金 桥 广 场 22 Golden Finance Tower 高 登 金 融 广 场 23 Golden Sail Building 金 帆 大 厦 24 Gopher Center 歌 斐 中 心 25 Hai Tong Securities Tower 海 通 证 券 大 厦 26 Harbour Ring Huangpu Centre 港 陆 黄 埔 中 心 27 Harbour Ring Plaza 港 陆 广 场 28 Henderson Centre 名 人 商 业 大 厦 29 Hi-Tech King City 科 技 京 城 30 Hong Kong Metropolis 香 港 名 都 写 字 楼 31 Hong Kong New World Tower 香 港 新 世 界 大 厦 32 Hong Kong Plaza 香 港 广 场 33 Hong Yi Plaza 宏 伊 大 厦 34 Hua Sheng Building 华 盛 大 厦 35 Huaihai Boss Building 淮 海 中 华 大 厦 36 Jiang Nan Shipyard Building 江 南 造 船 大 厦 37 Jie Fang Daily Tower 申 闻 大 厦 38 Jin Ling Hai Xin Building 金 陵 海 欣 大 厦 39 Jinjiang Dickson Centre 锦 江 迪 生 商 厦 40 Jiu Shi Building 久 事 大 厦 41 Jiu Shi Renaissance Building 久 事 复 兴 大 厦 42 Lan Sheng Building 兰 生 大 厦 43 Lippo Plaza 力 宝 广 场 44 Liu Lin Tower 柳 林 大 厦 45 Lucky Target Square 上 海 峻 岭 广 场 46 Mao Ming Mansion 茂 名 大 厦 47 Min Sheng Bank Building 民 生 银 行 大 厦 48 New Hua Lian Mansion 新 华 联 大 厦 49 New Huangpu Financial Building 新 黄 浦 金 融 大 厦 50 New Rich Port 新 富 港 中 心 51 New Shanghai City Plaza 新 上 海 城 市 广 场 52 No.1 Plaza 新 一 百 大 厦 53 Novel Building 二 百 永 新 大 厦 54 Ocean Tower 海 洋 大 厦 55 Park 2 Place 智 造 局 56 Platinum 白 金 大 厦 57 Plaza 336 华 旭 国 际 58 Raffles City Shanghai 来 福 士 广 场 59 Resource Plaza 新 源 广 场 60 Rui Jin Building 瑞 金 大 厦 61 Shanghai Central Plaza 中 环 广 场 62 Shanghai Landmark 上 海 置 地 广 场 63 Shanghai Square 上 海 广 场 64 Shanghai Times Square 大 上 海 时 代 广 场 65 Shui On Plaza 瑞 安 广 场 66 Silver Tower 永 银 大 厦 67 Soho Fu Xing Soho 复 兴 广 场 68 SOHO on the Bund 外 滩 SOHO 69 The Headquarter Building 都 市 总 部 大 厦 70 The Panorama 海 湾 大 厦 71 Tian An Centre 天 安 中 心 72 Tomorrow Square 明 天 广 场 73 Union Building 联 谊 大 厦 74 Verdant Place 永 新 广 场 75 Wangjiao Plaza 旺 角 广 场 76 World Trade Tower 世 界 贸 易 大 厦 77 Xing Teng Mansion 星 腾 大 厦 78 Yueda Huangpu Riverside Mansion 悦 达 黄 埔 河 滨 大 厦

Pu Dong (Lujiazui, Zhuyuan) Pudong New is largest district spanning from Shanghai s ocean-side coast to the Huangpu River. Pudong s major commercial business areas are primarily focused in the bordering neighborhoods of Lujiazui and Zuyuan. Lujiazui was designed as China s financial services center and has consequently become the location for most banking and other financial related institutions. Zhuyuan is an extension of Lujiazui providing lower cost buildings further from the city core, but with access to 4 metro lines, it has become increasingly popular. Total Grade A Office Supply 1.78 million sq.m Average Rent (Gross) Grade A 10.5/sq.m/day Grade B 8.7/sq.m/day Current Vacancy 4.0% Metro Lines Line 2 Line 4 Line 6 Line 9

Pu Dong (Lujiazui, Zhuyuan) 60 26 49 36 14 3 15 5 28 33 39 31 47 45 44 4 71 13 58 1210 61 38 64 59 52 46 2 62 67 56 18 7 54 72 24 23 22 35 17 29 41 66 65 3750 73 68 63 48 30 76 55 16 19 6 32 27 1 53 57 25 11 9 20 21 69 43 8 70 74 51 77 34 42 40 78 75

Pu Dong (Lujiazui, Zhuyuan) 1 All China Information Building 全 华 信 息 大 厦 2 Aurora Plaza 震 旦 广 场 3 AZIA Centre 汇 亚 大 厦 4 Bank of China Tower 中 银 大 厦 5 Bank of Shanghai Tower 上 海 银 行 大 厦 6 Bao An Tower 宝 安 大 厦 7 BEA Tower 东 亚 银 行 金 融 大 厦 8 Century Business Mansion 双 鸽 大 厦 9 Chamtime International Finance Mansion 长 泰 国 际 金 融 大 厦 10 China Development Bank Tower 国 家 开 发 银 行 大 厦 11 China Fortune Tower 中 建 大 厦 12 China Insurance Building 中 保 大 厦 13 China Merchants Tower 招 商 局 大 厦 14 China Min Sheng Bank Tower 民 生 银 行 大 厦 15 China Ping An Finance Tower 中 国 平 安 金 融 大 厦 16 China Resources Times Square 时 代 广 场 17 CITIC Pent-Ox Metropolis 中 信 五 牛 城 18 Citigroup Tower 花 旗 集 团 大 厦 19 Colbert 88 中 融 恒 瑞 大 厦 20 Diamond Centre 钻 石 大 厦 21 East Hope Plaza 东 方 希 望 大 厦 22 Eton Place 裕 景 国 际 商 务 广 场 23 Fortune Plaza 财 富 广 场 24 Fu Du Building 富 都 大 厦 25 Gezhouba Headquarters 葛 洲 坝 总 部 大 厦 26 Golden Landmark 黄 金 置 地 广 场 27 Hongjia Tower 宏 嘉 大 厦 28 HSBC Tower 汇 丰 银 行 大 厦 29 Hua Chen Finance Mansion 华 辰 金 融 大 厦 30 Hua Du Mansion 华 都 大 厦 31 Hua Neng Union Tower 华 能 联 合 大 厦 32 Hua Rong Tower 华 融 大 厦 33 Huaxia Bank Tower 华 夏 银 行 大 厦 34 Hui Shang Building 汇 商 大 厦 35 International Shipping & Finance Centre 国 际 航 运 金 融 中 心 36 Jasper Tower 碧 玉 蓝 天 37 Jin Hui Plaza 金 辉 广 场 38 Jin Mao Tower 金 茂 大 厦 39 Jin Sui Mansion 金 穗 大 厦 40 Kerry Parkside 嘉 里 浦 东 城 41 Lucky Mansion 乐 凯 大 厦 42 Lu Jia Zui Chun Yi Building 陆 家 嘴 纯 一 大 厦 43 Lujiazui Fund Building 陆 家 嘴 基 金 大 厦 44 Majesty Building 永 华 大 厦 45 Marine Tower 船 舶 大 厦 46 Mirae Asset Tower 未 来 资 产 大 厦 47 New Shanghai International Tower 新 上 海 国 际 大 厦 48 Nextage Business Centre 新 世 纪 办 公 中 心 49 One Lujiazui 锦 江 迪 生 商 厦 50 Oriental Financial 东 方 金 融 广 场 51 POS Plaza 浦 项 广 场 52 Pufa Tower 浦 发 大 厦 53 Rui Zheng Building (Century Square) 瑞 证 大 厦 SOHO 世 纪 广 场 54 Shanghai 21 Century Tower 二 十 一 世 纪 中 心 大 厦 55 Shanghai Bay 上 海 湾 56 Shanghai Centre 上 海 中 心 57 Shanghai Future Tower 期 货 大 厦 58 Shanghai IFC 上 海 国 金 中 心 59 Shanghai Information Tower 上 海 信 息 大 楼 60 Shanghai Poly Plaza 保 利 广 场 61 Shanghai Stock Exchange Building 上 海 证 券 大 厦 62 Shanghai World Finance Centre 环 球 金 融 中 心 63 Sino Life Tower 生 命 人 寿 大 厦 64 Standard Chartered Tower 渣 打 银 行 大 厦 65 Suncome Cimic Tower 胜 康 斯 米 克 大 厦 66 Suncome Liauw's Tower 胜 康 廖 氏 大 厦 67 Tai Ping Finance Tower 太 平 金 融 中 心 68 Tomson Financial Centre 汤 臣 金 融 中 心 69 Tong Sheng Building 同 盛 大 厦 70 UC Tower 城 建 国 际 中 心 71 Wan Xiang Plaza 万 向 大 厦 72 World Plaza 世 界 广 场 73 Xin Mei Union Building 新 梅 联 合 大 厦 74 Yi Bai Shan Shan Building 一 百 杉 杉 大 厦 75 You You Plaza 由 由 广 场 76 Yu An Building 裕 安 大 厦 77 Zhong Da Plaza 中 达 广 场 78 Zizhu International Tower 紫 竹 国 际 大 厦

Xu Hui (Xujiahui) Home to the St. Ignatius Cathedral, Xujiahui was once a Catholic stronghold in East Asia and is now the district s commercial hub and a popular shopping destination. Xuhui spans from the former French Concession down to Minhang district, where the sought after business park Caohejing is located. Xuhui is expanding its commercial presence, notably with Sun Hung Kai s landmark ICC (IPAM) and soon to be ITC. Total Grade A Office Supply 428,000 sq.m Average Rent (Gross) Grade A 9.0/sq.m/day Grade B 7.8/sq.m/day Current Vacancy 4.5% Metro Lines Line 1 Line 4 Line 7 Line 9 Line 10

Xu Hui (Xujiahui) 2 40 48 32 1 9 26 15 37 30 28 38 33 39 11 27 42 25 19 23 47 24 22 29 31 5 18 44 50 17 12 8 41 6 34 4 43 21 14 3 35 49 10 36 7 13 16 45 20 46

Xu Hui (Xujiahui) 1 3 Fenyang Road 汾 阳 路 3 号 2 A Mansion 悟 锦 世 纪 大 厦 3 Ascendas Plaza 腾 飞 大 厦 4 Belle International Plaza 百 丽 国 际 广 场 5 Charity Plaza 圣 爱 广 场 6 City Gateway 汇 智 广 场 7 Cross Region Plaza 飞 洲 国 际 广 场 8 CURA International Center 中 城 国 际 大 厦 9 Evergo Tower 爱 美 高 大 厦 10 Feng Lin International Plaza 枫 林 国 际 广 场 11 Golden Plaza 金 钟 大 厦 12 Grand Gateway 66 Tower I & II 港 汇 广 场 一 期 二 期 13 Guang Qi City 光 启 城 14 Hongwell Building 宏 汇 大 厦 15 Huai Hai International Plaza 淮 海 国 际 广 场 16 Hua Yi Plaza 华 宜 大 厦 17 Hui Center 联 峰 汇 18 Hui Jia Building 汇 嘉 大 厦 19 Hui Jin International Plaza 汇 京 国 际 广 场 20 Hui Yang Plaza 汇 阳 广 场 21 Hui Yin Building 汇 银 广 场 22 Industrial Investment Building 上 海 实 业 大 厦 23 Jian Hui Building 建 汇 大 厦 24 Fei Diao International Building 飞 雕 国 际 大 厦 25 Jun Yao International Plaza 均 瑶 国 际 广 场 26 K.Wah Centre 嘉 华 中 心 27 Kuen Yang International Business Plaza 坤 阳 国 际 商 务 广 场 28 Light Industry Science Mansion 轻 科 大 厦 29 Metro Tower 美 罗 大 厦 30 Ming Yuan Century City 明 园 世 纪 城 31 Novel Centre 永 新 中 心 32 Qi Hua Mansion 启 华 大 厦 33 Qing Gong Building 轻 工 大 厦 34 SCG Honghui Business Plaza 建 工 汇 豪 商 务 广 场 35 Shanghai Film Plaza 电 影 广 场 36 Shanghai Greenland Centre 上 海 绿 地 中 心 37 Shanghai ICC 环 贸 广 场 38 Shanghai Loft 尚 街 39 Sun Tong Infoport Plaza 申 通 信 息 广 场 40 The Centre 世 纪 商 贸 大 厦 41 Urban Development International Tower 城 开 国 际 大 厦 42 Wu Zhou International Building 五 洲 国 际 大 厦 43 X2 Creative Centre X2 创 意 空 间 44 Xu Hui Base 徐 汇 Base 45 Xuhui Garden Building 徐 汇 苑 大 厦 46 Xu Hui Vanke Center 徐 汇 万 科 中 心 47 Xujiahui International Building 徐 家 汇 国 际 大 厦 48 Yun Hai Building 云 海 大 厦 49 Zhao Feng Universe Building 兆 丰 环 球 大 厦 50 Zhong Jin Plaza 中 金 国 际 广 场

Chang Ning (Hongqiao) Located on the western side of central Shanghai, Changning is a more suburban commercial district than Jing an, Huangpu, and Xuhui. Over the last 10 years Changning has undergone substantial gentrification, resulting in an increase of Grade A office space. Still consisting of mostly Grade B and C buildings, this district is desirable for its attractive rental rates, and proximity to the Hongqiao Transportation Hub. Total Grade A Office Supply 749,000 sq.m Average Rent (Gross) Grade A 7.5/sq.m/day Grade B 5.8/sq.m/day Current Vacancy 7.4% Metro Lines Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 10

Chang Ning (Hongqiao) 5 4 27 41 35 42 12 18 25 11 3 15 29 26 39 13 8 31 7 20 2 16 1 10 33 14 24 19 22 32 36 23 30 38 40 34 21 37 17 9 43 28 6 1 Aetna Tower 安泰大厦 26 Plaza Hyundai 现代广场 2 Biology Building 生物大厦 27 Raffles City Chang Ning 长宁来福士 3 Chang Yu Building 长裕大厦 28 Red Town 红坊 4 Cloud Nine Plaza 龙之梦大厦 29 Shanghai Arch 金虹桥广场 5 Commerce Spirit 绿地商务大厦 30 Shanghai International Trade Centre 上海国际贸易中心 6 Conch Building 海螺大厦 31 Shanghai Mart Office Tower 上海世贸商城 7 Dawning Centre 东银中心 32 Shartex Plaza 协泰大厦 8 Far East International Plaza 远东国际广场 33 Sheng Gao International Mansion 盛高国际大厦 9 Gubei International Fortune Centre 古北国际财富中心 34 Summit Centre 长峰中心 10 Hongqiao Shanghai City Centre 虹桥上海城 35 Sunyoung Centre 舜元 企业发展大厦 11 Hua Min Empire Plaza 华敏翰尊国际 36 Super Ocean Finance Centre 仲盛金融中心 12 Hua Ning International Plaza 华宁国际广场 37 The Treasury Building 财瑞大厦 13 Kirin Plaza 嘉麒大厦 38 Union Development Building 华联发展大厦 14 L Avenue 尚嘉中心 39 V-Capital 东方维京大厦 15 Lei Shing International Plaza 利星国际广场 40 Yu Feng International Tower 裕丰国际大厦 16 Long Life Building 龙峰大厦 41 Zhao Feng Square 兆丰广场 17 Manpo International Business Centre 万宝国际商务中心 42 Zhao Feng World Trade Building 兆丰世贸大厦 18 Manpo International Plaza 万宝国际大厦 43 Zhongshan Plaza 中山广场 19 Maxdo Centre 万都中心 20 Metro Plaza 长房国际广场 21 Metrobank Plaza 首信银都国际广场 22 New Town Centre 新虹桥中心大厦 23 New Town Mansion 新虹桥大厦 24 Orient International Building 东方国际大厦 25 Pacific Centre 太平洋企业中心

About APP About Founded in 1985, is Asia s premiere real estate and relocation company, headquartered in Hong Kong with key offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, from where we currently provide service to over 20 cities throughout China. Corporate Relocation & Real Estate: Established in 2015, Mobility (APP Mobility) is the restructured global mobility and real estate division of. APP Mobility is recognized for customizing comprehensive programs delivered by bi-lingual & multicultural professionals. Services include in-depth Orientations & Homesearch, valueadded Schooling & Visa assistance, Cross-cultural Business training and Tenancy & Expense Management. Commercial Real Estate: We assist with Office and Industrial needs and can help source, lease, acquire and dispose of facilities across China and elsewhere in Asia. Our solutions are designed to achieve lower costs, improve the effective use of property and enhance value. Local & International Residential Brokerage: We provide full market coverage, with real dedication to clients and the negotiation process. Our residential brokerage subsidiary, OKAY.com -- meaning Home in Cantonese -- leads in the Hong Kong market by providing clients with better information, accurate listings and exceptional level of service to clients. Our global reach and influence is extended through memberships with GVA Worldwide, Luxury Portfolio, Worldwide ERC & EuRA. With highly trained bilingual staff positioned in strategic locations in Hong Kong and China, is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and best business practices.

Contact Information commercial@ www. HEADQUARTERS 14/F Wilson House 19-27 Wyndham Street Central, Hong Kong tel +852 2281 7800 fax +852 2810 6981 EAA License: C-002320 SHANGHAI OFFICE Suite 601 Plaza 66 Phase 2 1366 Nanjing Xi Road Shanghai 200040 P.R. China tel +8621 6288 7333 fax +8621 6288 7371 Beverly LW Sunn President sunn@ Joshua Miller Director joshua.miller@ Albert Chan Manager - Hong Kong Commercial Division albert.chan@ BEIJING OFFICE Unit 703A The Exchange Beijing 118B Jian Guo Lu, Chao Yang Beijing 100022 P.R. China tel +8610 6567 8177 fax +8610 6567 8171 Roland Burton Associate Director - Shanghai Commercial Division roland.burton@ GUANGZHOU OFFICE Unit 841 The Garden Tower 368 Huanshi Dong Lu Guangzhou 510064 P.R. China tel +8620 8365 2922 fax +8620 8365 2923 Geoffrey Guo Manager - Shanghai Commercial Division geoffrey.guo@ Joyce He Assistant Manager - Shanghai Commercial Division joyce.he@ GVA Worldwide is a growing partnership of independent commercial real estate companies serving over 50 markets throughout Europe and Asia. For further information visit www.gvaworldwide.com GVA Worldwide optimises client portfolios locally and around the world. It serves the real estate needs of clients including occupiers, multi-national corporations, major space users, developers, owners, institutions, lenders and investors. Copyright 2015 Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of. Disclaimer: Maps and other material presented herein are for illustrative purposes only, are not to scale. The particulars are set as a general guide. Although every care has been taken to ensure that the information is correct at the time of printing, prospective lessees are advised to satisfy themselves on the accuracy of all statements. Maps Source: Map of Shanghai, retrieved on 4 June 2015, from website Google Maps http://maps.google.com