惠康及特色店舖推廣計劃 ( 此推廣計劃 ) 之條款及細則 A. 惠康及特色店舖即減折扣優惠 ( 優惠 1 ) 之條款及細則 : 1. 此優惠由 2019 年 1 月 4 日至 2 月 24 日逢週五至週日 ( 包括首尾兩日 ), 而詳情則詳列於下列條款 5( 優惠 1 之推廣期 ) 2. 客戶須於推

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惠康及特色店舖推廣計劃 ( 此推廣計劃 ) 之條款及細則 A. 惠康及特色店舖即減折扣優惠 ( 優惠 1 ) 之條款及細則 : 1. 此優惠由 2019 年 1 月 4 日至 2 月 24 日逢週五至週日 ( 包括首尾兩日 ), 而詳情則詳列於下列條款 5( 優惠 1 之推廣期 ) 2. 客戶須於推廣期內以渣打銀行 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 ( 本行 ) 發行之信用卡, 包括渣打信用卡及其聯營卡 MANHATTAN 信用卡及其聯營卡 ( 不包括渣打公司信用卡及渣打商務卡 )( 合資格信用卡 ) 作合資格簽賬, 方可參與此優惠 3. 渣打銀聯雙幣白金信用卡及渣打 WorldMiles 卡客戶只可於接受該卡簽賬之商戶享此優惠 4. 客戶須以合資格信用卡於香港惠康超級市場 Market Place by Jasons 3hreesixty Oliver's The Delicatessen Jasons Food & Living 或 Jasons ichiba 分店 ( 商戶 ) 簽賬, 方可享此優惠 所有單一合資格簽賬 ( 定義見條款 5) 須於推廣期内誌賬, 有關日期以信用卡賬戶之月結單上的交易日期計算 5. 客戶於推廣期內之指定日子以合資格信用卡於商戶作單一簽賬滿 HK$500 ( 單一合資格簽賬 ), 可獲享相關之即時折扣 ( 見下表 ) 參與商戶簽賬日合資格信用卡單一合資即時折格簽賬金扣額惠康超級市場 Market Place by Jasons 3hreesixty Oliver's The 週五 六至週 HK$500 所有合資格信用卡 HK$40 Delicatessen 日或以上 Jasons Food & Living 或 Jasons ichiba 分店 6. 此優惠從單一合資格簽賬總金額中即時扣減, 客戶只須繳付賬單餘額 7. 此優惠不適用於商戶購買預訂貨品及所有初生嬰兒配方奶粉 ( 一號嬰兒奶粉 ) 8. 所有取消 退款 偽造或未誌賬的交易, 均不會計算在簽賬金額內 即減折扣會在所有取消或退款之簽賬一併取消或退回 9. 以下交易不會計算於或被視為單一合資格簽賬, 有關客戶並不會獲享此優惠, 包括任何 : 購買購物 / 現金禮券 塑膠購物袋收費 送貨收費 印花推廣活動之換購品 儲值或增值服務 提款服務 電話 傳真 電子郵件 網上訂購或網購店取的簽賬 沒有簽賬存根之交易 任何分拆簽賬之交易及其他未經許可之簽賬均不適用於此優惠 所有取消 退款 偽造或未誌賬的交易, 均不會計算在簽賬金額內 任何折扣優惠會在所有取消或退款之簽賬一併取消或退回予商戶 10. 此優惠以單一簽賬計算 即減折扣會按照於推廣期内單一合資格簽賬的交易日期及誌賬日期計算 誌賬日期以月結單上之交易日期計算 任何由商戶引致之誌賬日期延誤, 本行恕不承擔任何責任 11. 膠袋收費不計算為購物金額 ( 如適用 ), 所以將不計算入單一合資格簽賬內 送貨費用 ( 如適用 ) 使用購物禮券及其他折扣亦不計算入單一合資格簽賬內 12. 即減折扣後之單一合資格簽賬賬單餘額必須為 HK$500 或以上, 方可享免費送貨服務 貨品須於訂貨日後 14 天內送貨方可享此優惠

13. 除特別註明外, 優惠 1 不可與任何其他推廣優惠同時使用 14. 此優惠不可兌換現金及不可轉讓 15. 此優惠不適用於大量購物之交易 16. 所有指定印花派發, 將以折扣後之消費金額計算 17. 所有相片及產品資料只供參考 18. 客戶不可累積或日後使用此優惠 19. 客戶必須保留單一合資格簽賬之交易紀錄予本行作核對之用 交易紀錄包括於商戶簽賬存根正本 如有任何爭議, 客戶必須提供有關交易紀錄, 以便本行作進一步調查 所有已遞交之有關文件將不獲發還 20. 客戶明白及接納所有商戶的產品 / 服務並非由本行所提供 因此, 有關商戶 其員工及其供應商於此優惠所提供的各項產品 / 服務的各方面 ( 包括但不只限於質素 供應量 商戶的產品說明及 / 或其服務 虛假商品說明 不實的陳述 誤導 遺漏 未經授權的陳述 不良營商手法或誘導 ), 本行理應毋須負上任何責任 21. 本行及商戶保留隨時更改 延長或終止此優惠, 以及修訂條款及細則之權利 如對有關此優惠之條款及細則有任何爭議, 本行及商戶將保留最終決定權 22. 如中英文條款有所差異, 一概以英文版本為準 B. 惠康及 Market Place by Jasons 網上超市即減折扣優惠 ( 優惠 2 ) 之條款及細則 : 1. 此優惠之推廣期由 2019 年 1 月 4 日至 2 月 24 日逢週五至週日 ( 包括首尾兩日 )( 優惠 2 之推廣 期 ) 2. 客戶須於優惠 2 之推廣期內以渣打銀行 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 ( 本行 ) 發行之信用卡, 包括渣打信用卡及其 聯營卡 MANHATTAN 信用卡及其聯營卡 ( 不包括渣打銀聯雙幣白金信用卡 渣打公司信用卡及渣打 商務卡 )( 合資格信用卡 ) 作合資格簽賬, 方可參與此優惠 3. 客戶須以合資格信用卡於 惠康為您送 (www.wellcome.com.hk) 或 Market Place by Jasons 網上 品味超市 (www.marketplacebyjasons.com) ( 網上超市 ) 簽賬, 方可享有優惠 4. 客戶於優惠 2 之推廣期內以合資格信用卡於條款 3 所列之網上超市作單一簽賬滿 HK$1,000( 單一合 資格簽賬 ), 可獲享相關之即時折扣 ( 見下表 ) 參與商戶 簽賬日 單一合資格簽賬金額 即時折扣 惠康為您送 (www.wellcome.com.hk) 或 Market Place by Jasons 網上品味超市 (www.marketplacebyjasons.com) 週五至週日 HK$1,000 或以上 HK$80 5. 要獲享上述網上超市優惠, 須於 2019 年 1 月 4 日 (00:00 起 ) 至 2 月 24 日 (23:59 止 ) 成功登入網上超市進行並成功完成網上購物交易 6. 此優惠從單一合資格簽賬之賬單總金額中即時扣減, 客戶只須繳付賬單餘額 7. 此優惠不適用於網上超市購買燕窩 雞精 指定禮物籃 預訂貨品 所有初生嬰兒配方奶粉 ( 一號嬰兒奶粉 ) 嬰幼兒奶粉及嬰幼兒尿片 8. 所有取消 退款 偽造或未誌賬的交易, 均不會計算在簽賬金額內 即減折扣會在所有取消或退款之簽賬一併取消或退回 2

9. 以下交易不會計算於或被視為單一合資格簽賬, 有關客戶並不會獲享此優惠, 包括任何 : 購買購物 / 現金禮券 塑膠購物袋收費 送貨收費 印花推廣活動之換購品 儲值或增值服務 提款服務 電話 傳真 電子郵件 網上訂購或網購店取的簽賬 沒有簽賬存根之交易 任何分拆簽賬之交易及其他未經許可之簽賬均不適用於此優惠 所有取消 退款 偽造或未誌賬的交易, 均不會計算在簽賬金額內 任何折扣優惠會在所有取消或退款之簽賬一併取消或退回予商戶 10. 此優惠以單一簽賬計算 即減折扣會按照於優惠 2 之推廣期内單一合資格簽賬的交易日期及誌賬日期計算 誌賬日期以月結單上之交易日期計算 任何由商戶引致之誌賬日期延誤, 本行恕不承擔任何責任 11. 膠袋收費不計算為購物金額 ( 如適用 ), 所以將不計算入單一合資格簽賬內 送貨費用 ( 如適用 ) 使用購物禮券及其他折扣亦不計算入單一合資格簽賬內 12. 即減折扣後之賬單餘額必須為 HK$500 或以上, 方可享免費送貨服務 貨品須於訂貨日後 14 天內送貨方可享此優惠 13. 就任何一項網上超市交易而言, 每單一貨品 (SKU) 的最高訂購額為 HK$3,000 所有訂購均須經網上超市按其絕對酌情決定作出的接納並須視存貨供應情況, 方可作實 由於產品缺乏存貨 替換 特別優惠 價格每日變更和磅量產品等原因, 網上顯示的賬單可能會與最終賬單並非一致 網上超市保留權利, 可對網上賬單作出調整, 相關的調整會在送貨時向客戶提供的最終賬單上列明 當產品出現缺乏存貨問題, 網上超市會透過電話或電郵通知客戶, 送貨時間亦有機會需要更改 14. 網上超市網站受有關使用及送貨條款及細則約束 詳情請向參與商戶查詢 15. 除特別註明外, 優惠 2 不可與任何其他推廣優惠同時使用 16. 此優惠不可兌換現金及不可轉讓 17. 此優惠不適用於大量購物之交易 18. 所有指定印花派發, 將以折扣後之消費金額計算 19. 所有相片及產品資料只供參考 20. 客戶不可累積或日後使用此優惠 21. 客戶必須保留單一合資格簽賬之交易紀錄予本行作核對之用 交易紀錄包括於商戶簽賬存根正本及 / 或由指定網站發出之交易確認電郵 如有任何爭議, 客戶必須提供有關交易紀錄, 以便本行作進一步調查 所有已遞交之有關文件將不獲發還 22. 客戶明白及接納所有商戶的產品 / 服務並非由本行所提供 因此, 有關商戶 其員工及其供應商於此優惠提供的各項產品 / 服務的各方面 ( 包括但不只限於質素 供應量 商戶的產品說明及 / 或其服務 虛假商品說明 不實的陳述 誤導 遺漏 未經授權的陳述 不良營商手法或誘導 ), 本行理應毋須負上任何責任 23. 本行及商戶保留隨時更改 延長或終止優惠, 以及修訂條款及細則之權利 如對有關此優惠之條款及細則有任何爭議, 本行及商戶將保留最終決定權 24. 如中英文條款有所差異, 一概以英文版本為準 C. Market Place by Jasons 及特色店舖節日禮物籃 9 折 ( 優惠 3 ) 之條款及細則 : 1. 此優惠之推廣期由 2019 年 1 月 1 日至 2 月 24 日 ( 包括首尾兩日 ) ( 優惠 3 之推廣期 ) 2. 客戶須於優惠 3 之推廣期內以渣打銀行 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 ( 本行 ) 發行之信用卡, 包括渣打信用卡及其聯營卡 MANHATTAN 信用卡及其聯營卡 ( 不包括渣打公司信用卡及渣打商務卡 )( 合資格信用卡 ) 作合資格簽賬, 方可參與此優惠 3. 渣打銀聯雙幣白金信用卡及渣打 WorldMiles 卡客戶只可於接受該卡簽賬之商戶享此優惠 3

4. 客戶須以合資格信用卡於香港 Market Place by Jasons 3hreesixty Jasons Food & Living 及 / 或 Jasons ichiba 分店 ( 商戶 ) 簽賬, 方可享有優惠 所有單一合資格簽賬 ( 定義見下列條款 6) 須於優惠 3 之推廣期內誌賬, 誌賬日期以月結單上之交易日期計算 5. 客戶於優惠 3 之推廣期內之任何日子以合資格信用卡於條款 4 所列之商戶購買指定聖誕或農曆新年禮物籃滿 HK$1,000 並作單一簽賬, 可享 9 折優惠 訂購時須全數付款 6. 此優惠從賬單總金額中即時扣減, 客戶只須繳付賬單餘額 7. 所有取消 退款 偽造或未誌賬的交易, 均不會計算在簽賬金額內 優惠會在所有取消或退款之簽賬一併取消或退回 8. 此優惠以單一簽賬計算 優惠會按單一合資格簽賬的交易日期計算 9. 膠袋收費不計算為購物金額 ( 如適用 ), 所以將不計算入單一合資格簽賬內 送貨費用 ( 如適用 ) 使用購物禮券及其他折扣亦不計算入單一合資格簽賬內 10. 即減折扣後之賬單餘額必須為 HK$500 或以上, 方可享免費送貨服務 貨品須於訂貨日後 14 天內送貨方可享此優惠 11. 此優惠不適用於大量購物之交易 12. 所有指定印花派發, 將以折扣後之消費金額計算 13. 此優惠不適用於分拆簽賬之交易 14. 訂購一經接納, 恕不可更改或取消, 包括訂購項目 送貨地點 時間及日期 所繳付之款項概不退還 15. 此優惠只適用於指定產品 貨品數量有限, 部份貨品只限指定店舖提供, 售 / 送 / 換完即止 如個別貨款暫時缺貨, 將以相同價錢或同類貨品代替 請向參與商戶查詢店舖地址 貨品及其他信息 所有價格以店舖為準 16. 除特別註明外, 優惠 3 不可與其他優惠 / 禮遇同時使用 17. 此優惠不適用於電話 電郵或傳真購物服務 18. 如產品價格調整或更改產品款式, 恕不另行通知 19. 此優惠不可兌換現金及不可轉讓 20. 所有相片及產品資料只供參考 21. 客戶不可累積或日後使用此優惠 22. 客戶必須保留有關之交易單據及信用卡簽賬存根正本以作核對之用 如有任何爭議, 客戶必須提供有關之交易單據 簽賬存根正本及 / 或其他相關文件或證據, 以便本行作進一步調查 所有已遞交之有關文件將不獲發還 23. 客戶明白及接納所有商戶的產品 / 服務並非由本行所提供 因此, 有關參與商戶 其員工及其供應商於此優惠提供的各項產品 / 服務的各方面 ( 包括但不只限於質素 供應量 商戶的產品說明及 / 或其服務 虛假商品說明 不實的陳述 誤導 遺漏 未經授權的陳述 不良營商手法或誘導 ), 本行理應毋須負上任何責任 24. 本行及商戶保留隨時更改 延長或終止優惠, 以及修訂條款及細則之權利 如對有關優惠的條款及細則有任何爭議, 本行及商戶將保留最終決定權 25. 如中英文條款有所差異, 一概以英文版本為準 4

Terms and Conditions of Wellcome and Upscale Stores Promotion (the Promotion ) A. Terms and Conditions of Instant Discount at Wellcome and Upscale Stores (the "Offer 1"): 1. The Offer is valid on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 4 January to 24 February 2019 (both dates inclusive) and as more particularly provided for in clause 5 below (the Promotion Period ). 2. To be eligible for the offer, cardholders are required to make transactions with credit cards issued by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank"), including Standard Chartered Credit Card and its Co-branded Card, MANHATTAN Credit Card and its Co-branded Card (except Standard Chartered Corporate Card and Standard Chartered Business Card) (each an "Eligible Card"), and as provided for under these terms and conditions. 3. Cardholders settling payment with Standard Chartered UnionPay Dual Currency Platinum Credit Card and Standard Chartered WorldMiles Card are also eligible for the offer provided that the merchant s relevant shops accept them for payment. 4. Cardholders are required to settle payment with the Eligible Cards for spending made at Wellcome Supermarket, Market Place by Jasons, 3hreesixty, Oliver's The Delicatessen, Jasons Food & Living, or Jasons ichiba stores in Hong Kong (the "Merchant s stores"). The transaction date and post date of the Single Eligible Transaction (as defined in Clause 5 below) as appear on the credit card monthly statement must be within the Promotion Period. 5. Cardholders who make retail purchase based on a single transaction of HK$500 or above at the Merchant s stores as provided in Clause 4 with the Eligible Cards on a designated date during the Promotion Period (the Single Eligible Transaction ) may be entitled to the respective instant discount as more particularly set out in the table below: Applicable Merchants Wellcome Supermarket, Market Place by Jasons, 3hreesixty, Oliver's The Delicatessen, Jasons Food & Living or Jasons ichiba stores Eligible Transaction Days Eligible Cards Single Eligible Transaction Amount Instant Discount Every Friday, Saturday & Sunday All Eligible Cards HK$500 or above HK$40 6. Cardholders are required to pay the remaining balance of the Single Eligible Transaction after the instant discount entitlement is deducted from the total amount payable for the transaction. 7. The Offer is not applicable to purchases of pre-order items and all infant milk powder (stage 1) at the Merchant s stores. 8. Any unposted/ cancelled/ refunded/ falsified transactions are also excluded. Instant discount will be cancelled along with any cancelled or reversed transactions. 9. Each of the following transactions shall be excluded for the purposes of determining a Single Eligible Transaction, and the Offer will not be applicable to any purchase of gift / cash vouchers, charges on plastic shopping bags, delivery charges, any redemption merchandise for any stamp collection program or promotion, reloads, top up, recharging or value-added services, cash withdrawal service, orders made by phone, fax, email / online / Click & Collect services, all other transactions without sales slips, any split transactions, any unauthorized transactions and any unposted/ cancelled/ refunded/ falsified transactions. Any instant discount which is applied to a transaction which should be excluded from being a Single Eligible Transaction shall be immediately refunded by the customer to the merchant. 10. The Offer applies to Single Eligible Transactions on one single sales slip. The instant discount entitlement is determined by the transaction and posting date of the Single Eligible Transaction as appeared on the credit card monthly statement which must be within the Promotion Period of Offer 1. The Bank will not be responsible for any delay in posting of the transaction by the merchants. 5

11. The plastic shopping bag charges will be excluded from the Single Eligible Transaction for this Offer. The amount of delivery charges, use of gift vouchers and other discount privileges will not be taken into account when calculating the Single Eligible Transaction. 12. To qualify for free delivery service, the remaining balance of the transaction must be HK$500 or above after the instant discount entitlement is deducted from the total amount payable for the Single Eligible Transaction. Goods delivery must take place within 14 days from the purchase order date to be eligible for the Offer. 13. Unless otherwise specified, Offer 1 cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. 14. The Offer is not redeemable for cash, exchangeable or transferable. 15. The Offer is not applicable to any bulk purchases. 16. The amount of stamps issued is calculated on final purchase total after the instant discount. 17. Photos and product details are for reference only. 18. The Offer cannot be accumulated or saved for future use. 19. Cardholders are required to keep the transaction record(s) of the Single Eligible Transaction for verification, where required, which include(s) the original merchant receipts. In case of disputes, cardholders are required to submit the relevant transaction records for further investigation by the Bank. All relevant documents submitted to the Bank will not be returned. 20. Cardholders understand and accept that the Bank is not the supplier of the products/services purchased from the merchants. The Bank shall bear no liability relating to any aspect of the products/services, including without limitation, their quality, the supply, the descriptions of goods and/or services provided by the merchants, any false trade description, misrepresentation, mis-statement, omission, unauthorized representation, unfair trade practices or conduct in connection with this Promotion of the offers or in making available the offers or the products and/or services under the Promotion, by the merchants, their employees, officers or agents. 21. The Bank and the merchants reserve the right to alter, extend or terminate this offer and amend the terms and conditions at any time. All matters or disputes in connection with the promotion/ offers set out in these terms and conditions will be subject to the final decision of the Bank and the merchants. 22. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. B. Terms and Conditions of Instant Discount at Wellcome Delivers and Market Place Delivers (the "Offer 2"): 1. Offer 2 is valid on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 4 January to 24 February 2019 (both dates inclusive) (the Promotion Period of Offer 2 ). 2. To be eligible for the Offer 2, cardholders are required to make transactions with credit cards issued by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank"), including Standard Chartered Credit Card and its Co-branded Card, MANHATTAN Credit Card and its Co-branded Card (except Standard Chartered UnionPay Dual Currency Platinum Credit Card, Standard Chartered Corporate Card and Standard Chartered Business Card) ("Eligible Cards"), and as provided for under these terms and conditions. 3. Cardholders are required to settle payment with the Eligible Cards for spending made at Wellcome Delivers (www.wellcome.com.hk) or Market Place Delivers (www.marketplacebyjasons.com) (the "Online Supermarkets"). 4. Cardholders who make online purchase based on a single transaction of HKD1,000 or above at the Online Supermarkets as provided in Clause 3 with the Eligible Cards during the Promotion Period of Offer 2 (the Single Eligible Transaction ) may be entitled to the respective instant discount as more particularly set out in the tables below: Applicable Merchants Eligible Transaction Days Single Eligible Transaction Amount Instant Discount Wellcome Delivers (www.wellcome.com.hk) or Market Place Delivers (www.marketplacebyjasons.com) Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays HKD1,000 or above HKD80 6

5. To enjoy the above Online Supermarkets offer, the cardholders are required to access and complete the Single Eligible Transaction successfully online on Wellcome Delivers or Market Place Delivers from 4 January (starting at 00:00) to 24 February 2019 (ending at 23:59). The transaction date and posting date of the Single Eligible Transaction as appeared on the credit card monthly statement must be within the Promotion Period. 6. Cardholders are required to pay the remaining balance of the Single Eligible Transaction after the instant discount entitlement is deducted from the total amount payable for the transaction. 7. This offer is not applicable to purchases of bird s nest, chicken essences, selected gift hampers, pre-order items, all infant milk powder (stage 1), baby & toddler milk powder and baby & toddler diapers at the Online Supermarkets. 8. Any unposted/ cancelled/ refunded/ falsified transactions are also excluded. Instant discount will be cancelled along with any cancelled or reversed transactions. 9. Each of the following transactions shall be excluded for the purposes of determining a Single Eligible Transaction, and the Promotion will not be applicable to any: purchase of gift / cash vouchers, charges on plastic shopping bags, delivery charges, and any redemption merchandise for any stamp collection program or promotion shall be excluded, reloads, top up, recharging or value-added services, cash withdrawal service, orders made by phone, fax, email / online / Click & Collect services, all other transactions without sales slips, any split transactions, any unauthorized transactions and any unposted/ cancelled/ refunded/ falsified transactions. The instant discount which is applied to a transaction which should be excluded from being a Single Eligible Transaction shall be immediately refunded by the customer to the merchant. 10. This offer applies to Single Eligible Transactions on one single sales slip. The instant discount entitlement is determined by the transaction and posting date of the Single Eligible Transaction as appeared on the credit card monthly statement which must be within the Promotion Period of Offer 2. The Bank will not be responsible for any delay in posting of the transaction by the merchants. 11. The plastic shopping bag charges will be excluded from the Single Eligible Transaction for this Promotion. The amount of delivery charges, use of gift vouchers and other discount privileges will not be taken into account when calculating the Single Eligible Transaction. 12. To qualify for free delivery service, the remaining balance of the transaction must be HKD500 or above after the instant discount entitlement is deducted from the total amount payable for the Single Eligible Transaction. Goods delivery must take place within 14 days from the purchase order date to be eligible for the Promotion. 13. In each Online Supermarkets transaction, the maximum order quantity for one item (SKU) is HKD3,000. All orders are subject to Online Supermarkets acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability. There may be discrepancies between the on-line bill and the final bill due to out-of-stock products, substitutions, special offers, daily price changes and weighed items. Online Supermarkets reserve the right to adjust the on-line bill and such adjustments shall be marked on the final bill presented to the cardholders at the time of delivery. Online Supermarkets will notify cardholders by telephone call or email in the case where products are out-of-stock and orders might need to be re-scheduled to another delivery timeslot. 14. Terms and conditions of the merchants apply to the usage and delivery of Online Supermarkets. Please contact respective merchants for details. 15. Unless otherwise specified, Offer 2 cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. 16. This offer is not redeemable for cash, exchangeable or transferable. 17. This offer is not applicable to any bulk purchases. 18. The amount of stamps issued is calculated on final purchase total after the instant discount. 19. Photos and product details are for reference only. 20. This offer cannot be accumulated or saved for future use. 21. Cardholders are required to keep the transaction record(s) of the Single Eligible Transaction for verification. Transaction record(s) including the transaction confirmation email from the designated website, etc. In case of disputes, cardholders are required to submit the relevant transaction records for further investigation by the Bank. All relevant documents submitted to the Bank will not be returned. 22. Cardholders understand and accept that the Bank is not the supplier of the products/services purchased from the merchants. The Bank shall bear no liability relating to any aspect of the products/services, including without limitation, their quality, the supply, the descriptions of goods and/or services provided by the merchants, any false trade description, misrepresentation, mis-statement, omission, unauthorized representation, unfair trade practices or conduct in connection with this Promotion of the offers or in making available the offers or the products and/or services under the Promotion, by the merchants, their employees, officers or agents. 7

23. The Bank and the merchants reserve the right to alter, extend or terminate this offer and amend the terms and conditions at any time. All matters or disputes in connection with this offer set out in these terms and conditions will be subject to the final decision of the Bank and the merchants. 24. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. C. Terms and Conditions of 10% off Festive Hamper at Market Place by Jasons and Upscale Stores (the " Offer 3"): 1. Offer 3 is valid from 1 January to 24 February 2019 (both dates inclusive) (the Promotion Period of Offer 3 ). 2. To be eligible for the Offer 3, cardholders are required to make single transactions with credit cards issued by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank"), including Standard Chartered Credit Card and its Cobranded Card, MANHATTAN Credit Card and its Co-branded Card (except Standard Chartered Corporate Card and Standard Chartered Business Card) ("Eligible Cards"), and as provided for under these terms and conditions. 3. Cardholders settling payment with Standard Chartered UnionPay Dual Currency Platinum Credit Card and Standard Chartered WorldMiles Card are also eligible for the Festive Hamper Offer provided that the merchant s relevant shops accept them for payment. 4. Cardholders are required to settle payment with Eligible Cards for spending made at Market Place by Jasons, 3hreesixty, Jasons Food & Living and/or Jasons ichiba stores (the "Merchant s stores"). The transaction date and post date of the Single Eligible Transaction (as defined in Clause 6 below) as appear on the credit card monthly statement must be within the Promotion Period of Offer 3. 5. Cardholders who make retail purchase based on a single transaction of HKD1,000 or above on selected Christmas or Lunar New Year pre-packed hampers at the Merchant s stores as provided in Clause 4 with the Eligible Cards at any time during the Promotion Period of Offer 3 (the Single Eligible Transaction ) may be entitled to the 10% instant discount on that the transaction payment must be made in full when order is placed. 6. Cardholders are required to pay the remaining balance of the transaction after the instant discount entitlement is deducted from the total amount payable for the transaction. 7. Any unposted/ cancelled/ refunded/ falsified transactions are excluded. The Promotion will be cancelled or returned along with any cancelled or reversed transactions. 8. This offer applies to single transaction on one single sales slip. This offer is determined by the transaction date of the Single Eligible Transaction. 9. The plastic shopping bag charges will be excluded from the Single Eligible Transaction for this offer. The amount of delivery charges, use of gift vouchers and other discount privileges will not be taken into account when calculating the Single Eligible Transaction. 10. To qualify for free delivery service, the remaining balance of the transaction must be HKD500 or above after the instant discount entitlement is deducted from the total amount payable for the transaction. The goods delivery must be within 14 days from the purchase order date to eligible for the Festive Hamper Offer. 11. This offer does not apply to bulk purchases. 12. The amount of stamps issued is calculated on final purchase total after the discount. 13. This offer is not applicable to any split transactions. 14. Once the order is confirmed, amendment or cancellation is not allowed. The order items, delivery address, date and time cannot be changed. No refund is provided. 15. This offer applies to selected pre-packed hampers only. Certain selected pre-packed hampers are only available in designated store. The selected pre-packed hampers are limited in supply, available while stocks last. If any particular product is temporary out of stock, it will be replaced with another item of similar value or variety. Please contact the respective merchants for product information, store location and all other enquiries. The product price at the store shall prevail. 16. Unless otherwise specified, Offer 3 cannot be used in conjunction with other offer/ privileges. 17. This offer is not applicable to any transaction done over the phone, email or fax. 18. Prices and product varieties are subject to change without prior notice. 8

19. This offer is not redeemable for cash, exchangeable or transferable. 20. Photos and product details are for reference only. 21. This offer cannot be accumulated or saved for future use. 22. Cardholders are required to keep the relevant original sales receipts and credit card sales slips for inspection upon request by the Bank. In case of disputes, Cardholders are required to submit the relevant original sale receipt(s), credit card sales slip(s) and/or relevant documents or proofs for further investigation by the Bank. All relevant documents submitted to the Bank will not be returned. 23. Cardholders understand and accept that the Bank is not the supplier of the products/services purchased from the Merchant. The Bank shall bear no liability relating to any aspect of the products/services, including without limitation, their quality, the supply, the descriptions of goods and/or services provided by the Merchant, any false trade description, misrepresentation, mis-statement, omission, unauthorized representation, unfair trade practices or conduct in connection with this offer or in making available the offers or the products and/or services under the Promotion, by the Merchant, its employees, officers or agents. 24. The Bank and the Merchant reserve the right to alter, extend or terminate the offers and amend the terms and conditions at any time. All matters or disputes in connection with the Promotion/offers set out in these terms and conditions will be subject to the final decision of the Bank and the Merchant. 25. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. 9