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主要来源期刊 ( 来源出版物 ) 6 6

获基金资助情况 7 7

高产出的作者 蔡勖教授 8 8

华中师范大学被 Web of Science 检索的论文情况 地址 :cent china normal univ 或者 huazhong normal univ 检索限定条件 9

华中师范大学被 Web of Science 检索的论文情况 地址 :cent china normal univ 或者 huazhong normal univ 10

华中师范大学被 Web of Science 检索的论文情况 地址 :cent china normal univ 或者 huazhong normal univ 按不同要求分析检索结果 11

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利用 Web of Science 能为我们做什么? 科学研究的基本工作流程 做好科学研究掌握科技文献科技文献是前提 Synthesis of Amino Acids N O O 想法 (Idea) Synthesis of Amino Acids 文献寻找思路 (Find) Synthesis of Amino Acids 开题 1JACS 1995 2JOC 1987 确定方法 (Way) N 1JACS 1995 2JOC 1987 实验论证 (Test) 成果发现 (Discovery) 实践 (Practice) 13

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获取科技信息的 总路线 快速地 准确地 最有用的信息 15

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科研人员与科学信息的获取和利用 整个科研过程中合理利用文献 研究人员的文献平台可以由二次文献作为入口, 满足整体的需求 ; 然后, 通过这个入口来获取有用的高质量的全文期刊 ( 一 三次文献 ) 来满足纵深的研究需要 权威的参 科学的检 快速全面 考数据 索方式 的分析 17

提纲 Web of Science(SCI ( \ SSCI \ A&HCI) ) 数据库简介 科技文献对于科学研究的重要性 Web of Science 在科研中的价值和应用 案例一 : 生物燃料电池 案例二 : 基因靶向技术 案例三 : 石墨烯的相关研究 利用 Web of Science 跟踪课题的最新进展 利用 Web of Science /JCR 选择投稿期刊 18

提纲 Web of Science(SCI \ SSCI \ A&HCI) 数据库简介 科技文献对于科学研究的重要性 Web of Science 在科研中的价值和应用 案例一 : 生物燃料电池 案例二 : 基因靶向技术 案例三 : 石墨烯的相关研究 利用 Web of Science 跟踪课题的最新进展 利用 Web of Science \JCR 选择投稿期刊 19

ISI Web of Knowledge SM 引文索引简介 ISI (Institute for Scientific Information)- 美国科学信息研究 所, 一直从事提供高质量的学术研究信息 科学引文索引 (SCI) 就是其主要产品之一 ISI Web of Knowledge SM 是一个基于 Web 而构建的整合的 数字研究环境, 通过强大的检索技术和基于内容的连接能力, 将高质量的信息资源 独特的信息分析工具和专业的信息管 理软件无缝地整合在一起, 兼具知识的检索 提取 分析 评价 管理与发表等多项功能, 从而大大扩展和加深了信息 检索的广度与深度, 加速科学发现与创新的进程 20

Web of Knowledge SM 引文索引简介 在内容上,Web of Knowledge SM 以 Web of Science (ISI 著名的三 大引文索引 Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index ) 为核心 有效地整合了学术期刊 (Web of Science, Current Contents Connect ) 发明专利 (Derwent Innovations Index ) 化学反应 (Current Chemical Reactions, IndexChemicus) 学术专著 (Current Contents Connect ) 研究基金 (esearch) Internet 学术 资源 ( External Collections) ) 学术分析与评价工具 ( Journal Citation Reports, Essential Science Indicators SM ) 学术社区 (HighlyCited.com) 及其它多个重要的学术信息资源 (BIOSIS Previews, INSPEC 等 ), 提供了自然科学 工程技术 生物医学 社会科学 艺术与人文等多个领域中高质量 可信赖的学术信息 21

Web of Knowledge 与 Web of Science 22

华中师范大学购买的数据库 23

为全球研究人员提供服务 Web of Knowledge 服务于 : 2 千万使用者,81 个国家 超过 3,000 家用户 每天 15 万使用者 Web of Knowledge 内容覆盖 : 23,000+ 期刊, 4,000 百万件专利, 6 万个会议录, 5,500 专业网站, 5,000 本学术专著, 2 百万化学结构 Web of Knowledge 提供 : 一个世纪的科学发展 - 100 年的科学引文

引文索引 : 对论文的参考文献标引并检索 25

引文索引的历史 Dr. Garfield 1955 年在 Science 发表 论文提出将引文索引作为一种新的文 献检索与分类工具 将一篇文献作为 检索字段从而跟踪一个 Idea 的发展过 程 Dr. Eugene Garfield 1963 年出版 Science Citation Index 1973 年出版 Social Sciences Citation Index 1978 年出版 Arts & Humanities Citation Index Founder & Chairman Emeritus ISI, Thomson Scientific Our ultimate goal is to extend our retrospective coverage of the scientific literature back to the twentieth century. The Century of Science initiative makes that dream come true. 26

如何快速获取最有价值的科研参考信息 科学的检索方式 : 主题词检索 + 引文索引 Synthesis of Synthesis of Amino Acids Amino Acids Synthesis and/or Synthesis of Synthesis of collection of Synthesis Synthesis and/or and/or collection of Amino Acids Amino Acids collection of Synthesis amino acids is critical and/or collection of for cell survival. They Synthesis of amino acids is critical not only serve as the Synthesis and/or Synthesis of Synthesis and/or Amino Acids for cell survival. They building blocks for collection of Synthesis collection of Synthesis not only serve as the and/or collection of Amino Acids proteins but also as and/or collection of building blocks for starting points for the amino acids is critical amino acids is critical Synthesis and/or proteins but also as Synthesis of synthesis of many for cell survival. They for cell survival. 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They proteins but also as vitamins and Synthesis of and/or collection of synthesis of many Amino Acids Synthesis of nucleotides. not only serve as the starting points for the nucleotides. Amino Acids amino acids is critical important cellular building blocks for synthesis of many for cell survival. They Amino Acids molecules including proteins but also as important cellular Synthesis of not only serve as the vitamins and Synthesis and/or starting points for the molecules including building blocks for Amino Acids Synthesis and/or nucleotides. collection of Synthesis synthesis of many vitamins and proteins but also as collection of Synthesis Synthesis and/or and/or collection of important cellular nucleotides. starting points for the and/or collection of collection of Synthesis synthesis of many amino acids is critical molecules including amino acids is critical for cell survival. They and/or collection of Synthesis and/or important cellular vitamins and for cell survival. 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They important cellular Synthesis of not only serve as the not only serve as the molecules including building blocks for building blocks for vitamins and Amino Acids Synthesis and/or proteins but also as proteins but also as nucleotides. collection of Synthesis starting points for the starting points for the and/or collection of synthesis of many synthesis of many Synthesis and/or amino acids is critical important cellular important cellular collection of Synthesis for cell survival. They molecules including molecules including Synthesis of and/or collection of not only serve as the vitamins and vitamins and building blocks for Amino Acids amino acids is critical nucleotides. for cell survival. They proteins but also as Synthesis nucleotides. of not only serve as the starting points for the Amino Acids Synthesis of Synthesis and/or building blocks for synthesis of many collection of Synthesis proteins but also as Synthesis important of cellular Amino Acids and/or collection of starting points for the Amino Acids molecules including Synthesis and/or amino acids is critical synthesis of many vitamins and collection of Synthesis for cell survival. They important cellular nucleotides. Synthesis and/or and/or collection of collection of Synthesis not only serve as the molecules including Synthesis and/or amino acids is critical building blocks for vitamins and collection of Synthesis for cell survival. They and/or collection of proteins but also as nucleotides. amino acids is critical and/or collection of not only serve as the for cell survival. They starting points for the amino acids is critical building blocks for synthesis of many for cell survival. They proteins but also as not only serve as the building blocks for important cellular not only serve as the starting points for the proteins but also as molecules including building blocks for synthesis of many vitamins and proteins but also as important cellular starting points for the nucleotides. starting points for the molecules including synthesis of many synthesis of many vitamins and important cellular important cellular nucleotides. molecules including vitamins and molecules including nucleotides. vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the Dr. synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Eugene Garfield Founder & Chairman Emeritus ISI, Thomson Scientific Our ultimate goal is to extend our retrospective coverage of the scientific literature back to the twentieth century. The Century of Science initiative makes that dream come true. 27

Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded( 科学引文索引,SCIE): ~8473 种 核心期刊, 可回溯到 1899 年 Social Science Citation Index( 社会科学引文索引,SSCI):~3031 种 核心期刊, 可回溯到 1898 年 Arts & Humanities Citation Index( 艺术与人文引文索引,A&HCI): ~1671 种核心期刊, 可回溯到 1975 年 Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S)--1990- 至今 Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH)--1990- 至今 Book Citation Index - Science (BKCI-S) 2005- 至今 Book Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (BKCI-SSH) 2005- 至今 28

Science Citation Index Expanded 科学引文索引,SCIE 170 多个学科领域 自然科学 工程技术 生物医学等所有科技领域 每周收录 25,000 多篇文献,423,000 篇参考文献 2009 年当前收录近 8,000 种期刊 Cover-to-Cover 收录期刊每一期每一篇文献 29

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提纲 Web of Science(SCI \ SSCI \ A&HCI) 数据库简介 科技文献对于科学研究的重要性 Web of Science 在科研中的价值和应用 案例一 : 生物燃料电池 案例二 : 基因靶向技术 案例三 : 石墨烯的相关研究 利用 Web of Science 跟踪课题的最新进展 利用 Web of Science \JCR 选择投稿期刊 利用 Endnote Web 管理文献, 提高写作研究论文效率 32

科研工作流程中与信息相关的问题 如何在海量的信息中快速检索到相关的 高质量的信息? 如何有效地分析目前的研究进展并确定新的研究方向? 如何及时跟踪某研究方向的最新进展? 如何有序管理所检索到的大量文献? 如何迅速提高论文写作的效率? 如何全面了解所发表论文及其期刊的影响力 确定投稿方向? 科研人员 33

Web of Science 发现最重要和最需要的 如何从海量信息中找到与 自己课题最相关的信息? 34

提纲 Web of Science(SCI \ SSCI \ A&HCI) 数据库简介 科技文献对于科学研究的重要性 Web of Science 在科研中的价值和应用 案例一 : 生物燃料电池 案例二 : 基因靶向技术 案例三 : 石墨烯的相关研究 利用 Web of Science 跟踪课题的最新进展 利用 Web of Science \JCR 选择投稿期刊 利用 Endnote Web 管理文献, 提高写作研究论文效率 35

案例 1: 生物燃料电池的相关研究 Biofuel Cell 生物燃料电池就是以微生物 酶为催化剂物, 将有机物 ( 如糖类等 ) 中的 化学能直接转化成电能的一种电化学装置 生物燃料电池的发展可追溯到 20 世纪初,1910 年英国杜汉姆大学植物学教授 Michael Cresse Potter 用酵母和大肠杆菌进行试验时, 发现了微生物 也可以产生电流, 从而拉开了生物燃料电池研究的序幕 六十年代, 为了将长途太空飞行中的有机废物转化成电能, 美国航空航 天管理局投入了大量的人力和物力进行研究, 掀起了生物燃料电池研究的高潮 后来由于技术原因, 生物燃料电池曾一度陷入停滞状态, 但七 八 十年代出现的石油危机又让电池家族的新成员成为人们瞩目的中心的中, 自此 之后迎来了更加广阔的发展前景 如何从 Web of Science 角度了解该领域? 36

http://lib.ccnu.edu.cn/database.html?type=1&id=91 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/anndychen cn/u/anndychen 37



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华师购买的数据库 41

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思考题 1( 课堂上机实践 ) 1) 检索 2010-2016 年华师再在顶级化学期刊上论文发表情况 华师 :cent china normal university ( 或者 430079) 顶级化学期刊 :Angewandte Chemie International Edition (Angew Chem Int Ed Engl); J Am Chem Soc; Chemical Science (chem sci); Chem Soc Rev; Chem Rev 2) 分析检索结果?? 49

案例 1: 生物燃料电池的相关研究 - 练习 输入关键词 检索式 : biofuel* cell* or microbial fuel* same cell* 50

案例 1: 生物燃料电池的相关研究 - 练习 2014 年检索结果

快速锁定跟自己研究方向最相关的文献 52

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从电化学角度研究生物燃料电池的高影响力文献 55

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相关记录 -- 定义 论文甲 Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. 论文乙 Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. A B C D E F 62

检索举例 - 钯催化交叉偶联反应的相关研究 钯催化交叉偶联反应 (Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions ) 是一用于碳碳键形成的重要反应, 在有机合成中应用十分广泛 钯原子就像 媒人 一样, 把不同的碳原子吸引到自己身边, 使碳原子之间的距离变得很近, 容易结合 也就是 偶联 这样的反应不需要把碳原子激活到很活跃的程度, 副产物比较少, 因此更加精确而高效 科学界一些人士表示, 依托 钯催化交叉偶联反应, 一大批新药和工业新材料应运而生, 这三名科学家的科研成果如今已经成为支撑制药 材料化学等现代工业文明的巨大力量 2010 诺贝尔奖 Richard F. Heck 理查德. 海克 Ei-ichi Negishi 根岸英一 Akira Suzuki 铃木章 63

检索举例 - 钯催化交叉偶联反应的相关研究 Mizoroki Heck 反应 Negishi 反应 Suzuki 反应 64

思考题 2( 课堂上机实践 ) 1) 检索主题 :Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions 2) 对检索结果文献进行分析检索词 : (Palladium or Pd) same (cataly* or 相关课题前景 accelerat*) and "cross coupl* react* 重点参考文献 课题发展历史 课题研究前沿 课题重点研究机构 SAME 当在其他字段 ( 如 主题 和 标题 ) 中使用时, 如果检索词出现在同一记录中,SAME 与 AND 的作用就完全相同 例如 : TS=(cat SAME mouse) 与 TS=(cat AND mouse) 将得到相同的结果 65

思考题 ( 课堂上机实践 )( 第 4 次作业 ) 1. 描述通过 Web of Science 数据库, 查找华中师范大学化学学院 2000-2016 年被 SCI 的收录的文章的步骤 ( 标出检索条件, 每个步骤网络截屏即可 ) ( 注意检索范围 : 地址 =Cent China Normal Univ and Coll Chem,) 2. 描述通过 Web of Science 数据库, 查找华中师范大学化学学院你感兴趣 的一位老师的发表 SCI 文章情况 ( 例如 2000-2016 年 ) ( 注意检索范围 : 地址 =Cent China Normal Univ and Coll Chem,(430079) And 作者 =?) 要求 : 每个步骤截屏并复制到 word 里面 (Ctrl+Alt+A) Word 版本电子版作业请发送到以下邮箱版作 : chenjiarong@mail.ccnu.edu.cn 作业命名 : 学号 - 名字 -2016-09-27 09 27.doc 66