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國立中山大學 107 學年度學雜費徵收標準 National Sun Yat-sen University Tuition and Standard 2018/2019 ( 一 ) 具有本國國籍之學生 ( 含僑生及 99 學年度以前入學之外籍生 ) Students of Domestic Nationality, Overseas Chinese Students, and Foreign Students enrolled before the 2010 (included) Academic Year. 1. 日間部 Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 區分 Programs 大學部 Undergraduate 碩博士班 Graduate 院系別 /Dept. 費用別 Rates 工學院 (CE) 資管系 (DIM) 海下科技所 (IUT) 海工系 (DMEE) ( 含醫學科技研究所 ) (CS IMST) 海科院 (CMS) 音樂系 (DM) 劇場藝術學系 (DTA) (CM) ( 企管系博士班除外 Except PhD of Dept. of Business ) 人文暨科技跨領域學士學位學程 (Program for Interdisciplinary School) (CLA) 社科院 (CSS) 學費 Tuition 17,650 17,650 17,490 17,490 雜費 Miscellaneous 11,290 11,060 7,640 7,240 總計 Total 28,940 28,710 25,130 24,730 延修生學分費 Credit per Hour Extended Study Tuition & 學分費 Credit Per Hour 1,140 1,140 1,030 1,010 13,440 12,950 11,370 11,180 1,570 1,570 1,570 1,570 院別 of 系別 Dept. 企業管理學系博士班 PhD of Dept. of Business 組別 學分費 Group Credit Per Hour Tuition & 企業管理組 (PhD) 1,570 11,370 經營管理組 (DBA) 20,000 11,370 1

: of Liberal Arts (CLA) : of Science (CS) 工學院 : of Engineering (CE) : of (CM) 海科院 : of Marine Sciences (CMS) 社科院 : of Social Sciences (CSS) 音樂系 :Department of Music (DM) 劇場藝術學系 :Department of Theatre Arts (DTA) 醫學科技研究所 :Institute of Medical Science and Technology(IMST) 資管系 :Department of Information (DIM) 海洋科學學士學位學程 :Bachelor Degree Program in Marine Sciences (BDPMS) 海工系 :Department of Marine Environment and Engineering (DMEE) 海下科技研究所 :Institute of Undersea Technology (IUT) 人文暨科技跨領域學士學位學程 :Program for Interdisciplinary School 2. 碩士在職專班 Master s Degree Program for Working Professionals 院別 of Liberal Arts of Science 工學院 of Engineering 班別 Program 學分費 Credit per Hour Tuition and 中文系暑期碩士在職專班 Department of Chinese Literature (Summer Session) 4,500 12,360 中文系夜間碩士在職專班 Department of Chinese Literature 生科系碩士在職專班 Department of Biological Sciences 環工所碩士在職專班 Institute of Environmental Engineering 4,500 12,360 4,500 12,360 高階經營碩士學程在職專班 (EMBA) 10,000 20,000 of 企管系碩士在職專班 Department of Business 資管系碩士在職專班 Department of Information 資管系電子商務與商業分析數位學習碩士在職專班 Online Master of Business Administration in Electronic Commerce and Business Analytics 財管系碩士在職專班 Department of Finance 公事所碩士在職專班 Institute of Public Affairs 4,500 15,450 2

海科院 of Marine Sciences 社科院 of Social Sciences 人力資源管理研究所亞太人力資源管理碩士在職專班 Continuing Education Program for Asia Pacific of The Institute of Human Resource 行銷傳管所碩士在職專班 ( 原傳管所碩士專班 ) Institute of Marketing Communication 公事所碩士在職專班澎湖組 Institute of Public Affairs Penghu class 海工系碩士在職專班 Department of Marine Environment and Engineering 高階公共政策碩士在職專班 (EMPP) The Executive Master of Public Policy 中國與亞太區域研究所碩士在職專班 Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies 政治所碩士在職專班 Institute of Political Science 經濟所碩士在職專班 Institute of Economics 教育所碩士在職專班 Institute of Education 面授課程 (lecture) 6,180 4,500 非面授課程 (Distance learning) 20,600 4,500 12,360 10,000 12,000 4,500 12,360 3. 碩博士學位學程 Master/Doctoral Degree Programs 院別 of 海科院 of Marine Sciences of Science of 班別 Program 國際經營管理碩士學程 Master of Business Administration in International Business (IBMBA) 人力資源管理全英語碩士學位學程 Global HRM English MBA program (GHRM) 106 學年度以前入學 Enroll before 2017 academic year 107 學年度以後入學 enroll before 2018 academic year 106 學年度以前入學 Enroll before 2017 academic year 107 學年度以後入學 enroll before 2018 academic year 海洋生物科技博士學位學程 Doctoral Degree Program in Marine Biotechnology 加速器光源與中子束應用國際博士學位學程 International PhD program for Synchrotron Radiation and Neutron Beam Applications 金融創新產業碩士專班 ( 非在職專班 ) Industrial Technology Graduate Program in Financial Innovation 3 學分費 Credit per Hour Tuition and 3,000 11,370 4,000 11,370 1,570 11,370 4,000 11,370 1,570 12,950 1,570 12,950 1,570 11,370

附註 : 一 大學部延修生未修習教育學程課程 : 修習一般課程學分 收取全額學雜 費 ;以下收取學分費 二 大學部延修生修習教育學程課程 : 1. 修習一般課程學分, 收取全額學雜費 ( 依身份別 ) 及教育學程學分費 2. 修習一般課程學分 以下, 併計教育學程學分後合計 以下 : 收取一般學 分費及教育學程學分費 3. 修習一般課程學分 以下, 併計教育學程學分後合計 : 收取雜費 ( 依標準 ) 一般學分費及教育學程學分費 4. 教育學程學分費依文 社科學院學分費標準徵收 三 本校研究生 學士班延修生及自費選讀生, 修習學分數與上課時數不同課程時, 比照 校際選課 暑期班繳費方式, 依學生身分 選修課程所屬學院 ( 系 ) 別及上課時數繳交 學分費 (105 次及 148 次教務會議通過 ) 四 研究生學雜費繳交分 2 個階段, 第 1 階段為註冊前繳納, 第 2 階段俟同學 加退選確定後 2 週, 繳交學分費 凡本校在校研究生皆須繳納 Notes: 1. Tuition Payment Guidelines for Undergraduate Students with Extended Study: Charges Credit Teacher s Tuition Miscellaneous Course per Hour Education plus Program Type Credit V General V General Courses plus Teacher s Education Program (general courses only) (including Teacher s Education Program) (including Teacher s Education Program) V V V V V V V 2. The Teacher s Education Program Credit will be charged in accordance with the standard of Undergraduate credit hour fees of of Liberal Arts (CLA) and of Social Sciences (CSS). 3. Students credit fees will be charged by credit hours if there is any difference between and credit hours. 4. There are two stages of tuition payment for Graduate Students. For the First Stage, students should finish the payment before the Registration day. For the Second Stage, students will be charged of Credit Hour two weeks after the add and drop period. Please note all Graduate Students fail to pay Tuition and shall be considered un-registered. 4

( 二 ) 具有外國國籍之學生 Students of Foreign Nationality (100 學年度起入學之國際學生適用 ) (The fees listed below are applied to international students enrolled with the University since 2011.) 1. 外國學生 ( 含大陸學生 ) International and Mainland China Students 區分 Programs 學士班 Undergraduate 碩士班 Master 博士班 Doctoral 學院 s 費用別 Rates 學分學雜費 Tuition & Credit 學分學雜費 Tuition & Credit 學分學雜費 Tuition & Credit 國際經營管理碩士學程 Master of Business Administration in International Business (IBMBA) 人力資源管理全英語碩士學位學程 Global HRM English MBA program (GHRM) of Liberal Arts of Science 工學院 of Engineering of 海洋科學學院 of Marine Sciences 社會科學院 of Social Sciences 49,460 57,420 57,880 50,260 57,420 49,460 53,760 57,300 58,280 54,140 57,300 53,760 53,760 57,300 58,280 54,140 57,300 53,760 1. 100 學年度入學以前就讀本班外國學生收費比照本班本地生之收費標準 2. 101 學年度起入學就讀本班外國學生收費標準為 :63,560 元 1. Foreign Students enrolled before 2011 are liable for domestic tuition fees. 2. Tuition and Standard for Foreign Students enrolled with the University since 2012 is 63,560 1. 106 學年度入學以前就讀本班外國學生收費比照之收費標準 2. 107 學年度起入學就讀本班外國學生收費標準為 :63,560 元 1. Foreign students enrolled brfore 2017 academic year are liable for of tuition fees. 2. Foreign students enrolled since 2018 academic year whose tuition fees are 63,650. 5

2. 外國學生 ( 含大陸學生 ) 延修生 Foreign and Mainland China students with extended study 備註 : 院系別 /Dept. 區分費用別 Programs Rates 學士班 Bachelor 碩 博士班 Master & Ph.D 每一學分費 Credit fee (per credit) 雜費 Miscellaneous 每一學分費 Credit fee (per credit) Tuition & 9 or fewer (CLA) 49,460 (CS) 57,420 工學院 (CE) 1. 本校外國學生 ( 含陸生 ) 之學雜費收費學士班第五學年起, 碩 博士班自第三學年起, 視同為延修生辦理 2. 學士班延修生 : 收取延修生學分費及雜費 ;則收取全額學分學雜費 碩 博士班延修生 : 收取延修生及學分費 ;則收取全額學分學雜費 3. 碩 博士班延修生 ( 含陸生 ), 若已修畢所有畢業學分數, 僅剩論文未完成者, 僅需繳 4. 外國學生 ( 含大陸學生 ) 延修生, 學雜費繳交分 2 個階段, 第 1 階段為註冊前繳納雜費或, 第 2 階段 俟同學加退選確定後 2 週, 繳交學分費 凡本校在校外國學生 ( 含大陸學生 ) 延修生須繳納雜費或 5. 本校研究生 學士班延修生及自費選讀生, 修習學分數與上課時數不同課程時, 比照校際選課 暑期班繳費方式, 依學生身分 選修課程所屬學院 ( 系 ) 別及上課時數繳交學分費 (105 次及 148 次教務會議通過 ) 6. 100 學年度起入學之外國學生 ( 含大陸學生 ) 及自 101 學年度起入學就讀 IBMBA 班之外國學生 ( 含大陸學生 ) 實施辦理 1. For NSYSU foreign and Mainland China undergraduate students, fifth academic year is registered as extended study. For Master and doctoral students, third academic year is regarded as extended study. 2. For undergraduate and postgraduate students with extended study ( ); fees are calculated based on the number of credit assigned to each course together with miscellaneous fees or tuition & fees. For undergraduate and postgraduate students with extended study ( ); full tuition & credit fees will be charged. 3. For master and doctoral students with extended study (complete all departmental or program degree requirements, but incompletion of thesis); fees are calculated based on tuition & fees. 4. There are two stages of tuition payment for Foreign Students and Mainland China Students with extended study. For the First Stage, students should finish the payment before the Registration day. For the Second Stage, students will be charged of Credit Hour two weeks after the add and drop period. Please note all Foreign Students and Mainland China Students with extended study fail to pay Miscellaneous or Tuition and shall be considered un-registered. 5. Students credit fees will be charged by credit hours if there is any difference between and credit hours. 6. The fees listed above are applied to all foreign students and Mainland China students enrolled with the University since 2011 and those enrolled in IBMBA with the University Since 2012. 6 57,880 ( 含 IBMBA 班 ) (CM)(IBMBA included) 50,260 海科院 (CMS) 57,420 14,480 22,120 22,580 15,280 22,120 14,480 53,760 57,300 58,280 54,140 57,300 22,360 25,900 26,880 22,740 25,900 22,360 社科院 (CSS) 49,460 53,760

3. 外國學生 ( 含大陸學生 ) 自費選讀生 院系別 /Dept. 區分費用別 Programs Rates 學士班 Bachelor 碩 博士班 Master & Ph.D 每一學分費 Credit fee (per credit) 雜費 Miscellaneous 每一學分費 Credit fee (per credit) Tuition & Tuition and Standards for Paying Exchange Foreign Students and Mainland China Students 9 or fewer (CLA) 49,460 (CS) 57,420 工學院 (CE) 57,880 ( 含 IBMBA 班 ) (CM)(IBMBA included) 海科院 (CMS) 社科院 (CSS) 備註 : 1. 外國學生 ( 含大陸學生 ) 以自費方式來台交換就讀者, 收費方式說明如下 : 學士班選讀生 : 收取學分費及雜費 ;則收取全額學分學雜費 碩 博士班選讀生 : 收取及學分費 ;則收取全額學分學雜費 2. 外國學生 ( 含大陸學生 ) 自費選讀生, 學雜費繳交分 2 個階段, 第 1 階段為註冊前繳納雜費或, 第 2 階段俟同學加退選確定後 2 週, 繳交學分費 凡本校在校外國學生 ( 含大陸學生 ) 延修生及自費選讀生皆須繳納雜費或 3. 本校研究生 學士班延修生及自費選讀生, 修習學分數與上課時數不同課程時, 比照校際選課 暑期班繳費方式, 依學生身分 選修課程所屬學院 ( 系 ) 別及上課時數繳交學分費 (105 次及 148 次教務會議通過 ) 4. 自 100 學年度第二學期起入學之自費選讀生實施辦理 1. Tuition Payment Guideline for fees paying exchange students (foreign and Mainland China student). For undergraduate and postgraduate fees paying students ( ); fees are calculated based on the number of credit assigned to each course together with miscellaneous fees or tuition & fees. For undergraduate and postgraduate fees paying students ( ); full tuition & fees will be charged. 2. There are two stages of tuition payment for exchange students (foreign and Mainland China student). For the First Stage, students should finish the payment before the Registration day. For the Second Stage, students will be charged of Credit Hour two weeks after the add and drop period. Please note all Foreign and Mainland China Students with extended study and exchange students (foreign and Mainland China student) fail to pay Miscellaneous or Tuition and shall be considered un-registered. 3. Students credit fees will be charged by credit hours if there is any difference between and credit hours. 4. The fees listed above are applied to all fees paying foreign students and Mainland China students enrolled with the University since 2011. 50,260 57,420 14,480 22,120 22,580 15,280 22,120 14,480 53,760 57,300 58,280 54,140 57,300 22,360 25,900 26,880 22,740 25,900 22,360 49,460 53,760 7

( 三 ) 其他各項費用 Other 項目 語言實習費 Language Practicum 音樂指導費 Instruction (Department of Music Only) 電腦及網路通訊使用費 Computer and Internet 學生團體保險費 Student Insurance 金額 Rate 外文系 750( 每週 3 小時 ) Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature: NTD750 (3 hours/week) 其他系 650( 每週 2 小時 ) Others: NTD650 (2 hours/week) 11,500 300 276 承辦單位本校總機 (07)5252000 Contact (07)5252000 and extension number as below 外文系 ( 分機 3132) Department of Foreign Languages and Literature (Ext. 3132) 音樂系 ( 分機 3332) Department of Music (Ext. 3332) 圖書與資訊處處本部 ( 分機 2461) Office of Library and Information Services (Ext. 2461) 學生事務處生活輔導組 ( 分機 2909)Office of Student Affairs (Ext. 2909) 住宿費 ( 學期住宿 )Dormitory Housing 翠亨 A 棟 Tsui-heng Village Building A 翠亨 B 棟 Tsui-heng Village Building B 翠亨 C 棟 Tsui-heng Village Building C 翠亨 D 棟 Tsui-heng Village Building D 翠亨 E 棟 Tsui-heng Village Building E 翠亨 F 棟 Tsui-heng Village Building F 翠亨 G 棟 Tsui-heng Village Building G 翠亨 H 棟 Tsui-heng Village Building H 翠亨 L 棟 Tsui-heng Village Building L 武嶺一村 Wu-ling Village Building 1 武嶺二村 Wu-ling Village Building 2 武嶺三村 Wu-ling Village Building 3 武嶺四村 Wu-ling Village Building 4 中山國際村 International Village 12,750 12,750 7,200 7,500 14,000 17,000 學生事務處生活輔導組 ( 分機 5937)Office of Student Affairs (Ext. 5937) 8

其他相關文書規費及醫療保險費 (Administration fees and Medical Insurance fees) 僑生全民健保費 Health Insurance (Overseas Compatriot Student) 僑生傷病醫療保險費 Injury & Medical Insurance (Overseas Compatriot Student) 外籍生全民健保費 Health Insurance (International Student) 外籍生醫療保險費 International Student Medical Insurance fee ( 備註 1) (Note 1) 陸生醫療保險費 Medical Insurance fees (Mainland China students) ( 備註 2)(Note 2) 陸生相關文書規費 Administration fees (Mainland China students) ( 備註 3)(Note 3) 2,244/4,494 ( 有補助 / 無補助 ) (Subsidized / Full-fee) 545( 新僑生 ) (New Students Only) 4,494 3,000 3,000 ( 學籍生 )(Degree students) 2,000~2,500 ( 交換生 )(Exchange students) 600~2,100 ( 學籍生 )(Degree students) 600 ( 交換生 )(Exchange students) 國際事務處僑外生與陸生事務組學生交換事務組 Office of International Affairs (Ext. 2241-2244)(Degree students) (Ext. 2635)(Exchange students) 備註 (Note): 1. 外國學籍生入學後, 尚未在臺居住滿 6 個月且未加入全民健保前, 需投保一般醫療保險 ; 其醫療保險以每學期 ( 半年 ) 收取乙次 2. 大陸學生在臺就學之醫療保險費收費方式 : 學籍生每學期 ( 半年 ) 收取乙次, 交換生則依交換學期期間計算 ( 以月為單位 ) 於學期初一次收取 3. 陸生相關文書規費包含 單次入出境許可證費 ( 新台幣 600 元 ) 換發逐次加簽入出境許可證費 ( 新台幣 300 元 ) 及 畢業證書 學位證書 成績單及在陸投保之醫療傷害險文書驗證費 ( 每件新台幣 300 元 ) 大陸學籍生及交換生取得入學資格後, 由本校代為申請 單次入出境許可證, 其文書規費新台幣 600 元由本校先行墊付, 待學生入台後, 於學雜費繳費單中收取 其他文書規費則視學生實際需要, 於學雜費繳費單中收取 1. For International students staying in Taiwan less than six months are required to join International Student Medical Insurance upon registration prior to joining the National Health Insurance for the period. International Student Medical Insurance fee is charged once every semester (half year). 2. Medical insurance payment guideline for Mainland China student: degree student is charged once every semester (half year); and for exchange student is based on the months of staying in Taiwan, fee is charged once per semester. 3. Administration fees for Mainland China students include: single-entry visa (fee: 600) "free-entry" visa (fee: 300) and authentication fee (include diploma, degree certificate, transcript, and Mainland China insurance certificate; each authenticated document costs 300). NSYSU acts on behalf of Mainland China degree & exchange students to apply for single-entry visa (fee: 600). The Administration fees will be charged upon registration. 9