GLOBAL GEOLOGY Vol. 35 No. 4 Dec

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35 4 2016 12 GLOBAL GEOLOGY Vol. 35 No. 4 Dec. 2016 1004 5589 2016 04 1164 05 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 4 5 1. 210018 2. 210018 3. 210098 4. 100080 5. 214000 4 1 ~ 4 20 mm 2 d 30 ~ 40 mm 3 d 40 ~ 50 mm X43 A doi 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1004-5589. 2016. 04. 030 Analysis of landslide monitoring and inducing factors of Xuelang Mountain in Wuxi LI Wei 1 2 3 SONG Jing-lei 1 2 YU Yong-xiang 1 2 SUN Li-jia 4 YUAN Wei-jian 5 1. Geological Survey of Jiangsu Province Nanjing 210018 China 2. Key Laboratory of Earth Fissures Geological Disaster Ministry of Land and Resources Nanjing 210018 China 3. College of Hydrology and Water Resources Hohai University Nanjing 210098 China 4. China Geokon Instruments Limited Liability Company Beijing 100080 China 5. Binhu Bureau of Land and Resource of Wuxi City Wuxi 214000 Jiangsu China Abstract In order to study the formation mechanism of Xuelang Mountain landslide four sensors were successfully set up. On the basis of continuous monitoring from January to April the activity characteristics of rock fissures on trailing edge of landslide were obtained. Monitoring and research shows that consequent slope and mudstone interlayer are the two major internal factors while precipitation and low temperature are the two major induced factors. The daily precipitation of 20 mm the accumulation precipitation 30 ~ 40 mm in the first two days or 40 ~ 50 mm in the first three days can be used as the critical early warning index for geological disaster warning and forecasting. Key words geological hazard rock landslide automatic monitoring Wuxi 2015-11-03 2016-07-20 201411096.

4 1165 0 110 35 ~ 85 1 m 5 m 20 000 m 3 2 1 2 3 4 1 1. 1 1. 2 Fig. 2 of eastern slope 5 1. 3 2014 1 ~ 4 37 d 3 343. 7 mm 9. 2 mm 1 1 ~ 2 5 36 d 120 30 24. 4 mm 1 ~ 4 7. 1% 2 6 ~ 3 4 28 d 165. 90 mm 1 ~ 4 1 48. 3% 6-8 2 Thick-bedded sandstone and rock fissures at top Fig. 3 3 Precipitation process in monitoring period Fig. 1 2 1 Grey mudstone between thick-bedded sandstone 2. 1

1166 35 I II 4# II III 2. 2 BGK4420 9 5 Fig. 5 Pictures for crak meters from No. 1 to No. 4 10 3 3. 1 6 2 # 2. 3 1# 3# 4# 1# 3 1# ~ 4# 4 2# 3# 4 5 1 # 2 # I 3# I II III 6 4 Fig. 6 Comparison of cumulative expansion or reduction of crack meters and Fig. 4 Crack meters location and monitoring objects precipitation

4 1167 3. 2 2# 2 d 3 d 11 2 # 20 mm 2 d 30 ~ 40 mm 2 d 3 d 3 d 40 ~ 50 mm 0. 98 0. 97 0. 96 7 Fig. 7 7 2# Correlation diagram between daily expansion or reduction of No. 2 crack meter and precipitation No. 2 crack meter and sum precipitation of first 2# 2 days 8 2 5 2# 2 5 ~ 3 12 2# 3 12 2# 2 # 2 d 9 3 d 10 9 Fig. 9 10 Fig. 10 2# 2 d Comparison of daily expansion or reduction of 2# 3 d Comparison of daily expansion or reduction of No. 2 crack meter and sum precipitation of first 3 days 3. 3 11 2 2 ~ 11 2 11 0 8 2# Fig. 8 Comparison of daily expansion or reduction of No. 2 crack meter and daily precipitation

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