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珊瑚泉華人浸信教會 Chinese Baptist Church of Coral Springs 主後二零一九年二月十七日 February 17 th, 2019 Pastor Emeritus: Kwong-Wah Lau 榮譽牧師 : 劉廣華 Senior Pastor: Keh Yeong Tan 主任牧師 : 陳克勇 Assistant Pastor: Scott Ryan 助理牧師 : 賴思家 Minister of Worship: Heather Shih 敬拜傳道 : 施亭竹 Children s Ministry Director: Cathy Yeung 兒童事工部主任 : 楊嘉恩 Youth Director: Eric Chou 青少事工主任 : 周岩 2019 Church Theme 二零一九年教會主題 Making Disciples: Let Your Light Shine Knowing Scripture; Learning from Christ. You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. ~Matthew 5:14a, 16 造就門徒 : 為主發光 認識神話語 ; 學習主策略 你們是世上的光 你們的光也當這樣照在人前, 叫他們看見你們的好行為, 便將榮耀歸給你們在天上的父 ~ 馬太福音 5:14a, 16 1

Monthly Scripture Memorization 每月背誦經誦經文 February 二月 :Matthew 馬太福音 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (ESV) 所以你們要去, 使萬民做我的門徒, 奉父 子 聖靈的名給他們施洗, 凡我所吩咐你們的, 都教訓他們遵守 我就常與你們同在, 直到世界的末了 ( 和合本 ) Bible Reading Plans 每日讀經計劃 Today s reading 今日進度 Leviticus 利未記 16-18 Mark 馬可福音 2:1-17 2

Order of Sunday Worship Service 9:00 AM February 17 th, 2019 Welcome We Gather in His Presence Deacon Kan Hwee Call to Worship: Psalm 100:1-5 Worship in Praise: Here for You The Way Holy Spirit Deacon Kan Hwee Word of God: Matthew 9:9-13 God Speaks through His Word Deacon Kan Hwee Sermon: Show Mercy, Not Sacrifice Director Eric Chou Song of Commitment: God with Us We Respond to God s Word Offering Deacon Kan Hwee Benediction God Sends Us to Witness Pastor Scott Ryan 02/17 02/24 Speaker Director Eric Chou Pastor Scott Ryan Presider Deacon Kan Hwee Brother Ed See 9 AM Service Serving Schedule Praise Team Leader Michael Au Michael Au A/V Team James Gan (A), Evan Ng (A)/ Rina Cheng (V) James Gan (A), Evan Ng (A)/ Rina Cheng (V) Ushers Karen Hwee, Rosangela Horvath Joseph Tang (Parking) Meylina Chu, Shelly Chiu Marco Lau (Parking) 3

主日崇拜程序 Order of Sunday Worship Service 主後二零一九年二月十七日 10:30 AM February 17th, 2019 Call to Worship 敬拜宣召 Worship in Praise 以讚美來敬拜 Psalm 詩篇 98:1-4 林啟璋執事 Hymn of Ascent 上行詩歌 Confession & Assurance 認罪與確據 #135 Sweeter as the years go by 頌主大愛 Galatians 加拉太書 2:20 會眾 & 林啟璋執事 & 會眾 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 我已經與基督同釘十字架, 現在活著的不再是我, 乃是基督在我裡面活著 並且我如今在肉身活著, 是因信神的兒子而活, 他是愛我, 為我捨己 Scripture Meditation & Silent prayer 經文默想和默禱 Philippians 腓立比書 1:9-11 Invocation 求告主名 Hymn of Praise 讚美詩 Choral Worship 獻詩 #292 Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測 #478 My Saviour s Love 愛何等大 It s No Longer I 不再是我 林啟璋執事 會眾 Choir 詩班 Worship in Words 以生命之道來敬拜 Word of God 神的話語 Hebrews 希伯來書 13:17-21 林啟璋執事 Sermon 證道 Core Values 核心價值 Deacon Samuel Cheng 鄭敏舜執事 4

Hymn of Response 回應詩歌 Worship in Response 以回應來敬拜 #333 More Love to Thee 更多愛你 會眾 Special Announcement 特別報告 Greetings/ Welcome 問安 / 歡迎 Offering 奉獻 Minister Heather Shih 施亭竹傳道 林啟璋執事 2 Cor. 哥林多後書 5:9 Brother John Poon 潘主安弟兄 Worship in Receiving Blessings 以領受祝福來敬拜 Doxology 讚美頌 - 會眾 Closing Prayer 結束禱告 - 鄭敏舜執事 Deacon Samuel Cheng Choral Benediction 祝禱詩歌 - 詩班 Choir Worship Servers Today 今日敬拜事奉 講員 : Deacon Samuel Cheng 鄭敏舜執事敬拜帶領 : 林啟璋執事翻譯 : 黃旋麗卿 ( 粵語 ), ), Zhonghua Wu(E) 領詩 : 徐久仁影音 : 徐灴光 ( 禱告帶領 ), 黃卉君, 熊勁智圖書館 : 黃健騰招待 : 潘主安 ( 總招待 ), 李潔英, 梁梅蘊, 徐麗瑛, 梁增喜停車場 : 李永康, 龍紅衛, 李瑋飯食事工 - 烹飪組 : 黃文重 ( 組長 ), 鄧少強, 袁美禎, 劉漢華飯食事工 - 服務組 : 路加團契 - 喜樂和信心組 黃旋麗卿 ( 聯絡人 ) 新朋友桌 : 陸愛萍, 劉穎 ( 國語 ), 金德霞, 缪錦輝 ( 粵語 ), 林啟璋執事 事工預告 Upcoming Ministry Opportunities 02/17( 日 ) 馬太團契禱告會全教會事工方向禱告會 02/24( 日 ) 教會主題與異象分享 Church Theme Sharing and Training 03/17( 日 ) 馬太團契禱告會全教會事工方向禱告會 03/23( 六 ) 青少年暑期退修會募款 FUGE Fundraising 03/31( 日 ) 教會常務會議 Church Business Meeting 5

Home News 家訊 : 1. 陳克勇牧師與許多弟兄姐妹正分別在西棕櫚灘福音堂服事, 請為他們禱告 Pastor Keh Yeong Tan and many brothers and sisters are serving in West Palm Beach Mission. Please remember them in your prayers. 2. 今天下午一點鐘馬太團契禱告會將在 206 教室舉行, 全教會方向禱告會也是一點鐘在 207 教室舉行 3. 請到大堂後的玻璃房拿取二零一八年奉獻紀錄 2018 offering record is ready for pickup in the glass room in the back of sanctuary. 4. 今年的家庭退修會將在 5 月 25~27 日長周末舉行, 地點為 Life Enrichment Center( 與過去幾屆相同 ), 主題是 起來行走, 中文講員是常思恩牧師, 英文講員是 Chad Poe 牧師, 請與團契報名 ( 聯絡人 : 李瑋弟兄 ),3 月 17 日前報名可享減免優惠,4 月 28 日報名截止 This year s family retreat is on May 27~29 (Memorial Day Weekend) at Life Enrichment Center (same as previous years). Theme: "Rise Up and Walk ; Chinese speaker: Pastor Albert Seung ; English speaker: Pastor Chad Poe. Please register with your fellowship(contact person: Brother Wei Li). Discount is offered through March 17 and signup will end on April 28. 5. 每主日下午兩點教會將清除所有留在大廚房跟小廚房冰箱裡的食物跟容器, 請弟兄姊妹在此時間之前拿走屬於你的食物 All food and its container will be discarded every Sunday at 2 pm. Brothers and sisters, please remember to take your item before that time. 6. 4 月 28 日教會將舉行浸禮 轉會與孩童奉獻 There will be baptism, transfer of membership, and children dedication on Apr. 28 (Sun.). o 轉會 : 若您已經在其他教會受浸, 想將會籍轉到本教會, 請到走廊上或大門口拿取轉會申請表, 並在 3 月 17 日以前交給牧師或執事們, 在您上會員課程的同時, 我們將與您之前的教會聯絡 會員課程將會由牧師和執事教導 Transfer of membership: If you were baptized at another church and would like to transfer your membership to CBCCS, please pick up a form in the hallway or by the entrance and return to Pastor or Deacons before March 17. We will contact your previous church while you complete membership class. All membership classes will be taught by pastors and deacons. o 孩童奉獻 : 請到走廊上或大門口拿取申請表, 並在 3 月 17 日前交給牧師或執事們 Child Dedication: please pick up a form in the hallway or by the entrance and return to Pastor or Deacons before March 17. 6

02/24 10:30 AM Worship Servers for February 二月份敬拜事奉 講員 : Pastor Keh Yeong Tan 陳克勇牧師敬拜帶領 : 陳偉倫執事翻譯 : 黃旋麗紅 ( 粵語 ), Zhonghua Wu(E) 領詩 : 陳偉倫執事影音 : 姚保羅 ( 禱告帶領 ), 黃卉君, 鄧少強, 熊勁智圖書館 : 郭倩媛招待 : 陸愛萍 ( 總招待 ), 陳寶蓮, 鄭國強, 張全, 胡素美停車場 : 李振峰, 鄧志榮, 王曉輝主餐準備同工 : 黎惠忠, 黎靄嬋飯食事工 - 烹飪組 : 戴耀民 ( 組長 ), 趙健池, 徐潤好, 黃慶麟, 陳艷如, 巫偉明, Su Lau, Betty Mo 飯食事工 - 服務組 : 路加團契 - 盼望和仁愛組 金德霞 ( 聯絡人 ) 新朋友桌 : 郭文彦, 劉秀玲 ( 國語 ), 旋麗卿, 陳李詩敏 ( 粵語 ), 陳偉倫執事 Choral Worship 獻詩 : It s No Longer I 不再是我 不再是我如今不再是我乃是耶穌基督在我裡面而活不再是我如今不再是我乃是耶穌基督在我裡面而活 [Literal Translation] It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. 他是愛我為我捨己他是愛我甘願為我捨己他是愛我為我捨己他是愛我十架為我捨己不再是我如今不再是我乃是耶穌基督在我裡面而活 He loved me and gave himself for me. He loved me and willing to give his life for me. He loved me and gave himself for me. He loved me and give his life on the cross for me. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. 02/10 10/1 /19 出席人數 Attendance 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Ch. Sunday School 中文堂主日學 Eng. Worship Service 英文堂主日崇拜 Eng. Sunday School 英文堂主日學 Ch. Worship Service Adult /Youth 成人 / 青少年 Children 兒童 83 Sunday School 78 22 53 Worship Service 中文堂主日崇拜 248 禱告會 25 02/14 Prayer Meeting 禱告會 60 7

珊瑚泉華人浸信教會 Chinese Baptist Church of Coral Springs Address: 200 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33071 Tel: (954) 255-9910 English Worship Service 9:00AM 英文主日崇拜 Fri. Thur. Wed. Sun. Chinese Adult Sunday School (Mandarin / Cantonese) 9:00AM 中文成人主日學 ( 國 / 粵 ) Children Sunday School 9:00AM 兒童主日學 Chinese Worship Service 10:30AM 中文主日崇拜 (Mandarin / Cantonese with English Translation) English Sunday School (English Adult/ Youth/ Children) 10:30AM 英文主日學 Fellowship Lunch 12:00PM 團契午餐 ( 國 / 粵 / 英語翻譯 ) ( 英文成人 / 青少年 / 兒童 ) Enoch Senior Fellowship (3 rd week) 1:00PM 以諾長者團契 ( 每月第三周 ) Mandarin Bible Study 10:00AM 國語查經班 Bible Study Lunch 12:00PM 查經班午餐 Restaurant Fellowship 5:00PM 餐福團契 Fellowship Dinner 7:00PM 團契晚餐 Young Adult Fellowship (offsite) 7:30PM 英語青年團契 ( 教會外 ) Luke Cantonese Fellowship Matthew Mandarin Fellowship Living Stones English Fellowship Prayer Meeting 8:00PM 禱告會 7:30PM 路加粵語團契馬太國語團契活石英語團契 KCFC Children Fellowship 7:45PM 兒童團契 Matthew Fellowship Youth Group John Christian Youth Fellowship Matthew Fellowship Chinese Young Adult Agape 8:00PM 馬太國語青年組約翰英語青少年團契馬太國語愛加倍社青小組 主日禮拜三禮拜四禮拜五 West Palm Beach Mission 西棕櫚灘福音堂 Location 聚會地點 : Church In the Gardens 3937 Holly Dr, West Palm Beach, FL 33410 Sunday Worship Service 主日崇拜 3 rd Sun., 11:00 AM ( 第三個禮拜日 ) Sunday School 主日學 3rd Sun., 9:30 AM ( 第三個禮拜日 ) 3 rd Sun., 11:30 AM ( 第三個禮拜日 ) Adult 成人 Children 兒童 /Youth 青少年 Bible Study 查經班 Saturday morning ( 禮拜六早上 ) 8