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Problem: To print in ascending order all primes less than 10000. Use an array of processes, SIEVE, in which each process inputs a prime from its predecessor and prints it. The process then inputs an ascending stream of numbers from its predecessor and passes them on to its successor, suppressing any that are multiples of the original prime. Communicating Sequential Processes

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func main() { origin, wait := make(chan int), make(chan struct{}) Processor(origin, wait) for num := 2; num < 10000; num++ { origin <- num } close(origin) <-wait }

func Processor(seq chan int, wait chan struct{}) { go func() { prime, ok := <-seq if!ok { close(wait) return } fmt.println(prime) out := make(chan int) Processor(out, wait) for num := range seq { if num%prime!= 0 { out <- num } } close(out) }() }

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