Airport On-time Departure Performance (May 2018, by VariFlight) XIY Becomes the Most Punctual Airport with a Capacity of Over 10 Million Passengers in

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Airport (May 2018, by Vari) XIY Becomes the Most Punctual Airport with a Capacity of Over 10 Million Passengers in Mainland China in May Powered by Vari incomparable aviation database, the monthly report of Airport provides an overview of how global airports are performing in May, 2018. New Chitose (CTS) tops the global airports chart of on-time departure performance in May decreased by 0.86 percent YoY. Lijiang Sanyi (LJG) is recognized as thirteenth among medium-sized airports in Asia-Pacific region with an on-time performance of 82.76 percent in May, being the most punctual medium-sized airport in mainland China for three consecutive months. Xi'an Xianyang (XIY) becomes the most punctual airport in May among airports with a capacity of over 10 million passengers in mainland China; Shanghai Pudong (PVG), Shanghai Hongqiao (SHA) and Beijing Capital (PEK) witness the most obvious YoY growth in OTP. Zhengzhou Xinzheng (CGO) suffers the most from severe weather for 25 hours in May. Global Hubs CTS Tops the OTP Chart with a 0.86 Percent YoY Decrease New Chitose (CTS) ranks first among global hubs in May with an on-time departure rate of 96.87 percent, showing a 0.55 percent MoM decrease and a 0.86 percent YoY decrease, followed successively by Itami (ITM) and Sheremetyevo (SVO). Four airports ascend in the TOP10 OTP chart in Japan, which is also the only Asian country on the list. Ranking IATA Airports Country/ Region Average Delay (minutes) 1 CTS New Chitose JP 6831 96.87% 5.01 2 ITM Itami JP 6015 96.29% 11.31 3 SVO Sheremetyevo RU 14323 92.87% 15.62 4 HND Haneda JP 21287 91.38% 17.55 5 YYC Calgary CA 7857 90.96% 14.90 6 LED Pulkovo RU 6399 90.90% 15.35 Page 1 of 8 2018 Vari. All Rights Reserved.

7 VKO Vnukovo RU 6620 90.57% 16.69 8 FUK Fukuoka JP 8131 90.33% 16.27 9 HEL Helsinki-Vantaa FI 7906 89.80% 15.25 10 PDX Portland US 8063 89.74% 15.16 Source: Vari Figure 1: World s TOP10 best airports for on-time departures (Large airports, May, 2018) Global Medium-sized Airports SDJ Becomes the Most Punctual Medium-sized Airport In May, Sendai (SDJ) ranks first with a punctuality of 97.20 percent and an average delay of 9.37 minutes among all global medium-sizes airports, showing a MoM increase of 1.14 percent and a YoY increase of 0.31 percent. Nagoya (NGO) is the only airport on the TOP 10 list with over 4,000 flight departures. Ranking IATA Airports Country/ Region Average Delay (minutes) 1 SDJ Sendai JP 2226 97.20% 9.37 2 KOJ Kagoshima JP 3205 94.41% 13.43 3 TFN Tenerife ES 3031 94.00% 10.39 4 NGO Nagoya JP 4319 93.96% 14.19 5 KHH Kaohsiung TW 2549 93.90% 10.88 6 CMN Mohammed V International MA 3072 93.01% 10.73 7 SHJ Sharjah AE 3047 92.30% 13.44 8 TRD Trondheim NO 2077 92.24% 10.98 9 MZG Magong TW 2250 92.09% 12.61 10 BGO Bergen NO 2934 92.01% 11.17 Source: Vari Figure 2: World s TOP10 best airports for on-time departures (Medium-sized airports, May, 2018) Asia-Pacific---Major Airports Japanese Airports Hold the Lead and Five Chinese Airports Ascend in the TOP20 List Japanese airports still hold the lead of the TOP 20 OTP chart, among which New Chitose (CTS) is delivered the first of all major airports in Asia-Pacific region (96.87 percent). In mainland China, five airports make it to the ranking list, and Xi an Xianyang (XIY) ranks twelfth (81.67 percent). Naha (OKA), Kunming Changshui (KMG) and Xi an Xianyang (XIY) witness the most obvious YoY growth in on-time performance, which are 11.08 percent, 6.70 percent and 5.11 percent respectively. Page 2 of 8 2018 Vari. All Rights Reserved.

Ranking IATA Airports Country/ Region Average Delay (minutes) 1 CTS New Chitose JP 6831 96.87% 5.01 2 ITM Itami JP 6015 96.29% 11.31 3 HND Haneda JP 21287 91.38% 17.55 4 FUK Fukuoka JP 8131 90.33% 16.27 5 BNE Brisbane AU 7848 88.03% 17.60 6 KIX Osaka JP 7556 87.22% 19.19 7 OKA Naha JP 6166 86.25% 17.06 8 BKK Suvarnabhumi TH 14838 84.18% 19.89 9 GMP Gimpo KR 6354 83.00% 21.90 10 AKL Auckland NZ 6520 82.36% 20.78 11 MEL Melbourne AU 9606 82.07% 21.28 12 XIY Xi'an Xianyang CN 13942 81.67% 23.58 13 URC Urumqi Diwopu CN 7373 81.10% 22.15 14 KMG Kunming Changshui CN 15265 81.03% 25.85 15 SYD Sydney Kingsford Smith AU 12985 78.79% 23.81 16 SIN Singapore Changi SG 15551 78.43% 24.61 17 HAN Noi Bai VN 6593 77.15% 24.36 18 TPE Taiwan Taoyuan TW 9647 76.92% 23.16 19 CTU Chengdu Shuangliu CN 14338 74.74% 32.75 20 HAK Haikou Meilan CN 6331 74.03% 30.75 Source: Vari Figure 3: TOP20 best airports in Asia-Pacific for on-time departures (Major airports, May, 2018) Asia-Pacific---Medium-Sized Airports LJG Tops the Medium-Sized Airports in Mainland China Sendai (SDJ) ranks first of the TOP 20 list with an on-time departure rate of 97.20 percent; in mainland China, Lijiang Sanyi (LJG) is recognized as thirteenth with an on-time performance of 82.76 percent, having been the most punctual medium-sized airport in mainland China for three consecutive months. Ranking IATA Airports Country/ Region Average Delay (minutes) 1 SDJ Sendai JP 2226 97.20% 9.37 2 KOJ Kagoshima JP 3205 94.41% 13.43 3 NGO Nagoya JP 4319 93.96% 14.19 4 KHH Kaohsiung TW 2549 93.90% 10.88 Page 3 of 8 2018 Vari. All Rights Reserved.

5 MZG Magong TW 2250 92.09% 12.61 6 CNX Chiang Mai TH 3062 90.94% 12.69 7 ADL Adelaide AU 3201 90.83% 14.69 8 TSA Taipei Songshan TW 2512 90.66% 14.89 9 PER Perth AU 4034 89.90% 16.19 10 CHC Christchurch NZ 2773 89.21% 14.56 11 WLG Wellington NZ 3394 87.85% 15.62 12 HKT Phuket TH 4903 85.62% 17.51 13 LJG Lijiang Sanyi CN 2426 82.76% 22.39 14 XNN Xining Caojiapu CN 2437 82.59% 20.79 15 PUS Busan KR 4781 81.91% 20.93 16 BPN Sepinggan ID 2367 81.13% 17.96 17 BKI Sabah MY 2948 79.82% 20.23 18 INC Yinchuan Hedong CN 3189 79.22% 23.26 19 LHW Lanzhou Zhongchuan CN 4472 78.45% 23.28 20 PEN Penang MY 2588 77.37% 19.54 Source: Vari Figure 4: TOP20 best airports in Asia-Pacific for on-time departures (Medium-sized airports, May, 2018) Mainland China---Airports with a Capacity over 10 Million Passengers XIY Tops the List and PVG Shows the Largest YoY Growth Xi'an Xianyang (XIY) ranks first of the airports with a capacity of over 10 million passengers in mainland China for its on-time departure performance of 81.67 percent in May, followed by Urumqi Diwopu (URC) and Kunming Changshui (KMG). Compared with last year, punctualities in Shanghai Pudong (PVG), Shanghai Hongqiao (SHA) and Beijing Capital (PEK) rise obviously in May, respectively are 23.90 percent, 22.78 percent and 19.57 percent. Ranking IATA Airports YoY Page 4 of 8 2018 Vari. All Rights Reserved. Average Delay (minutes) 1 XIY Xi'an Xianyang 13942 81.67% 5.11% 23.58 2 URC Urumqi Diwopu 7373 81.10% 3.72% 22.15 3 KMG Kunming Changshui 15265 81.03% 6.70% 25.85 4 LHW Lanzhou Zhongchuan 4472 78.45% -1.45% 23.28 5 TNA Jinan Yaoqiang 5169 76.93% 5.17% 27.45 6 DLC Dalian Zhoushuizi 5819 75.31% -1.16% 34.54 7 KHN Nanchang Changbei 4238 74.76% 4.51% 30.42 8 HET Hohhot Baita 4359 74.75% 4.49% 27.67 9 CTU Chengdu Shuangliu 14338 74.74% -0.85% 32.75

10 HAK Haikou Meilan 6331 74.03% 3.82% 30.75 11 SHA Shanghai Hongqiao 11265 73.78% 22.78% 30.62 12 HRB Harbin Taiping 6018 73.44% 3.84% 29.44 13 CKG Chongqing Jiangbei 12175 73.07% -0.65% 31.88 14 WUH Wuhan Tianhe 7667 72.41% 0.92% 31.48 15 PVG Shanghai Pudong 19320 71.23% 23.90% 34.45 16 CSX Changsha Huanghua 7669 70.27% 1.71% 34.47 17 NNG Nanning Wuxu 4440 70.21% 8.88% 31.72 18 KWE Guiyang Longdongbao 6413 70.18% 0.73% 33.30 19 CGO Zhengzhou Xinzheng 8130 69.23% -4.82% 36.71 20 CGQ Changchun Longjia 3715 69.18% 8.08% 35.17 21 TYN Taiyuan Wusu 4233 69.11% -0.74% 36.06 22 SZX Shenzhen Bao'an 13785 69.07% 9.68% 39.84 23 SYX Sanya Phoenix 4769 68.72% 2.82% 36.06 24 CAN Guangzhou Baiyun 18846 68.59% 9.41% 37.93 25 PEK Beijing Capital 25002 67.69% 19.57% 32.53 26 FOC Fuzhou Changle 4606 67.28% 6.69% 35.98 27 TSN Tianjin Binhai 6949 66.35% 4.16% 39.91 28 HGH Hangzhou Xiaoshan 10783 66.07% 13.73% 40.99 29 SHE Shenyang Taoxian 5540 65.04% -1.68% 39.32 30 NKG Nanjing Lukou 8644 61.94% 9.92% 46.29 31 TAO Qingdao Liuting 7741 60.47% -3.88% 37.52 32 XMN Xiamen Gaoqi 7909 58.71% 4.37% 42.05 Source: Vari Figure 5: China s airports on-time departure performance (airports with a capacity of over 10 million passengers, May, 2018) Mainland China---Airports with a Capacity of 2 Million to 10 Million Passengers HLD Tops the List and ZUH Enjoy the Fast Growth Regarding airports with a capacity of 2 million to 10 million passengers, Top 3 are Hulun Buir Dongshan (HLD), Xishuangbanna (JHG) and Kashgar (KHG). Compared with March, punctualities in Zhuhai Jinwan (ZUH), Mianyang Nanjiao (MIG) and Ningbo Lishe (NGB) rise rapidly in May, respectively are 19.96 percent, 18.49 percent and 11.79 percent. Ranking IATA Airports YoY Average Delay (minutes) 1 HLD Hulun Buir Dongshan 688 91.37% 6.07% 11.69 2 JHG Xishuangbanna 1520 86.28% -5.66% 16.81 3 KHG Kashgar 662 85.48% 8.96% 19.02 Page 5 of 8 2018 Vari. All Rights Reserved.

4 LJG Lijiang Sanyi 2426 82.76% 2.77% 22.39 5 XNN Xining Caojiapu 2437 82.59% -1.31% 20.79 6 INC Yinchuan Hedong 3189 79.22% 1.43% 23.26 7 LXA Lhasa Kongga 1692 76.57% -2.40% 25.63 8 DSN Ordos 877 76.57% -4.18% 24.99 9 YIH Yichang Sanxia 909 75.69% -5.76% 25.74 10 ZHA ZhanJiang 996 74.85% 5.80% 26.98 11 BAV Baotou Erliban 638 73.90% 5.68% 28.73 12 KWL Guilin Liangjiang 3127 70.00% 2.29% 33.05 13 ZUH Zhuhai Jinwan 3559 68.39% 19.96% 37.62 14 NAY Beijing Nanyuan 1837 67.94% 6.65% 29.97 15 SWA Jieyang Chaoshan 2076 65.14% -2.87% 37.99 16 SJW Shijiazhuang Zhengding 3530 63.09% -3.01% 39.26 17 NGB Ningbo Lishe 3477 62.82% 11.79% 39.12 18 WEH WeiHai 846 62.80% -5.65% 34.09 19 HFE Hefei Xinqiao 3386 59.80% -3.61% 45.34 20 WNZ Wenzhou Longwan 3485 59.48% -0.72% 41.12 21 JJN QUANZHOU JINJIANG 2396 54.51% -4.90% 45.80 22 YNT Yantai Penglai 3156 53.05% -15.25% 46.56 23 WUX Sunan Shuofang 2290 51.97% 9.96% 48.52 24 NTG Nantong Xingdong 1074 42.59% -0.56% 57.54 25 MIG Mianyang Nanjiao 1481 40.68% 18.49% 59.11 26 CZX Changzhou Benniu 1147 39.49% -2.47% 60.62 Source: Vari Figure 6: China s airports on-time departure performance (airports with a capacity of 2 million to 10 million passengers, May, 2018) Worst-Affected Airports under Severe Weather CGO Suffers the Most from Severe Weather In May, Zhengzhou Xinzheng (CGO) suffers the most from severe weather for 25 hours, followed by Hangzhou Xiaoshan (HGH) and Nanjing Lukou (NKG), which are both affected by 24h severe weather. Among TOP 5 airports, Hangzhou Xiaoshan (HGH) and Wenzhou Longwan (WNZ) are the airports affected again by severe weather after April. Page 6 of 8 2018 Vari. All Rights Reserved.

Worst-affected Airports under Extreme Weather 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 25 24 24 Zhengzhou Hangzhou Nanjing Xinzheng Xiaoshan Total Release Rate Lukou Release Rate without Inclement Weather 80.0% 60.0% 20 18 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% Wenzhou Shanghai Longwan Pudong Release Rate with Inclement Weather Inclement Weather Hitting Hours Source: Vari Figure 7: China s worst-affected airports for normal flight release rate (May, 2018) Notes for editors Period: May 1- May 31, 2018 s: Commercial air passenger flights only. Cargo aircrafts, corporate jets and general aviation are excluded. Actual departure flights: flights that have actual take-off time and actual departure time in Vari database. Canceled flights are excluded. Actual arrival flights: Arrival flights that have actual take-off time and actual departure time in Vari database. Canceled flights are excluded. Large airports: Airports with above 6000 actual departure flights monthly. Medium-sized airports: Airports with 2000 to 6000 actual departure flights monthly. departure flights: ATD-STD<30mins arrival flights: ATA-STA<30mins departure rate: s/actual s * 100% arrival rate: Arrival s/actual Arrival s * 100% Average departure delay time: Total Delay Time/ Actual s ( delay time of a single flight: ATD-STD. If a flight departs ahead of the scheduled time of departure, then the result is zero.) Average arrival delay time: Total Arrival Delay Time/ Actual Arrival s (Arrival delay time of a single flight: ATA-STA. If a flight arrives ahead of the scheduled time of arrival, then the result is zero.) Airports in Mainland China: Airports in mainland China can be divided into three Page 7 of 8 2018 Vari. All Rights Reserved.

classes with a capacity of over 10 million passengers, 2 million to 10 million passengers and less than 2 million passengers respectively, in accordance with the passenger throughput published by Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), 2017. Page 8 of 8 2018 Vari. All Rights Reserved.