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溫哥華 維多利亞 / 惠斯勒四天遊 VANCOUVER VICTORIA / WHISTLER 4 DAYS. Tour Code: YVR4 出發日期 Departure date 10/20, 2018-4/12, 2019 天天出發 Daily Departure 行程亮點 Highlights 獨家乘坐漁港小渡參觀格蘭威爾半島 Exclusive Bonus mini ferry ride to the Granville Island during a Complimentary half day Vancouver city tour. 隨心選擇! 遊省府維多利亞, 漫步布查特花園或登臨冬奧會場, 滑雪度假勝地惠斯勒 Choose one day tour either in Victoria, visiting Butchart Gardens OR in Whistler, the Winter Olympics co-hosting city 獨家可安排全程膳食由第一天行程之晚膳開始 Exclusive: all inclusive meal arrangement available 可安排溫哥華或西雅圖機場 / 市中心接送 Greeting and transfer services at Vancouver or Seattle Airport or Seattle Downtown 多種溫哥華酒店選擇, 可選擇住宿溫哥華市中心酒店, 或便利烈治文中心區 Hotel options in Vancouver downtown or Central Richmond 第一天 : 原居地 - 溫哥華 ( 或原居地 - 西雅圖 - 溫哥華 )( 晚 ) Day 1: Hometown - Vancouver (OR Hometown - Seattle - Vancouver)(D) 加國內陸航班抵達 : 於 3 號行李帶集合 國際航班抵達 : 於接機大廳 木頭人雕像 集合 Welcome to Vancouver! Let us greet you at claim belt #3 (Domestic arrivals) or Welcome Figures wooden statue in Arrival Hall (International arrivals) 或原居地 - 西雅圖 - 溫哥華 ( 晚 ) OR Hometown - Seattle - Vancouver (D) 西雅圖機場抵達 : 於 14 號行李帶約中午 12 點集合 ( 送西雅圖迷你市區遊, 不含溫哥華市內觀光 ; 逢週六集合時間延後約半小時 ) 西雅圖市中心抵達 : 於水族館正門約下午 1 點 45 分集合, 在太空針廣場拍照留念后, 送往溫哥華酒店 Sea-Tac Airport arrivals: meet at claim belt #14 at approx. 12pm. (Bonus Complimentary Mini Excursion of Seattle rather than Vancouver; Saturday Arrival: postpones 30 mins) Downtown arrivals: meet at Seattle Aquarium Main Entrance at approx. 1:45pm. Transfer to Vancouver

Hotel after a brief stop at Space Needle. * 西雅圖抵達需附加費, 請詳見 加拿大西岸落基山脈 價格表 *Surcharge applies; please refer to Canada West Rockies Packages fare chart 第二天 : 選擇維多利亞一天遊 (YVR4-J) 或惠斯勒雪山一天遊 (YVR4-W) 早午晚 Day 2: EITHER Victoria One Day OR Whistler one Day (B/L/D) 溫哥華 - 卑斯渡輪 - 維多利亞 - 內港 - 布查特花園 - 溫哥華 ( 包渡輪及花園門票 ) Vancouver - BC Ferries - Victoria - Inner Harbor - Butchart Gardens - Vancouver (Ferries & Garden Adm Incl.) 早上乘坐卑斯渡輪經喬治亞海峽到達溫哥華島, 遊覽卑斯省首府 - 維多利亞市 穿過同濟門, 參觀百年唐人街 之後前往維多利亞內港 省議會大樓 百年紀念公園 比根山公園 世界最長高速公路的起點處 零哩碑 等景點 親臨世界聞名的布查特花園 隨後乘坐渡輪返回溫哥華 Depart for Depart for Vancouver Island by ferry and capture the spectacular scenery en route. After passing by Victoria s historic Chinatown, visit Beacon Hill Park s remarkable Mile "0", landmark British Columbia Legislative Buildings, and explore other significant heritage architectures surrounding the Inner Harbour. Visit the world famous Butchart Gardens before returning to Vancouver. 溫哥華 - 海連天公路 - 惠斯勒 - 纜車 2- 溫哥華 ( 包纜車門票 ) Vancouver - Sea to Sky Highway - Whistler - Gondola2 - Vancouver (Sightseeing Gondola Adm incl.) 踏上加西最漂亮的海天公路, 途經馬蹄灣 加國第三高的順龍瀑布及史夸米希鎮, 抵達世界聞名滑雪度假勝地 - 惠斯勒 參觀 2010 年冬奧會場地, 於享有 小瑞士 之稱的惠斯勒村內觀光及購物, 感受歐陸風情 乘坐擁有 2 項世界紀錄的頂峰登山纜車 2, 群山之顛飽覽如畫雪景 可免費借用雪上步走鞋 3, 體驗雪上健行的樂趣 Start the journey along the Sea to Sky Highway, pass by Horseshoe Bay, Shannon Falls, and Squamish. Arrive at Whistler -North America s No. 1 resort and the host of 2010 Olympic Winter Games. After a ride of the Whistler Mountain Gondola and Peak2Peak2, relax and shop at the mountain or in the village. You may also experience snowshoeing excitements for FREE3. 第三天 : 溫哥華 - 加拿大廣場 - 史丹利公園 - 格蘭威爾半島 - 蓋斯鎮 - 女皇公園 - 酒莊 ( 早午晚 ) Day 3: Vancouver - Canada Place - Stanley Park - Granville Island - Gastown - Q.E. Park-Winery (B/L/D) 前往以 五帆 為標誌的加拿大廣場, 遊覽溫哥華會議中心及冬奧聖火盆 抵達加拿大最大的城市公園 - 史丹利公園 該公園佔地 1,000 英畝, 榮獲 世界最佳城市公園 的美譽 參觀圖騰公園內加拿大原住民文化精髓的印第安圖騰柱, 登上希望角, 一睹獅門大橋及西溫 北溫的風采 漫步於羅伯遜商業街, 北美第二大的唐人街 在蓋斯鎮內觀賞世界僅存的蒸汽動力時鐘 登上溫哥華的最高點 - 伊麗莎白女皇公園, 北面群山 溫哥華港口及市中心皆在眼底 前往鷺島酒莊, 品嚐加

拿大冰酒 Discover the waterfront area of downtown Vancouver and visit the Vancouver Convention Center and the Olympic Cauldron. Head for Vancouver s first, largest, and most beloved urban park-stanley Park. Enjoy your time at the totem-pole displays and great views of the Lions Gate Bridge from the Prospect Point. Stroll along Robson Street, Chinatown and Gastown. Explore Queen Elizabeth Park and Lulu Island Winery. 第四天 : 溫哥華 - 原居地 ( 早 ) Day 4: Vancouver - Hometown(B) 上午可自由活動或探親訪友, 或於酒店附近的著名食府品嚐各式美食 之後前往溫哥華國際機場, 結束愉快的旅程 Enjoy a free day for shopping or fine dining. Transfer to Vancouver Airport afterwards. 或溫哥華 - 西雅圖 - 原居地 ( 早 ) OR Vancouver - Seattle Hometown (B) 於西雅圖離團 ( 需附加費 ) 的客人早上由溫哥華酒店出發, 送往西雅圖水族館或機場, 建議搭乘下午 3 點後的航班 Depart in the morning and arrive at Seattle Aquarium or Sea-Tac Airport around noon(surcharge applies). Suggested departure flight time after 3pm 溫哥華酒店類別 Types of Accommodation in Vancouver: 位於烈治文中心區 Located in Central Richmond Type A Value 超值酒店 Hampton Inn by Hilton / Abercorn Inn 或同級 Type B Deluxe 豪華酒店 Executive Plaza (Plaza Room) / Sheraton YVR / Westin Wall Centre or similar 或同級 位於市中心 Located in Downtown Vancouver Type C Budget 經濟酒店 Barclay Inn or similar 或同級 Type D Premium 特級酒店 Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre or similar 或同級 *10 月 2018 特級 Type D 酒店附加費 : 每房每晚加幣 $90; *Type D hotel surcharge (Oct 2018 only): CAD$90/room/night 备注 Remark 費用包括 : 專業導遊 酒店住宿及旅遊車 費用不包括 : 稅金 膳食 機票 旅遊保險 所有私人性質之費用 有效簽證及護照有效期為半年以上 ( 如適用 ) 導遊及司機服務費 ( 溫哥華迎接 : 每位 $4 精選市區游 : 每位 $5 溫哥華送機 : 每位 $2 西雅圖迎接 / 送 : 每位 $8 全日旅遊團 : 每天每位 $10) * 漁港小渡運作視乎天氣而定 ;12 月 25 日,26 日暫停

* 斯勒吊車及頂峰纜車 10 月 21 日至 11 月 21 日暫停 ;10 月 21 日至 28 日特別安排 Sea to Sky 海天纜車行程替代 纜車運營視乎時間及天氣而定, 如有調整, 恕不另行通知 * 雪上步走時建議穿防水鞋 ; 活動視天氣而定 借用雪上步走鞋時須繳付押金 $50, 使用後經檢查無損壞, 歸還押金 雪上步走鞋適用於惠斯勒行程 * 第三 / 四位與前兩位共享一個房間, 每房以兩床為準 ; 嬰兒須佔座位, 費用按每位團費收取 * 客人如指定某一間酒店, 酌此服務費每房每晚 $40 * 所有酒店房間均禁止吸煙, 違例者酒店將罰款 $350 起 * 每人限帶手提及寄倉行李各一件 ; 額外行李附加費每件 $35 * 溫哥華免費接送機時間 ( 按巴士班次 ):8:00am-9:30pm( 烈治文酒店 );8:00am-8:00pm( 市中心酒店 ) 團友因個人理由取消定位, 必須以書面通知, 出發前 30 天內取消訂位, 按以下方法辦理 : 1. 出發前 23-30 天 - 收取團費的 30% 2. 出發前 15-22 天 - 收取團費的 50% 3. 出發前 14 天內更改或取消訂位而不能享用行程內之某一或全部活動 膳食 入場費或酒店住房, 本公司恕不作任何退還 本公司保留改變行程權利, 以利團體進行 行程中如發生意外而引至傷亡或其他損失 ( 包括行李及財物遺失 ), 當根據航空公司 酒店 餐廳 巴士 火車等營運機構所訂之條例, 作為解決依據, 概與本公司無涉 若因天氣, 路面, 機械等狀況而導至行程延誤, 本公司將不負上法律責任 如人數不足成團, 本公司將於出發前 14 日通知取消行程, 並退回團費或更改日期, 且不作進一步賠償 建議購買旅遊保險, 多一份出行保障 Tour Fare Includes: Expert tour coordinator, accommodation and transportation as per itinerary Tour Fare Excludes: Applicable taxes, meals, air fares, travel insurance, personal incidentals, visa/valid passport (if applicable) and tips to tour coordinator & driver ( Vancouver Arrival Transfer: $4/pax Mini City Tour: $5/pax Vancouver Departure Transfer: $2/pax Seattle Arrival / Departure Transfer: $8/pax Full Day Tour:$10/pax/day) * False Creek Ferries operation is weather-permitting; closed on Dec.25 & 26 * Whistler Gondola & Peak2Peak closed for maintenance: Oct 21-Nov 21; substituted by Sea to Sky Gondola excursion during Oct 21-28. Gondola operations are seasonal; subject to change without notice * Snowshoeing activity is weather dependent; damage deposit $50; only applies to Whistler tour * Triple and Quad are to be shared with two beds; infant occupies a seating and tour fare applies * Service charge of $40 per room per night will be added if you opt to stay at a specific hotel * All hotel rooms are non-smoking. Any violation will be penalized $350 (non-refundable cleaning fee) and up * Limited to one medium suitcase and one carry-on luggage per person. A surcharge of $35 for each additional piece of luggage applies * Free YVR airport transfer time (scheduled operation): 8:00am-9:30pm (Richmond Hotels) or 8:00am-8:00pm (Downtown Hotels). Tour Cancellation Policy: (All cancellation request must be submitted in writing) 1. 23-30 days prior to departure date 30% penalty 2. 15-22 days prior to departure date 50% penalty 3. No refund within 14-day prior to departure date. No partial refund on any unused services

We reserve the rights to modify the itinerary without liability. Super Vacation, (hereinafter referred to as the operator ) acts only in the capacity of agents for hotels, restaurants, airlines, bus companies or shipping lines providing transportations, hotel accommodations, meals and other services. The operator is not liable for any injury, death, loss or damage of personal property resulting from the use of the services. If the services included in the tour cannot be supplied or there are changes in an itinerary for reasons beyond the control of the operator, the operator will arrange for the provision of comparable services. Any resulting additional expenses will be payable by tour participants. We reserve the rights to cancel the tours 14 days prior to departure, and refund payment or reschedule the tours if the number of participants is inadequate to form a group. Purchase of travel insurance is strongly recommended.