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mva in asia 亚洲

about systra MVA is a SYSTRA group company. The Group has clients in 150 countries and 350 towns and cities - infrastructure managers, transport authorities, local authorties and businesses. Aware of the importance of a client-proximity business model, SYSTRA has divided its operations into 8 regions to have a presence on every continent and provide the assistance required to transport millions of passengers every day, as safely and efficiently as possible. North America (AMR) Los Angeles, Montreal, New-York, Philadelphia, Washington, Little Falls 北美洛杉矶, 蒙特利尔, 纽约, 费城, 华盛顿, 利特尔福尔斯 Northern Europe (ENO) Astana, Copenhagen, Kiev, London, Moscow, Riga, Wroclaw 北欧阿斯塔纳, 哥本哈根, 基辅, 伦敦, 莫斯科, 里加, 弗罗茨瓦夫 France (FRA) Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Paris, Marseilles 法国波尔多, 里尔, 里昂, 巴黎, 马赛 Latin America (LAM) Lima, Mexico, Rio de Janeiro Santiago, São Paulo 拉丁美洲利马, 墨西哥, 里约热内卢, 圣地亚哥, 圣保罗 Africa, Southern Europe (ASE) Abidjan, Algiers, Baku, Bucharest, Douala, Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Libreville, Madrid, Nairobi, Rabat, Rome, Sofia, Tunis 非洲, 南歐阿比让, 索阿尔及尔, 巴库, 布加勒斯特, 杜阿拉, 约翰内斯堡, 金沙萨, 利伯维尔, 内罗毕, 马德里, 拉巴特, 罗马, 索非亚, 突尼斯 Middle East (MEA) Cairo, Dubai, Riyadh 中东开罗, 迪拜, 利雅得 Asia Pacific (APA) Bangkok, Beijing, Brisbane, Delhi, Hanoi, Hong Kong, Manila, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Singapore, Taipei 亚太地区曼谷, 北京, 布里斯班, 德里, 河内, 香港, 马尼拉, 首尔, 上海, 深圳, 新加坡, 台北 01 mva in asia

mva in asia mva MVA is a global transportation specialist and leading market research consultancy specializing in traffic engineering and transport planning and operations. In 1978, MVA commissioned its regional head office in Hong Kong. It is now the largest specialist traffic and transport consultancy firm in Asia, with other permanent offices in Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok and a project office in Ho Chi Minh City. To date, MVA has approximately 330 permanent staff operating in Asia among the various entities. MVA offers a complete range of consultancy services for traffic, transport and pedestrian aspects. Working closely with governments, NGOs, operators, financial institutions, developers, architects, planners, engineers and contractors, in both public and private sectors. MVA is experienced in providing consultancy services from initial concept stages, through planning, feasibility, design and construction. MVA has been assessed by Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency and registered as meeting the requirements of the international quality systems standard ISO 9001: 2008. The scope of the company s registration includes the provision of consultancy services in transportation planning, land use planning, traffic engineering and management environmental engineering, business, market and social research for projects in Hong Kong and China. 02

content P.4 P.5 P.6 P.7 P.8 P.9 P.10 P.11 P.12 P.13 P.14 P.15 P.16 P.17 P.18 aviation and airports business, market and social research car park design and management master planning and land-use development pedestrian and people movement public transport planning rail planning and station design strategic multi-modal modelling transport simulation traffic management and control transport investment transport for development traffic and highway engineering transport planning vertical transportation 03 mva in asia

aviation and airports Aviation is a major growing industry in the Asia-Pacific region. MVA has a dedicated team of airport planning professionals and now offers the full range of services from aviation demand forecasting, airport business and facility planning to surface access planning and market research. Aviation and Airports Surface Access Planning Aviation Demand Forecasting Airport Business and Facility Planning Aviation Cargo & Logistics Planning Airport Property Development and Town Planning Airline Strategy and Market Research hong kong international airport shanghai hong qiao airport chatt rapathi auckland airport, shiraji international new zealand airport, india 04

business, market and social research MVA's Business, Market and Social Research Group (BMSR) undertakes a wide range of consulting, market research and household surveys for both the public and private sectors. Household Surveys Opinion Survey and Customer Satisfaction Research Tourism Studies Market & Strategy Assessment Retail and Location Studies Advertising Research Customer Satisfaction Research Market Analysis, Design and Modelling Service Performance Indicators Product Evaluation ngong ping 360 mtr passenger study mtr cross-boundary satisfaction and market study, attitudes tracking survey, hong kong 05 mva in asia

car park design and management shenyang new world center car park system design hong kong convention and exhibition centre arab emirates burj dubai shopping mall sentosa resort hotel car park study, singapore car park study Good quality of building can be reflected fully by rigorous car park design through the attention paid to the subtle things. In order to improve the potential value of the whole development, MVA will design the scheme of car park system, which includes scheme design of car park management and control and car park system tendering and bidding evaluation. Design of Car Park Management Scheme Development of Solution Scheme Design of Car Park Zoning Management Design of Car Park Control And Management Design of Car Park Vehicle Locating System Functional Design Of Car Park Internal and External Guidance Sign And Lane Marking Design of Transport Servicing Facilities for Car Park Tendering and Bidding Evaluation of Car Park System Compilation of Car Park Intelligent System Technical Requirement Document and Tender Document Tendering and Bidding Evaluation of Car Park Intelligent System 06

master planning and land-use development MVA's transport and traffic planners take a leading role in preparing sustainable development plans to meet the growing population in the Asia region. Projects range from New Town Master Plans, Reclamation Schemes, Urban Renewal Schemes, and Transport Plans for New Commercial and Industrial Areas. Traffic Impact Assessments Planning Applications and Public Consultations Transport Masterplans Vehicular and Passenger Forecasts Road Traffic Circulation and Layout Road Network and Junction Design Public Transport Requirements and Facilities Pedestrian and Cyclist Facilities Parking Demand Studies Car Park Layout, Operation and Control Systems Traffic Management during Construction pingtan high speed brunei master rail masterplan, plan and urban china transport study west kowloon central world cultural district (wkcd), hong kong traffic study, thailand 07 mva in asia

pedestrian and people movement lok ma chau (hong kong / china) border crossing terminus pedestrian design of mtr stations, hong kong MVA offers specialist expertise in pedestrian planning, simulation modeling and design, ranging from demand forecasting and layout planning through to social research and interviews. Trip Generation, Distribution and Demand Forecasting Simulation Modelling Local and District Network Planning Pedestrian Impact Assessment Pedestrianisation Schemes Transport Interchange planning and Design Mass Transit Station Layout Optimization Retail Malls, Exhibition and Entertainment Complexes Attitudinal Surveys and Market Research planning of public singapore one square and pedestrian north mrt station network for planning and guangzhou liuhua and suzhou railway station areas design optimization 08

public transport planning 公共交通规划 Many major cities in Southeast Asia have invested heavily in public transport systems. MVA plays a key role in the development and enhancement of such public transport networks. MVA also provides specialist advice to bus operators to rationalise their bus operations and services to integrate with the new or existing railway systems. Our experts are also experienced in modernising ferry and tram services and providing advice on cable car and people mover systems. Strategy Development System Design and Implementation Service Planning and Operations Integration Studies Transport Interchange Planning and Design Regulatory and Institutional Re-structuring Passenger and Revenue Forecasting Economic and Financial Appraisal Fare Sensitivity and Optimisation Affordability Studies Ticketing and Fare Collection Systems Market Research hong kong tramways cross harbour bus study, hong kong guangzhou public transport improvement hanoi bus rapid transit study, study vietnam 09 mva in asia

rail planning and station design MVA has extensive experience on rail projects in Asia. Suburban rail, metro, and LRT systems have been designed and implemented in several of the region's capitals. We are involved in station and interchange designs for inter-urban and urban railways, and integration with property development. Station, Interchange & Terminal Design Patronage and Revenue Forecasting Fare Sensitivity and Optimisation Affordability Studies Data Collection and Analysis Market Research Ticketing and Fare Collection Systems Economic and Financial Assessment Station Area / Integration Studies Feeder Systems and Transport Interchange Pedestrian Circulation and Access Studies Traffic Management during Construction mtr shatin to central link hong qiao airport extension, transport bangkok transit system feeder operation and services requirements study, shanghai enhancements study, thailand 10

strategic multi-modal modelling vietnam ho chi minh city traffic forecasting hong kong comprehensive transport demand forecasting china beijing transport model MVA has developed and applied transport forecasting models in most Asian countries. MVA s models range from multimodal models of the region s major urban areas, to models used to assess viability of proposed toll road and rail projects, and traffic impact assessment for proposed commercial developments. Project Screening and Identification Traffic and Revenue Forecasting Passenger and Freight Forecasting Operating Strategies and Costs Financial and Economic Evaluation Toll and Fare Collection Systems Bid Preparation and Strategy Facility Planning 11 mva in asia

transport simulation MVA offers specialist expertise in microscopic traffic modelling, ranging from assessment of road network design layout & optimization schemes, through 3D visualization of proposed traffic schemes that accompany traffic studies and impact assessments. Strategic / Policy Studies City and Regional Studies Detailed Demand Studies for Urban Areas Appraisal of Highway Schemes Appraisal of Public Transport Schemes Bus, LRT, Rail Road User Charging Toll Road Studies Detailed Assessment of Traffic Management Measures Land-use / Transport Interaction Models for High-Speed Rail Airport Access preliminary design for west kowloon terminus, hong kong station planning, mtr kai tak station beijing temple of heaven performance zone schematic interchange in bandar seri begawan, brunei design study 12

traffic management and control express rail link - stormwater diversion west kowloon works at victoria terminus (wkt) - traffic park, hong kong consultancy services tuen mun to yuen long lrt traffic management implementation project, hong kong Our Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and Green Transport teams experience of consistently delivering transport schemes worldwide road, ferry, metro, LRT, conventional rail or high speed is a guarantee for success. SYSTRA and MVA combine safety, reliability, capacity and performance to deliver state of the art projects. Addressing ITS and Green Transport Related Issues Temporary Traffic Management during Construction Mitigation of Traffic Impacts of Construction Advise on the Feasible Construction Sequence Prepare Detailed Temporary Traffic Management Schemes for Contractors to Implement The Construction Works (such as Watermains & Drainage laying/connection, Hoarding Erection, Road Reconstruction etc.) Prepare Traffic Notice/advice for the Works Application of Excavation Permit 13 mva in asia

transport investment MVA is a transport and revenue advisor to Governments, private investors, operators and financial institutions for transport investment projects, including airport, toll roads and metro etc. Project Screening and Identification Traffic and Revenue Forecasting Freight Forecasting Operating Strategies and Costs Financial and Economic Evaluation Toll and Fare Collection Systems Bid Preparation and Strategy Facility Planning hong kong eastern harbour crossing hong kong western harbour crossing bangkok second stage expressway system 14

transport for development Good transport accessibility and efficient traffic circulation are key successes for development. The comprehensive services provided by MVA meet the needs of the city development trend, providing high quality services at each development planning stage from transport master plan, concept plan to detail design and implementation. Main Regional and Social Developments include: New Towns and Urban Renewal Convention and Exhibition Centres Development Integrated with Railway or Metro Stations Airport, Port and Logistic Centres Multi-Storey Car Parks Theme Parks, Recreation and Entertainment Centres Universities and Schools Main Residential and Commercial Developments include: Large Commercial Complexes Retail Shopping Malls World Class Offices Hotels and Service Apartments Residential Areas saigon center shenzhen china development, resources building vietnam and the mixc west kowloon jakarta world trade cultural district centre traffic (wkcd), hong kong impact study, indonesia 15 mva in asia

traffic and highway engineering tsing ma bridge, hong kong shenzhen guangzhou super highway cavite - laguna expressway, cavite, the philippines Economic growth brings increased vehicle ownership and usage, presenting a challenge to policy makers, highway engineers and environmental planners. MVA has been involved in every aspect of highway planning, design, implementation and operations. Highway Planning and Appraisal Traffic Restraint and Policy Area-wide Traffic Planning Traffic Control and Surveillance Intelligent Transport System Temporary Traffic Management Schemes Implementation and Monitoring Traffic Safety Audits Contract Specification and Management Traffic Engineer for Contractor 16

transport planning MVA has developed national, regional and urban transport strategies and policies to provide a framework for cost-effective and sustainable development to meet the objectives of communities around the region. Comprehensive Transport Studies Strategy Development Integrated Transport Policy Studies Land Use Development Economic and Financial Analysis Institutional Development White Paper on Transport Policy strategic traffic review of urban transport study, cbd, malaysia beijing traffic consultancy for river masterplan, singapore 17 mva in asia

vertical transportation Large-scale complex commercial development, super high-rise intelligent office building are regarded as landmark symbol of the city centre. It requires accurate passenger flow planning for such sustainable planning for such sustainable development, so as to ensure the high-efficiency operation of vertical transportation. Estimate Population Density for Each Floor Forecast Passenger Flow of Vertical Transportation System Measure the Waiting Time for the Elevator on the First Floor of Lobby at Working Peak Hours and Lunch Peak Hours Evaluate Vertical Transportation System and Analysis Evaluate the Area of Elevator Core Layout Provide and Propose Intelligent Elevator Options - Detail Design including Carrying capacity, Power supply requirement, Sizing and dimensions, Provisions and Speed etc. tianjin r&f guangdong tower vertical transportation study bangkok shopping center, thailand hangzhou xicheng yintai shopping mall vertical transportation study 18

Asia Head Office / Hong Kong MVA Hong Kong Limited / MVA Asia Limited 22/F Genesis, 33-35 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2529 7037 Fax: +852 2527 8490 Asia Offices Email: 亚洲总部 / 香港弘达交通顾问有限公司 / 弘达亚洲有限公司香港黄竹坑道 33-35 号创协坊 22 楼电话 :+852 2529 7037 传真 :+852 2527 8490 亚洲总部及地区办事处电邮 : China MVA Transport Consultants (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. Room 906, Excellence Mansion, No.98, No.1 Fuhua Road, Futian Central Zone, Shenzhen, PRC Post Code 518048 Tel +86 755 3336 1898 Fax +86 755 3336 2060 MVA Transport Consultants (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. - Beijing Branch Office Room 518, Block B, Go High Lanfeng Plaza, 98, East 3rd Ring South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC Post Code 100122 Tel +86 10 5861 1190 Fax +86 10 5861 1203 MVA Transport Consultants (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. - Shanghai Branch Office Room 2305, Kerry Everbright City, 218 Tianmu Road West, Zhabei District, Shanghai, PRC Post Code 200070 Tel +86 21 6353 6033 Fax +86 21 6353 6006 Beijing MVA Transport Consultants Co. Ltd. No.60 Nan Li Shi Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, PRC Post Code 100045 Tel +86 10 8807 6320 Fax +86 10 6804 3744 中国弘达交通咨询 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司深圳市福田区福华一路 98 号卓越大厦 906 室邮编 :518048 电话 :+86 755 3336 1898 传真 :+86 755 3336 2060 弘达交通咨询 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司北京分公司北京市朝阳区东三环南路 98 号高和蓝峰大厦 B 座 518 室邮编 :100122 电话 :+86 10 5861 1190 传真 :+86 10 5861 1203 弘达交通咨询 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司上海分公司上海市闸北区天目西路 218 号嘉里不夜城 1 座 2305 室邮编 :200070 电话 :+86 21 6353 6033 传真 :+86 21 6353 6006 北京艾威爱交通咨询有限公司北京市西城区南礼士路 60 号邮编 :100045 电话 :+86 10 8807 6320 传真 :+86 10 6804 3744 Singapore Systra MVA Singapore Pte Ltd. 25 Seah Street #04-01 Singapore 188381 Tel +65 6227 3252 Fax +65 6423 0178 Thailand Systra MVA (Thailand) Ltd. 37th Floor, Unit F, Payatai Plaza Building, 128/404-405 Payathai Road, Thung-payathai, Rajthewee, Bangkok 10400, Thailand Tel +662 216 6652 Fax +662 216 6651 Vietnam MVA Asia Limited (Vietnam - Project Office) 52 Nguyen Thi Thap Street, KDC Him Lam, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel +84 62 515 608 Fax +84 62 515 601 新加坡 Systra MVA Singapore Pte Ltd. 25 Seah Street #04-01 Singapore 188381 电话 :+65 6227 3252 传真 :+65 6423 0178 泰国 Systra MVA (Thailand) Ltd. 37th Floor, Unit F, Payatai Plaza Building,128/404-405 Payathai Road, Thung-payathai, Rajthewee, Bangkok 10400, Thailand 电话 :+662 216 6652 传真 :+662 216 6651 越南 MVA Asia Limited (Vietnam - Project Office) 52 Nguyen Thi Thap Street, KDC Him Lam, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 电话 :+84 62 515 608 传真 :+84 62 515 601 SYSTRA 72 rue Henry Farman - CS 41594, 75513 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel +33 1 40 16 61 00 Email: Web: 赛思达 72 rue Henry Farman - CS 41594, 75513 Paris Cedex 15, France 电话 :+33 1 40 16 61 00 电邮 网址 MVA - Marketing & Communications - 市场及传讯部 - 2016 MVA