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46 6 Vol.46, No.6 2015 11 OCEANOLOGIA ET LIMNOLOGIA SINICA Nov., 2015 1013 * ( 200030), 100m 2010 13 :,,, 16% :,, 258m 35m, 123s 13s, 1 3 ; ; ; ; P444 doi: 10.11693/hyhz20150700186, (, 2005; Kepert, 2010; Smith et al, 2010;, 2013; Sun et al, 2014; Zhang et al, 2015), K, H,, wh K H/ z,,, Lettau (1957) 100m, Bunker(1956) 150 550m, Telford (1964) 125 150 350m, Wong (1966), Deardorff(1972) r c, wh K ( H/ z r),, Deissler(1962), Komori (1983) (2005), Zhang (2012) ( 7), H c * (973), 2013CB430305 ;, 14DZ1205200,, E-mail: :,, E-mail: : 2015-07-16, : 2015-10-09

1264 46, ;,, (Troen et al, 1986; Holtslag et al, 1991;, 2012), 100m,, 1 100m, 24 2 9.6, 117 54, 29m, 35m, 55m, 75m, 95m, 64m, 84m, 104m 124m ( 1) 2010,, 70m/s; 10 23 13 27 (, ), 38m/s, 23km, 23 20, 23 23 2 20 0 25 0 35m 2min, 29m/s, 2 35m 2 min Fig.2 Time series of 2 min averaged wind speed at 35m height of the tower during the typhoon progress Applied Technologies,,, 20Hz ±0.03m/s, ±0.1, ±0.1 C 40 60 C, ±60m/s, ±15m/s (2000),, 2 1 2010 13 ( ) Fig.1 Track of Typhoon Megi in 2010 and location of the observation tower (the red triangle) 2010 13 u, v w x, y, z, u x, y, z u v w 10min u v w (, 2005;, 2012), (Troen et al, 1986; Holtslag et al, 1991;, 2012), (, 2012), T>1min

6 : 1013 1265,, U / z (uw + vw ), U ( 2min ), z, u v w, U / z, (uw + vw ) S ( uw vw ) U / z, S, S, (uw + vw ) U / z,, U / z, 3 95m 35m 2min 3 2, 20 0 23 0 2 0.5 1.5m/s,, 2 1.5 3.0m/s,, 24 2, 35m 95m, (20 12 13 ) (23 13 14 ) (24 12 13 ), S,, 11% 4% 3% 0%,, 4 2010 20 12 13 95( a) 75(b) 55(c), 35m(d) ( uw vw ) U/ z Fig.4 Time series of ( uw vw ) U/ z at 95, 75, 55, and 35m heights in 12: 00 13: 00BT, Oct. 20, 2010 3 95m 35m 2min Fig.3 Time series of 2min averaged wind speed difference between 95m and 35m height 4 20 12 13 95 75 55 35m S, 4 S, ( uw vw ), 35m, S ( A B C ), 5 23 13 14 95m 75m 55m 35m S, 4 S, ( uw vw ), 35m,, 4 S, 21% 8% 5% 2% 6 24 12 13 95m 75m 55m 35m S

1266 46,, (35m) (95m),, S, 16% 6% 5% 2% 3 5 2010 23 13 14 95 75 55 35m ( uw vw ) U/ z Fig.5 Time series of ( uw vw ) U/ z at 95, 75, 55, and 35m heights in 13: 00 14: 00BT, Oct. 23, 2010 6 2010 24 12 13 95 75 55 35m ( uw vw ) U/ z Fig.6 Time series of ( uw vw ) U/ z at 95, 75, 55, and 35m heights in 12: 00 13: 00BT, Oct. 24, 2010, 2 U / z,, ( uw vw ), u v w, ;, u v w, (2012) 10m u w,, 7 20 12 13 95 75 55 35m u w, 4 u w, (u'>0), (w <0);,, u w, 95 75 55 35m u w 0.21 0.35 0.37 0.50(2012), 10m u w 0.49 0.79, u w, u w 7 A B C D ( 4) 8 23 13 14 95 75 55 35m u w, 4 u w, u w, 95 75 55 35m u w

6 : 1013 1267 ( 5) 9 24 12 13 95 75 55 35m u w, 4 u w, 95 75 55 35m u w 0.16 0.29 0.31 0.48, u w u w ( 6) 7 2010 20 12 13 95 75 55 35m u ( ) w ( ) Fig.7 Time series of u (solid line) and w (dotted line) at 95, 75, 55, and 35m heights in 12: 00 13: 00BT, Oct. 20, 2010 9 2010 24 12 13 95 75 55 35m u ( ) w ( ) Fig.9 Time series of u (solid line) and w (dotted line) at 95, 75, 55, and 35m heights in 12: 00 13: 00BT, Oct. 24, 2010 8 2010 23 13 14 95 75 55 35m u ( ) w ( ) Fig.8 Time series of u (solid line) and w (dotted line) at 95, 75, 55, and 35m heights in 13: 00 14: 00BT, Oct. 23, 2010 0.34 0.32 0.40 0.51, u w, (2012) :, ;, 4, (Flay, 1984),

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