学校编码 :10384 分类号密级 学号 : UDC 硕士学位论文 大学生学习自我决定与学习投入的关系研究 The Research on Relationship between Undergraduate Study Self-determination and St

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学校编码 :10384 分类号密级 学号 :25720081151851 UDC 硕士学位论文 大学生学习自我决定与学习投入的关系研究 The Research on Relationship between Undergraduate Study Self-determination and Study Engagement 叶晓云 指导教师姓名 : 杨莉讲师 专 业名称 : 发展与教育心理学 论文提交日期 :2 0 1 1 年 4 月 论文答辩时间 :2 0 1 1 年月 学位授予日期 :2 0 1 1 年月答辩委员会主席 : 评阅人 : 2011 年 4 月

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摘 要 自我决定理论研究人们的行为由自我所决定的程度 个体自我决定程度越高, 对行为越有积极的促进作用 大学生学业学习是培养其专业技能的重要途径, 从自我决定角度深入研究大学生学业学习行为, 具有一定的重要意义 本文基于自我决定论, 通过开放式问卷 项目分析 探索性因素分析 信度 分析和验证性因素分析构建出大学生学习自我决定的四个维度 : 内部调节 认同调节 内射调节和外部调节 经检验, 问卷具有良好的信效度 采用自编 大学生学习自我决定问卷 和已有的 学习投入问卷 对大学生进行调查, 收集相关数据并应用描述统计 t 检验 方差分析 积差相关和多元回归分析等方法处理数据, 从而对大学生学习自我决定和学习投入的特点及它们之间的关系进行研究 研究结果表明 :1 大学生内部调节和认同调节在学校 性别 年级 专业上均不存在显著差异 2 大学生内射调节在性别 年级上表现出一定的差异 具体表现在文科女生内射调节得分高于文科男生 大一学生内射调节得分显著高于大四学生 3 外部调节在性别 年级 专业上表现出一定的差异 具体表现在文科女生外部调节得分高于男生 大一学生外部调节得分显著高于大四学生 大一理科生外部调节得分均显著高于大二 大三理科生 大三理科生的外部调节得分显著低于大三文科 工科学生 4 大学生学习投入在学校 性别 专业 年级等方面上不存在显著的差异 5 内部调节 认同调节与学习投入及 各维度均存在显著的正相关关系, 内射调节 外部调节与学习投入及各维度均 不存在显著的相关关系 6 内部调节和认同调节对学习投入及各维度具有显著的正向预测作用 其中内部调节预测作用大于认同调节 内射调节和外部调节对学习投入没有显著的预测作用 关键词 : 大学生 ; 自我决定 ; 学习投入

Abstract Self-determination theory focuses on how much the behavior is self-determined. The more self-determined study the motivation is, the more positive the behaviour is. Learning is an important way for undergraduates to develop their professional skills, so it is of great importance to study undergraduates' learning from their self-determination perspectives. Based on self-determination theory, open questionnaire, item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis are used in this study to build four dimensions of Undergraduate study Self-Determination, including intrinsic regulation, identified regulation, introjected regulation and external regulation. It is proved that the scale has high reliability and validity. It is proved that the scale has high reliability and validity. The paper used study engagement questionnaire and self-made questionnaire of undergraduate study self-determination to do relevant investigation. The collected data were ananlyzed by descriptive statistic, t test, anova, pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. Then the paper studied the feature of undergraduates' self-determination and study engagement, and their relationship. The main conculsions are as follows: (1) Undergraduate internal regulation and identified regulation have not significant difference in school, gender, grade, and major. (2) There are some significant differences in introjected regulation in different gender and grade. Schoolgirls' scores of introjected regulation are higher than those of schoolboys who major in art. Freshmen' scores of introjected regulation are higher than those of seniors. (3) There are some significant differences in external regulation in different gender grade and major. Schoolgirls' scores of external regulation are higher than those of schoolboys who major in art. Freshmen' scores of external regulation are higher than those of seniors. Freshmen' scores of external regulation are higher than those of sophomore and junior who major in science. Junior major in both art and engineering have higher score in external regulation

than students major in science. (4) Undergraduate study engagement have not significant difference in school, gender, grade, and major. (5) Both undergraduate internal regulation and identified regulation are positively correlated with study engagement. Neither introjected regulation nor external regulation is not correlated with study engagement. (6) Intrinsic regulation and identified regulation can effectively predict study engagement, and introjected regulation and external regulation have not obvious predictiion effect. Key Words:Undergraduate, self-determination, study engagement.

目 录 引言...1 第一章文献综述...3 1.1 自我决定论...3 1.1.1 基本心理需要理论...4 1.1.2 有机整合理论...5 1.1.3 认知评价理论...8 1.1.4 因果定向理论...9 1.2 自我决定动机的测量工具...10 1.3 自我决定的研究现状... 11 1.3.1 自我决定与学校教育...12 1.3.2 自我决定与心理特征...14 1.3.3 自我决定动机与体育锻炼...15 1.4 自我决定的评价...16 1.5 学习投入...17 1.6 自我决定与学习投入的关系...20 第二章研究设计...21 2.1 概念界定...21 2.2 研究目的...21 2.3 研究假设...21 2.4 研究程序...21 第三章大学生学习自我决定问卷的编制...23 3.1 开放式问卷调查...23 3.1.1 研究目的...23 3.1.2 研究方法...23 3.2 预测问卷的编制...24

3.2.1 问卷编制的原则...24 3.2.2 项目设计...25 3.3 正式问卷的确定...26 3.3.1 研究目的...26 3.3.2 研究方法...26 3.3.3 结果与分析...27 3.3.4 讨论...34 第四章大学生学习自我决定与学习投入的现状分析...36 4.1 研究目的...36 4.2 研究方法...36 4.2.1 被试...36 4.2.2 测量工具...36 4.2.3 问卷施测...37 4.2.4 数据处理...37 4.3 研究结果...37 4.3.1 大学生学习自我决定与学习投入的总体状况...37 4.3.2 大学生学习自我决定的学校差异分析...38 4.3.3 大学生学习自我决定的性别 年级 专业差异分析...39 4.3.4 大学生学习投入的学校差异分析...43 4.3.5 大学生学习投入的性别 年级 专业差异分析...44 4.4 讨论...45 4.4.1 大学生学习自我决定与学习投入的总体情况分析...45 4.4.2 大学生学习自我决定在学校等变量上的差异分析...46 4.4.3 大学生学习投入在学校等变量上的差异分析...47 第五章大学生学习自我决定与学习投入的关系研究...49 5.1 研究目的...49 5.2 研究方法...49 5.2.1 被试...49 5.2.2 测量工具...49

5.2.3 问卷施测...50 5.2.4 数据处理...50 5.3 研究结果...50 5.3.1 大学生学习自我决定和学习投入的相关关系...50 5.3.2 大学生学习自我决定对学习投入的影响...51 5.4 讨论...54 第六章研究总结与展望...57 6.1 研究总结...57 6.2 局限与展望...58 附录...59 参考文献...65 后记...69

CONTENTS Introduction...1 Chapter1 Literature review...3 1.1 Self-determination theory...3 1.1.1 Basic psychological need theory...4 1.1.2 Organismic integration theory...5 1.1.3 Cognitive evaluation theory...8 1.1.4 Causality orientation theory...9 1.2 Self-determination theory measure tools...10 1.3 Study situation of self-determination theory... 11 1.3.1 Self-determination and school education...12 1.3.2 Self-determination and psychological characteristics...14 1.3.3 Self-determination and physical training...15 1.4 Assessment of self-determination theory...16 1.5 Study engagement...17 1.6 Self-determination and study engagement...20 Chapter2 Reserch Design...21 2.1 Definition of concepts...21 2.2 Research purpose...21 2.3 Research hypothesis...21 2.4 Research procedures...21 Chapter3 The development of undergraduate study self-determination questionnaire...23 3.1The open style questionnaire survey...23 3.1.1 Research purpose...23 3.1.2 Research method...23

3.2 The development of pre-test questionnaires...24 3.2.1 Principle of questionnaire...24 3.2.2 Item design...25 3.3 The determination of formal questionnaire...26 3.3.1 Research purpose...26 3.3.2 Research method...26 3.3.3 Results and analysis...27 3.3.4 Discussment...34 Chapter4 The current situation of undergraduate self-determination and study engagement...35 4.1 Research purpose...35 4.2 Research method...35 4.2.1Subjects...35 4.2.2 Measure tools...36 4.2.3 Questionnaire survey...36 4.2.4 Data processing...36 4.3 Research results...37 4.3.1 The overall situation of undergraduate self-determination and study engagement...37 4.3.2 School difference in undergraduate self-determination...38 4.3.3 Gender, grade, and major difference in undergraduate self-determination...39 4.3.4 School difference in undergraduate study engagement...43 4.3.5 Gender, grade, and major difference in undergraduate study engagement...44 4.4 Discussment...45 4.4.1 The overall situation of undergraduate self-determination and study engagement...45 4.4.2 School, gender, grade, and major difference in undergraduate

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