Keywords:provenanceanalysis;tectonicseting;majorelement;rareearthelement;traceelement;fissiontrack; isotope;geochemistry 0 [1-46] 1 [1-2] 1.1 [

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前 言 本 指 南 是 CCS 规 范 的 组 成 部 分, 规 定 船 舶 入 级 产 品, 授 权 法 定 产 品 检 验 适 用 技 术 要 求, 检 验 和 试 验 要 求 本 指 南 由 CCS 编 写 和 更 新, 通 过 网 页 发 布, 使

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( g/ cm 3 kg/ m 3 ) ; m ; V0, (cm 3 m 3 ), ;,,,,,,, ( ), ( ) ( ) : 0 = m V 0 ( 1.3) 0 ( kg/ m 3 ) ; m ( k g) ; V0( m 3 ),, ( k

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( ) 1. HCO - 3 ( OH - ) ( 1.3) 2. ( 1.4) -64-




中 财 期 货 保 证 金 账 号 户 名 开 户 银 行 账 号 上 海 中 财 期 货 有 限 公 司 中 国 工 商 银 行 上 海 期 货 大 厦 支 行 上 海 中 财 期 货 有 限 公 司 中 国 工 商 银 行 大 连 商 品 交 易 所 支

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33 4 2011 12 Vol.33 No.4 JournalofEarthSciencesandEnvironment Dec.2011! 1 2 2 (1. 266590; 2. 710069) - K-Ar Ar-Ar Rb-Sr Sm-Nd U-Pb Re-Os S O Si : - - ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; P512.2;TE121.3 A 1672-6561(2011)04-0337-12 ApplicationofGeochemistryinProvenance anddepositionalsetinganalysis MAO Guang-zhou 12 LIU Chi-yang 2 (1.Shandong Provincial Key Laboratoryof Depositional Mineralizationand Sedimentary MineralsSchoolof GeologicalScienceand EngineeringShandong Universityof Scienceand TechnologyQingdao266590 ShandongChina;2.State Key Laboratoryof Continental DynamicsInstituteof Petroliferous Basin Northwest UniversityXi an710069shaanxichina) Abstract:Provenanceanalysisisindispensabletobasinandpalaeogeographyanalysisandgeochemistryplaysan importantrolein provenanceanddepositionalsetinganalysis.therelatedliteraturesabouttheapplicationof geochemistryin provenanceand depositionalsetinganalysis werestudied;majorelementanalysisrareearth element-traceelementanalysisandisotopeanalysessuchasfissiontrackk-arar-arrb-srsm-ndu-pbre- OsSOSietc.werediscussedandtheadvantageanddisadvantageoftheabovemethodswereanalyzed.The resultsshowedthatmajorelementanalysisandrareearthelement-traceelementanalysishadgoodapplicationefect on materialcompositiontectonicsetingweatheringintensitycompositional maturityandoxidation-reduction conditionofprovenance;theisotopeanalyseshadtheirownadvantagesindiferentstudiesandalhadgood applicationefect.thereweremanyfactorsonchemicalcompositionofrocksespecialyforsedimentaryrockit waseasilyafectedbyexogenousefect;geochemistrymethodsinprovenanceanddepositionalsetinganalysiswere few;theresearchonregionalgeology wasinadequate.thereforeitissuggestedthatthefactorsonchemical compositionofclasticsedimentshould befuly studied when geochemistry methods are used to analyzethe provenanceanddepositionalsetingand multiple methodscanbesyntheticalyusedandthestudyonregional geologyshouldbepaidmoreatentionto. :2011-02-01 : (BJ081334); (90814005); (2008ZX05023-001-002); (2003CB214600); (2010AZZ009) : (1978-) E-mail:gzmao

338 33 Keywords:provenanceanalysis;tectonicseting;majorelement;rareearthelement;traceelement;fissiontrack; isotope;geochemistry 0 [1-46] 1 [1-2] 1.1 [2] MgO/(Al 2O 3 100) K 2O/Al 2O 3 ( K 2O/Al 2O 3>0.5 (rareearthelementree) Zr Th Sc Y K 2O/Al 2O 3<0.4 [6] [3-4] ) [5] log(na 2O/ K 2O)-log(SiO 2 /Al 2O 3 ) log(fe 2O 3/K * 2O)-log(SiO 2 / Al 2O 3 ) CaO-Na 2O-K 2O (Fe 2O 3 * + MgO)-Na 2O- K 2O SiO 2 /Al 2O 3-ΣREE Na 2O/K 2O-ΣREE ( 1~3) Fe 2O 3 * 1.2 [1619] TiO 2-(Fe 2O 3 * + MgO) Al 2O 3 /SiO 2-(Fe 2O 3 * + MgO) K 2O/Na 2O- (Fe 2O 3 * + MgO) Al 2O 3 /(CaO+ Na 2O)-(Fe 2O 3 * + MgO) ( 1 4) [9] 1 Fig.1 DistinctionofSandstoneTypesandClasificationofSandstonesandShalesBasedon MajorElements

4 :! 339 2 Fig.2 DistinctionofDiferentMotherRocksBasedon MajorElements ( 2) [12] ( 3) [9] ( 5) SiO 2-K 2O/Na 2O TiO 2-SiO 2 [13] K 2O/Na 2O-SiO 2 /Al 2O 3 [1] ( 6) 1.3 : (An) (Da) (Gr) (G) ACM- ;PM- ;OIA- ;CIA- [11] : ; (An) (Da) (Ca) [1] CIA (chemicalin- [10] OIA CIA ACM PM ; [14] dexalteration) CIA :CIA = Al 3 2O 3 /(Al 2O 3 + -ΣREE Fig.3 DistinctionofDiferentMotherRocksBasedon CaO * +Na 2O+K 2O) MajorElementandΣREEofDetritalRocks CaO * CaO 1 Tab.1 MajorElementContentofSandstonesinDiferentTectonicSetings SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Al2O3/SiO2 K2O/Na2O Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O) 58.83 1.06 17.11 1.95 5.520.15 3.65 5.83 4.10 1.60 0.26 0.29 0.39 1.72 70.69 0.64 14.04 1.43 3.050.10 1.97 2.68 3.12 1.89 0.16 0.20 0.61 2.42 73.86 0.46 12.89 1.30 1.580.10 1.23 2.48 2.77 2.90 0.09 0.18 0.99 2.56 81.95 0.49 8.41 1.32 1.760.05 1.39 1.89 1.07 1.71 0.12 0.10 1.60 4.15 : /%; [9] 2 Tab.2 VariablesandTheirCoeficientsofDiscriminantFunctionforProvenanceofSandstoneand Mudstone TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O F 1-1.773 0.607 0.76-1.5 0.616 0.509-1.224-9.090 F 2 0.445 0.070-0.25-1.142 0.438 1.475 1.426-6.816 : :F=a1x1+a2x2+ +anxn+c x1-xn n a1~an C ; [12] CaO Na 2O 1 1 mcao [115] CIA CaO Na 2O mcao * =mna 2O; Na 2O mcao * = CIA 50 CIA 100

340 33 3 Tab.3 VariablesandTheirCoeficientsofDiscriminantFunctionforTectonicSetingofSandstone SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 F1-0.0447-0.4720 0.008-0.267 0.208-3.082 0.140 0.195 0.719-0.032 7.510 0.303 F2-0.421 1.966-0.526-0.551-1.610 2.720 0.881-0.907-0.177-1.840 7.224 43.570 : :F=a1x1+a2x2+ +anxn+c x1-xn n a1-an C ; [9] :A- ;B- ;C- ;D- ; [9] Fig.4 4 MajorElementDiscriminationDiagramsofSandstonesandSiltstonesforTectonicSeting :P1- ;P2- ;P3- ;P4-5 [15] 2 - Fig.5 DistinctionofProvenanceCharacterandTectonicSeting Basedon MajorElementFunctionPlotofDetritalRocks [3] [16] ICV(indexchemicalvariation) [6] :A1- ;A2- ;ACM- ;PM- ;ARC- ; Fig.6 6 MajorElementRatiosDiagramsofSandstonesandSiltstonesforTectonicSeting

4 :! 341 [316-17] Sc Al Ti Al [316] REE ( La/Yb Eu/Eu * La/ Th La/Sc Th/Sc Co/Th Cr/Th Cr/V V/Ni ) (Fe = (Me/Al) sediments /(Me/ Al) crust ) [3718] [23] 1 10 [24] Ti 2.1 Ti [318] Ti REE [26] Ti REE REE [27-28] REE Ti/Al [11] REE [41119] Al / [25] Ti (NASC) REE Sc Al Y Th Nb Ta Hf Zr Ti (PAAS) [3] Rb Ga Cs 4 [320] La/Yb-ΣREE Co/Th-La/Sc [3-419] Zr Y ( 7) [1130-31] Zr/Y La-Th-Sc Th-Hf-Co Th-Sc La-Sc Ni-Cr [5] ( 8 9) [3] ;Ni-Cr [321-22] Sr Ti Zr Br B Sr Ba ( 5) 4 Tab.4 REEContentsandCharacteristicParametersofStandardShales La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu PAAS 38 80 8.9 32 5.6 1.1 4.7 0.77 4.4 1 2.9 0.4 2.8 0.43 NASC 32 73 7.9 33 5.7 1.24 5.2 0.85 5.8 1.04 3.4 0.5 3.1 0.48 UCC 30 64 7.1 26 4.5 0.88 3.8 0.64 3.5 0.8 2.3 0.33 2.2 0.32 ΣREE L/H LaN/YbN LaN/SmN GdN/YbN (La/Yb) UCC (La/Sm) UCC (Gd/Yb) UCC PAAS 183.0 9.5 9.2 4.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.66 NASC 173.2 7.5 7.0 3.5 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.70 UCC 146.4 9.5 9.2 4.2 1.4 0.65 PAAS NASC : [3] [29] [3] UCC : /10-6

342 33 7 Fig.7 DiscriminationDiagramsforSourceRocksofMudstone 5 Tab.5 ContentsandRatiosofSomeTraceElements in MarineFaciesandContinentalFacies Br B B/Ga Sr/Ba :A- ;B- ;C- ;D- (UC ) [33] 8 Ti/Zr-La/Sc La/Y-Sc/Cr La-Th La/Th-Hf Fig.8 DiscriminationDiagramsofTectonicSeting BasedonTraceElementofDetritalRocks >60 10-6 >100 >4.2 4.5~5 >1 <20 10-6 <80 <3.3 <1 10 10-6 [37] [17] [17] [17] 2.2 La-Th-Sc Th-Co-Zr/10 Th-Sc-Zr/10 La/Th-La/Yb ( 10) [938-40] Bhatia Gd/Yb Sm/Nd Gd LREE Hf Ba/Sr Rb/Sr La/Y Ni/ Gd Gd/Yb Co Ba Rb Pb Th U Nd [13] Gd/Yb Sc V Co Cu Zn Ba/Rb K/ 2.0 2.0 Sm/Nd Th K/V La Ce Nd Th Zr Nb Y Sc Co [38] [3] [35] [36] :PAAS- ;NASC- ;CC- ; [334] 9 Fig.9 DiscriminationDiagramsofProvenanceBasedonTraceElementRatios

4 :! 343 :A- ;B- ;C- ;D- ; 10 Fig.10 DiscriminationDiagramsforTectonicSetingBasedonTraceElement Bhatia [38] Bhatia REE ( 11 7) [11] REE ( 6) [38] 6 Tab.6 TraceElementFeaturesofSandstonein DiferentTectonicSetings Pb/10-6 6.9±1.4 15.1±1.1 24.0±1.1 16.0±3.4 Rb/Sr 0.05±0.050.65±0.33 0.89±0.24 1.19±0.40 Th/10-6 2.27±0.7 11.1±1.1 18.8±3.0 16.7±3.5 Zr/10-6 96±20 229±27 179±33 29.8±8.0 Hf/10-6 2.1±0.6 6.3±2.0 6.8 10.1 Nb/10-6 2.0±0.4 8.5±0.8 10.7±1.4 7.9±1.9 K/Th 405±1524 1296±250 1252±360 681±194 Th/U 2.1±0.78 4.6±0.45 4.8±0.38 5.6±0.7 Zr/Th 48.0±13.4 21.5±2.4 9.5±0.7 19.0±5.8 Ti/% 0.48±0.120.39±0.06 0.26±0.02 0.22±0.06 Ti/Zr 56.8±21.4 19.7±4.3 15.3±2.4 6.74±0.9 Sc/10-6 19.5±5.2 14.8±1.7 8.0±1.1 6.0±1.4 V/10-6 131±40 89±13.7 48±5.9 31±9.9 Co/10-6 18±6.3 12±2.7 10±1.7 5±2.4 Zn/10-6 89±18.6 74±9.8 52±8.6 26±2.4 Sc/Cr 0.57±0.160.32±0.06 0.3±0.02 0.16±0.02 : ; [38] : / /PAAS 11 -PAAS Fig.11 ChondriteandPAAS-normalizedREEPaternsof GreywackeinDiferentTectonicSetings

344 33 7 Tab.7 REEFeaturesofGreywackeinSedimentaryBasinsfrom DiferentTectonicSetings La/10-6 Ce/10-6 REE/10-6 La/Yb (La/Yb) N LREE/HREE δeu 8±1.7 19±3.7 58±10 4.2±1.3 2.8±0.9 3.8±0.9 1.04±0.11 27±4.5 59±8.2 146±20 11.0±3.6 7.5±2.5 7.7±1.7 0.79±0.13 37.0 78 186.0 12.5 8.5 9.1 0.60 39.0 85 210.0 15.9 10.8 8.5 0.56 : ; [11] 2.3 - (200 ~250 ) [43] Sc U-Pb [321] Sc Khorat Khorat [44] Sc 3.2 K-Ar 40 Ar/ 39 Ar [28] Ce/Ce * Ar Ce/Ce * >1 ;Ce/Ce * < 0.95 ; [28] Eu/Eu * 40 Ar/ 39 Ar 28 MaBP [45] Eu 3.3 Rb-Sr ; Eu Rb-Sr ; 87 Sr/ 86 Sr [28] 87 Rb/ 86 Sr V/Cr Ni/Co Ni/V V/ (V±Ni) Rb-Sr [41] V/Ni Ni V [42] V/(V±Ni) Rb Sr 3 3.1 Rb-Sr 30 Ma 1~3mm/a [46-47] 3.4 Sm-Nd Sm-Nd Nd ; [48] Hurford Nd Nd [48] (<100 ) Nd ( )

4 :! 345 ε Nd -10 (MORB) ( ) ε Nd 5 [49] ( 12) :MORB [3] ; [49] 12 Th/Sc-εNd Fig.12 Th/Sc-εNd DiscriminationDiagram 3.2 187 Os/ 186 Os 1.055 [55] fortectonicseting 187 Re/ 186 Os 400 187 Os/ 186 Os 10 Sm-Nd 3.7 Sm-Nd 3.5 U-Pb U-Pb δ 32 S U-Pb U-Pb δ 34 S δ 18 O δ 30 Si δ 30 Si-δ 18 O [56] 14 C [4750-51] U-Pb 3.8 / U-Pb FT Rb-Sr K-Ar U-Pb [52] Th/U 0.1 Th/U [53] ( 13) [2] 3.6 Re-Os :A- ;B- ;C- ; D- ; [2] Re Os Re/Os 13 Fig.13 Lead-isotopeCompositionof DiferentTectonicSetings 10~1000 Re Re/Os 0.1 [54] 187 Re/ 186 Os ( )

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