62 戲劇學刊 An Analysis of Cao-xie-gong Zhen in Tainan Abstract Te-yu Shih* Tainan is among the first areas that were developed in Taiwan, and there are a

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Japan He Bin Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences Tokyo Metropolitan University Abstract In daily life, the food on the table in the fa

ABSTRACT Wu Garden, which was erected by Wu Family during the reign of Emperor Dao Guang ( 道 光 ) of the Qing dynasty ( 清 朝 )in downtown area of nowada

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ZHONG Chong A Study on the Map of Provincial Capital of Zhejiang Past and Present

成 大 中 文 學 報 第 四 十 四 期 The Body Metaphors in The Travels of Lao Can Hsu Hui-Lin Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan

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symmetrical cutting patterns with various materials for visual designing; ii. This part combined costumes, bags and oilpaper umbrellas with the tradit


61 * 1870 61-85 TAIPEI THEATRE JOURNAL 27 (2018): 61-85 School of Theatre Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts 2017.12.21 2018.1.11 *

62 戲劇學刊 An Analysis of Cao-xie-gong Zhen in Tainan Abstract Te-yu Shih* Tainan is among the first areas that were developed in Taiwan, and there are a great number of temple affairs and artistic formations yi-zhen,, on large scale and of frequent performances, making Tainan a city of various traditional arts. Among the diverse and many artistic formations at temple affairs and activities, xiao-xi plays on a modest scale, keeps traditional flavors. The Cao-xie-gong zhen from Hanlin Yuan, Binlang Yuan, Gueiren District, Tainan is Taiwan s only Cao-xie-gong, a performing art of xiao-xi. According to the history engraved on the stele inside the temple, the main god worshiped here in Hanlin Yuan, Tiandou Yuanshuai, came with early immigrants from Xing-hua County of China s Fujian Province. Then the statue stayed in Qingqijia Village, Alian District, Kaohsiung City. Eventually it was transported by Gong Tsai to Binlang Yuan, Xin-cu Village, Tainan in 1870. The artistic formation Cao-xie-gong zhen is highly narrative. Its plot shares the elements of other xiao-xi forms in traditional xi-qu traditional opera,. This article is based on interviews and is supported by research materials. The first section surveys the history of Hanlin Yuan, Binlang Yuan, Gueiren District, Tainan. Then the author analyzes the content and plot of Cao-xie-gong, which could be traced back to Qing-feng-ting in the Qing Dynasty and even to He-chai-ji in the Ming Dynasty, illustrating the long history and genealogy of the play. Thirdly, the image and character setting in Cao-xie-gong will be discussed. Fourthly, the music content will also be analyzed, which shows strong influence by the music style from Chao-zhou. Fifthly, the performing postures are compared to the highly symbolic postures of the string puppetry in Li-yuan-xi. To conclude, Cao-xie-gong as a Taiwanese local xiao-xi is much worth researching, and hopefully this paper could be of use for researchers in related fields. Keywords: Cao-xie-gong zhen, artistic formations, xiao-xi * Distinguished Professor, Institute of Art Studies, National Cheng Kung University

63 2016 1 1862-1874 1 1 1

64 戲劇學刊 2 2 3 2 3

65 2 1870 3 4 980 1277 5 3 3 6 4 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zhtw/%e7%a6%8f%e5%bb%ba%e7%9c%81 2016 11 26 5 980 983 985 1276 1277 1278 https://goo.gl/nyebx2 2016 11 26 6 https://goo.gl/pnsbs8 2016 11 26

66 戲劇學刊 1870 2016 700

67 7 7 1936 8 68

68 戲劇學刊 1867-1947 1602 合釵記 ( 一名清風亭 )

69 8 8 8 68

70 戲劇學刊 1763-1820 9 10 9 2 1974 8 124 10 1974 8 227

71 11 1 1 11 8 227-228

72 戲劇學刊 1 1

73 12 13 12 2016 13 2001

74 戲劇學刊

75 14 G 4/4 2/4 3/4 5/4 1 1 1-12 14

76 戲劇學刊 La Si Mi Fa 15 16 15 16 4/4 Re Re Mi Re Mi

77 23 2 2 21-32 La Mi 2 23 La Fa Mi 84 3

78 戲劇學刊 3 81-92 3 La Fa 122 4

79 4 119-130 4 120 Si 121 3/4 4/4

80 戲劇學刊

81 4 4 6 9 10 5

82 戲劇學刊 6 7 8 9 10


84 戲劇學刊

85 1981 1992 1974 1981 1981 2001 1999 201-209 2001 1991 1995 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zhtw/%e7%a6%8f%e5%bb%ba%e7%9c%81 2016 11 26 https://goo.gl/pnsbs8 2016 11 26