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金融科技獎 FinTech Award PHOTO Organiser 籌辦機構 Call for Entries 參賽須知

Content 目錄 é

FinTech Award 金融科技獎 Background 背景 The Hong Kong ICT Awards aims at recognising and promoting outstanding information and communications technology (ICT) inventions and applications, thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among Hong Kong s ICT talents and enterprises in their constant pursuit of creative and better solutions to meet business and social needs. The Hong Kong ICT Awards was established in 2006 with the collaborative efforts of the industry, academia and the Government. Steered by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, and organised by Hong Kong ICT industry associations and professional bodies, the Awards aims at building a locally espoused and internationally acclaimed brand of ICT awards. There are eight categories under the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2018. There will be one Grand Award in each category, and an Award of the Year will be selected from the eight Grand Awards by the Grand Judging Panel Objective 目的 In encouraging the development of FinTech innovation and solutions (such as payment solutions, clearing and settlement systems, etc.) for enhancing operations and fostering new modes of business for the financial sector, the FinTech Award aims to develop HK into a financial technology hub. The Financial sector includes banking, insurance, securities and trading, as well as fund and asset management. This FinTech Award would synergise, promote and recognise our FinTech community as a major player and force in the strategic development of Hong Kong as an innovative financial hub. The FinTech Award is composed of three streams: 1. Banking, Insurance & Capital Market 2. Emerging Solutions & FinTech Security 3. RegTech & Risk Management 1

Message from Chief Executive Officer of Organiser 籌辦機構行政總裁獻辭 The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) is thrilled and honoured to have been appointed as the Lead Organiser of the FinTech Award 2018 for the third consecutive year. With the aim to encourage FinTech development in Hong Kong through recognising talents and best practices, we hope the Award constitutes a valuable contribution to the Government s continuing efforts in promoting Hong Kong as a vibrant FinTech hub. To showcase the various FinTech achievements addressing current market needs, the FinTech Award this year features three categories: Banking, Insurance & Capital Markets; Emerging Solutions & FinTech Security; and RegTech & Risk Management. The overwhelming number of applications received from different industry disciplines demonstrates that FinTech has become a top priority for all stakeholders to transform the digitised financial industry. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our Supporting Organisations who made the success of the Award possible, including the Hong Kong Monetary Authority as our Lead Supporting Organisation, and all other Supporting Organisations, including CTgoodjobs, Communications Association of Hong Kong, Equal Opportunities Commission, Fintech Association of Hong Kong, FinTech SuperCharger, Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre, Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council, Insurance Authority, Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority, Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Private Wealth Management Association, Securities and Futures Commission, TagDigital, Treasury Markets Association and the HKIB Council and Executive Committee members. Our sincere appreciation also goes to our team of judges and assessors, with special tribute to Mr. Michael Leung MH, Chairman of the Judging Panel and Mr. Michael Mudd, Chief Assessor. Finally, I would like to express my warmest congratulations to all the winners, and I thank them for their enthusiastic and dedicated efforts that have undoubtedly contributed to the success in promoting FinTech development in Hong Kong. We look forward to closely collaborating with the Government, regulators, and other stakeholders in the future with our shared goal of developing Hong Kong as a leading and widely recognised FinTech hub. MH 2

Message from Chairman of Final Judging Panel 評審委員會主席獻辭 MH MH It is my honour to be once again the Chief Judge of the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2018 - FinTech Award. The advent of technology for banking and finance, i.e. FinTech, is transforming the industry at an ever faster pace in our city. The Hong Kong Government has been playing a front and center role by committing substantial investment to support Hong Kong s innovation and technology ecosystem, while The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, for instance, has recently unveiled a number of initiatives on Smart Banking, including an advanced payment infrastructure, an enhanced Fintech Supervisory Sandbox, promotion of Virtual Banking and Open API for banking services, among others. The FinTech Award, organized by the Government s CIO office, is an excellent platform to recognise local talent who are contributing to the FinTech development in Hong Kong. The Judging Panel was highly impressed by the number and quality of entries received this year. We are also excited to have received entries from financial institutions, R&D organisations and startups, indicating a multi-faceted growth of FinTech community in Hong Kong. With active participation of the industry and strong support from the Hong Kong Government and regulators, we are confident that the FinTech Award will continue to flourish in the years to come. My heartfelt thanks to our dedicated assessors and judges for providing their expertise and valuable advice to make the success of this Award possible. I would also like to congratulate all the participants and winners on their achievements and The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers for organising the FinTech Award 2018. 3

4 MH FinTech Award Judging Panel 金融科技獎評審委員會

FinTech Award Assessment Team 金融科技獎評審小組 5

FinTech Grand Award and FinTech (Emerging Solutions & FinTech Security) Gold Award 金融科技大獎及金融科技 ( 新興解決方案及金融科技安全 ) 金獎 PayMe is Hong Kong's social payment app that allows you to send and request money instantly and for free. Pay friends with just a few taps, regardless of which local bank they use and without ever asking for an account number. With PayMe you can remember the moments you share with friends. Whether you'e eating out, shopping or planning a group trip, PayMe is the easiest way to split bills and pay back friends. Best of all, getting started is easy - no visits to the bank, paperwork or remembering password logins. Simply sign up and log in with your Facebook account or mobile number to start using PayMe. Download PayMe to experience it for yourself today. To learn more, visit 6

Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 PayMe is a well-developed application that is very user friendly. Its social aspect to payment is very appealing in local market, satisfying customer demands especially for the Millennials. With the high signup rate and a clear development roadmap, PayMe will be a leading social payment solution in Hong Kong. 7

FinTech (Emerging Solutions & FinTech Security) Silver Award 金融科技 ( 新興解決方案及金融科技安全 ) 銀獎 APrivacy Secure Messaging enables Financial Services companies to leverage consumer messaging apps, such as WhatsApp, We Chat, L i n e a nd FB M e sse nge r, t o communicate with their clients while meeting all compliance requirements. Financial institutions can service clients over their preferred communication channels, offering them a unique and enhanced digital experience. This solution comes from APrivacy s patented platform that provides a security layer over any messaging app, therefore providing an audit trail of all information sent or received. Once secured, the data can only be read or consumed seamlessly by the intended recipient(s) without the need for passwords, tokens or multi-step login processes. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 APrivacy is an innovative and practical solution that solves a real problem in Hong Kong, with secure data storage behind an institution s firewall. It has good patented encryption technology with wide usage and great potential. 8

FinTech (Emerging Solutions & FinTech Security) Certificate of Merit 金融科技 ( 新興解決方案及金融科技安全 ) 優異證書 AdvSTAR Trustline Threat Intelligence Platform is a cost -effective enhancement to prevent new cyber-attacks. Our platform analyse and provides information that covers IT infrastructure, ATM and e-banking systems. It also monitors vulnerabilities in new technologies such as blockchain, mobile payment, biometrics, IoT devices. Created by trusted researchers in banking industry, we work closely with customers and offers dedicated supports. Customers use-case: 1. Detect phishing website, fake mobile app and social media accounts. 2. Detect data breaches such as leaked credit cards, credentials and internal documents. 3. Prioritize infrastructure vulnerabilities and mitigations. 4. Sharing of threat intelligence and collect unique security news. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 The Trustline Threat Intelligence Platform addresses the g rowin g demand fo r s olutions that prev ents cyberattacks. As the solution covers many areas in Banking, judges see a lot of potential if the team has a clear roadmap and its expansion can catch up with its growth. 9

FinTech (Banking, Insurance & Capital Market) Gold Award 金融科技 ( 銀行業務, 保險及資本市場 ) 金獎 From the outset, AGDelta has worked to digitize the wealth management eco-system. Our goal has been to make financial investments, services, and advice more accessible, relevant and safer for client advisors and their end customers. Our latest innovation leverages an artificial intelligence framework that mimics human decision reasoning and is able to unlock the value of a bank s treasure chest of data to generate investment recommendations that are appropriate, relevant and suitable. Combing it with insightful data analytics, multi-asset OEMS functionalities, direct connectivity to market, and automated compliance control, AGDelta s DWP offers users the most comprehensive and seamless experience. Trusted by financial institutions in 15 markets, with over 8,000 users transacting over US$1.5 trillion of transactions, AGDelta and our DWP solution have been recognized with numerous Fintech awards, including the SME100 Award as Fast Moving Companies in Asia and the MAS Best Fintech Awards 2017, recognizing us as one of the most innovative company wealth platforms to date. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, Digital Wealth Platform has several features of interest and is able to facilitate making investment recommendations with a proven track record. As its client and database grows, the effectiveness and performance of the recommendations will be further enhanced. 10

FinTech (Banking, Insurance & Capital Market) Silver Award 金融科技 ( 銀行業務, 保險及資本市場 ) 銀獎 é é Privé Managers is a white-label, B2B, digitized wealth management platform offering complete robo- and bionic-advisory solutions to over 60 enterprise clients in Asia and Europe. We were founded in 2011 and are based in Hong Kong. Privé s patented artificial intelligence engine and platform are modular and integrated. Our solutions help advisors better engage end clients through a clearer understanding of each end client s motivations, goals and investment preferences. Privé s ultimate aim is to create a "private bank in a box" for our enterprise clients to further expand their wealth management business into different end client segments and frontier markets. é é é é Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Privé Managers has made good product development progress over the past years, with open API, microservices revamp, and white label development. With strong product service and proven track record, there is great potential for Privé Managers. é é 11

FinTech (Banking, Insurance & Capital Market) Certificate of Merit 金融科技 ( 銀行業務, 保險及資本市場 ) 優異證書 10Life is the market leading B2C InsurTech platform advocating for consumer rights and educations. We are independent from any insurance companies or intermediaries and are determined to help consumers make informed choices and reduce friction whenever services are needed. Since launch in 2017, 10Life has provided information and services to over 100,000 users. With extensive industry experience from the founding team, 10Life breaks down complex insurance products into easily digestible information based on the product's features and terms that are most relevant to consumers. Consumers can access independent analysis and scores of over 300 insurance products curated by our senior actuaries and insurance specialists. Our platform also allow consumers to connect with over 600 licensed insurance advisors anonymously to identify those that can serve them best. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Insurance products might be quite complicated to some consumers, and 10Life has an interesting business model that addresses this issue. There is real demand for this solution, and it has great potential for growth with a clear roadmap for sustainability. 12

FinTech (Banking, Insurance & Capital Market) Certificate of Merit 金融科技 ( 銀行業務, 保險及資本市場 ) 優異證書 HedgeSPA s core investment platform, powered by artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing, benefits institutional investors by providing the sophisticated analytics tools and front-to-back-office support they need in order to be competitive against the largest global asset managers, which use similar analytics to create artificial barriers to market entry. Its automation workflow has cut down product fees, and the consistent alpha from the platform s asset selection enables investors to produce very convincing total returns. We were recognized by Singapore s central bank with its MAS FinTech Awards, and were featured as the only Asia-based startup in a global InvestTech ecosystem map. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 HedgeSPA utilizes a sophisticated engine that nicely translates scenarios into portfolio selection, creating value to users by increasing efficiency and competitiveness. With impressive track record, HedgeSPA will continue to grow and evolve. 13

FinTech (RegTech & Risk Management) Gold Award 金融科技 ( 監管科技及風險管理場 ) 金獎 Transaction Laundering Detection is an online merchant compliance monitoring and risk management solution for fulfilling regulations of card schemes like Visa, MasterCard and UnionPay as well as bank s custom policies. It helps banks and payment service providers to detect merchants violations and illegal transactions such as gambling, drugs, child pornography and IP infringement that are mostly done via transaction laundering or payment aggregation technique. It is widely introduced by Visa and MasterCard to their member banks globally. In 2015, Austreme became MasterCard s Merchant Monitoring Service Provider (MMSP), any acquiring bank who registers Austreme as its MMSP will get penalty waiver. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 Transaction Laundering Detection is a well endorsed solution that addresses the demand for online transaction monitoring and compliance as the number of online activity increases. Targeting clients pain point in financial losses due to fraudulent transactions, it has great potential in becoming one of the leading solutions of its kind. 14

FinTech (RegTech & Risk Management) Silver Award 金融科技 ( 監管科技及風險管理場 ) 銀獎 Emotics is a RegTech company that helps financial services firms measure user engagement with online content. Using facial microexpression analysis on webcam data and additional browser analytics, Emotics verifies the identify of participants and generates deep insight into their interactions with content. Emotics primary use case is compliance training for financial services, but the team is also working on solutions supporting conduct surveillance and proprietary investment research. Comments from Judging Panel 評審委員會評語 With increasing demand for employees training, Emotics is a great tool in assessing training efficiency and compliance. It also has a great potential in transforming its analytics technology across other training and surveillance needs. 15

Introduction of Organiser 籌辦機構簡介 Established in 1963, The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) is a non-profit making and the only professional institution serving the local banking community in the provision of education and professional training. Our objective is to enhance and further develop the territory s status as an international financial centre by upholding the professional standards of bankers qualifications through education, training and development. Through nurturing banking talent, the Institute has played an important role in fostering inter-industry, cross-sectorial and cross-regional cooperation for over half-a-century. HKIB seeks to provide a professional environment that supports and encourages the personal development of individual banking practitioners. Mission: The mission of HKIB is to strive for excellence whilst upholding the professional standards of bankers qualifications. This is achieved through provision of efficient and effective education, training and development, certifying and accrediting service. These are aligned to the growing needs of the banking and financial industries considering both Hong Kong and other regional standards. For further details, please visit Responsible Team include: Ms. Carrie Leung (Middle) CEO Dr. WH Yeung (2 nd from right) General Manager, Professional Competence & Institute Development Ms. Jacqueline Au (2 nd from left) Programme Development & Project Manager Ms. Claudia Mo (1 st from left) Senior Programme Development & Project Officer Ms. Winky Chan (1 st from right) Programme Development & Project Officer Enquiry 查詢 16

17 Acknowledgement 鳴謝 Assessment Team 評審小組 MH MH Panel of Judges 評審委員會

Acknowledgement 鳴謝 Award Sponsorship 大會贊助 Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors General Sponsors 14

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Organiser The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers Awards Supporting Organisations Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited Hong Kong Trade Development Council Innovation and Technology Commission Invest Hong Kong Lead Supporting Organisation Supporting Organisations Supporting Media Scoring System