2. Cardholders are required to spend HK$1,500 or above with Mastercard Commercial Card in the latest monthly statement/with receipt within the last 30

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客路 - 免費兌換機埸快綫來回票優惠 KLOOK- Free Airport Express Round Trip Ticket Offer 優惠兌換方法 1. 在 Android Play / Apple Store 下載 Mastercard Commercial Network 應用程序 2. 搜尋本優惠 : MCN17016, 點擊服務預定表單並提交所需資料 3. Klook 將 48 小時內完成驗証, 並通過 support@klook.com 發送優惠碼 4. 前往 KLOOK.com 並輸入預訂資料 5. 以大新商務卡支付相關費用 Offer Redemption Method 1. Download Mastercard Commercial Network Mobile App at Android Play/Apple Store. 2. Search the Offer: MCN17016, click on Service Booking Form and submit the required information. 3. Klook will send out the coupon code by support@klook.com within 48 hours at maximum after verification. 4. Go to KLOOK and complete booking details 5. Pay by Dah Sing Business Card. 優惠條款及細則 1. 優惠有效期至 2017 年 12 月 31 日 2. 持卡人須於最近一期月結單或按收據證明在最近 30 日內使用大新商務卡銷費滿 HK$1,500 以 獲得一次性優惠碼 3. 持卡人須在 2017 年 12 月 31 日前完成並兌換折扣優惠券代碼的預訂 4. 同一大新商務卡簽賬月結單 / 收據將不可重覆用作兌換任何大新商務卡或其他商務卡優惠, 每 位持卡人於優惠期內每月最多可享用此優惠 2 次 機埸快綫來回票名額有限, 送完即止 5. 免費兌換機埸快綫來回票優惠碼必須通過 Klook.com 或 Klook 移動應用程序預訂 6. 在預訂確認後將不予取消 7. 其他條款及細則適用, 詳情請參閱 Klook 之網站 8. 如有任何爭議,Klook 保留作出最終決定的權利 9. 持卡人明白及接受所使用的商務卡發行銀行 MasterCard 及 Klook 並非機埸快綫服務的直接供 應商 商務卡發行銀行 MasterCard 及 Klook 將不承擔推廣或提供機埸快綫服務之其供應商的 服務質素, 供應量, 商品和 / 或服務的說明, 任何虛假服務說明, 錯誤陳述, 遺漏, 未授權的 代表, 不公平貿易等行為 10. 中英文版本如有任何歧異, 慨以英文版本為準 Offer Terms and Conditions 1. Offers valid till 31 December 2017.

2. Cardholders are required to spend HK$1,500 or above with Mastercard Commercial Card in the latest monthly statement/with receipt within the last 30 days to get a one-time discount coupon code. 3. Bookings with the discount coupon code must be made and redeemed by 31 December 2017. 4. The same Dah Sing Business Card statement/receipt cannot be used repeatedly for redemption of any Dah Sing Business Card offers during Promotion Period. Each Cardholder can maximum enjoys the Offer twice in any calendar month during the Promotion Period. The Offer is only available while stocks last. Bookings beyond redemption limit can still enjoy 5% off on the Hong Kong Airport Transfer service on Klook.com. 5. Bookings of the Airport Express Round Trip Ticket with the discount coupon code must be made via Klook.com or by Klook mobile app. 6. No cancellation would be given after booking is confirmed. 7. Other terms and conditions apply, please visit Klook s website for details. 8. In case of any disputes, Klook reserves the right to make the final decision. 9. Cardholders understand and accept that the Card Issuing Bank, MasterCard and Klook are not the direct supplier of Airport Express services. The Card Issuing Bank, MasterCard and Klook shall bear no liability relating to any aspect of the services, including without limitation, the quality, the supply, the descriptions of goods and/or services provided by the Airport Express services providers, any false trade description, misrepresentation, mis-statement, omission, unauthorized representation, unfair trade practices or conduct in connection with the promotion of the Airport Transfer or in making available the service. 10. Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.

客路 - $200 Tesla 商務轎車香港機場接送服務折扣優惠 KLOOK- $200 discount on Tesla Hong Kong Airport Transfer booking Offer 優惠兌換方法 1. 在 Android Play / Apple Store 下載 Mastercard Commercial Network 應用程序 2. 搜尋本優惠 : MCN17015, 點擊服務預定表單並提交所需資料 3. Klook 將 48 小時內完成驗証, 並通過 support@klook.com 發送優惠碼 4. 前往 KLOOK.com 並輸入預訂資料 5. 以大新商務卡支付相關費用 Offer Redemption Method 1. Download Mastercard Commercial Network Mobile App at Android Play/Apple Store. 2. Search the Offer: MCN17015, click on Service Booking Form and submit the required information. 3. Klook will send out the coupon code by support@klook.com within 48 hours at maximum after verification. 4. Go to KLOOK and complete booking details. 5. Pay by Dah Sing Business Card. 優惠條款及細則 1. 優惠有效期至 2017 年 12 月 31 日 2. 持卡人須於最近一期月結單或按收據證明在最近 30 日內使用萬事達商務卡銷費滿 HK $3,000 以獲得一次性優惠碼 3. 持卡人須在 2017 年 12 月 31 日前完成並兌換折扣優惠券代碼的預訂 4. 同一萬事達商務卡簽賬收據將不可重覆用作兌換任何萬事達商務卡或其他商務卡優惠, 每位 持卡人於優惠期內每月最多可享用此優惠 2 次 商務轎車香港機場接送服務名額有限, 送完即 止 如已超過預訂名額, 萬事達商務卡持卡人仍可享受 Klook.com 就以上服務提供的 5% 額外 折扣 5. 商務轎車香港機場接送服務優惠碼必須通過 Klook.com 或 Klook 移動應用程序預訂 6. 如有任何附加費用需由持卡人支付, 持卡人必須用萬事達商務卡付款 7. 在預訂確認後將不予取消或退款 8. 其他條款及細則適用, 詳情請參閱 Klook 之網站 9. 如有任何爭議,Klook 保留作出最終決定的權利 10. 持卡人明白及接受所使用的商務卡發行銀行 MasterCard 及 Klook 並非商務轎車香港機場接送 服務的直接供應商 商務卡發行銀行 MasterCard 及 Klook 將不承擔推廣或提供商務轎車香港 機場接送服務之其供應商的服務質素, 供應量, 商品和 / 或服務的說明, 任何虛假服務說明, 錯誤陳述, 遺漏, 未授權的代表, 不公平貿易等行為 11. 中英文版本如有任何歧異, 慨以英文版本為準

Offer Terms and Conditions 1. Offers valid till 31 December 2017. 2. Cardholders are required to spend HK$3,000 or above with Mastercard Commercial Card in the latest monthly statement/with receipt within the last 30 days to get a one-time discount coupon code. 3. Bookings with the discount coupon code must be made and redeemed by 31 December 2017. 4. The same Dah Sing Business Card statement/receipt cannot be used repeatedly for redemption of any Dah Sing Business Card offers during Promotion Period. Each Cardholder can maximum enjoys the Offer twice in any calendar month during the Promotion Period. The Offer is only available while stocks last. Bookings beyond redemption limit can still enjoy 5% off on the Hong Kong Airport Transfer service on Klook.com. 5. Bookings of the Tesla Airport Transfer service with the discount coupon code must be made via Klook.com or by Klook mobile app. 6. Cardholders are required to settle additional fee due to custom arrangements, if any, with their MasterCard Commercial. 7. No cancellation or refunds would be given after booking is confirmed. 8. Other terms and conditions apply, please visit Klook s website for details. 9. In case of any disputes, Klook reserves the right to make the final decision. 10. Cardholders understand and accept that the Card Issuing Bank, MasterCard and Klook are not the direct supplier of Airport Transfer services. The Card Issuing Bank, MasterCard and Klook shall bear no liability relating to any aspect of the services, including without limitation, the quality, the supply, the descriptions of goods and/or services provided by the Airport Transfer services providers, any false trade description, misrepresentation, mis-statement, omission, unauthorized representation, unfair trade practices or conduct in connection with the promotion of the Airport Transfer or in making available the service. 11. Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.

客路 - 海外機場接送服務及商務觀光團優惠 KLOOK- Oversea Airport Transfer Service and Business Tour Offer 優惠兌換方法 1. 從 Android Play/Apple Store 下載 Mastercard Commercial Network 應用程式 2. 搜尋海外機場接送優惠 : MCN17004 或商務觀光團優惠 : MCN17005 並提取優惠碼 3. 前往 KLOOK.com 並輸入預訂資料 4. 以大新卡商務卡支付相關費用 Offer Redemption Method 1. Download Mastercard Commercial Network Mobile App at Android Play/Apple Store. 2. Search the Overseas Airport Transfer Offer: MCN17004 or the Business Tour Offer: MCN 17005 and get the Offer Promotion Code. 3. Go to KLOOK and complete booking details. 4. Pay by Dah Sing Business Card. 優惠條款及細則 1. 此優惠適用日期為 2017 年 1 月 1 日 00:00 起至 2017 年 12 月 31 日 23:59 止 2. 用戶需於 2017 年 12 月 31 日之前使用優惠碼購買和換領機場接送 3. 用戶需於 KLOOK 客路網站或手機 App 使用優惠碼預訂產品 4. 有關等候地點 附加費用 ( 機場接送 ) 等資料, 請參閱個別產品頁面資訊 5. 預訂確認後不可取消或退款 6. KLOOK 客路為香港設立之平台, 產品金額可以換算成多種貨幣, 部份貨幣金額中可能包含手 續費及 / 或受處理費 最終預訂頁上顯示的貨幣和金額是 KLOOK 客路將從您的信用卡上扣除的 金額 此外, 發卡銀行可能會強制收取交易附加費, 此費用與 KLOOK 客路無關, 相關交易手 續費問題, 請洽詢各發卡銀行 7. KLOOK 客路保留隨時於優惠網頁上公告 修改優惠或終止本優惠之權利 8. 如有任何爭議,KLOOK 客路將保留最終決定權 Offer Terms and Conditions 1. This discount offer is valid from 1 January 2017 00:00 to 31 December 2017 23:59. 2. Bookings of the Airport transfer with the discount code must be made and redeemed by 31 December 2017. 3. Bookings with the promo code must be made via KLOOK website or mobile app. 4. For details such as the pickup location and surcharge, please refer to the information on individual product page. 5. No cancellation or refunds would be given after booking is confirmed.

6. As KLOOK supports payments in different currencies, rates can be converted into a currency of user's convenience. Activity rates indicated in a certain currency are at a rate determined by KLOOK using market spot rates. Payment currency will be clearly indicated at time of payment. Some credit cards may charge additional fees in handling certain currencies, please consult with the credit card issuer if additional charges will apply to the transaction. 7. KLOOK reserves the right to suspend, cancel or modify the promotion at any time without prior notice. 8. In case of any disputes, Klook Travel Technology Ltd reserves the right to make the final decision.