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A32PSP One round trip air ticket from Hong Kong to Singapore 香港至新加坡來回機票乙張 Economy class 經濟客位 1) Air ticket validity is 7 nights. Surcharge may apply for extension of ticket validity. Mileage cannot be applied on air-seat upgrade. 2) Peak season surcharge may apply. 3) Flight restriction may apply. 4) All taxes and surcharges are not included. 1) 機票有效期為 7 晚, 延長機票有效期或需繳附加費, 任何機位級別之提升將不獲發任何飛行里數 2) 不包括旺季附加費 3) 航班有機會受限制 4) 不包括航空公司燃油附加費及所有適用之稅項 A34TWP TW Steel Cool Black Canteen Ladies's Watch (Model no.: TW911) TW Steel Cool Black Canteen 女裝腕錶 ( 型號 :TW911) 45mm, 3 hands PVD black case, black date, dial and hands Pink leather strap with croco print Cool black with 56 pink Swarovski cystal - 錶殼直徑 45mm,3 針 - PVD 黑色塗層鋼制錶殼, 黑色日期窗口, 黑色錶盤 - 粉紅色皮制錶帶 - 黑色錶環帶 56 顆復古式施華洛世奇水晶 Collect at TW Steel Boutiques by presenting the original redemption letter issued i) Harbour City Boutique Shop 2207, Level 2, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀海港城港威商場 2 樓 2207 號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 3628 3548 ii) Grand Century Place Boutique Shop 209, Level 2, Grand Century Place, No. 193 Prince Edward Road West, Mongkok, Kowloon 九龍旺角太子道西 193 號新世紀廣場 2 樓 209 號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 2217 0900 2) Please contact TW Steel Boutique to check the gift item's availability before collection. 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之地點, 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後 3 個月內領取禮品, 逾期作廢 A33PKK One round trip air ticket from Hong Kong to Bangkok 香港至曼谷來回機票乙張 Economy class 經濟客位 1) Air ticket validity is 7 nights. Surcharge may apply for extension of ticket validity. Mileage cannot be applied on air-seat upgrade. 2) Peak season surcharge may apply. 3) Flight restriction may apply. 4) All taxes and surcharges are not included. 1) 機票有效期為 7 晚, 延長機票有效期或需繳附加費, 任何機位級別之提升將不獲發任何飛行里數 2) 不包括旺季附加費 3) 航班有機會受限制 4) 不包括航空公司燃油附加費及所有適用之稅項 TW Steel Pilot Men's Watch (Model no.: TW405) TW Steel Pilot 男裝腕錶 ( 型號 :TW405) 48mm, 3 hands PVD rose gold plated case Blue dial and leather strap - 錶殼直徑 48mm,3 針 - PVD 玫瑰金電鍍不 鋼錶殼 - 藍色錶盤及藍色皮錶帶 Collect at TW Steel Boutiques by presenting the original redemption letter issued i) Harbour City Boutique Shop 2207, Level 2, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀海港城港威商場 2 樓 2207 號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 3628 3548 ii) Grand Century Place Boutique Shop 209, Level 2, Grand Century Place, No. 193 Prince Edward Road West Mongkok, Kowloon 九龍旺角太子道西 193 號新世紀廣場 2 樓 209 號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 2217 0900 2) Please contact TW Steel Boutique to check the gift item's availability before collection. referrer (authorisation letter and identity proof are required). 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之地點, 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後 3 個月內領取禮品, 逾期作廢 A35TWB

A36STA S.T. Dupont Audrey Hepburn Liberte Night Edition Ballpoint Pen; Black lacquer & palladium finishes (Model no.: 465010) S.T. Dupont 奧黛麗赫本專題版原子筆 ; 黑漆及鍍鈀金潤飾 ( 型號 :465010) Collect at S.T. Dupont Shop by presenting the original redemption letter issued S.T. Dupont Unit LG2-22, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong 九龍塘達之路 80 號又一城 LG2-22 號店 Tel 電話 : ( 852 ) 2777 4838 1) Once redeemed, the gift item cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or other gifts. 2) Please contact S.T. Dupont Shop to check the gift item's availability before collection. 3) Please collect the gift item within 3 months from the date of redemption letter issued 4) The gift item can be collected either by the referrer or by a third party authorised by the 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之地點, 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後 3 個月內領取禮品, 逾期作廢 A38BFL Belford Jewellery diamond necklace in 18K white gold w/ BR 10-0.18ct (Article no.: NPR06408S) Collect at Belford Jewellery by presenting the original redemption letter issued Belford Jewellery - Shop No. 208, The Galleria, 9 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong 百福珠寶行 - 香港皇后大道中 9 號嘉軒廣場 2 樓 208 號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 2259 9282 2) Please contact Belford Jewellery to check the gift item's availability before collection. 5) In the event of a dispute, Belford Jewellery reserves the right to make the final decision. 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之百福珠寶行, 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後 3 個月內領取禮品, 逾期作廢 5) 如有任何爭議, 百福珠寶行將保留最終決定權 S.T. Dupont White lacquer finishes 8GB USB Key stylus & Matt black lacquer & palladium finishes ball pen (Model no: SETDIGITAL KL) S.T. Dupont 數碼套件 ; 啞光黑色亮漆和白色亮漆潤飾 ; 此套件包括一個儲存容量為 8G 的記憶捧和一支觸控筆 ( 型號 :SETDIGITAL KL) Collect at S.T. Dupont Shop by presenting the original redemption letter issued by Swiss Privilege. S.T. Dupont Unit LG2-22, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong 九龍塘達之路 80 號又一城 LG2-22 號店 Tel 電話 : ( 852 ) 2777 4838 2) Please contact S.T. Dupont Shop to check the gift item's availability before collection. 4) The gift item can be collected either by the referrer or by a third party authorised by the 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之地點, 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後 3 個月內領取禮品, 逾期作廢 A37STL HKD 2,500 Mannings Gift Certificate 萬寧禮券總值港幣 2,500 元 1) Once redeemed, the gift item cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cashor other gifts. 2) Please collect the gift item within 3 months from the date of notification letter issued 3) The gift item can be collected either by the referrer or by a third party authorised by the 2) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後 3 個月內領取禮品, 逾期作廢 3) 推薦人可親身領取有關禮品, 或授權第三者代領 ( 需出示授權書及身份證明 ) A39MNN

S.T. Dupont Ceramic Collection; medium laptop and documents holder size : 30x42x12cm (Model no.: 171303) S.T. Dupont Défi 電腦公事包中型款 ; 陶瓷纖維布潤飾 尺寸 :30 x 42 x 12 釐米 ; 重量 :1.6 公斤 ( 型號 :171303) Collect at S.T. Dupont Shop by presenting the original redemption letter issued S.T. Dupont Unit LG2-22, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong 九龍塘達之路 80 號又一城 LG2-22 號店 Tel 電話 : ( 852 ) 2777 4838 1) Once redeemed, the gift item cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or other gifts. 2) Please contact S.T. Dupont Shop to check the gift item s availability before collection. 3) Please collect the gift item within 3 months from the date of redemption letter issued 4) The gift item can be collected either by the referrer or by a third party authorised by the 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之地點, 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後 3 個月內領取禮品, 逾期作廢 B32STC TW Steel CEO Tech Collection Men's Watch (Model no.: CE4004) TW Steel CEO Tech Collection 男裝腕錶 ( 型號 :CE4004) 48mm steel sandblasted case PVD rose gold plated Chrono, date, sunray blue dial - 直徑 48mm 精鋼錶殼, 以 PVD 真空離子電鍍玫瑰金並經噴砂處理 - 精準計時機芯, 日曆, 藍色錶盤帶陽光放射效果 Collect at TW Steel Boutiques by presenting the original redemption letter issued by Swiss Privilege. i) Harbour City Boutique Shop 2207, Level 2, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀海港城港威商場 2 樓 2207 號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 3628 3548 ii) Grand Century Place Boutique Shop 209, Level 2, Grand Century Place, No. 193 Prince Edward Road West Mongkok, Kowloon 九龍旺角太子道西 193 號新世紀廣場 2 樓 209 號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 2217 0900 2) Please contact TW Steel Boutique to check the gift item's availability before collection. 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之地點, 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後 3 個月內領取禮品, 逾期作廢 B34TWT B33POT One round trip air ticket from Hong Kong to Tokyo/Osaka 香港至東京 / 大阪來回機票乙張 Economy class 經濟客位 1) Air ticket validity is 7 nights. Surcharge may apply for extension of ticket validity. Mileage cannot be applied on air-seat upgrade. 2) Peak season surcharge may apply. 3) Flight restriction may apply. 4) All taxes and surcharges are not included. 1) 機票有效期為 7 晚, 延長機票有效期或需繳附加費, 任何機位級別之提升將不獲發任何飛行里數 2) 不包括旺季附加費 3) 航班有機會受限制 4) 不包括航空公司燃油附加費及所有適用之稅項 B35BFG Belford Jewellery diamond pendant in 18K white & rose gold w/ BR 93-0.59ct (Article no.: PPR05890RWS) Collect at Belford Jewellery by presenting the original redemption letter issued Belford Jewellery - Shop No. 208, The Galleria, 9 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong 百福珠寶行 - 香港皇后大道中 9 號嘉軒廣場 2 樓 208 號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 2259 9282 2) Please contact Belford Jewellery to check the gift item's availability before collection. 5) In the event of a dispute, Belford Jewellery reserves the right to make the final decision. 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之百福珠寶行, 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後 3 個月內領取禮品, 逾期作廢 5) 如有任何爭議, 百福珠寶行將保留最終決定權

Vintec wine cellar Vintec 酒櫃 TW Steel CEO Diver Multifunction Men's Watch TW Steel CEO Diver Multifunction (Model no.: ALV40SG2E) (Model no.: CE5000) (型號 ALV40SG2E) Dual Temperature Zone for aging and serving purpose Built-under Design ECO technology Crystal White LED Light 4 easily adjustable wooden shelves Max Capacity : 40 bottles Dimension : H 820 x W 595 x D 573mm 雙重溫度適宜陳釀及品嚐美酒 可作嵌入式擺放 環保科技 白光LED櫃燈 4層易拆式木層架 容量 : 40 瓶 體積 : 高 820 x 闊 595 x 深 573毫米 男裝腕錶 (型號 CE5000) 1) One-year local warranty is provided in Hong Kong. 2) The gift is available while stocks last. 3) Once redeemed, the gift item cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or other gifts. 4) Preference of door hinge position (left / right) must be confirmed upon arranging delivery. 1) 一年本地保養 2) 禮品數量有限 換完即止 3) 禮品一經送出 恕不接受退貨或兌換現金或其他禮品 4) 請於安排送貨時選定門鉸位置(左 / 右) 直徑44mm PVD 真空離子電鍍(深鈦灰色)精鋼錶殼 藍寶石水晶鏡面 Miyota 9100 多功能自動機芯 42小時動力儲存 黑色錶盤配以黑色矽膠錶帶 B36VTC HKD 5,000 InterContinental Hong Kong Hotel Dining Voucher 香港洲際酒店餐飲禮券總值港幣5,000元 Collect at TW Steel Boutiques by presenting the original redemption letter issued 在以下地點領取獎賞時 請出示換領禮品通知書正本 i) Harbour City Boutique Shop 2207, Level 2, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀海港城港威商場2樓2207號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 3628 3548 ii) Grand Century Place Boutique Shop 209, Level 2, Grand Century Place, No. 193 Prince Edward Road West Mongkok, Kowloon 九龍旺角太子道西193號新世紀廣場2樓209號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 2217 0900 Free delivery in Hong Kong (excluding outlying islands and closed areas) 免費本地送貨(不包括離島及禁區) B37ITC 44mm, dark titanium case Sapphire crystal Miyota Caliber 9100 42 hour power reserve Black dial with black silicon strap 2) Please collect the gift item within 3 months from the date of notification letter issued 3) The gift item can be collected either by the referrer or by a third party authorised by the 2) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後3個月內領取禮品 逾期作廢 3) 推薦人可親身領取有關禮品 或授權第三者代領 C32TWD 2) Please contact TW Steel Boutique to check the gift item's availability before collection. 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之地點 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後3個月內領取禮品 逾期作廢 4) 推薦人可親身領取有關禮品 或授權第三者代領 Belford Jewellery diamond earrings in 18K white gold w/ BR 2-0.24ct, BR 40-0.46ct (Article no.: ERR04690M) Collect at Belford Jewellery by presenting the original redemption letter issued 在以下地點領取獎賞時 請出示換領禮品通知書正本 Belford Jewellery - Shop No. 208, The Galleria, 9 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong 百福珠寶行 - 香港皇后大道中9號嘉軒廣場2樓208號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 2259 9282 2) Please contact Belford Jewellery to check the gift item's availability before collection. 5) In the event of a dispute, Belford Jewellery reserves the right to make the final decision. 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之百福珠寶行 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後3個月內領取禮品 逾期作廢 4) 推薦人可親身領取有關禮品 或授權第三者代領 5) 如有任何爭議 百福珠寶行將保留最終決定權 C33BFE

S.T. Dupont document holder Belford Jewellery diamond brooch in 18K rose gold w/ BR 159-1.59ct size : 30x43x8cm (Model no.: 83200) S.T. Dupont 公事包 中型款 尺寸 30 x 42 x 8釐米 (型號 83200) (Article no.: HPR04924R) Collect at S.T. Dupont Shop by presenting the original redemption letter issued 在以下地點領取獎賞時 請出示換領禮品通知書正本 D32STH S.T. Dupont Unit LG2-22, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong 九龍塘達之路80號又一城LG2-22號店 Tel 電話 : ( 852 ) 2777 4838 Belford Jewellery - Shop No. 208, The Galleria, 9 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong 百福珠寶行 - 香港皇后大道中9號嘉軒廣場2樓208號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 2259 9282 1) Once redeemed, the gift item cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or other gifts. 2) Please contact S.T. Dupont Shop to check the gift item's availability before collection. 3) Please collect the gift item within 3 months from the date of redemption letter issued 4) The gift item can be collected either by the referrer or by a third party authorised by the 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之地點 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後3個月內領取禮品 逾期作廢 4) 推薦人可親身領取有關禮品 或授權第三者代領 2) Please contact Belford Jewellery to check the gift item's availability before collection. 5) In the event of a dispute, Belford Jewellery reserves the right to make the final decision. 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之百福珠寶行 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後3個月內領取禮品 逾期作廢 4) 推薦人可親身領取有關禮品 或授權第三者代領 5) 如有任何爭議 百福珠寶行將保留最終決定權 E32BFB Panasonic Momi Momi Massage Lounger One round trip air ticket from Hong Kong to London (Model no.: EP-MP62) Panasonic Momi Momi 專業按摩椅 (型號 EP-MP62) Slim sofa design Heat Massage program, which provides warm massage experience to the feet and enhance blood and lymph circulation Sliding backrest design and only about 10cm in front of the wall is required to place the unit Color : black 纖巧梳化型設計 溫感 腳部按摩功能 促進血液及淋巴液循環 滑動式椅背設計 只需離牆約10厘米即可擺放 顏色 黑色 香港至倫敦來回機票乙張 Economy class 經濟客位 1) Air ticket validity is 7 nights. Surcharge may apply for extension of ticket validity. Mileage cannot be applied on air-seat upgrade. 2) Peak season surcharge may apply. 3) Flight restriction may apply. 4) All taxes and surcharges are not included. 1) 機票有效期為7晚 延長機票有效期或需繳附加費 任何機位級別 之提升將不獲發任何飛行里數 2) 不包括旺季附加費 3) 航班有機會受限制 4) 不包括航空公司燃油附加費及所有適用之稅項 Collect at Belford Jewellery by presenting the original redemption letter issued by Swiss Privilege. 在以下地點領取獎賞時 請出示換領禮品通知書正本 Free delivery in Hong Kong (excluding outlying islands and closed areas) 免費本地送貨 (不包括離島及禁區) D33PLN 1) One-year local warranty is provided in Hong Kong. 2) The gift is available while stocks last. 3) Once redeemed, the gift item cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or other gifts. 1) 一年本地保養 2) 禮品數量有限 換完即止 3) 禮品一經送出 恕不接受退貨或兌換現金或其他禮品 E33PMO

Vintec wine cellar Vintec 酒櫃 (Model no.: V190SG2EBK) Belford Jewellery diamond pendant in 18K white & rose gold w/ BR 366-1.77ct (型號: V190SG2EBK) Made in Denmark Single / Multi temperature zone for aging or serving purpose ECO technology Borderless Black Glass Door 3-sided Crystal White LED lighting Security thermostat 6 pieces of wooden shelves Max Capacity : 120 bottles Dimension : H 1850 x W 595 x D 595mm 丹麥製造 可調校單一或多重溫度適宜陳釀或品嚐美酒 環保科技 黑色無邊玻璃門 三面白色LED燈照明 冷凍安全恆溫器 6層木層架 容量 : 120 瓶 體積 : 高 1850 x 闊 595 x 深 595毫米 (Article no.: PPR05500RW) Collect at Belford Jewellery by presenting the original redemption letter issued 在以下地點領取獎賞時 請出示換領禮品通知書正本 Belford Jewellery - Shop No. 208, The Galleria, 9 Queen s Road Central, Hong Kong 百福珠寶行 - 香港皇后大道中9號嘉軒廣場2樓208號舖 Tel 電話 : (852) 2259 9282 Free delivery in Hong Kong (excluding outlying islands and closed areas) 免費本地送貨(不包括離島及禁區) 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) One-year local warranty is provided in Hong Kong. The gift is available while stocks last. Once redeemed, the gift item cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or other gifts. Preference of door hinge position (left / right) must be confirmed upon arranging delivery. 一年本地保養 禮品數量有限 換完即止 禮品一經送出 恕不接受退貨或兌換現金或其他禮品 請於安排送貨時選定門鉸位置(左 / 右) G32BFT 2) Please contact Belford Jewellery to check the gift item's availability before collection. 5) In the event of a dispute, Belford Jewellery reserves the right to make the final decision. 2) 請於領取禮品前先聯絡指定之百福珠寶行 以確保店內有該禮品之存貨 3) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後3個月內領取禮品 逾期作廢 4) 推薦人可親身領取有關禮品 或授權第三者代領 5) 如有任何爭議 百福珠寶行將保留最終決定權 F32VTE HKD 16,000 Fortress Gift Certificate HKD 20,000 Lane Crawford Gift Certificate 豐澤禮券總值港幣16,000元 連卡佛禮券總值港幣20,000元 1) Once redeemed, the gift item cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or other gifts. 2) Please collect the gift item within 3 months from the date of notification letter issued 3) The gift item can be collected either by the referrer or by a third party authorised by the referrer (authorisation letter and identity proof are required). 2) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後3個月內領取禮品 逾期作廢 3) 推薦人可親身領取有關禮品 或授權第三者代領 1) Once redeemed, the gift item cannot be cancelled or exchanged for cash or other gifts. 2) Please collect the gift item within 3 months from the date of notification letter issued 3) The gift item can be collected either by the referrer or by a third party authorised by the referrer (authorisation letter and identity proof are required). 2) 請於換領禮品通知書發出日期後3個月內領取禮品 逾期作廢 3)推薦人可親身領取有關禮品 或授權第三者代領 F33FTS G33LCD

Swiss Privilege Client Referral Programme Terms and Conditions 1. The Programme This Client Referral Programme ( the Programme ) is offered and operated by AXA Wealth Management (HK) Limited ( the Company ) to Club Suisse members and is subject to these Terms and Conditions. The Company reserves the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions at anytime and from time to time without prior notice or consent. The Company also reserves the right to terminate the Programme at anytime based on circumstances it considers appropriate. All points accrued under the Programme known as Swiss Points will be cancelled if the Programme is terminated. Any outstanding order(s) for redemption, if not yet being processed when the Programme is terminated, shall be invalidated. 2. Eligibility and Successful Referral 2.1 Under the Programme, persons eligible to be Referrers may earn Swiss Points by making successful referrals in accordance with paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 below. To become an eligible Referrer, the person must be an existing Club Suisse member having at least one in-force plan (except SwissMediAccount and SwissPlusAccount II and any other products that may be specified by the Company from time to time) issued by the Company. The Referrer must not be carrying on referral business himself / herself nor dealing with any licensed / unlicensed activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance. 2.2 Referrals can only be made to a person (the Referee ) who, at the time of referral, is not an existing policyholder (or who had not been a policyholder at anytime during the last 6 months preceding the time of referral) of the Company. 2.3 A referral will only be successful if it fulfills all of the following criteria in the first policy being acquired by the Referee: 2.3.1 The Referee takes up any policy with the Company (except SwissMediAccount, SwissPlusAccount II and any other products that may be specified by the Company from time to time) as his / her first policy (the First Policy ). If the Referee acquires more than one policy during submission time, the policy containing the highest premium will be used as the basis of evaluating whether it meets the criteria as described in clause 2.3. 2.3.2 (a) Premium of the First Policy must not be less than: (i) US$3,000 for annualised regular premium; or (ii) US$30,000 for single premium. (b) If the First Policy contains both regular and single premiums, every US$10 in single premium shall be considered as US$1 annualised regular premium and the minimum premium specified in (a)(i) above shall apply. 2.3.3 Where the First Policy is a regular premium plan, its premium term must not be less than 10 years. 2.3.4 The First Policy must remain valid after the expiry of the applicable cooling-off period. If the Referee is not fully satisfied with his / her policy, he / she has the right to cancel the policy by returning the policy and giving a written cancellation request to us. The request to cancel must be signed by the Referee and received by us within 21 days after the delivery of the policy or issue of a notice (informing about the availability of the policy and the expiry date of the cooling-off period) to the Referee or Referee s representative, whichever is earlier. We will then refund the Referee all premiums he / she has paid less a deduction of the amount (if any) by which the value of his / her investment has fallen at the time when the cancellation request is received by us. 2.4 Two or several policies cannot be combined to meet the minimum premium criteria. 2.5 Every Referee introduced by the Referrer will only be treated as one referral. 3. Reward to eligible Referee Half the 4th month premium will be waived for every eligible Referee whose First Policy is a regular premium plan with premium term not less than 10 years. 4. Earning of Rewards 4.1 A Referrer will be awarded 100 Swiss Points for every successful referral. The Swiss Points can be used to redeem items listed in the Referral Rewards Catalogue. 4.2 Accrued Swiss Points cannot be transferred, passed on as a gift, or converted into cash under any circumstances. 5. Swiss Points Validity 5.1 Swiss Points earned in 2013 can be accumulated and redeemed at anytime on or before 31st December 2014, whilst Swiss Points earned in 2014 can be accumulated and redeemed at anytime on or before 31st December 2015, and so forth. Any unused Swiss Points will be forfeited thereafter. 5.2 Accrued Swiss Points will be forfeited if the Referrer s last policy with the Company (a) is terminated (except policy that has reached its natural maturity); or (b) is not in good standing in the opinion of the Company. Any outstanding redemption order whether received before or after (a) or (b) will be considered invalid. 6. Notice of Accumulated Swiss Points Swiss Points awarded will be summarized in a Swiss Points Statement which will be sent to the Referrer in the third month following the issuance of the Referee s new policy. Where Swiss Points are redeemed, an updated Swiss Points Statement will be sent to the Referrer after his / her order for redemption is processed. A Swiss Points Statement will only be sent out whenever there is any update. 7. Redemption of Rewards 7.1 For redemption of rewards, the Referrer must duly complete and sign a redemption form and return the same to our Swiss Privilege Centre either by post or fax. 7.2 Upon receipt of your redemption form, the Company will, within the following 10-12 weeks, arrange and inform the Referrer on the collection of the redemption item(s) by the following methods: (a) To collect in person by advanced appointment during business hours from 9:00am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday at the Company s office at 15/F, Luk Kwok Centre, 72 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, or (b) To receive by registered mail. 7.3 Upon receipt and processing of the Referrer s redemption form, the Company will contact the Referrer by phone to confirm the time and manner of collecting the item(s) of redemption. 7.4 The Referrer must present his / her HKID Card / Passport for verification and registration if the Referrer collects his / her item(s) of redemption at the Company s office in person. The Referrer may also choose to authorise a representative to collect his / her item(s) of redemption with the production of the following documents: (a) A photocopy of the Referrer s HKID Card / Passport with signature across the photo copied image, and (b) An authorisation letter signed by the Referrer stating the name and HKID Card / Passport number of the authorised representative; and (c) HKID Card / Passport of the authorised representative. 7.5 For printed items such as vouchers and coupons, if the Referrer chooses to receive the item(s) by registered mail, the item(s) will be sent to the Referrer within the above-mentioned period of 10-12 weeks to the Referrer s provided correspondence address. 7.6 For all heavy items such as massage chair, the Company will provide its delivery order to the Referrer for making further arrangements directly with the supplier for delivery. 7.7 An acknowledgement of receipt must be signed by the Referrer or his / her authorised representative upon collecting the reward item(s). 7.8 Redeemed items and / or gift certificates are not exchangeable, refundable, or redeemable for cash under any circumstances, and are not replaceable in the event of loss or destruction after being issued and are subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the issuer of the same. The rewards are available while stocks last. If any of the rewards is out of stock, the Company reserves the right to offer a substitute at the same value. 7.9 Apart from for the situation mentioned above where the Referrer would have to consider other item(s) for redemption, orders for redemption, once received and accepted, may not be amended or cancelled. 8. General Provisions 8.1 In operating the Programme, the Company is not in any way acting as the supplier of the redemption items. Its role is merely to procure the item(s) ordered by the Referrer and to forward the redemption item(s) from the actual supplier to the Referrer within the territory of Hong Kong SAR. 8.2 The Company takes no responsibility for any damages or losses suffered during the course of delivery, installation, use or other manners of handling the redemption item(s). In the event of any dissatisfaction or dispute, the Referrer is to liaise and follow up directly with the relevant supplier. 8.3 The Company makes no representation or warranty of any of the items redeemed. 8.4 The item(s) redeemed is / are provided by the relevant suppliers, whose goods and / or quality of services as well as the conditions of use are not within the Company s responsibility. Important note: relevant policies and supplements, please refer to the relevant policy documents. the Company shall be final and conclusive. Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, or email to

1. Club Suisse 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 Club Suisse 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 II II 2.3.2 a i 3,000 ii 30,000 2.4 2.5 2.3.3 2.3.4 首份保單在適用的冷靜期到期後必須仍維持有效如被推薦人對保單並未完全滿意, 被推薦人可提交書面申請, 並將保單退回本公司, 從而取消保單被推薦人必須簽署取消保單的申請函件, 並確保本公司向被推薦人或被推薦人的代表交付保單或發出通知書 ( 說明已經可以領取保單和冷靜期的屆滿日 ) 後起計 21 天內 ( 以較先者為準 ) 收到該份函件屆時,AXA 會退回被推薦人所有已繳保費 ; 但假如在本公司接獲被推薦人取消保單的書面通知之時, 被推薦人的投資已經貶值, 本公司會先行扣除虧蝕的金額 3. 4. 5. 4.1 100 4.2 5.1 2013 2014 12 31 2014 2015 12 31 72 15 5.2 a b a b