智能能源运维管理解决方案 Intelligent Energy Operation and Management Solution 股票代码 : 集约高效智能领跑

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1 智能能源运维管理解决方案 Intelligent Energy Operation and Management Solution 股票代码 : 集约高效智能领跑

2 1 专注电力电子技术 30 年 30 years' power conversion experience 累计装机容量数值超过 10GW+ 10GW+ accumulated solar installations worldwide 连续三年入选全球新能源企业 500 强 Awarded as the world's top 500 new energy companies for 3 years 服务于全球 100+ 国家和地区 Applied in 100+ countries and regions 研发人员 900+, 占员工比 25%+ Over 900 R&D engineers, 25% of all employees 研发投入逾 2 亿, 占营收近 9% More than 200 million of R & D investment, accounting for nearly 9% of revenue 600+ 项国家专利软件 著作权等知识产权 600+ intellectual properties including software patents, copyright and etc 参与国家和行业标准的制定 60 余项 Participated in the formulation of more than 60 national and industry standards 2

3 公司 Company 厦门科华恒盛股份有限公司是行业首批 国家认定企业技术中心 国家火炬计划重点项目 承担单位 国家重点高新技术企业 国家技术创新示范企业和全国首批 两化融合管理体系 贯标企业 公司拥有智慧电能 云服务 新能源三大业务体系, 产品方案广泛应用于金融 工业 交通 通信 政府 国防 军工 核电 教育 医疗等行业, 服务全球 100+ 国家和地区的用户 目前, 科华恒盛新能源业务涉及光伏 微网 储能 风电等, 为全球提供光伏逆变器 储能变流器 监控系统等产品解决方案及项目投资 开发 建设 运维等服务, 致力为全球提供一流的光储能源解决方案 KEHUA is one of the industry's first "State-Accredited Enterprise Technology Centers", undertaker of "Key National Torch Project", "National Key High-Tech Enterprise" and "National Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise" and one of the first enterprises with accredited "integrated informatization and industrialization management system". With three business systems of critical power, renewable energy and cloud service, Kehua's production has been widely used in the industry of finance, industry, traffic, telecom, public, military, nuclear, education, medical etc., installed in over 100 countries and regions. Now, Kehua renewable energy business (PV, energy storage, Micro-grid and wind power)provides the product of solar inverter, energy storage converter, monitoring system and the service including investment, development, construction and o&m, devoting in the global first-rate solar energy and energy storage solution. 合作伙伴 ( 部分 ) Partners (part) 重点推广国家 Key countries 美国 United States 日本 Japan 菲律宾 Philippines 泰国 Thailand 印度尼西亚 Indonesia 印度 India 澳大利亚 Australia 3

4 1 全球市场 Focus on the promotion of the country 4

5 公司 Company 美洲 America 欧洲 Europe 非洲 Africa 亚洲 Asia 大洋洲 Oceania 中国大陆 China 5

6 2 光伏电站智能运维管理系统 电站云运维管理平台 Power Station Operation and Maintenance Platform 提高电站收益 : Improve Power Station Revenue: 大数据分析, 短板优化, 提高效率 Data analysis, optimization, improve efficiency 风险预测, 快速排除故障, 降低损失 Risk prediction, quick troubleshooting and loss reduction 远程运维 降低成本 Remote operation and maintenance, cost reduction 辅助投资决策 : Assisting Decision-making: 电站云运维终端管理系统 Power Station Cloud Operation and Maintenance Terminal Management System 设备类型评估 Equipment type assessment 人员成本评估 Personnel cost assessment 团队绩效评估 Team performance assessment 融资风险评估 Financing risk assessment 保障资产安全 : Security of Assets: 高可用性双机冗余备份, 服务无缝接管 High availability dual machine redundancy backup 24X7 小时不间断, 监控电站运行, 保障电站安全 24*7 hours uninterrupted monitoring, ensure the safety 数据冗余备份, 保障数据安全 Data redundancy backup to ensure data security 大数据Data 服务层Service 通讯层Communication 设备层Equipment 经营 APP APP 电站终端管理系统 Power station terminal management system 电站运维分析 Operational Analysis 防火墙 Firewall 互联网 VPN 专线 VPN line 电站终端管理系统 Terminal Management System 智能通信管理机 Intelligent communication manager 云服务器 Cloud Server 防火墙 Firewall 环境监测仪 Environmental monitor 光伏组件 PV panels 智能光伏控制器 PV controller 箱变 Transformer 配电柜 Distributed Cabinet 智能电表 Meter 其他设备 Other equipment 6

7 系统 System Intelligent PV station operation and management system 光伏电站智能运维管理系统 PV Station Intelligent Operation and Maintenance Management System 关键功能 Key functions 云服务终端 Key functions Cloud Service Terminal Term 子站生产管理系统 Sub-station Management 运维 APP Operation APP 电站 KPI 指标监控 (KPI of Power Station) 运行 对比报表管理 (Compare Report Management) 全电站 PR 分析对比 (PR Analysis) 组串智能分析 (Cluster Intelligence Analysis) 运维分析 (Operational Analysis) 资产管理 (Power Station Asset Management) 电站监视 (Power Station Monitoring) 电站管理 (Power Station Management) 远程专家诊断 (Remote Expert Diagnosis) 日常办公 (Daily work) 两票管理 (Operation Registration ) 缺陷管理 (Defect Management) 值班管理 (Checking Management) 子站资产管理 (Sub-station Asset Management) 运行报表 (Operating Report) 统计分析 (Statistic Analysis) 逆变器监控 (Inverter Monitoring) 组串监控 (Strings Monitoring) 告警管理 (Alarm Management) 7

8 2 分布式光伏电站系统 电站监控运维平台 Power Station Monitoring and Operation System 电站监控运维终端 Power Station Operation and Monitoring Terminal 提高电站收益 : Improve Power Station Revenue: 大数据分析, 短板优化, 提高效率 Data analysis, optimization, improve efficiency 风险预测, 快速排除故障, 降低损失 Risk prediction, quick troubleshooting and loss reduction 远程运维 降低成本 Remote operation and maintenance, cost reduction 保障资产安全 : Security of Assets: 高可用性双机冗余备份, 服务无缝接管 High availability dual machine redundancy backup 24X7 小时不间断, 监控电站运行, 保障电站安全 24*7 hours uninterrupted monitoring, ensure the safety 数据冗余备份, 保障数据安全 Data redundancy backup to ensure data security 兼容多种应用 : Multiple Applications Compatibility: 满足多应用场景需求 Meet the needs of multiple applications 兼容性强, 支持第三方厂商设备 Strong compatibility, support third-party vendor equipment 按需定制, 可集成分布式光伏系统 微网系统 离网系统等多系统 Customized on demand, integrated with multi-system of distributed PV power system, micro-grid system, off-grid system etc 大数据Data 服务层Service 通讯层Communication 设备层Equipment 本地监控 Local Monitoring 直接采集 Direct sampling 远程 IE Remote IE 485TCP/IP 光纤采集 Fiber sampling 光纤收发器 Fiber Transceiver 光纤收发器 Fiber Transceiver 本地监控服务器 Local Monitoring Serve 路由器 Route WIFI 485TCP/IP WIFI 采集 WiFi sampling 远程 APP Remote APP zigbee zigbee zigbee 采集 Zigbee sampling 远端 ( 北向借口 ) Remote(Northbound interface) 互联网 Internet 移动网 Mobile Network 3G/4G/GPRS 电信采集 Telecom sampling UPS 配电柜 Distributed Cabinet 电表 Meter 汇流箱 Combiner Box 逆变器 Inverter 光伏矩阵 PV panels 气象仪箱变 Meteorological Instrument Transformer 其他设备 Equipment 8

9 系统 System Distributed PV Power Station System 分布式光伏电站系统 Distributed PV Power Station System 关键功能 Key functions 监控系统 Cloud Service Terminal 生产管理系统 Management System 运维 APP Operation APP 电站 KPI 指标监控 (KPI of Power Station) 运行 对比报表管理 (Compare Report Management) 全电站 PR 分析对比 (PR Analysis) 配置管理 (Configuration Management) 组串智能分析 (Cluster Intelligence Analysis) 全电站资产管理 (Power Station Asset Management) 远程专家诊断 (Remote Expert Diagnosis) 缺陷管理 (Defect Management) 巡检管理 (Checking Management) 子站资产管理 (Sub-station Asset Management) 逆变器监控 (Inverter Monitoring) 组串监控 (Strings Monitoring) 气象站监控 (Weather Station Monitoring) 储能 / 微电网系统 ESS/micro-grid System 关键功能 Key Functions 电站 KPI 指标监控 (KPI of Power Station) 运行 对比报表管理 (Compare Report Management) 全电站 PR 分析对比 (PR Analysis) 配置管理 (Configuration Management) 组串智能分析 (Cluster Intelligence Analysis) 运维分析 (Operational Analysis) 全电站资产管理 (Power Station Asset Management) 远程专家诊断 (Remote Expert Diagnosis) 缺陷管理 (Defect Management) 巡检管理 (Checking Management) 监控系统 Monitoring System 生产管理系统 Management System EMS 系统 EMS System 运维 APP Operation APP 子站资产管理 (Sub-station Asset Management) 运行报表 (Operating Report) 统计分析 (Statistic Analysis) 逆变器监控 (Inverter Monitoring) 汇流箱监控 (Combiner Box Monitoring) 电池监控监控 (Battery Monitoring) 离网控制器监控 (Off-grid Controller Monitoring) 储能逆变器监控 (PCS Monitoring) 充电桩监控 (EV Charger Monitoring) 气象站监控 (Weather Station Monitoring) AGC/AVC 功率平滑 (Smoothing Power) 调度目标跟踪 (Target Tracking) 电压无功控制 (Reactive Control) 削峰填谷 (Peak shaving Function) 调频响应 (Reaction of Frequency Adjustment) 9

10 2/3 户用型 APP 监控系统 Residential APP Monitoring System APP 监控系统 APP Monitoring System 采集模块 ( 外置式 ) Modular Collector(External) 采集模块 ( 内置式 ): Modular Collector(Internal): 智能方便 : Smart and Convenient: 兼容各类设备, 设备接入灵活 Flexible access 云端数据支持, 及时查看系统数据 Cloud data support 及时推送告警 故障信息, 提高工作效率 Timely alarm fault information 安全可靠 : Safe and Reliable: 24X7 小时不间断服务, 保障设备安全 24*7 hours uninterrupted monitoring, ensure the safety 数据冗余备份, 保障数据安全 Data redundancy backup to ensure data security 操作简洁 : Simple Operation: 配置流程简单, 手机即可完成现场监控配置 Process is simple, mobile phone can complete the on-site monitoring 数据可视化, 图表简明易懂 Data visualization, graphs are simple and easy to understand 远程 IE Remote IE 云服务器 cloud server 远程 APP Remote APP 本地桌面 Remote IE 以太网 /WIFI Ethernet/WIFI 局域网 LAN 本地 APP Local APP RS485/ 气象站 Weather Station 智能电表 Smart meter 逆变器 Inverter 储能变流箱 PCS

11 系统 / 案例 System/Applications 案例 Application 01 中卫汉南 20MW 光伏地面电站 01 Ningxia Zhongwei Hannan 02 20MW PV ground station 02 漳州科华工厂屋顶光伏电站 Kehua Zhangzhou factory roof PV station 厦门智慧分布式微电网试点示范项目 Xiamen intelligent distributed micro-grid project 中兴派能箱式储能系统项目 Container energy storage system project for Pylontech 11

12 4 服务 Service 高保障的 Assured 应时而动 Apropos 主动的 Active 科华恒盛坚持 主动服务, 用户至上 的服务理念, 建立主动式三级服务体系, 以直属网点 区域技术服务中心 用服中心与总部研发为支撑, 提供预防性主动服务 目前, 科华恒盛在全国建立 16 个技术服务中心 50+ 厂家技术服务网点, 可为客户提供 高保障 应时而动 主动 的 3A 服务 Kehua Hengsheng insists on the service concept of "active service and customer first", and establishes an active three level service system, which is supported by direct network, regional technical service center, service center and headquarters, and provides preventive active service. At present, Kehua Hengsheng has established 16 technical service centers and 50+ technical service outlets throughout the country. It can provide customers with "Assured, Apropos, Active" 3A services. 12

13 服务 Service 13

14 厦门科华恒盛股份有限公司地址 : 中国福建省厦门火炬高新区火炬园马垄路 457 号邮编 : 电话 : 传真 : Xiamen Kehua Hengsheng Co., Ltd. Add: No. 457, Malong Road, Torch High-Tech Industrial Zone, Xiamen Fujian China Tel: Fax: Intertrade@kehua.com 版本号 (Version No.): 版权所有 厦门科华恒盛股份有限公司 2018 保留一切权利 Copyright Xiamen Kehua Hengsheng Co., Ltd All rights reserved.

1 专注电力电子技术 30 年 30 years' power conversion experience 累计装机容量数值超过 10GW+ 10GW+ accumulated solar installations worldwide 连续三年入选全球新能源企业 500 强 Awarded as

1 专注电力电子技术 30 年 30 years' power conversion experience 累计装机容量数值超过 10GW+ 10GW+ accumulated solar installations worldwide 连续三年入选全球新能源企业 500 强 Awarded as 工商业屋顶光伏系统解决方案 Commercial and Industrial Roof Solution 股票代码 :002335 集约高效智能领跑 1 专注电力电子技术 30 年 30 years' power conversion experience 累计装机容量数值超过 10GW+ 10GW+ accumulated solar installations worldwide 连续三年入选全球新能源企业

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