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30 30 { [Description ( Name of the setting ), key ] string Name; [Description ( Value of the setting ), required ] string Value; }; [Association] class MyAppConf_SettingContext : CIM_SettingContext { [Override("Context"), Aggregate, key ] MyAppConf_Configuration REF Context; [Override("Setting"), key ] MyAppConf_Setting REF Setting; }; //#*********************************************************** //# MyAppConf.mof //#*********************************************************** // (This pragma specifies the language and the country of the system) #pragma locale ("en_us") // (Namespace is a boundary within which the classes and their keys should be unique) #pragma namespace ("root/cimv2") [Description ( Class representing logical configuration which groups individual settings of myappconf file. )] class MyAppConf_Configuration : CIM_Configuration { [ Description ( Key Value ), key ] string Name = "myappconf"; [Description ( Dummy method to demonstrate user defined functions )] string getcurrenttime(); }; [Description ( Class representing the settings and their values of myappconf )] class MyAppConf_Setting : CIM_Setting Basic Read None GetClass EnumerateClasses EnumerateClassNames GetInstance EnumerateInstances EnumerateInstanceNames GetProperty Basic Write Basic Read SetProperty Instance Manipulation Schema Manipulation Association Traversal Basic Write Instance Manipulation Basic Read CreateInstance ModifyInstance DeleteInstance CreateClass ModifyClass DeleteClass Associators AssociatorNames References ReferenceNames Query Execution Basic Read ExecQuery Qualifier Declaration Schema Manipulation GetQualifier SetQualifier DeleteQualifier EnumerateQualifiers

31 31 } } virtual void enuminstancenames( const ProviderEnviro nmentifcref& env, { const String& ns, // const String& classname, // CIMObjectPathResultHandlerIFC& result, const CIMClass& cimclass) { /* MyAppConf.mof */ if(classname.equalsignorecase("myappconf_ { // Configuration")) DateTime dt(::time(null)); { CIMDateTime cdt(dt); return CIMValue(cdt.toString()); /* CIMObjectPath */ CIMObjectPath cop("myappconf_ Configuration", ns); cop.setkeyvalue("name", CIMValue(String(" myappconf "))); result.handle(cop); } else if(classname.equalsignorecase("myappcon f_setting")) { /* - - */ CIMObjectPath cop("myappconf_setting", ns); SettingsMap sm = getsettings(); // - SettingsMap::iterator smit = sm.begin(); while(smit!= sm.end()) // - { cop.setkeyvalue("name", CIMValue(smit -> first)); result.handle(cop); smit++; } virtual CIMValue invokemethod( const ProviderEnviron mentifcref& env, const String& ns, const CIMObjectPath& path, const String& methodname, } const CIMParamValueArray& in, CIMParamValueArray& out ) if(methodname.equalsignorecase("getcurrentti me")) } else { OW_ THROWCIMMSG( CIMException:: FAILED, ("Provider does not support method: %1", methodname).c_str()); }

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