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1 第五章 : 台灣地區災害性天氣特徵 1. 從台灣氣象災害談起 2. 梅雨鋒面 / 劇烈對流天氣的特徵 3. 颱風豪雨的特徵 4. 台灣天氣研究計畫 國立臺灣大學大氣科學系大氣科學概論

2 臺灣地區四大災害性天氣 1991 年各類氣象災害損失統計圖 Typhoon 85% 30% 4% 23% 43% 颱風水災寒流旱害 Meiyu + heavy rain 11% Drought 3% Cold surge 1% 台灣地區四面環海, 屬季風氣候區, 又有複雜地形, 降雨分布季節性強, 區域性明顯, 時間和空間變化大. 每年梅雨季鋒面降雨和夏季颱風降雨, 重則豪雨成災, 缺則旱象連連, 為主要災害性天氣來源


4 美國災害性天氣損失統計 (Kunkel et al. 1999) 項目 年平均死亡人數 年平均財物損失 近年最嚴重損失與死亡人數 洪水 96 ( ) 24 億 ( ) 200 億 (1993) 156 (1976) 颶風 20 ( ) 62 億 ( ) 300 億 (1992) 256 (1969) 冬天雪暴 47 ( ) > 10 億 ( 約計 ) 60 億 (1993) 200+ (1993) 龍捲 44 ( ) 29 億 ( ) 38 億 (1993) 94 (1985) 熱浪 384 ( )? > 150 億 (1980) 522 (1995) 酷寒 770 ( )? > 300 億 ( ) 閃電 175 ( ) > 10 億 ( 約計 )? 雹 - 23 億 ( 約計 ) 6.5 億 (1990) 年平均總計 > 1,500 人 > 158 億美元 ( 每週 3 億美元 ) 1977 年 5 月攝於奧克拉荷馬州諾曼市

5 臺灣梅雨

6 溫帶氣旋與鋒面


8 2000/6/ UTC

9 Surface temperature distribution of a Meiyu front 0000UTC, 2000/6/10 Cold Warm

10 Kinematic structure of a Meiyu front vorticity and divergence


12 Meiyu front/low-level jet (frontogenetic feature) Chen et al. 2003

13 鋒面雨帶 : 肘狀回波 elbow shape echo pattern 梅雨鋒, 低層噴流, 台灣地形豪大雨, 強陣風, 急速降溫

14 雷暴的合併與分裂 濃積雲 積雨雲 積雲 多胞雷暴之雲圖 中間為積雨雲屬成熟期雷暴, 有明顯雲砧, 含大量冰晶, 雲底已在降雨 ; 右邊為菜花狀之積雲屬雷暴初期 ; 左邊為濃積雲屬發展中雷暴, 尚未降雨 組織性雷暴伴隨之災害性天氣可包括豪雨, 閃電, 強陣風, 冰雹, 龍捲等現象

15 Height in km 1999, 8, 胞合併 A B Time (LST)

16 Thunderstorm life: a pictorial presentation

17 超大胞雷暴 Supercell thunderstorm Wall cloud, virga, anvil, overshooting top, mammatus, flanking line towers, striations, tornado, tail cloud, debris, precipitation curtain, gust front.

18 Height in km /12/19 right moving storm 6 3 胞分裂 A B Time (LST)

19 雷暴系統動力問題 ( 一 ) 雷暴內部產生旋轉 - 龍捲的發生 ( 二 ) 母雷暴分裂成左右往右走的較容易發展

20 Dual-Doppler analysis of Taipei hailstorm, August 29, 公里水平風場 雹暴發生原因 : 高空冷心低壓擾動, 強日照海風環流, 複雜地形降雨外流 雹暴結構 : 弱回波拱腔, 雹胚簾, 雹降 NW SE

21 (km) 9 雹暴預報指標 SHI= VIL= 落雹時間 :18 14:24 14:30 14:36 14:42 14:48 14:54 15:00 15:06 15:12 15:18 15:24 15:30 15:36 (T) Time height section of maximum reflectivity (dbz) of Taipei Hailstorm (99,8,29)

22 認識颱風 : 熱帶氣旋 (tropical cyclone) 之名稱 : 颶風, 颱風, 氣旋 H 形成區域 : 熱帶暖洋面, 有利大氣環境條件 移動路徑 : 主要綜觀天氣系統控制 ( 駛流場 )

23 颱風結構 颱風眼, 眼牆, 螺旋雨帶, 外圍環流 1. 強度 (intensity): 中心最低海平面氣壓或最大風速 2. 壯度 (strength): 低層近中心環流之平均相對角動量 3. 大小或範圍 (size): 達七 ( 或十 ) 級風暴風強度之區域, 或最外圍封閉等壓線所圈區域

24 颱風豪雨的特徵 螺旋雨帶 地形雨帶 颱風眼 眼牆雨帶 台灣地區每年平均有 3.5 個颱風侵襲, 侵台颱風的路徑, 強度, 以及風雨預報, 都必須對颱風所在還環境以及結構有深入的瞭解

25 雙眼牆颱風

26 侵台颱風降雨結構 時空分佈特徵 dbz 賀伯 利奇馬 Rainfall intensity vs Rainfall strength 降雨強度 vs 降雨壯度 利奇馬 Herb 30 桃芝 桃芝 納莉 Nari 納莉 20 Toraji Km

27 Vertical structure of typhoon

28 颱風中心定位與強度估計 颱風中心定位與強度估計乃根據 Dvorak (1984) 所發展之方法利用色調強化紅外線與可見光影像資料雲貌特徵之變化與雲頂溫度分布判別颱風之中心位置與強度 P.S 年 9 月 JTWC 停止 C-130 對西太平洋地區颱風之偵察任務 紅外線色調強化雲圖可見光雲圖 決定最適合描述之雲型 中心位置 : 10 度 Spiral Band 颱風強度 : T-no CI-no

29 颱風強度估計 彎曲雲帶型 Curved Band (VIS and IR) 高低分離型 Shear (VIS and IR) 中央密雲型 Central Dense Overcast (VIS) 中心嵌入型 Embedded Center (IR) 眼型 Eye (VIS and IR) 中心冷雲型 Central Cold Cover (VIS and IR)

30 Flight route of two drop-sonde missions in UTC Melor 0525UTC DOTST AR Dujuan

31 The inner core structure of Typhoon Melor

32 颱風接近陸地利用都卜勒雷達監測風雨

33 a XANGSANG TYPHOON, October 31 to November 1, 2000 Heavy Rain caused by Typhoon and Northeast Monsoon a Nov.1 00 UTC mm/3 hr (267)

34 TC track forecast ensemble method 2011 Meigi typhoon

35 臺灣天氣研究計劃 Taiwan Weather Research Program

36 計畫總主持人 : 台大周仲島教授 綠島中尺度實驗 (2001, NSC), GIMEX 東亞中尺度系集預報系統 (2001, CWB+ WRA), MEFSEA 環島都卜勒雷達網聯 (2002 CWB+ WRA), QPESUMS 颱風投落送計畫 (2003 NSC+CWB), DOTSTAR 福爾摩沙三號衛星 (2005 NSC+NSPO), FOMOSAT III/COSMIC-GPS 車載 X 波段雙偏極雷達 (2006 NSC), TEAM_R 西南氣流實驗 (2008 NSC+ CWB+ NSF_NCAR), SoWMEX/ TiMREX 台灣天氣研究計畫 ( ) (Taiwan Weather Research Program): by advancing our theoretical, observational, and modeling capacity in order to improve high impact weather prediction accuracy.

37 SoWFEX-08: An Introduction 72 hrs QPE (6/12 ~ 6/14, 2005), max accumulated rainfall =1758mm over flat plain 72 hrs QPE (7/2~7/4, 2004), max accumulated rainfall=1375mm over slope terrain (2008 西南氣流實驗 ) Ben Jong-Dao Jou, Shui-Shang Chi, and Yu-Ching Liou National Taiwan University, Central Weather Bureau, National Central University Nov at CWB 205 meeting room

38 1987 TAMEX; 1992 Post TAMEX; 1998 SCSMEX/MYEX Kuo and Chen (1990) Bull Amer Meteor Soc P3 (TAMEX Special Issue: Monthly Weather Review, 1991 Nov) TAMEX Special Section in TAO, 1994, and 2006

39 台灣地區中尺度實驗 TAMEX 層流降雨 對流降雨 1987 年 5 月琉球美國卡迪納海軍基地 WP-3D 氣象飛機

40 TRMM: Low-orbit (350 km) large inclination (35 0 ) satellite and the orbital period is about 91 minutes

41 綠島中尺度實驗 GIMEX, May-June 2001 新武呂溪 90 卑南溪 85 RH /70 70/71 71/72 72/

42 Scientific objectives of SoWMEX/TiMREX MCSs dynamics and microphysics Mei-yu front and low-level jet Convection initiation/diurnal cycle/boundary layer processes Terrain effect on flow and MCSs Mesoscale data assimilation/qpf Multiscale interaction problem

43 SoWMEX/TiMREX ship sounding DROPSONDE High Θ e air SOUTH CHINA SEA May 15-June 30, 2008, SCS and SW Taiwan Sounding component: ground-based, airborne dropsondes, shipboard, GPS-RO

44 Radar component of SoWMEX/ TiMREX SPOL XPOL XVPR JDOP MRR/POSS /JWD ISS TEAM-r 25km Supersite JDOP SPOL

45 剖風儀 加拿大降雨雷達 韓國降雨雷達 日本降雨雷達 美國和台灣降雨雷達 達觀艦海上探空觀測 投落送飛行前天氣會商 實驗作業指揮中心 ( 科學家會商 )

46 IOP# Date Scientific objectives Dropsonde mission/comments 1 06Z May 19 to 00Z May Z May 27 to 21Z May Z May 29 to 12Z May Z June 1 to15z June Z June 3 to 12Z June Z June 4 to 12Z June Z June 12 to 12Z June Z June 14 to 12Z June Z June 23 to 12Z 26 June Frontal circulation, Upstream environment for orographic convection, Model verification and data assimilation Southwest flow interacting with the terrain, Upstream condition for mountain convection, Lee side vortex/shear zone Island effects on SW (LLJ) and the Mei Yu front Upstream condition for heavy precipitation Mesoscale convective systems, Shallow surface front, Mesoscale convective vortex Mesoscale convective systems, Quasi-stationary front, Mesoscale convective vortex Mesoscale convective systems; Quasi-stationary front; Mesoscale convective vortex Convection initiation, Orographic convection Southwesterly flow interacting with the terrain, Upstream condition for mountain convection, low level jet, Mesoscale convective systems, Mesoscale convective vortex Typhoon Fengseng track uncertainty, Typhoon induced southwesterly flow and related heavy rain systems mission #1 at 21Z May 20, C, 3:20/12 4. SOP was scheduled to start on 00Z May 15 and was delayed to 00Z May 19 mission #2 at 21Z May 28, D, 2:35/13 6 mission #3 at 21Z May 29, Cn, 2:43/ 15 10, mission #4 at 21Z May 30, Cn, 2:55/ 13 0, EOP started on 21Z May 29 and scheduled to end on 21Z, June 4 Mission #5 at 09Z June 3, Cn, 2:29/13-0 Astra nose radar malfunction, the flight was delayed (was scheduled on 21Z, June 1) mission #6, 21Z June 3, C, 3:47/14-2 mission #7, 05Z June 4, E, 2:08/12-0 mission #8, 21Z June 4, C, 3:25/15-1; mission #9, 05Z June 5, E, 2:23/10-0; mission #10, 21Z June 5, D, 2:35/12-1; MCV landed and brought heavy rainfall to Kaohsiung; EOP ended at 18Z June 6 and SOP resumed. UAV mission #1, 04Z and 06Z June 12, Astra engine oil leakage and grounded for a few days mission #11, 09Z June 16, E, 2:15/10-1, mission #12, 21Z June 16, E, 2:25/12-0, mission #13, 04Z June 17, E, 2:29/14-1, Astra available after examining by Singapore engineer Dotstar flight at 08Z June 23, 2:30, A, mission #14 at 09Z June 25, E, 2:30/ 15SOP ends on 12Z June 26 Non- IOP May; 7-11; 18-22, June Afternoon thunderstorm systems and microphysics study

47 Field Catalog and website

48 Conclusions The damages caused by severe weathers have been increased dramatically. Global climate change is not an emerging scenario but a happening issue. How to improve the resilience of our society through capacity building is a very important measure to reduce the disaster risk. Advanced global observational technologies and better prediction algorithms are keys to improve the warning capability of the severe weathers.


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