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1 3 ABB Taiwan customer magazine 10 ABB(CEPSI 2010) ABB

2 03 ABB 05 01

3 ABB 02

4 ABB makes the grid smarter ABB(CEPSI 2010) We know the country that harnesses the power of clean, renewable energy will lead the 21st century CEPSI 10 25~28 ABB FACTS 50% IEC61850 Relion ABB ABBmakes the grid smarter ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB Wind converte Solar inverter 03

5 大 04

6 05

7 The Association of the Electricity Supply Industry of the East Asia and the Western Pacific, AESIEAP full members 39associate members CEO Conference The Conference of Electric Power Supply Industry, CEPSI2 Exhibition 06

8 07

9 CEPSI ,000 Southern Califorina Edison CEO - Mr. John R. Fielder Green Energy, Smart Grid Transmission Advanced Metering Infrastructure CEPSI


11 10 40% 80% 20 1 GW ,190 ABB % ,320 ABB Review 2010

12 11

13 創新技術 Smart grid covers the entire generation, delivery and utilization cycle Smart grid technology categories Decision intelligence Communication Sensor/Actuator Power conversion/transport/ storage/consumption 智 慧電網在不同的地區有不同的定 智慧電網技術組成 義 例如在美國 智慧電網 智慧電網由四大技術層層架疊而成 底層 通常具有以下特點 為能源的轉換 運輸 儲存和使用 可類 比為人體的肌肉 感測器(sensor)和致動器 電力擾動事件之後 電網具自我修復功能 (actuator)層類比為感知環境和控制肌肉的 消費者能積極參與電網的用電供需回應 感覺和運動神經 通信層類比為傳輸感知 機制 當遭逢實體與網路攻擊時 電網可靈活 和控制信號的神經系統 決策智慧層則相當 於人腦 調整運作模式 提供滿足21世紀需求的優質電力 智慧電網解決方案 可廣納各種發電和儲電方案 智慧電網將採用現有技術和新技術進行構 可兼容新產品 新服務和新市場需求 建 處於智慧電網技術開發前緣的ABB 可優化資產使用率和運行效率 可提供以下重點解決方案 在歐盟 智慧電網 則具備下列特點 廣域監測系統 (Wide area monitoring system, WAMS) 彈性(flexible) 滿足客戶需要 並能 應對未來的變化和挑戰 可及性(accessible) 能與所有電網用戶 ABB廣域監測系統可即時匯集電網資訊 結合相量資料並由GPS衛星提供精準時間 標記 以隨時掌控任何異常現象 相連 特別是可再生電力與當地發電資源 可靠性(reliable) 電網是安全 有保障 的 可靈活應對風險與不確定因素 經濟性(economical) 以技術創新與能源管 理在公平競爭環境裡提供最佳產品服務 資料擷取和控制系統 Supervisory control and data acquisition system, SCADA 互連接 而部分電網出現不穩定狀態時 也可局部區隔 使得影響範圍降至最小 此外 HVDC亦是海底輸電和遠距離輸電 的理想選擇 故障檢測和系統恢復 變電站自動化系統是ABB智慧電網產品系列 中的關鍵部分 除可執行資料擷取 遠端 通訊與監控 故障評估等 ABB變電站自動 化系統滿足IEC 61850通訊標準的要求 可 確保不同品牌 同類產品間的互通性 可再生能源併網 ABB為水電 風電和太陽能發電提供電廠控 制設備 同時為再生能源提供客製化遠距併 網產品與服務 此外 ABB為離岸風電場提 供完整電氣系統 如輕型高壓直流 HVDC Light 海底電纜和海上變電站等 構建21世紀電網 智慧電網不是靈丹妙藥 而是整合現有技術 和新技術的產物 適切地落實該技術 將有 助於提升能源效率 提高電網可靠度與品 質 實現可再生能源併網與消費者參與 SCADA系統在國家和區域電網中專責監控 與管理數萬個終端檢測點 SCADA可建立 在中國 智慧電網 是一種輸配電系統 網路模型 類比電網運行 檢測故障 研 融合傳統和先進的電力工程與網路監控技 擬停電問題解決備案及參與能源交易等 術 從而提供更佳電網效能與各種附加服 務 彈性交流輸電系統 Flexible AC transmission system, FACTS 智慧電網技術發展源起 FACTS設備可補償線路電感 實現最大電 電力消費 電網可靠性和電力品質 與一 力傳輸 某些情況下 甚至可增加一倍傳 個國家的經濟發展密切相關 因應與日遽 輸容量 FACTS也可透過動態併聯補償減 增的電力需求 無預警的恐怖攻擊 網路 少擾動 保持電網穩定 駭客威脅 碳減排與再生能源併網需求 促使現有電網進行改造與進化 2009年底 高壓直流輸電系統 HVDC 美國政府撥款40多億美元資助智慧電網技 HVDC系統將電廠的交流電轉為高壓直流 術及相關標準的研究開發和部署 同年 電進行傳輸 再轉換為交流市電供用戶使 歐盟和中國也發佈了相關政策措施 用 因而不同頻率(50或60 Hz)的電網可相 摘自ABB Review 2010第一期智慧電網 12

14 PCS 6000 STATCOM ABB PCS 6000 STATCOM Power Converter System 6000 Static Synchronous Compensator 13

15 006 18% % (grid code) ABB STATCOM Typical control mode of the STATCOM Reactive power Max. capacitive Measured voltage STATCOM operation point U 0 Grid voltage 33 kv bus voltage in the wind park N Max. inductive PCS 6000 STATCOM Grid voltage (kv) Time (ms) 4a without the STATCOM ABB STATCOM PCS 6000 STATCOM (voltage source converter) STATCOM Grid voltage (kv) PCS 6000 STATCOM AC 800PEC power electronics controller Time (ms) 4b with the STATCOM STATCOMU-Q U0N STATCOM STATCOM STATCOM NSTATCOM ABB STATCOM ABB STACOM ABB Review

16 HDVC HVDC Light 15

17 Drivers and HVDC applications Drivers Energy efficient bulk power long distance distance transmission Applications UHVDC, HVDC S ubsea transmission HVDC, HVDC Light Connectiong renewable energy Grid reliability Difficult to build new transmission Connecting networks Trading Remote hydro: HVDC, UHVDC Offshore wind: HVDC Light DC grid (HVDC Light) HVDC Light HVDC Light underground transmission Converting AC OHL to DC OHL: HVDC, HVDC Light Asynchronous connections HVDC, HVDC Light Back-to-Back HVDC (Flexible) (Accessibility) (Reliability) (Economy) HVDC - HVDC Classic HVDC Light HVDC Classic 800kV 6400 MW % 40% HVDC Light Bard Offshore HVDC Light ±150 kv 400 MW HVDC Light HVDC Light (VSC) IGBT (converter)hvdc Light ABB HVDC Light HVDC Light HVDC Light HVDC HVDC Light house-load ABB Review

18 創新技術 提升電網穩定性的 儲能系統 下一代彈性交流輸電系統 隨著風能與太陽能發電的重要性日益凸顯 如何將間歇且多變的發電源併入電網 已成智慧電網無法迴避的挑戰 ABB彈性交流輸電系統 FACTS 的最新產品即 是因應此挑戰的解決方案 該方案整合了SVC Light 和最新的電池儲能技術 透 過平衡電網 有助於再生能源的大規模饋入 17

19 An artist s view of an SVC Light with Energy Storage installation. A typical rating of ±30 MVAr, 20 MW over 15 minutes will have a footprint of around 50x60 m. ABB SVC Light 2010 ABB Basic scheme of SVC Light with Energy Storage PCC SVC Light ~ # 1 # 2 # 3 # n Battery storage SVC Light Q P VSC VSC SVC Light VSC VSC (converter) (high-energy density) ABB Review


21 Network Manager is an integrated platform for SCADA, DMS and OMS. Network Manager Geographical user interface DMS applications Balanced and unbalanced load flow State estimation Fault location Switch order management Overload reduction switching Restoration switching analysis Volt/var control Remote/automatic switching and restoration Trouble call management Outage management Operations management Crew management Operator logs Referral management Outage notifications Outage reporting Distribution database and network model DMS adaptors GIS CIS AMI/MDM Substation/feeder gateways Mobile workforce management Interactive voice response Work management system Infrastructure Graphical data engineering External adaptors data exchange SCADA Process communication front end Historian and data warehouse External applications and systems The operation center system of the future integrates various IT systems as well as field devices and customer information. ABB Network Manager Operations center SCADA and DMS Outage management Advanced applications AMI/MDM MWM GIS CIS SCADA/EMS integration WMS IVR Communication Unbalanced load flow Field crews Fault location automatic switching and restoration Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles IT (Intelligent Electronic Devices, IEDs) DMS (distribution management system) SCADA AMI (advanced metering infrastructure) DMS IEDs Substation computer/gateway Voltage regulator Feeder protection Volt/var control Line recloser Capacitor control Switch Backfed tie switch Distributed generation and energy storage Residential meter Substation Feeder Customer AMI ABB AMI MDM SCADA/DMS ABB Network Manager SCADA DPF (distribution power flow) / (voltage/ var optimization, VVO) (fault location, FL)(restoration switching analysis, RSA) AMI integration and demand response (demand response) IEDs AMI ABB Review

22 21

23 (Advanced Metering Infrastructure, AMI) Point of Interaction, POI DMS SCADA AMI AMI DMS/AMI DMS AMI DMS Outage Analysis, OA AMI AMI (Outage Management System, OMS) OMS AMI AMI DMS DMS Distribution State Estimation, D-SE D-SE D-SE D-SE D-SE D-SE DMS (peak shaving) DR DR DR DR DR AMI Home Area Network, HAN AMI ABB Review

24 23

25 Projects financed by the European Commission focus on integrating distributed generation and improving energy efficiency. A low-voltage Gaidouromantra microgrid deployed in Kythnos Island, Greece. PV generator Energy Markets ~ = AC grid 3~400V AC grid 3~400V ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = More-MICROGRIDS PV generator ~ ~= ~ ~ = = = ~ Battery PV Diesel System house PV generator ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB (Mircogrids) More Microgrids 22 ABB ZIV SMA Liander MVV EdP 12 FP ABB ABB More Microgrids More Microgrids ABB EDF 8 (AuRA-NMS) (EPSRC) AuRA-NMS AuRA-NMS 24

26 The grid of the future? Collaborations are working to transform the old traditional system into an intelligent, more effective and environmentally sensitive network. Generating companies High-voltage transmission level, kv, meshed grid TSO Medium-voltage distribution level, 6-35 kv, radial grid DNO Low-voltage distribution level, 380 V, radial grid DNO Low-voltage distribution level, 380 V, radial grid Consumer AuRA-NMS ABB COM 615SVC Light AuRA-NMS EDF energy box Active distribution networks with full integration of demand and distributed energy resources ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS (Aggregator) ADDRESS EDF Iberdrola () ENEL () ABB KEMA ( ) 5 Cassino 18 (FP7/ ) ABB ABB ABB ABB ABBMEREGIO MEREGIO MERIGIO ABB IBM SAP EnBW ( ) Karlsruhe E-Energy: ICT-based Energy System of the Future 6 3 ICT 25

27 ABB ABB ABB Review

28 27

29 Schematic of an ABB vacuum interrupter (type VG4) General design of an embedded pole a a b c b d e f g c d e h f i g j h a b c d e Stem / Terminal Twist protection Metal bellows Interrupter lid Shield f g h i j Ceramic insulator Shield Contacts Stem / Terminal Interrupter lid a b c d e Upper terminal Vacuum interrupter Stem Lower terminal Flexible connection f g h Insulated push-rod with contact force springs Fixing point Connection to drive ABB Vacuum Interrupters, VIs 350,000 ABB 40.5 kv63ka ABB ABB 200,000 ABB PT1 P1 35% 12%50% 100% % PT1 PT1 IEC PT1 PT1 ABB PT1 VD4 VM1 OEM PT1 ABB Review

30 SVC 29

31 Simplified grid of SEC Western region Umm Lajj G Yanbu al Bahr Al Madinah (Medina) SVC SAUDI ARABIA Rābigh Red Sea G SVC SVC G Jiddah (Jeddah) Makkah (Mecca) Al Khurmah SUDAN G Al Lith SVC (stability margin) SVC SVC SVC SVC SVC Vref Saudi Electricity Company 380 kv OH 380 kv/110 kv 110 kv/13.8 kv 80% SLG SVC Faisaliyah Jamia SVC 2008 (Faisaliyah) SVC 1.5 SVC 100 MVAr 500 MVAr MVAr SVC SVC SVC SVC ABB Review

32 50 ABB TrafoAsset Management TM 31

33 Development of the transformer failure rate in three different applications Overview of ABB TrafoAsset Management Proactive Services Industrial transformer Generator transformer Network transformer Analysis Design analysis Historical review of installed base Transformer monitoring Condition assessment Failure rate (%) Risk assessment Variables: importance of transformer and risk of failure Asset management scenarios Planning of economic-based maintenance actions Years Source: CIGRE WG (1983). An international survey on failures in large power transformers. ELECTRA, 88, Regular asset services Early-life inspection Midlife refurbishment End of life or remanufacturing Transformer investment then and now Number of transformers Investment ABB Year of manufacture Year of replacement Current expected investment INPO Expected investment with TrafoAsset Management TM ABB TrafoAsset Management ABB TrafoAsset Management ABB 30 75% ( ASEA BBC) ABB ABB MVA

34 Structure of a transformer monitoring system HYDRAN M2 or equivalent Bottom oil temp. Top oil temp. CT Control cabinet Ambient temperature (sun/shade) Customer TCP/IP network TAPGUARD 260 or equivalent Managed Ethernet switches (MOXA) or equivalent IDD or equivalent TEC Auxiliary contacts for alarm signals to SCADA system Transformer Control room/remote Remote supervision access by ABB Service Center TEC advanced PC Working station #1 Working station #n Link to SCADA* using IEC / IEC / IEC / DNP 3.0 Copper cables / CANBUS Communication over TCP/IP Fiber optic link * Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Source: Uhlmann O. (2009). ABB Transformer Service Engineering Solutions Portfolio Overview. ABB Review

35 ABB 34

36 35 ABB ACS ABB ACS OPC ABB DriveMonitorTM KPI ABB ABB Review 2010

37 36

38 Smart metering Socket Socket Busch-ComfortPanel Socket Socket Socket Data gateway Gas and water metrics transmitted by cable or wireless EDSM Energy meter Disconnector switch Meter cabinet Gas/water utilities Electric ultility ABB EDSM Busch-ComfortPanel. ABB Review 2010Smart Grid 37

39 SF HV GIS for Industrial Customer (02) AIS DTB AIS \ DTB (07) Capacitor (07) Transformer & Accessories (02) Distribution Protection Relays & Control Products \ HBT (07) SF6 MV Switchgear (GIS \ AIS) (02) SF6 MV VCB \ SF6 GCB (02) MV CT \ PT \ Switches (02) Power Products Service (07) Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) (07) Cable & Accessories (02) (DCS) Power Plant Automation System, DCDAS (02) Plant Optimization Information Management (02) BMS - UVISOR (Flame Scanner) (02) Transmission & Distribution Turnkey Substation (04) Transmission Protection Relays (02) Substation Automation Systems (02) Small SCADA (02) SCADA \ DMS \ EMS \ BMS (02)

40 LV Drives System HV / LV Motor and Machine ACB \ MCCB \ MCB LV Switchgear \ Switches (02) LV Drives General (02) LV Drives Servo (02) LV Drives OEM (07) MV Drives \ Power Electronics \ Power Quality Product (07) (02) (07) (02) Water Analyzer \ Flowmeter (07) DP \ Pressure & Temperature Transmitter (02) Force Measurement (07) Metal Solutions - Drive, Motor and DCS (07) Pulp and Paper Solutions Drive, Motor, DCS, QCS, WIS (02) Crane EOT (ASTAT) Crane RMG Distributed Control System (DCS) DCS Service (07) (07) Crane System Service (07) (02) (02) Hybrid & PLC (07) Analyzer FTIR (02) Turbochargers (07) General Industry Robot (02) Foundry Robot (02) Painting Robot \ Robot Vision System (02) Solar Cell Robot \ Arc Welding Robot (02) Food and Health Industry Robot (02) Robot After Sales Service (02)

41 ABB

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