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1 Smart Wealth Renminbi 5-year Endowment Plan 智富 人民幣五年儲蓄壽險計劃


3 Limited offer 1 Guaranteed return in Renminbi ( CNY ) upon maturity 2 Smart Wealth Renminbi 5-year Endowment Plan ( Plan ) offers you a guaranteed return in CNY after 5 years. The guaranteed return upon maturity is % 3 of the total premiums due and paid in CNY, which is equivalent to an annualised return of 2.80% 3. How the Plan works The Plan uses CNY as the basis of calculating its benefits to you. You are given the option to pay the Plan s premiums directly in CNY, or alternatively in USD or HKD which will be converted to CNY at rates determined by us having regard to the prevailing exchange rates in Hong Kong. When paying out benefits, we generally calculate and pay them in CNY but may upon request pay in a currency other than CNY ( alternative currency ) similarly at the rates determined by us. If this happens, the benefits payable in the alternative currency will be subject to exchange rate fluctuation. There is a possibility that your benefit values may gain in the alternative currency if CNY appreciates against the alternative currency. Likewise, you may experience a loss if CNY depreciates substantially against the alternative currency. Life protection with additional accidental death benefit In case of death of the life insured, a death benefit 4 will be payable under this Plan. An additional accidental death benefit will also be payable if the life insured dies on or before age 65 due to an accident. Options for prepayment and partial withdrawal This Plan offers you the option to prepay the 2 nd year s premium together with the 1 st year s premium at the outset. The pre-paid premium 5 will accumulate at 3.5% per annum during the 1 st policy year and will be used to pay for the 2 nd year s premium in full when it is due. On the other hand, this Plan also gives you the option to withdraw 6 part of its guaranteed cash value starting from the 2 nd policy year to meet your financial needs. We re always here for you Putting your monies into a plan with guaranteed returns is an important part of financial planning. Your situation may change from time to time and you may need advice and guidance. Please contact your financial adviser or call our Customer Service Hotline on from Monday to Friday, between 9:00am to 5:30pm for any assistance you may require. Backed by a solid reputation Smart Wealth Renminbi 5-year Endowment Plan is brought to you and underwritten by Standard Life (Asia) Limited. Standard Life (Asia) Limited is a subsidiary of Standard Life plc. In 2006, Standard Life plc listed on the London Stock Exchange (Stock Code: SL.L), becoming a top FTSE 100 corporation. Standard Life plc has 206 billion assets under administration as at 30 June Remarks: 1 This plan is subject to an offer period as well as product availability determined by us at the time of our offer. We reserve the absolute right to withdraw the offer of this plan and to decline any application at any time without prior notice. Any premium that is already paid will be refunded without interest. 2 This plan has a 5-year policy term after which the plan will then mature. If you surrender your plan before maturity, the surrender value which you will receive may be considerably less than the premium amount which you have paid. 3 The percentage of returns is calculated by reference to the guaranteed cash value upon maturity and on the assumption that: (a) all necessary premiums have been paid by you in full on schedule; (b) no withdrawals have been made from the plan throughout its term before maturity; and (c) the benefit payments under the plan will be made in CNY. 4 If the life insured commits suicide within the 1 st policy year, the death benefit payable shall be limited to the total amount of premium (including any pre-paid premium) paid to us under the plan less any amount already being paid by us pursuant to the plan. 5 The pre-paid premium can be withdrawn in full but without interest before it is applied towards the settlement of the 2 nd year s premium. However, such withdrawal will be subject to a 3% administration charge. 6 Partial withdrawal is subject to the minimum withdrawal amount of CNY 10,000 and the minimum remaining guaranteed cash value of CNY 40,000. Guaranteed cash value of your plan will be adjusted and reduced immediately after each partial withdrawal. Smart Wealth Renminbi 5-year Endowment Plan 智富 人民幣五年儲蓄壽險計劃 01

4 Product Features at a Glance Issue age (age last birthday) Policy Term Premium Term Payment Frequency Policy Currency Minimum Annual Premium Maximum Annual Premium Death Benefit 4 Additional Accidental Death Benefit Life Insured : Age 1 to 80 Policy Owner : Age 18 or above 5 years 2 years Annual CNY CNY 40,000 per policy CNY 2,500,000 per life insured Equals to any balance of pre-paid premium (if applicable) without interest plus the higher of: (a) 100% of guaranteed cash value; or (b) 101% of the net amount derived by deducting all withdrawals (if any) from the total premiums due and paid by you. Equals to the lower of: (a) CNY 100,000; or (b) 10% of the net amount derived by deducting all withdrawals (if any) from the total premiums due and paid by you. Currency Risk This Plan uses CNY as policy currency. Exchange rates of CNY against other currencies may fall as well as rise. Given so: (i) as CNY is subject to currency fluctuation, the rate of exchange between CNY and other currencies including (but not limited to) HKD and USD may fluctuate from time to time and any such fluctuation may adversely affect the overall value of your Plan; and (ii) while premium(s) and benefit(s) are generally payable in CNY, we retain the sole discretion to accept any premiums and pay any benefits of your Plan in currencies other than CNY at the prevailing exchange rates as determined by us from time to time. In such circumstances, any loss incurred during currency conversion will have to be borne by you. Cooling-off You have the right to cancel the Plan during the cooling-off period by giving a written notice to us and obtain a refund of any premium(s) paid without interest. If the premium you paid was in CNY, any refund will be in CNY. If the premium you paid was not in CNY, the refund will only be made after a conversion from CNY back to your original payment currency, in which case any loss incurred as a result of currency conversion will be borne by you. Important Notes: In this leaflet, we, us or our means Standard Life (Asia) Limited. The information in this leaflet is for reference purpose only. For detailed terms, conditions, exclusions of the Plan, please refer to the policy provisions. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. CNY is not at the moment freely convertible in Hong Kong and conversion of CNY by individuals through banks in Hong Kong is subject to a daily limit. You should be aware of the time required for conversion of CNY from/to another currency of an amount exceeding the daily limit. This Plan is not available to citizens / residents of the United States or the People s Republic of China (excluding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macau Special Adminstrative Region). 02 Smart Wealth Renminbi 5-year Endowment Plan 智富 人民幣五年儲蓄壽險計劃

5 限額銷售 1 2 賺取以人民幣計算的期滿保證回報 只需五年, 您便可透過 智富 人民幣五年儲蓄壽險計劃 ( 計劃 ) 獲享以人民幣計算的保證回報 期滿保證回報為以人民幣計算的到期及已繳總保費之 % 3, 其等同於 2.80% 3 的年度化回報 計劃如何運作 此計劃乃以人民幣為基礎而計算所給您的利益 您可選擇直接以人民幣繳付計劃保費, 或改為以港幣或美金經兌換為人民幣後繳付計劃保費, 有關的兌換率將以我們在參考香港當時的兌換率後而獲釐訂 支付利益時, 我們一般會以人民幣結算及支付, 惟我們亦可應您要求, 將有關利益兌換為人民幣以外的其他貨幣 ( 其他貨幣 ) 作支付, 當中的兌換率亦會以相同方式被釐訂 這樣的話, 以其他貨幣支付的利益便將受匯率波動而影響 假如人民幣相對其他貨幣升值, 您便有可能從換算為其他貨幣的利益價值中獲得額外收益 相反, 假如人民幣相對其他貨幣大幅貶值, 您便則可能蒙受相當損失 人壽保障加額外意外身故保障 若受保人不幸身故, 智富 人民幣五年儲蓄壽險計劃將提供一筆身故賠償 4 此外, 如受保人於 65 歲或以前因意外身故, 此計劃亦將提供額外意外身故賠償 預繳及部份提款選項 此計劃設有預繳選項, 讓您可於一開始時連同 5 第一年的保費預繳第二年保費 預繳之保費將每年以 3.50% 於第一個保單年度期間積存, 並於第二年保費到期時用以悉數繳交第二年的保費 另一方面, 您亦可由第二個保單年度 6 開始, 提取計劃的部分保證現金價值以應付您的財務需要 隨時為您效勞 投放資金於具保證回報的計劃是理財計劃重要的一環 您的狀況會隨著時間而有所改變, 並可能需要適當的意見及指引 如需任何協助, 請聯絡您的理財顧問或於星期一至星期五上午九時至下午五時半, 致電我們的客戶服務熱線 備受推祟的金融機構 智富 人民幣五年儲蓄壽險計劃是由標準人壽保險 ( 亞洲 ) 有限公司承保及向您提供 標準人壽保險 ( 亞洲 ) 有限公司是標準人壽股份有限公司的附屬公司 標準人壽集團於 2006 年成功在倫敦交易所上市 ( 股份編號 :SL.L), 並成為英國富時 (FTSE) 100 指數的頂級企業之一, 截至 2012 年 6 月 30 日, 管理資產總值達 2,060 億英鎊 備註 : 1 此計劃設有由我們制定的銷售期及供應限額 我們保留絕對權利在毋需事先通知之下隨時撤回此計劃的供應及拒絕此計劃的任何申請 任何已繳付的保費將不附利息被退還 2 此計劃設有五年保單年期, 屆滿後則計劃將期滿 若您於期滿前退保, 您所能取回的退保價值可能會遠低於您已繳付的保費金額 3 回報的百分比是參考期滿時之保證現金價值作計算, 並假設 :(a) 您已如期悉數支付所需保費 ;(b) 您沒有在保單年期內於期滿日前提取任何款項 ; 及 (c) 在計劃下的利益均會以人民幣作支付 4 若受保人於首個保單年度內自殺身故, 計劃下須支付的身故賠償將只限於閣下就計劃支付予我們的總保費金額 ( 包括任何預繳保費 ), 減去我們根據計劃而支付予閣下的任何金額 5 您可於預繳保費被用作清繳第二年保費前全數提取已預繳之保費 ( 但不附帶任何利息 ) 惟此提取將須被徵收 3.00% 之行政費用 6 部份提款須受人民幣 10,000 之最低提款金額及人民幣 40,000 之最低剩餘保證現金價值所限制 您計劃的保證現金價值將於每次部份提款後被調整及減少 Smart Wealth Renminbi 5-year Endowment Plan 智富 人民幣五年儲蓄壽險計劃 03

6 產品特徵概覽 參加計劃年齡 ( 上一次生日 ) 保單年期 保費繳付年期 付款方式 保單貨幣 受保人 : 1 至 80 歲保單持有人 : 18 歲或以上 5 年 2 年年繳人民幣 最低每年保費人民幣 40,000 ( 以每保單計 ) 最高每年保費人民幣 2,500,000 ( 以每受保人計 ) 4 身故賠償 相等於不附帶利息之預繳保費的餘額 ( 如適用 ), 加上以下之較高者 : (a) 保證現金價值的 100%; 或 (b) 到期及已繳總保費減去所有提款金額 ( 若有 ) 之剩額的 101% 額外意外身故賠償相等於以下之較低者 : 貨幣風險 (a) 人民幣 100,000; 或 (b) 到期及已繳總保費減去所有提款金額 ( 若有 ) 之剩額的 10% 此計劃乃以人民幣作為保單貨幣 人民幣與其他貨幣之間的兌換率可跌亦可升 因此 :(i) 基於人民幣存在波動, 於人民幣與其他貨幣包括 ( 但不限於 ) 港幣及美元之間的兌換率或會不時波動, 而任何該等波動或會對閣下計劃的整體價值造成重大影響 ; 及 (ii) 縱然保費及利益一般均會以人民幣支付, 但我們將保留酌情權以使用人民幣以外的其他貨幣收取及支付閣下計劃下的任何保費及任何利益, 並以我們不時釐訂及當時適用的兌換率換算 在該情況下, 您將要承擔因貨幣兌換所引致的任何損失 冷靜期 您有權於冷靜期內以書面通知我們取消計劃並獲退回不附帶利息的任何已繳保費 如您是以人民幣繳付保費, 您將以人民幣獲得退款 相反, 如您並非是以人民幣繳付保費, 該保費將從人民幣轉換回您原來的貨幣後被退回, 這樣的話您將需承受因貨幣轉換而招致的任何損失 重要事項 : 於此單張中, 我們 乃是指標準人壽保險 ( 亞洲 ) 有限公司 此單張中的資料僅供參考用途 有關此計劃的詳細條款 條件及不保事項, 請參閱保單條款 中英文版本如有任何差異, 一概以英文版本為準 目前人民幣在香港並非可自由兌換的貨幣, 以個人身份於香港銀行兌換人民幣須受每日兌換限額限制 如兌換金額超過每日限額, 閣下須留意將人民幣兌換自 / 至另一種貨幣的所需時間 此計劃並不接受美國或中華人民共和國 ( 香港特別行政區及澳門特別行政區除外 ) 之公民 / 居民申請 04 Smart Wealth Renminbi 5-year Endowment Plan 智富 人民幣五年儲蓄壽險計劃


8 Find out more 欲知更多詳情 Talk to your financial adviser for advice on how to plan for your financial future. 請與您的理財顧問, 一同策劃您的未來理財大計 Call us on 請即致電 (Mon Fri, 9:00am 5:30pm) ( 星期一至五, 早上九時至下午五時三十分 ) Standard Life (Asia) Limited is a subsidiary of Standard Life plc 標準人壽保險 ( 亞洲 ) 有限公司為標準人壽股份有限公司的附屬公司 SW_PB/CM/TP/1012

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