遊戲內容介紹 : 全部都由四個方塊組成 開始時, 一個隨機的方塊會從區域上方開始緩慢繼續落下 落下期間, 玩家可以以 90 度為單位旋轉方塊, 以格子為單位左右移動方塊, 或讓方塊加速落下 當方塊下落到區域最下方或著落到其他方塊上無法再向下移動時, 就會固定在該處, 然後新的方塊出現在區域上方開始落

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1 Windows Phone 期末作業 遊戲名稱 : 俄羅斯方塊 班級 : 資工二乙 姓名 : 林益正 學號 :4A1G0003 第 1 頁

2 遊戲內容介紹 : 全部都由四個方塊組成 開始時, 一個隨機的方塊會從區域上方開始緩慢繼續落下 落下期間, 玩家可以以 90 度為單位旋轉方塊, 以格子為單位左右移動方塊, 或讓方塊加速落下 當方塊下落到區域最下方或著落到其他方塊上無法再向下移動時, 就會固定在該處, 然後新的方塊出現在區域上方開始落下 當區域中某一橫行的格子全部由方塊填滿時, 則該列會被消除, 目標是消除掉 50 行, 在達到目標之前, 速度會隨著消除掉的行數慢慢加快, 一直到玩家爆掉為止 第 2 頁

3 遊戲操作介紹 : 點擊下圖的紅色區域, 方塊就會旋轉 90 度 點擊下圖的紫色區域, 方塊就會往左邊移動, 按著不放就一直移動 點擊下圖的綠色區域, 方塊就會往右邊移動, 按著不放就一直移動 點擊下圖的紫色區域, 方塊就會快速往下移動, 按著不放就一直往下, 如果連按兩下就直接到最下方 最後, 點擊遊戲中 HOLD 下方的方塊, 第一次會將現有的方塊存起, 並馬上放入一個新的方塊, 第二次之後都是將現有方塊跟 HOLD 裡的方塊互換 第 3 頁

4 遊戲測試圖 : 第 4 頁

5 程式碼部分 : using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch; namespace Game3 /// <summary> /// This is the main type for your game. /// </summary> public enum PlaceStates CAN_PLACE, BLOCKED, OFFSCREEN public class Game1 : Game GraphicsDeviceManager graphics; SpriteBatch spritebatch; int sp = 1; int line,addline = 0; int speed = 1500; const int BackWidth = 10; const int BackHeight = 15; const int PieceSize = 45; string TouchCheck=""; int th; List<int[,]> pieces; Texture2D pixel; Texture2D pic; Texture2D back; Texture2D over; Texture2D win; Texture2D nextblock; SoundEffect water; 第 5 頁

6 SpriteFont font1; enum GS Menu, Play, Over, Quit, Win ; GS gamestate = GS.Menu; int[,] Back; int[,] MakePiece; int[,] MakePiece2; int[,] ShiftPiece; int[,] SwapPiece; int colr2, shift = 0; Vector2 BackLocation; int KeyboardElapsedTime = 0; KeyboardState pkey = Keyboard.GetState(); Random rand = new Random(System.Environment.TickCount); Vector2 MakePieceLocation; int StepTime = 300; // 以毫秒為單位做更新 int ElapsedTime = 0; // 從上次更新開始, 總共花的時間 int DownTime = 0; // 防止連續下降 Color[] TetronimoColors = Color.Transparent, /* 0 */ Color.Orange, /* 1 */ Color.Blue, /* 2 */ Color.Red, /* 3 */ Color.LightSkyBlue, /* 4 */ Color.Yellow, /* 5 */ Color.Magenta, /* 6 */ Color.LimeGreen /* 7 */ ; Rectangle MakePosition = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); public Game1() graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; graphics.preferredbackbufferheight = 720; graphics.preferredbackbufferwidth = 840; graphics.applychanges(); Window.Title = "Tetris"; Back = new int[backwidth, BackHeight]; ElapsedTime = 0; /// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic 第 6 頁

7 /// related content. Calling base.initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() // TODO: Add your initialization logic here pieces = new List<int[,]>(); /* I Piece */ pieces.add(new int[4, 4] /* L Piece */ pieces.add(new int[3, 3] /* O Piece */ pieces.add(new int[2, 2] /* S Piece */ pieces.add(new int[3, 3] ); ); ); ); 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 1, 1, 1, 1 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* T Piece */ pieces.add(new int[3, 3] /* Z Piece */ pieces.add(new int[3, 3] ); ); 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 第 7 頁

8 /* J Piece */ pieces.add(new int[3, 3] 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0 ); BackLocation = new Vector2(50, 49); base.initialize(); /// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spritebatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); // TODO: use this.content to load your game content here water = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("water"); font1 = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font1"); over = Content.Load<Texture2D>("over"); win = Content.Load<Texture2D>("win"); back = Content.Load<Texture2D>("back"); pic = Content.Load<Texture2D>("firstpic"); pixel = Content.Load<Texture2D>("pixel"); nextblock = Content.Load<Texture2D>("nextblock"); /// <summary> /// UnloadContent will be called once per game and is the place to unload /// game-specific content. /// </summary> protected override void UnloadContent() // TODO: Unload any non ContentManager content here /// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gametime">provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gametime) // TODO: Add your update logic here // Allows the game to exit KeyboardState ckey = Keyboard.GetState(); 第 8 頁

9 TouchCollection touches = TouchPanel.GetState(); if ((ckey.iskeydown(keys.escape) == true) && (pkey.iskeydown(keys.escape) == false)) this.exit(); switch (gamestate) case GS.Menu: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (touches.count > 0) TouchLocation touch = touches.first(); if (touch.position.x >= 600 && touch.position.x <= 650 && touch.position.y >= 450 && touch.position.y <= 470) // 判斷按下 Start gamestate = GS.Play; for (int x = 0; x < BackWidth; x++) for (int y = 0; y < BackHeight; y++) Back[x, y] = 0; line = 50; SpawnPiece(); SpawnPiece2(); else if (touch.position.x >= 600 && touch.position.x <= 650 && touch.position.y >= 500 && touch.position.y <= 530) // 判斷按下 Quit gamestate = GS.Quit; /////////////////////// case GS.Play: // TODO: Add your update logic here if (line < 0 line == 0) gamestate = GS.Win; ElapsedTime += gametime.elapsedgametime.milliseconds; KeyboardElapsedTime += gametime.elapsedgametime.milliseconds; 第 9 頁

10 DownTime += gametime.elapsedgametime.milliseconds; int dim = MakePiece.GetLength(0); if (KeyboardElapsedTime > 50) if (touches.count > 0) TouchLocation touch = touches.first(); TouchCheck = touch.state.tostring(); if (touch.position.x >= 45 && touch.position.x <= 495 && touch.position.y >= 235 && touch.position.y <= 455 && KeyboardElapsedTime > 80) // 判斷點擊範圍在中間, 左右移動 // 創造一個新的座標包含我們要移動的方塊 Vector2 NewMakePieceLocation = MakePieceLocation + new Vector2((touch.Position.X >= 45 && touch.position.x <= 270 && touch.position.y >= 235 && touch.position.y <= 455)? -1 : 1, 0); // 檢查我們是否有放置方塊 PlaceStates ps = CanPlace(Back, MakePiece, (int)newmakepiecelocation.x, (int)newmakepiecelocation.y); if (ps == PlaceStates.CAN_PLACE) MakePieceLocation = NewMakePieceLocation; KeyboardElapsedTime = 0; //************ 按鍵設定 **************** else if (touch.position.x >= 45 && touch.position.x <= 495 && touch.position.y >= 15 && touch.position.y <= 235 && TouchCheck == "Pressed") // 判斷點擊範圍在上方, 旋轉方塊 int[,] newmakepiece = Rotate(MakePiece, true); PlaceStates ps = CanPlace(Back, newmakepiece, (int)makepiecelocation.x, (int)makepiecelocation.y); if (ps == PlaceStates.CAN_PLACE) MakePiece = newmakepiece; KeyboardElapsedTime = 0; else if (th == 2) // 判斷在下方區域連按兩下, 快速下降 sp = 15; for (int i = 0; i < sp; i++) 第 10 頁

11 Vector2(0, 1); // 新增一個新的座標, 使下一個方塊移動 Vector2 NewMakePieceLocation = MakePieceLocation + new PlaceStates ps = CanPlace(Back, MakePiece, (int)newmakepiecelocation.x, (int)newmakepiecelocation.y); if (ps!= PlaceStates.CAN_PLACE) // 方塊到底 Place(Back, MakePiece, (int)makepiecelocation.x, (int)makepiecelocation.y); SpawnPiece(); SpawnPiece2(); water.play(); // 檢查有沒有堵住, 有的話結束遊戲 ps = CanPlace(Back, MakePiece, (int)makepiecelocation.x, (int)makepiecelocation.y); if (ps == PlaceStates.BLOCKED) // 遊戲結束 gamestate = GS.Over; if (sp == 15) i = 15; sp = 1; else // 移動方塊, 並更新現有的位置座標 MakePieceLocation = NewMakePieceLocation; ElapsedTime = 0; th = 0; else if (touch.position.x <= 720 && touch.position.x >= 565 && touch.position.y <= 500 && touch.position.y >= 350 && TouchCheck == "Pressed") // 判斷按下 HOLD if (shift == 0) SwapPiece = ShiftPiece; ShiftPiece = MakePiece; MakePiece = SwapPiece; SpawnPiece(); 第 11 頁

12 SpawnPiece2(); shift++; else SwapPiece = ShiftPiece; ShiftPiece = MakePiece; MakePiece = SwapPiece; for (int i = 0; i < sp; i++) // 新增一個新的座標, 使下一個方塊移動 Vector2 NewMakePieceLocation = new Vector2(4, 0); PlaceStates ps = CanPlace(Back, MakePiece, (int)newmakepiecelocation.x, (int)newmakepiecelocation.y); if (ps!= PlaceStates.CAN_PLACE) SpawnPiece(); SpawnPiece2(); // 檢查有沒有堵住, 有的話結束遊戲 ps = CanPlace(Back, MakePiece, (int)makepiecelocation.x, (int)makepiecelocation.y); if (ps == PlaceStates.BLOCKED) // 遊戲結束 gamestate = GS.Over; if (sp == 20) i = 20; sp = 1; else // 移動方塊, 並更新現有的位置座標 MakePieceLocation = NewMakePieceLocation; ElapsedTime = 0; else if (KeyboardElapsedTime > 200) if (touch.position.x >= 45 && touch.position.x <= 495 && touch.position.y >= 455 && touch.position.y <= 675 && DownTime >=400) 第 12 頁

13 ElapsedTime = StepTime + speed; KeyboardElapsedTime = 160; if (TouchCheck == "Pressed") th += 1; if (KeyboardElapsedTime > 500) th = 0; Vector2(0, 1); if (ElapsedTime > StepTime + speed) for (int i = 0; i < sp; i++) // 新增一個新的座標, 使下一個方塊移動 Vector2 NewMakePieceLocation = MakePieceLocation + new PlaceStates ps = CanPlace(Back, MakePiece, (int)newmakepiecelocation.x, (int)newmakepiecelocation.y); if (ps!= PlaceStates.CAN_PLACE) // 方塊到底 Place(Back, MakePiece, (int)makepiecelocation.x, (int)makepiecelocation.y); DownTime = 0; SpawnPiece(); SpawnPiece2(); water.play(); (int)makepiecelocation.y); // 檢查有沒有堵住, 有的話結束遊戲 ps = CanPlace(Back, MakePiece, (int)makepiecelocation.x, if (ps == PlaceStates.BLOCKED) // 遊戲結束 gamestate = GS.Over; if (sp == 20) i = 20; sp = 1; 第 13 頁

14 else // 移動方塊, 並更新現有的位置座標 MakePieceLocation = NewMakePieceLocation; ElapsedTime = 0; false)) case GS.Over: if ((ckey.iskeydown(keys.enter) == true) && (pkey.iskeydown(keys.enter) == gamestate = GS.Menu; true)) case GS.Win: if ((ckey.iskeyup(keys.enter) == true) && (pkey.iskeydown(keys.enter) == gamestate = GS.Menu; case GS.Quit: this.exit(); pkey = ckey; base.update(gametime); public PlaceStates CanPlace(int[,] Back, int[,] piece, int x, int y) // 左右狀態判斷 int dim = piece.getlength(0); for (int px = 0; px < dim; px++) for (int py = 0; py < dim; py++) int Posx = x + px; int Posy = y + py; 第 14 頁

15 if (piece[px, py]!= 0) // 如果位置太右或太左, 就撞到邊框 if (Posx < 0 Posx >= BackWidth) return PlaceStates.OFFSCREEN; // 如果被堵塞, 不能放, 就返回到 BLOCKED 的狀態 if (Posy >= BackHeight Back[Posx, Posy]!= 0) return PlaceStates.BLOCKED; return PlaceStates.CAN_PLACE; public void Place(int[,] Back, int[,] piece, int x, int y) int dim = piece.getlength(0); for (int px = 0; px < dim; px++) for (int py = 0; py < dim; py++) int Posx = x + px; int Posy = y + py; if (piece[px, py]!= 0) Back[Posx, Posy] = piece[px, py]; RemoveLines(Back); public void SpawnPiece() int colr = rand.next(0, pieces.count); colr = colr2; MakePiece = (int[,])pieces[colr].clone(); int dim = MakePiece.GetLength(0); for (int x = 0; x < dim; x++) for (int y = 0; y < dim; y++) MakePiece[x, y] *= (colr + 1); 第 15 頁

16 MakePieceLocation = new Vector2(4, 0); // 暫存 MakePosition = new Rectangle(4, 0, dim, dim); ; // 矩形位置 public void SpawnPiece2() colr2 = rand.next(0, pieces.count); MakePiece2 = (int[,])pieces[colr2].clone(); int dim2 = MakePiece2.GetLength(0); for (int x = 0; x < dim2; x++) for (int y = 0; y < dim2; y++) MakePiece2[x, y] *= (colr2 + 1); public int[,] Rotate(int[,] piece, bool left) int dim = piece.getlength(0); int[,] npiece = new int[dim, dim]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) if (left) npiece[j, i] = piece[i, dim j]; else npiece[j, i] = piece[dim i, j]; return npiece; // 檢查是否有一行完成的線, 如果有就刪除他們 public void RemoveLines(int[,] Back) for (int y = BackHeight - 1; y >= 0; y--) bool iscomplete = true; for (int x = 0; x < BackWidth; x++) if (Back[x, y] == 0) iscomplete = false; if (iscomplete) // 將 y-1 行移到 y 行 for (int yc = y; yc > 0; yc--) 第 16 頁

17 for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) Back[x, yc] = Back[x, yc - 1]; y++; line--; addline++; if (addline < 10) // 加快方塊掉落速度 speed -= addline * 5; else if (addline < 20) speed -= addline * 3; else if (addline < 30) speed -= addline * 2; else if (addline > 31) speed -= addline; /// <summary> /// This is called when the game should draw itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="gametime">provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Draw(GameTime gametime) GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); // Compute camera matrices. switch (gamestate) case GS.Menu: spritebatch.begin(); spritebatch.draw(pic, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White); spritebatch.drawstring(font1, "Start", new Vector2(600, 450), Color.Yellow, 0, new Vector2(0, 0), 2f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f); spritebatch.drawstring(font1, "Quit", new Vector2(600, 500), Color.Yellow, 0, new Vector2(0, 0), 2f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f); spritebatch.end(); case GS.Play: // TODO: Add your drawing code here spritebatch.begin(); 第 17 頁

18 GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.White); spritebatch.draw(back, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White); // 背景 for (int y = 0; y < BackHeight; y++) for (int x = 0; x < BackWidth; x++) Color tintcolor = TetronimoColors[Back[x, y]]; // 背景是用透明的 pixel, 這是用來定義顏色的 if (Back[x, y] == 0) tintcolor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(20, 20, 20, 150); // 背景位置 spritebatch.draw(pixel, new Rectangle((int)BackLocation.X + x * PieceSize, (int)backlocation.y + (y-1) * PieceSize, PieceSize, PieceSize), new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), tintcolor); // 印出方塊 int dim = MakePiece.GetLength(0); for (int y = 0; y < dim; y++) for (int x = 0; x < dim; x++) if (MakePiece[x, y]!= 0) Color tintcolor = TetronimoColors[MakePiece[x, y]]; spritebatch.draw(pixel, new Rectangle((int)BackLocation.X + ((int)makepiecelocation.x + x) * PieceSize, (int)backlocation.y + ((int)makepiecelocation.y + (y-1)) * PieceSize, PieceSize, PieceSize), new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), tintcolor); // 印出 HOLD 的方塊 if (shift > 0) int dim3 = ShiftPiece.GetLength(0); for (int y = 0; y < dim3; y++) for (int x = 0; x < dim3; x++) if (ShiftPiece[x, y]!= 0) Color tintcolor = TetronimoColors[ShiftPiece[x, y]]; spritebatch.draw(pixel, new Rectangle(((int)19 + x) * 32, 第 18 頁

19 ((int)12 + y) * 32-13, 32, 32), new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), tintcolor); // 印出下一個方塊 int dim2 = MakePiece2.GetLength(0); for (int y = 0; y < dim2; y++) for (int x = 0; x < dim2; x++) if (MakePiece2[x, y]!= 0) Color tintcolor = TetronimoColors[MakePiece2[x, y]]; spritebatch.draw(pixel, new Rectangle(((int)19 + x) * 32, ((int)4 + y) * 32, 32, 32), new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), tintcolor); spritebatch.drawstring(font1, "Level:" + ((addline / 10) + 1), new Vector2(550, 600), Color.Black, 0, new Vector2(0, 0), 3f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f); spritebatch.drawstring(font1, "End Line:" + line, new Vector2(550, 650), Color.Black, 0, new Vector2(0, 0), 3f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f); spritebatch.end(); case GS.Over: spritebatch.begin(); spritebatch.draw(over, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White); spritebatch.end(); case GS.Win: spritebatch.begin(); spritebatch.draw(win, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White); spritebatch.end(); base.draw(gametime); 第 19 頁

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