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1 永安旅遊白金卡 工銀亞洲與永安旅遊特別呈獻永安旅遊白金卡 作為香港旅遊業界首屈一指的旅行社, 永安旅遊累積豐富經驗及多元化的業務範疇, 定能為您帶來更精彩旅遊禮遇, 以享受源源不盡的旅遊新體驗 現申請永安旅遊白金卡, 更可獲享下列多重優惠 : 永安旅遊白金卡客戶專享禮遇精彩永安旅遊折扣優惠 持卡人惠顧長線郵輪旅行團可享 HK$500 折扣優惠 持卡人惠顧東南亞郵輪旅行團可享 HK$300 折扣優惠 持卡人惠顧長線旅行團可享 HK$200 折扣優惠 持卡人惠顧東南亞或中國長線旅行團可享 HK$100 折扣優惠 1 優惠旅遊積分 憑永安旅遊白金卡消費, 每簽賬港幣 / 人民幣 1 元可得 1 積分 2, 持卡人可以超值兌換率 20,000 積分兌換永安旅遊 HK$100 現金券 自動成為永安旅遊會員尊享會員福利 於永安旅遊消費可享會員積分換取獎賞 尊享優惠價選購旅行團 自遊行套票 機票 酒店及其他旅遊產品 ; 更可擁有旅遊保險折扣優惠 尊享生日禮遇 會員電郵專訊帶給您最快 最新的旅遊訊息 創意會員活動 1

2 永安旅遊銀聯雙幣白金卡優惠及服務一卡兩幣大大節省兌換支出 永安旅遊銀聯雙幣白金卡擁有人民幣及港幣兩個賬戶, 於內地銀聯網絡簽賬消費或現金透支, 以人民幣結賬, 毋須多付海外簽賬手續費, 減少攜帶大量現金的風險 ; 於香港或海外銀聯網絡使用, 則以港幣結賬 廣深鐵路快速入閘功能 永安旅遊銀聯雙幣白金卡持卡人可於乘坐廣深線 和諧號 列車時直接拍卡入閘, 毋須排隊購買車票, 車票金額更獲享積分獎賞優惠 永安旅遊萬事達萬事達白金卡優惠及服務 MasterCard SecureCode 服務 MasterCard SecureCode 是一種網上服務, 藉購物時核實 ICBC 信用卡持卡人身份, 提高網上交易的安全度, 增強網上交易的信心 MasterCard SecureCode 服務的標誌會在商戶的網頁上出現, 亦會在您登記及每次網上購物輸入個人密碼作核證時出現 其他優惠及服務 3 內地意外急救醫療保障 永安旅遊白金卡尊享由中國太平洋保險提供, 首年免費之內地意外急救醫療保險卡 ( 價值 HK$600), 讓您毋須預先支付醫療按金, 便可獲享逾 1,000 間重點醫院之緊急醫療服務 此外, 您更可享有轉院及出院後返港等服務 理財漫遊尊線理財漫遊尊線 理財漫遊尊線 提供 24 小時免費中港互聯電話理財服務 身在中國內地的您可致電國內本地電話 95588, 即可轉駁至信用卡中心客戶服務熱線或電話理財服務熱線, 處理信用卡賬戶 您亦可在香港致電 24 小時客戶服務熱線 接駁往中國內地處理內地之中國工商銀行賬戶事務 此兩項服務都毋須支付長途電話費用, 讓您管理兩地賬戶更方便靈活

3 商戶折扣遍佈香港 澳門及中國 憑永安旅遊白金卡簽賬吃喝玩樂, 尊享香港 澳門及遍佈國內主要城市之商戶全年 優惠, 讓您盡享消費購物樂 下載 ICBC 信用卡全年商戶優惠 : 還款靈活方便 您可透過多種靈活方式繳付信用卡賬項 : 繳付港幣賬戶 繳費靈 繳費易 自動轉賬 郵寄港幣支票至信用卡中心 於工銀亞洲各分行繳付港幣現金 透過貼有 銀通 標誌之自動櫃員機 工銀亞洲電話理財服務 5, 由工銀亞洲開立之港幣賬戶轉賬繳付 繳付人民幣賬戶 * 繳費靈 透過於工銀亞洲開立之人民幣或港幣賬戶以自動轉賬繳付 4 或網上銀行服務 於工銀亞洲各分行繳付人民幣或港幣現金 6 郵寄港幣支票至信用卡中心 透過工銀亞洲網上銀行服務 5, 由工銀亞洲開立之港幣或人民幣賬戶轉賬繳付 所有以港幣繳付人民幣賬項之還款金額, 本行會按還款入賬日之匯率兌換處理, 手續費全免 由於匯率波動, 請存入足夠緩衝款項, 避免因匯率波動而可能引起之任何財務費用損失, 還款後之餘額 ( 如有 ) 將保留在港幣賬戶內, 用作日後消費 * 只適用於永安旅遊銀聯雙幣白金卡客戶 註 : 1. 主卡及附屬卡之所有積分將合計於主卡持卡人之永安會員賬戶內, 只有主卡持卡人才可使用積分換領永安旅遊獎賞 2. 積分獎賞不適用於現金透支 結餘轉戶 0 用錢 兌現金額及其分期還款額 稅務及私人貸款分期還款額 分期付款 交稅 捐款交易 購買賭場籌碼 博彩交易 繳付信用卡費用 各項收費及未經許可簽賬 3. 新卡一經批核, 主卡持卡人將於 3 至 4 個星期內收到內地意外急救醫療保險卡 該醫療保險卡有效期為一年 若主卡持卡人已擁有該內地意外急救醫療保險卡, 中國太平洋保險將另提供價

4 值高達 HK$260,000 之個人意外保險 此宣傳網頁只供參考, 詳情請參閱保險合約內之條款及細則 以上保險服務由中國太平洋保險 ( 香港 ) 有限公司提供, 有關服務之質素或責任一概與本行無關 重點醫院為中國衛生部轄下縣 ( 區 ) 級以上緊急救援網絡醫院 / 醫療單位及由中國人民解放軍總後勤部轄下軍隊系統醫院, 有關保障範圍及限額, 俱以個別保險計劃之詳細條款為準 有關保障範圍及限額之詳情, 俱以個別保險計劃之詳細條款為準 詳情請致電中國太平洋保險熱線 (852) 此服務只適用於已在工銀亞洲開立港幣賬戶, 並已成功申請電話理財服務之信用卡持卡人 5. 此服務只適用於已在工銀亞洲開立港幣 / 人民幣賬戶, 並已成功申請網上銀行服務之信用卡持卡人 6. 必須在港幣支票背後寫上 人民幣付款 並與繳付港幣賬項的支票分開填寫 查詢詳情 傳送電子郵件 (service@icbcasia.com) 致電電話理財 親臨本行各分行 按此下載申請表格 按此下載信用卡持卡人合約 按此下載收費表 Wing On Travel Platinum Card ICBC (Asia) and Wing On Travel join hands to launch Wing On Travel Platinum Card. As the leading travel company in Hong Kong, with ample experience in travelling business and comprehensive range of touring services, Wing On Travel providing customers with remarkable travelling offers and experience. By applying the Wing on Travel Platinum Card, you can also enjoy the following fabulous offers: Exclusive Offers for Wing On Travel Platinum Cardholders Wing On Travel Discount Offers HK$500 discount on Long-haul Cruise Tours HK$300 discount on South East Asia Cruise Tours HK$200 discount on Long-haul Travel Tours HK$100 discount on South East Asia and China Long-haul Travel Tours Special Bonus Point Redemption Offer 1 For every HKD/ RMB 1 you spent with the Wing On Travel Platinum Card, you will receive 1 bonus point and you can redeem a HK$100 Wing On Travel Cash Coupon with only 20,000 accumulated bonus points Automatically become Wing On Travel Club Member and Enjoy Special Membership Offers: You can earn Wing On membership bonus points upon spending at Wing On

5 Travel to redeem Wing On Travel Membership Rewards 1 Enjoy special discount on tours, travel packages, airline tickets, hotel accommodations and other travel products, and also can enjoy discount on travel insurance. Enjoy birthday offers Receive members newsletter for most updated travel information Attend exclusive members activities Benefits and Services for Wing On Travel UnionPay Platinum Card Renminbi / Hong Kong Dollar Accounts Wing On Travel UnionPay Platinum Card has both Renminbi and Hong Kong Dollar accounts in one card: purchases and cash withdrawals via China UnionPay networks in Mainland China will be posted in Renminbi, no overseas purchase handling fee will be incurred; purchases and cash withdrawals via UnionPay networks in Hong Kong will be posted in Hong Kong Dollars. It saves you from the risks and burden of carrying cash during outbound travels. Rapid access to take Guangshen railway Wing On Travel UnionPay Platinum Card Cardholders can take their rides on CRH trains of Guangshen railway and directly use the Wing On Travel UnionPay Platinum Card to enter into the station without queuing up for purchasing a ticket. The train fare is also entitled to bonus points or cash rebate. Benefits and Services for Wing On Travel Platinum MasterCard MasterCard SecureCode Service MasterCard SecureCode is an online service designed to make Internet transactions safer by authenticating the identity for ICBC Credit Cardholder at the time of purchase, and create a level of trust and confidence in online shopping. The logo of MasterCard SecureCode Service is to be displayed by participating merchants and will be shown to you during registration and each time you enter a password for authentication at the time of purchase. Other Benefits and Services Emergency Medical Protection in Mainland China 3 Wing On Travel Platinum Card will automatically enjoy The Medical Card worth of HK$600 from China Pacific Insurance. The policy entitles the Cardholder to emergency treatments at more than 1,000 key hospitals in Mainland China without prepaying deposits. Furthermore, you are entitled to other medical

6 services such as hospital transfers and Hong Kong-bound post-treatment transportation. Managing Hong Kong and Mainland China Accounts with Free Roaming The Phone Banking Roaming Service gives customers 24-hour free access to account management. Customers in Mainland China dialing local number will be connected to Customer Service or Phone Banking Service of ICBC (Asia) Credit Card Centre. In Hong Kong, customers can dial local number to manage their ICBC accounts in Mainland China. This service enables you to manage your accounts in both places flexibly without incurring IDD charges. Year Round Merchant Offers Cardholder can enjoy exclusive dining, shopping and entertainment privileges in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China with Wing On Travel Platinum Card Download ICBC Credit Card Year Round Merchant Offers: Easy and Flexible Payment Methods Whether you are, easy and trouble-free settlement of your Wing On Travel Platinum Card balance can be done through the following ways: Settling Hong Kong Dollar Card Account PPS JET PAYMENT Autopay Make a crossed HKD cheque payable to ICBC (Asia) Credit Card Centre Direct cash deposit at any ICBC (Asia) branches Arrange fund transfer through ATMs which carry the JETCO sign, ICBC (Asia) Phone Banking Services 4 or Internet Banking Services 5 by from your ICBC (Asia) account(s). Settling Renminbi Card Account* PPS Arrange autopay through ICBC (Asia) RMB or HKD personal bank account Direct cash deposit by HKD or RMB at any ICBC (Asia) branches Make a crossed HKD cheque 6 payable to ICBC (Asia) Credit Card Centr

7 Fund transfer from ICBC (Asia) HKD or RMB personal bank account(s) through ICBC (Asia) Internet Banking Services 5 If settle RMB balance with HKD, the Bank will convert HKD to RMB. The exchange rate of the posting date will be applied to all repayments of Renminbi Account by Hong Kong Dollar remit payment in the next working day after the payment date. Handiling fee is waived. Owing to the fluctuation of RMB, customers are advised to prepare sufficient fund for payment. This will avoid financial charges, and the surplus (if any) will be posted to your Wing On Trave UnionPay Platinum Card HKD account for future consumption. * Only applicable to Wing On Travel UnionPay Platinum Card Remarks: 1. All bonus points get through principal and supplementary cards will be credited to the Wing On Travel Membership account of principal cardholders. Only the principal cardholder can use the bonus points to redeem Wing On Membership rewards. 2. Bonus Point and Cash Rebate cannot be earned in respect of cash advances, balance transfer, cash installment loan and the repayment, tax loan and personal loan repayment, installment plan, tax payment, donation, purchase of casino chips, gambling transaction, credit card annual fee and all kinds of handling fees and financial charges and any unauthorized transactions. 3. The Medical Card will be sent to Principal Cardholder within 3-4 weeks upon card approval. The Medical Card will be valid for 1 year. If principal cardholder is an existing Medical Card holder, China Pacific Insurance will provide the Cardholder a Personal Accident Insurance coverage of up to HK$260,000. The above information of the Medical Card is for reference only. Please refer to the terms and conditions in the insurance contract for details. The above medical insurance is provided by China Pacific Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited and ICBC (Asia) shall not hold any liability for the quality of the product. Key hospitals were administrated by the Health Bureau, the Health Department and the Ministry of Health P.R. China and Bureau of Medical Administration Health Department of the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army of China. Please refer to the Terms & Conditions of your individual insurance policy for protection scope and limitations or call China Pacific Insurance hotline at (852) Service is applicable to Cardholder who has Hong Kong Dollars savings account in ICBC (Asia) and successfully apply for Phone Banking Service. 5. Service is applicable to Cardholder who has HKD/RMB savings account in ICBC (Asia) and successfully apply for Internet Banking Services. 6. Please write your Credit Card account number marked with Renminbi Payment at the back of your cheque. A separate cheque should be given for the payment of Hong Kong Dollars balance. How to find out more us (service@icbcasia.com) Call our Customer Services Hotline on Visit any of our branches Click to download Application Form Click to download Cardholder Agreement Click to download Fees Schedule and Charges


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