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Department of Computer Science and Engineering National Sun Yat-sen University Data Structures - Middle Exam, Nov. 20, 2017 1. Suppose an array is declared as a[5][6][4], where the address of a[0][0][0] is 200 and each element requires four bytes. Please give the addresses of a[3][4][2] with the row-major representation and the column-major representation. (8%). 2. What are printed by each of the following C programs? (16%) (a) char e=13; printf("%d \n",~((e+4) >> 3)); (b) void f(int a[ ], int b[ ], int *c, int *d) printf("%d %d %d %d \n", a[1],b[2],*(c+2),d[4]); } int main( ) int e[ ]=20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30}; f(e,e+3,&e[2],&e[1]+4); } (c) int a[ ]=11,14,17,20,23,26}; int *p; p=a; *(p++)=5; (*(++p))++; printf("%d %d %d %d \n",a[0],a[1],*p,*(p+2)); (d) union char m; unsigned char n; }u; u.n=193; printf("%d \n",u.m); 3. Please draw the expression tree of the infix expression (A+B)*D+E/(F+A*D)+C, and then give the prefix and postfix forms. (9%) 4. John is learning numeric symbols (1,2,3,4 ), but sometimes he may write 1 as L. With only the first three digits (1, 2, 3, L) for addition, we want to know the number of permutations whose sum is n. For example, if n=2, the 5 permutations have the same sum 2: 11, 1L, L1, LL, 2. If n=3, the 13 permutations have the same sum 3: 111,11L, 1L1,1LL, L11, L1L, LL1, LLL, 21,2L, 12, L2,3. Let f(n) denote the number of permutations with sum n. Then f(n) can be calculated by the recurrence formula: f(n) = a f(n-1)+b f(n-2)+c f(n-3), n 4. What are the values of a, b and c? (9%) 5. Suppose that a matrix m[ ][ ] is stored in a linear array a[ ] with the sequence in the following figure. Please give the mapping function from m[i][j] to a[k], that is, to express k as a function of i and j. Note that the upper left corner of m is the first element m[0][0], the first element of a is a[0]. And m[0][1] = 1, m[0][2] = 5, and (10%) - 1 -

0 1 5 6 14 2 4 7 13 3 8 12 9 11 10 6. Explain each of the following terms. (12%) (a) O(n 2 ) (b) protected in C++ language (c) sparse matrix 7. Write a recursive C/C++ function to perform the binary search on a nondecreasingly sorted array. (12%) int BSearch(int a[ ], int x, int left, int right) // a[ ]: nondecreasingly sorted array // search for x in a[left], a[left+1],, a[right-1], a[right] //Return the index if found. Return -1 if not found. Please write the body of BSearch( ). } // end of BSearch( ) 8. Write a C/C++ function to perform insert (into the rear) and remove (from the front) operations of a circular queue implemented with an array. (12%) int front, rear; // front, rear pointers int capacity=100; // size of queue char q[100]; // array for the circular queue. //No data element is stored in a[front], but a[rear] stores one element. void Insert(char x) // insert x into the rear. You have to check if q is full before the insertion. (a) Please write the body of Insert( ). } // end of insert ( ) char Remove(void) // Remove an element from the front, and return the removed element. // You have to check if q is empty before the removal. (b) Please write the body of Remove( ). - 2 -

} // end of Remove( ) 9. Let x=(x 1, x 2,, x m-1, x m ) and y=(y 1, y 2,, y n-1, y n ) be two circular chains. Write a C++ function to concatenate the two circular chains into a circular chain z=(x 1, x 2,, x m-1, x m, y 1, y 2,, y n-1, y n ). Note that x or y may be empty. (12%) class ChainNode int data; ChainNode *link; // Point to the next node }; class Chain ChainNode *first *last; // circular chain Chain concatenate(chain &y ) // y is concatenated to the end of *this (x) // You have to consider empty chains. Chain z; // The resulting chain Please write the body of concatenate( ). return z; } // end of concatenate( ) }; - 3 -

Answer: 1. row-major: 200 + 4 * (3 * 6 * 4 + 4 * 4 + 2) = 200 + 4 * 90 = 560 column-major: 200+ 4* (2 * 6 * 5 + 4 * 5 + 3) = 200 + 4 * 83 = 532 2. (a) ~((13 + 4) >> 3) = ~(17 >> 3) = ~ ((00010001) 2 >> 3) = ~((00000010) 2 ) = (11111101) 2 = -3 由於 e 是 char 資料型態, 故以 8 bits 呈現 印出 e 時, 是以 %d 表現, 亦即是帶有正負號之整數, 因此需將當時的數值解讀為 2 s complement Output: -3 (b) a[0] 對應至 e[0], 因此 a[1] = e[1] = 21 b[0] 對應至 e[3], 因此 b[2] = e[5] = 25 c 對應至 e[2]( 也就是 c[0] 對應至 e[2]), 因此 *(c+2) = e[2+2] = 24 d 對應至 e[5] ( 也就是 d[0] 對應至 e[5]), 因此 d[4] = e[9] =29 Output: 21 25 24 29 (c) p=a; // p 對應至 a[0] *(p++) = 5; // 先執行 *p =5, 因此 a[0]=5 再做 p=p+1, 因此 p 對應至 a[1] (*(++p))++; // 先做 p=p+1, 因此 p 對應至 a[2] 再做 (*p)++, 即 a[2]=17+1=18 a[0] = 5 a[1] = 14 *p =a[2]=18 *(p+2) a[4]= 23 Output: 5 14 18 23 (d) u 與 v 佔據相同記憶體位置, 兩者的資料內容相同, 但解讀方式不同 u 為無正負號的 char, 亦即為 8 bit 無正負號之整數 m 亦是 8 bit, 但帶有正負號 將 193 轉換成 2 s complement 之負值即可 u=193 (10) = 11000001 (2), 2 s complement 為 63 (10) = 00111111 (2), 故 11000001 (2) 為 -63 Output: -63 Summary: (a) -3 (b) 21 25 24 29 (c) 5 14 18 23 (d) -63 3. Prefix: ++*+ABD/E+F*ADC Postfix: AB+D*EFAD*+/+C - 4 -

4. f(n) 可以表示如下 : f(n) = 2f(n-1) + f(n-2) + f(n-3) 2f(n-1) 在 f(n-1) 每項之後再加上 1 及 L, 可使總和由 n-1 增加為 n f(n-2) 在 f(n-2) 每項之後再加上 2, 可使總和由 n-2 增加為 n f(n-3) 在 f(n-3) 每項之後再加上 3, 可使總和由 n-3 增加為 n Summary: a=2, b=1, c=1 5. 計算 [i][j] 的編號時, 在此之前的斜線 ( 圖中藍色三角形 ), 共有如下的數字個數 : 1+2+3+ +(i+j)= (i+j)(i+j+1) / 2 之後再依 i + j 為奇數或偶數偶, 判斷 [i][j] 所在斜線, 尚需增加之個數 ( 例如圖中 [1][3] 位置, 尚需增加 j=3, 因為 i+j 為偶數 ) 完整公式如下 : k=[1+2+ +(i+j)]+i= (i+j)(i+j+1) / 2 +i,if i+j is odd ( 奇數 ) k=[1+2+ +(i+j)]+j= (i+j)(i+j+1) / 2 +j,if i+j is even ( 偶數 ) 6. (a) O(n 2 ): 至多與 n 2 成正比, 可用來表示時間複雜度或空間複雜度 (b) 能被原本的 class 以及衍生的 class( 繼承者 ) 存取 - 5 -

(c) 一個矩陣中, 大部分元素為零, 少數為非零 7. if(left > right) return -1; int mid = (left + right)/2; if(a[mid] == x) return mid; if(a[mid] > x) Bsearch(a, x, left, mid-1); if(a[mid] < x) Bsearch(a, x, mid +1, right); 8. (a) (b) if((rear + 1)%capacity) == front) throw full ; rear = (rear + 1)%capacity; q[rear] = x; if(rear == front) throw empty ; front = (front + 1)%capacity; return q[front]; 9. if( front == NULL ) // x is NULL z.first = y.first; z.last = y.last; } else if( y.first == NULL ) // y is NULL z.first = first; z.last = last; } else // Both x and y are not NULL last link = y.first; // last of x points to first of y y.last link = first; // last of y points to first of x, for circular chains z.first = first; z.last = y.last } return z; - 6 -