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7/F., First Commercial Building, 33-35 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Tel: 2866 8311 Fax: 2866 8380 Website: 2016 EXCELLENCE AWARD DATE: 19 December 2016 MEMORANDUM TO: Members of Hong Kong Retail Management Association 2016 SERVICE RETAILERS OF THE YEAR SUBJECT: 2017 Japan Study Tour (13-17 March 2017) Gold Award HKRMA is organizing a study tour to Tokyo, Japan on 13-17 March 2017 (Monday Friday). As part of the benefits to the 2016 Service & Courtesy Award Silver Award winners, the study tour aims to enhance the service standard and professionalism of local retail practitioners through sharing of the customer service best practices in Japan. Bronze Award CATEGORY AWARD The study tour will cover visits to different retail establishments in Japan. Participants will learn about the service culture and performance of Japanese retailers, as well as their training to frontline staff. The overseas exposure, practical visits and sharing will be an invaluable experience for retail practitioners in Hong Kong. The Japan Retailers Association has for many years been most helpful in assisting HKRMA in organizing the study tour and it will again be the host this year. Date of Study Tour 13-17 March 2017 (Monday - Friday) Target Participants Frontline Retail Staff Middle Management Tentative Itinerary Date Itinerary 13 Mar 2017 (Mon) Depart Hong Kong and arrive Tokyo (CX520 10:20) 14-16 Mar 2017 (Tue - Thurs) Visit stores in Tokyo (details to be confirmed) 17 Mar 2017 (Fri) Half-day sight-seeing Return to Hong Kong (CX521 16:15) The above itinerary is subject to the final confirmation of Japan Retailers Association. 2016 SERVICE & COURTESY AWARD WINNERS

Programme of Visit a. Management Briefing (approximately 45 minutes 1 hour) Management representatives of the companies being visited will provide briefings that cover: The company s service culture, skills of service delivery (at store level and general services offered to customers) Customer service training to retail staff Branding, marketing and promotion techniques Store decoration / visual merchandizing Question-and-answer session b. Store Tour (approximately 1 to 1.5 hours) Visual merchandizing in practice Store decoration / window display techniques Customer service facilities Objective To strengthen understanding of the participants, they will be required to submit a project report. Participants will be informed of the details during the briefing session. Pre-Departure Briefing Session All participants will be required to attend a briefing session prior to departure. Members will be briefed on the details of all visits, itinerary, general information about Japan and the project. A briefing session will be held in Late-Feb 2017. Members will be informed of the briefing date and time in due course. Language Simultaneous interpretation from Japanese to Cantonese will be provided. Participation Fee HK$19,800 per person (Priority would be given to HKRMA members) The above includes a round trip economy class air ticket, 4 nights accommodation on a twin-sharing basis, meals, transportation, HK security charge, HK airport tax, Tokyo airport tax, fuel surcharges and handling fee, interpreter, and souvenirs to visited companies. Cost of travel document, visa fee and handling charges (if applicable), travel insurance and all other expenses of personal nature are not included. Participants have to arrange at their own costs in advance.

Stay Behind Arrangement Participant who will stay behind after the study tour is required to indicate his/her preferred return date and time in the enrollment form. An extra cost of HK$1,000 will be charged. The return date should not be later than 20 March 2017. Participants have to arrange their accommodation and meals for stay behind period at their own costs. If participant has to return to Hong Kong after 20 March 2017, he/she will need to purchase a separate air ticket from Tokyo to Hong Kong at an extra cost. Please note that the stay behind arrangement is subject to final confirmation of the travel agency after receipt of completed enrollment form from the participant. Accommodation The hotel accommodation is for 4 nights on a twin-sharing basis, except for participants who request for a single room. If the number of participants falls on an odd number, the Association will group the last 3 enrolled participants in one room. If participant has to book a single room for 4 nights accommodation, extra cost of HK$1,920 will be charged. Participant who will stay behind after the study tour has to arrange accommodation for the extra days on their own. Travel Insurance Participants are reminded to purchase their own travel insurance. Enrollment 1. Please complete and submit the enrollment form, terms & conditions (2017 日本考察團細則 及條款 ) passport copy and full payment to HKRMA (cheque payable to Hong Kong Retail Management Association Limited ) on or before 20 January 2017. 2. Due to limited seats, each member company could enroll maximum one participant to the study tour. The second participant will be put on waiting list. 3. All registrations will be made on first-come-first-served basis. 4. The Association will notify the company if the enrollment is successful. 5. An enrollment form submitted without payment will not be considered valid. 6. For any cancellation or changes on or before 17 February 2017, 50% of the tour fee will be charged as handling fee. 7. For any cancellation or changes after 17 February 2017, 100% of the tour fee will be charged as handling fee. 8. HKRMA reserves the right of final decision on all matters related to the study tour. Enquiry Should you have any further query, please feel free to contact Ms. Yuki Luk of the Association at 2179 9409 or

To: Hong Kong Retail Management Association 7/F., First Commercial Building, 33-35 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: 2866 8311 Fax: 2866 8380 Website: SEATS ARE LIMITED FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED Enrollment Deadline 20 February 2017 COMPANY INFORMATION Company Name: 2017 JAPAN STUDY TOUR ENROLLMENT FORM (13-17 March 2017, Monday-Friday) Address : Contact Person (Mr/Ms): Position: Tel: Fax: Email: PARTICIPANT LIST English Name (same as HKID) Mobile no. Are you a HK resident? Single Rm Date of return to HK 17/3/2017 Stay Behind* (Mr / Ms) (Mr / Ms) * Stay behind arrangement is subject to confirmation with travel agency. If you opt for staying behind, please indicate the preferred return date (18 to 20 March 2017). PAYMENT (please enclose a cheque payable to Hong Kong Retail Management Association Ltd) Unit price (HK$) No. of participant(s) Amount (HK$) Tour Fee $19,800 Stay Behind $1,000 Single Room $1,920 TOTAL Signature 簽署 Name 姓名 Title 職位 Company Chop 公司蓋印 Date 日期 Data Collection and Use All data collected shall be disclosed to the travel agent and the insurance company for arranging the study tour. collected will be destroyed after the study tour. The personal data

香港零售管理協會 2017 日本考察團條款及細則 臨時取消考察團 1. 報名後, 若參加者因私人事故而取消訂位或更改出發地點 日期或參加者姓名等, 所繳費用一概不會獲發還 2. 參加者須以書面方式, 辦理取消訂位或更改資料的手續, 電話通知恕不受理 3. 參加者於旅遊途中突然退出或不參與任何團體活動或行程 ( 如膳食 考察 探訪 觀光或住宿等 ), 均當作自動放棄論, 所繳費用一概不會獲發還 i 4. 如因 不可抗拒的 理由取消考察團, 已付費的參加者可在支付下列手續費後退回團費 : 退票手續費 ( 即航空公司 陸上運輸公司或其他服務提供者徵收的費用 ) ; 行政費 ( 即旅行社徵收的費用 ) 免責條款 1. 協會以代理人身份組織是此考察團, 考察團之全部或部分由旅行社 (JTB (Hong Kong) Ltd) 負責, 包括但不限於航空公司 陸上運輸公司 酒店, 或一般經營旅遊業者 2. 參加者須自行購買適當的旅遊保險, 本協會概不對任何風險負責 如遇交通延誤 行李損失 意外傷亡及財物損失等, 參加者應該根據當地法律向擁有 管理或操作有關交通工具 酒店 食肆 旅遊點或娛樂項目之機構直接交涉或追討賠償, 本協會一概不會負責 3. 參加者在考慮參加是次考察團時, 必須根據本身的健康或能力, 評估自己是否適合參與 若參加者對其健康狀況有疑慮, 則必須在報名時或出發前諮詢醫生意見 參加者須對於尋求 接受或拒絕有關健康事宜之醫學建議負責 包括到訪地可能涉及輻射洩漏的危險, 或對健康及懷孕造成影響 或因到訪地方之流行病, 導致參加者生病或受傷的風險增加, 包括但不限於瘧疾 黃熱病 肝炎 霍亂 傷寒症及痢疾等 由上述情況所引致之後果 影響或損失, 本協會一概不負責 4. 所有酒店 膳食及交通根據行程安排, 但本協會有權視乎當時情形作出更改 5. 本協會有權在啟程前或出發後取消 更改或替換任何一項行程或活動 亦有權縮短或延長行程, 參加者不得藉故反對或退出, 要求退款或賠償 6. 參加者如在旅途中自行離團或放棄行程, 或延期逗留, 離團後之責任自負, 一切後果與本協會及其委託之機構無關 7. 即使參加者持有有效之入境簽證及旅遊證件, 但於入境時仍遭當值之移民局海關人員拒絕入境, 其責任與本協會無關, 所有已繳之費用亦將不獲發還 一切因此而引起的額外費用, 如交通 住宿安排等須由參加者自行承擔, 本協會一概不會負責 8. 參加者須遵守到訪國家的法律, 包括但不限於有關風俗 入境或運輸的規定 本協會對參加者任何違反法律的事情, 概不負責 本人明白及同意以上條款, 並簽署作實 簽署 : 姓名 : ( 中文全名 ) 日期 : i 不可抗拒的 理由是指戰爭 政治動盪 天災 疫症 惡劣天氣 交通工具發生技術問題 載運機構臨時更改 班次或時間表 罷工或工業行動等