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The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited ( we or us ) KEY FACTS STATEMENT You are advised to refer to the Bank tariff guide for HSBC Retail Banking and Wealth Management Customers and the Credit Card Cardholder Agreement for your credit card for more details. Interest Rates and Finance Charges Annualised 36.43% when you open your account and it will be reviewed from time to time. Percentage Rate If we receive payment of the statement balance in full on or before the payment due date, you do not (APR) for Purchase 1 have to pay any finance charge on that statement balance. If you do not pay the statement balance in full on or before the payment due date, we may charge, without prior notice, a finance charge even if you have paid the minimum payment due in full. The finance charge is imposed on: (a) the unpaid statement balance, from the statement date immediately preceding the payment due date until we receive payment in full; and (b) the amount of each new transaction being posted to your card account since that statement date, from the transaction date until we receive payment in full. The finance charge will accrue daily and be calculated at the interest rate of 2.625% per month (i.e. at the APR listed above). APR for Cash Advance 1 Delinquent APR Interest Free Period Minimum Payment Due 37.75% (inclusive of the cash advance and handling fees) when you open your account and it will be reviewed from time to time. If we receive payment of the statement balance in full on or before the payment due date, you do not have to pay any finance charge on that statement balance. If you do not pay the statement balance in full on or before the payment due date, we may charge, without prior notice, a finance charge even if you have paid the minimum payment due in full. The finance charge is imposed on: (a) the unpaid statement balance, from the statement date immediately preceding the payment due date until we receive payment in full; and (b) the amount of each new transaction being posted to your card account since that statement date, from the transaction date until we receive payment in full. The finance charge will accrue daily and be calculated at the interest rate of 2.625% per month (i.e. at the APR listed above). Remarks: 1. Please note that we do not appoint any third parties to refer credit card applications to us and will not process any application that was referred by a third party under beneficial arrangement. For enquiry, please call 2233 3322 for HSBC Premier customers, 2748 8333 for HSBC Advance customers or 2233 3000 for Other Personal Banking customers. 2. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! N/A5 Up to 56 days Card type HSBC Premier MasterCard / HSBC Advance Visa Platinum Card / HSBC Visa Signature Card / Visa Platinum Card (including green credit card) / Visa Gold / Gold MasterCard / Visa / MasterCard / ican Card UnionPay Dual Currency Diamond Card / UnionPay Dual Currency Card US$ Visa Gold Card Minimum Payment Due (i) (a) Total fees and charges currently billed to the card statement plus 1% of the statement balance (excluding any fees and charges currently billed) as at the statement date, or (b) HKD50, whichever is higher; plus (ii) Overdue or overlimit due, being the overdue minimum payment amount from the previous card statement or amount exceeding the credit limit on your card, whichever is higher. (i) (a) Total fees and charges currently billed to the HKD sub-account /RMB sub-account plus1% of the statement balance of each sub-account (excluding any fees and charges currently billed) as at the statement date, or (b) HKD50 for HKD sub-account/ RMB50 for RMB sub-account, whichever is higher; plus (ii) Overdue or overlimit due, being the overdue minimum payment amount from the previous card statement or amount exceeding the credit limit on your card for each sub-account, whichever is higher. Equivalent to the full amount of the statement balance. Page 1/3

Fees Annual Fee Cash Advance Fee and Handling Fee Foreign Currency Transaction Fee 3 Fee relating to Settling Foreign Currency Transaction in the currency of the credit card (This fee is not charged by the card issuers) Late Charge The annual fee for primary and additional cards are as follows: Card type 2 Primary card Additional card (separate billing) HK dollar personal credit cards Additional card (combined billing) HSBC Premier Waived N/A MasterCard permanently Waived permanently HSBC Advance Visa Waived N/A Platinum Card permanently Waived permanently HSBC Visa Signature Card HKD2,000 N/A HKD1,000 HKD1,800 N/A HKD900 Visa Platinum Card (including green credit card) Visa Gold / Gold MasterCard HKD600 HKD600 HKD300 Visa / MasterCard HKD300 HKD300 HKD150 ican Card HKD300 N/A N/A Foreign currency credit card US$ Visa Gold Card USD80 USD80 USD40 UnionPay dual currency credit card UnionPay Dual Currency Diamond Card UnionPay Dual Currency Card HKD1,800 N/A HKD900 HKD300 N/A HKD150 For each cash advance, we will charge you on the date of the cash advance, a fee of 2% plus handling fee of 3% on the amount of advance, subject to the following minimum charge: For over-the-counter cash advance: HK dollar personal credit cards HKD80; US$ Visa Gold Card USD10; UnionPay dual currency credit cards N/A For cash advance made from ATM or through any other channels: HK dollar personal credit cards HKD55; US$ Visa Gold Card USD7; UnionPay dual currency credit cards HKD sub-account: HKD55 / RMB sub-account: RMB55 For HK dollar personal credit cards and US$ Visa Gold Card: 1.95% of every card transaction which is effected in currencies other than Hong Kong dollars (for HK dollar personal credit cards) / US dollars (for US$ Visa Gold Card) For UnionPay dual currency credit cards: 1% of every card transaction which is effected in currencies other than Renminbi and Hong Kong dollars Customers may sometimes be offered the option to settle foreign currency transactions in the currency of the credit card at the point of sale overseas. Such option is a direct arrangement offered by the overseas merchants and not the card issuer. In such cases, customers are reminded to ask the merchants for the foreign currency exchange rates and the percentage of handling fees to be applied before the transactions are entered into since settling foreign currency transactions in the currency of the credit card may involve a cost higher than the foreign currency transaction fee. If you do not pay the minimum payment due in full on or before the payment due date, we may charge, without prior notice, a late charge in addition to the finance charge. The late charge is equivalent to the lower of the minimum payment due or the amount listed below: HK dollar personal credit cards HKD230; UnionPay dual currency credit cards HKD sub-account: HKD230 / RMB sub-account: RMB230; US$ Visa Gold Card N/A. Page 2/3

Overlimit Handling Fee (Per Billing Cycle) Returned Cheque / Rejected Autopay Handling Fee If the statement balance (excluding all fees and charges currently billed to your card account) exceeds the credit limit on your card, we will treat this as your informal request for raising your credit limit. We may agree to your request and charge, without prior notice, a handling fee in the amount listed below for considering and agreeing to your request. If we have received and processed your request to opt out from our over-the-limit facilities, we will only have the right to charge an overlimit handling fee for certain excluded card transactions including those which do not require our authorisation for effecting payment and those which are approved yet late posted. HSBC Premier MasterCard HKD90; Other HK dollar personal credit cards HKD180; US$ Visa Gold Card USD24; UnionPay dual currency credit cards HKD sub-account: HKD180 / RMB sub-account: RMB180. If the cheque or autopay is not drawn on an account with us and the cheque or autopay is subsequently returned or rejected, we will treat this as your informal request for special handling services and may charge, without prior notice, a handling fee for such services in the amount listed below: HK dollar personal credit cards HKD100; US$ Visa Gold Card USD13; Remarks: UnionPay dual currency credit cards HKD sub-account: HKD100 / RMB sub-account: RMB100. 1. The APR is calculated based on a set of assumptions as set out in the relevant guidelines referred to in the Code of Banking Practice and the actual APR applied to your card account may be different. US$ Visa Gold Card requires payment of the statement balance in full and the APR (calculated by assuming only 1% of the current balance plus the total fees and charges currently billed to the card statement are settled each month) is for reference only. 2. We will waive the joining fee for any private label cards. 3. The foreign currency transaction fee applicable to HK dollar personal credit cards and US$ Visa Gold Card is inclusive of the transaction fee of 1% charged to us by Visa/MasterCard Worldwide. The English version of this Key Facts Statement prevails to the extent of any inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions. Any Chinese version of this Key Facts Statement is for reference only. Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Page 3/3

香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 ( 本行 ) 資料概要 詳情建議閣下參閱 滙豐零售銀行及財富管理客戶銀行服務費用簡介 及閣下信用卡的信用卡持卡人合約 利息及財務費用 購物簽賬的實際年 1 利率 現金貸款的實際年 1 利率 拖欠款項的實際年利率 免息還款期 當閣下開立閣下的信用卡戶口時為 36.43%, 而本行會不時作出檢討 如本行在到期日或該日前收到結單結欠的全數金額, 閣下無需就結單結欠繳付任何財務費用 如閣下在到期日或該日前未有繳付結單結欠的全數金額, 本行可能 ( 在不另行通知的情況下 ) 徵收財務費用, 即使閣下已全數繳付最低付款額 財務費用就下列金額徵收 : (a) 未清還結單結欠 ( 由緊接到期日前的結單日起至本行收到全數金額為止 ); 及 (b) 自該結單日起被誌入閣下信用卡戶口的每項新交易金額 ( 由交易日期起至本行收到全數金額為止 ) 財務費用按日累算並按每月 2.625% 利率計算 ( 即上列的實際年利率 ) 當閣下開立閣下的信用卡戶口時為 37.75%( 已包括現金貸款費及手續費 ), 而本行會不時作出檢討 如本行在到期日或該日前收到結單結欠的全數金額, 閣下無需就結單結欠繳付任何財務費用 如閣下在到期日或該日前未有繳付結單結欠的全數金額, 本行可能 ( 在不另行通知的情況下 ) 徵收財務費用, 即使閣下已全數繳付最低付款額 財務費用就下列金額徵收 : (a) 未清還結單結欠 ( 由緊接到期日前的結單日起至本行收到全數金額為止 ); 及 (b) 自該結單日起被誌入閣下信用卡戶口的每項新交易金額 ( 由交易日期起至本行收到全數金額為止 ) 財務費用按日累算並按每月 2.625% 利率計算 ( 即上列的實際年利率 ) 備註 : 1. 請留意本行並沒有委託任何第三方轉介信用咭申請亦不會辦理任何由第三方在有利益安排下轉介的信用咭申請 如有查詢, 請致電熱線 2233 3000 若您是滙豐卓越理財或運籌理財客戶, 亦歡迎分別致電滙豐卓越理財服務熱線 2233 3322 或滙豐運籌理財服務熱線 2748 8333 查詢有關詳情 2. 借定唔借? 還得到先好借! 不適用 長達 56 日 最低付款額信用卡種類最低付款額 滙豐卓越理財萬事達卡 / 滙豐運籌理財白金 Visa 卡 / 滙豐 Visa Signature 卡 /Visa 白金卡 ( 包括 green 信用卡 )/ 滙財金卡 / 萬事達金卡 / 滙財卡 / 萬事達卡 /ican 卡 銀聯雙幣鑽石卡 / 銀聯雙幣卡 美元滙財金卡 (i) (a) 當期誌入結單的所有費用及收費, 加上結單日結單結欠 ( 扣除當期誌入的任何費用及收費 ) 的 1%, 或 (b) 50 港元, 以較高者為準 ; 加上 (ii) 過期款項或超額款項, 即上期結單的逾期最低付款額或超出閣下信用卡的信用限額的金額, 以較高者為準 (i) (a) 當期誌入港幣子戶口 / 人民幣子戶口的所有費用及收費, 加上結單日各子戶口的結單結欠 ( 不包括當期誌入的任何費用及收費 ) 的 1%, 或 (b) 50 港元 ( 港幣子戶口 )/50 元人民幣 ( 人民幣子戶口 ), 以較高者為準 ; 加上 (ii) 各子戶口過期款項或超額款項, 即上期結單的逾期最低付款額或超出閣下信用卡的信用限額的金額, 以較高者為準 相當於結單結欠的全部款項 頁次 1/3

費用 年費基本卡及附屬卡的年費如下 : 2 信用卡種類 港元個人信用卡 基本卡附屬卡 ( 獨立戶口 ) 附屬卡 ( 綜合戶口 ) 滙豐卓越理財萬事達卡 滙豐運籌理財白金 Visa 卡 永久豁免不適用永久豁免 永久豁免不適用永久豁免 滙豐 Visa Signature 卡 2,000 港元不適用 1,000 港元 Visa 白金卡 ( 包括 green 信用卡 ) 滙財金卡 / 萬事達金卡 1,800 港元不適用 900 港元 600 港元 600 港元 300 港元 滙財卡 / 萬事達卡 300 港元 300 港元 150 港元 ican 卡 300 港元不適用不適用 外幣信用卡 美元滙財金卡 80 美元 80 美元 40 美元 銀聯雙幣信用卡 銀聯雙幣鑽石卡 1,800 港元不適用 900 港元 銀聯雙幣卡 300 港元不適用 150 港元 現金貸款費及手續費 就每項現金貸款交易, 本行會在現金貸款當日收取貸款額 2% 的現金貸款費及貸款額 3% 的手續費, 但須受限於下列最低收費 : 於櫃枱提取現金貸款 : 港元個人信用卡 80 港元 ; 美元滙財金卡 10 美元 ; 銀聯雙幣信用卡 不適用 於自動櫃員機或透過任何其他渠道提取現金貸款 : 港元個人信用卡 55 港元 ; 美元滙財金卡 7 美元 ; 銀聯雙幣信用卡 港幣子戶口 :55 港元 / 人民幣子戶口 :55 元人民幣 外幣交易費 3 就港元個人信用卡及美元滙財金卡 : 就每項非港元 ( 就港元個人信用卡 ) 或非美元 ( 就美元滙財金卡 ) 進行的信用卡交易, 會徵收交易金額 的 1.95% 以信用卡貨幣支付外幣簽賬的有關費用 ( 此費用非由信用卡發卡機構收取 ) 逾期費用 就銀聯雙幣信用卡 : 就每項非港元及非人民幣進行的信用卡交易, 會徵收交易金額的 1% 客戶在外地消費時, 有時候可選擇以信用卡貨幣支付外幣簽賬 此選項屬海外商戶的直接安排, 而非由信用卡發卡機構提供 客戶應於簽賬前向該商戶查詢有關匯率及手續費的詳情, 因為以信用卡貨幣支付外幣簽賬, 所涉及的費用可能會較以外幣簽賬的有關費用為高 如閣下在到期日或該日前未有全數繳付最低付款額, 除財務費用外本行可能 ( 在不另行通知的情況下 ) 徵收逾期費用 逾期費用為最低付款額或下列金額, 以較低者為準 : 港元個人信用卡 230 港元 銀聯雙幣信用卡 港幣子戶口 :230 港元 / 人民幣子戶口 :230 元人民幣 美元滙財金卡 不適用 頁次 2/3

超出信用限額手續費 ( 就每結賬周期 ) 退票 / 自動繳費退回手續費 如結單結欠 ( 扣除當時誌入閣下的信用卡戶口的所有費用及收費 ) 超出閣下信用卡的信用限額, 本行將視之為閣下向本行臨時要求調高信用限額 本行可能同意批核閣下的要求及 ( 在不另行通知的情況下 ) 徵收下列有關審批該要求的手續費 如本行已收到及處理閣下拒絕超出信用限額信貸安排的要求, 本行只有權就某些例外信用卡交易 ( 包括無需本行授權而可進行的交易及獲批核但延遲誌賬的交易 ) 徵收超出信用限額手續費 滙豐卓越理財信用卡 90 港元 ; 其他港元個人信用卡 180 港元 ; 美元滙財金卡 24 美元 ; 銀聯雙幣信用卡 港幣子戶口 :180 港元 / 人民幣子戶口 : 180 元人民幣 如支票或自動繳費並非從在本行開立的戶口支取, 而支票或自動繳費被退回, 本行將視之為閣下臨時要求本行提供的特別服務及可能 ( 在不另行通知的情況下 ) 徵收下列有關的手續費 : 港元個人信用卡 100 港元 美元滙財金卡 13 美元 銀聯雙幣信用卡 港幣子戶口 :100 港元 / 人民幣子戶口 :100 元人民幣 註 : 1. 實際年利率乃根據銀行營運守則提及的有關指引所列的一套準則計算, 與實際適用於閣下信用卡戶口的實際年利率或有差異 美元滙財金卡須全數繳付結單結欠金額, 實際年利率 ( 按假設每月只清還當時結欠的 1% 及當期月結單誌入的所有費用計算 ) 僅供參考 2. 本行會豁免任何優惠卡的入會費 3. 適用於港元個人信用卡及美元滙財金卡的外幣交易費已包含 Visa/ 萬事達卡國際組織向本行收取之 1% 交易徵費 本資料概要的英文及中文版本如有任何不一致, 概以英文版本為準 本資料概要的任何中文版本僅供參考 由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司刊發 Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 頁次 3/3