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12Days 9Nights Mesmerizing MOROCCO The Sahara Rendezvous Rabat / Chefchaouen / Fez / Ouarzazate / Marrakesh / Casablanca VALIDITY: JAN2018 ONWARDS 起出发! AFRICA HIGHLIGHTS ENG

ENTRANCES / FEES INCLUDED HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Premium tourist class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least avaliable at the lobby). 1N Rabat - Hotel Farah 5* or similar 1N Chefchaouen - Riad Le Belcon Bleu or similar 2N Fez - Marriott 5* or similar 1N Erfoud - Xaluca Arfoud 5* or similar 1N Ouarzazate - Ksar Ighnda or similar 2N Marrakesh - Movenpick Hotel 5* or similar 1N Casablanca - Kenzi Tower Hotel 5* or similar Note: Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels DAY 01 Depart at KLIA DAY 02 Arrive Casablanca -87km- Rabat ( - / - /Hotel Dinner) Upon arrival in Casablanca, transfer to the capital of Morocco, Rabat and enjoy dinner after check in hotel. DAY 03 Rabat -245km- Chefchaouen (Hotel Breakfast/Local Lunch/Local Dinner) Rabat City Tour Stroll the meandering alleys within the 11th century fortress walls of Oudaias Kasbah and visit the unfinished Hassan Tower, built as a 12th century minaret. Next, visit the glittering Mausoleum of Mohammed V and view its opulent tomb chamber with the grand marble tomb of Mohammed V. Photostop at Dar al-makhzen, the Royal Palace of Rabat before leaving. After lunch, depart to Chefchaouen and overnight. Rabat City DAY 04 Chefchaouen - 202km - Fez (Hotel Breakfast/Local Lunch/Hotel Dinner) Chefchaouen City Tour Discover Chefchaouen, the Blue Pearl, set against the dramatic backdrop of the Rif Mountains. Be fascinated by the gorgeous huey of blue - coloured buildings, sidewalks and structures as you stroll the lovely medina with a fortress right in the middle. On top of the hill, admire the town with an unbeatable panoramic view. After lunch, depart to Fez and overnight. DAY 05 Fez (Hotel Breakfast/Local Lunch/Asian Dinner) Fez City Tour Tour of Morocco s most mystical imperial city centre on the Medina (Old town) call Fez el-bali. As you walk through the imposing Bab Boujloud Gate, view the beautiful Medersa Bou Inania. A stroll through the car-free alley ways will soon expose you to the intoxicating sights and sounds of Fez, also famous for its leather products. The shops near one of the world s oldest universities (now the Quaraouiyine Mosque) is a paradise for local craft work. Visit a leather shop to get a bird s eye view of a working Leather Tannery where traditional dying of animal skins occurs. DAY 06 Fez -65km- Ifrane- 350km - Erfoud (Hotel Breakfast/Local Lunch/Hotel Dinner) This morning, head to the desert village of Merzouga. Enroute, stop at a beautiful town in the middle of Atlas Mountains - Ifrane, also known as "the Switzerland of Morocco" before continuing on to Erfoud through the Tizi n' Talghamt Pass. DAY 07 Erfoud -60km- Merzouga -200km- -170km- Ouarzazate (Hotel Breakfast/Local Lunch/Hotel Dinner) Sahara Desert Safari, Merzouga Hop on a 4WD to cross the spectacular dunes of Erg Chebbi, featured in the film Lawrence of Arabia. Experience a camel ride to witness sunrise or sunset on the horizon of the vast desert and

capture memorable photos of the magnificent view of the desert. (sunrise or sunset is subject to weather condition.) The Thousand Kasbah Route After breakfast, drive through scenic dense palm groves and to the inspiring Todra Gorges to view sheer towering walls of rocks. Continue along the scenic route to the Dades River Valley before arriving in Ouarzazate, the Pearl of the Sands. DAY 08 Ouarzazate -200km- Marrakesh (Hotel Breakfast/Local Lunch/Asian Dinner) Ouarzazate Orientation Tour Discover the Atlas Film Studio created in 1983. This Gateway to the Sahara Desert is famous for its sites being used for some block-buster movies such as Lawrence of Arabia, Gladiators, and The Mummy. After that, visit the nearby Kasbah of Taourirt before a detour visit to one of the largest Kasbah in Morocco, Kasbah of Ait Benhaddou, which is an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Aït Benhaddou Djma-el-Fna, Marrakesh Moroccan Cooking Class Experience (approximately 3 hours) Escape from the bustling city day and discover some secrets of Moroccan traditional cuisine. You ll learn to identify aromatic Moroccan spices, and then participate in a comprehensive cooking class, preparing appetizers, an entrée and dessert with the typical ingredients of Moroccan cooking. Let s have fun and enjoy your own cooked meals as dinner. DAY 10 Marrakesh -250km- Casablanca (Hotel Breakfast/Western Lunch/Western Dinner) Casablanca Day Tour After breakfast, depart to Casablanca for a day tour. Drive along the wide boulevards of United Nations Square, passing residential area of Anfa and Ain Diab to the architectural masterpiece, Mosque of Hassan II. As one of the world largest mosque with the tallest minaret at 689 feet, it is a sight to behold. Lastly, wrap up your wonderful journey with farewell dinner at Rick s Café made famous by Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in the classic movie Casablanca. DAY 09 Marrakesh (Hotel Breakfast/Local Lunch/Local Dinner) Marrakesh Full Day Tour Sightseeing in this beautiful city, known as the Pink Pearl of the South includes Saadian Tombs, the famous Koutoubia Mosque and the magnificent Bahia Palace. Visit well known Majorelle Gardens for its beautiful grove of bamboo, date palms and various lily covered pools. Proceed to Djma-el-Fna Square, the heart of Marrakesh, where after sunset the fortune tellers, acrobats, vendors, snake chambers and magicians put on a never-ending show. Mosque of Hassan II Interior DAY 11 Casablanca / Depart for home (Hotel Breakfast) After breakfast, check out from hotel and transfer to airport for your flight home. DAY 12 Arrival Home Arrival home with sweet memories.

四驱越野车沙漠之旅 & 骑骆驼 阿特拉斯影城电影制片厂 马裘黑花园 摩洛哥美食烹饪班 哈桑二世清真寺 优质酒店一般都设有免费无线网络连接, 尤其是酒店大堂 1 晚拉巴特 - 拉巴特酒店 5* 或同级 1 晚舍夫沙万 - 蓝色阳台酒店或同级 2 晚费斯 - 万豪酒店 5* 或同级 1 晚厄夫特 - 夏露卡阿尔方德古堡 酒店 5* 或同级 1 晚瓦尔扎扎特 - 柯萨易吉安达旅馆或同级 2 晚马拉喀什 - 瑞享酒店 5* 或同级 1 晚卡萨布兰卡 - 肯梓塔酒店 5* 或同级 注释 : 所有酒店每日供应热早餐 第 1 天从吉隆坡国际机场出发 第 2 天抵达卡萨布兰卡 -87 公里 - 拉巴特 (-/-/) 抵达卡萨布兰卡后, 前往摩洛哥的首都 - 拉巴特 入住酒店享用晚餐后自由休闲活动 第 3 天拉巴特 -245 公里 - 舍夫沙万 漫步在 11 世纪的乌达雅古堡城墙内的蜿蜒小巷, 再参观未完成的哈桑塔, 一座建于 12 世纪的尖塔 接下来, 参观闪烁的穆罕默德五世陵墓与其由大理石打造的华丽墓室 在离开拉巴特前, 我们将带您到拉巴特皇宫拍照留念 午餐后, 前往舍夫沙万住宿一夜 第 5 天费斯 费斯是摩洛哥最神秘的帝国城市中心 首先, 我们将游览费斯的老城区, 也被称为 Fez el-bali 当我们穿过雄伟的布歇路得门, 亦可以看到美丽的布伊纳尼亚神学院 漫步在无车小巷, 让您接触到以皮革制品而闻名的费斯, 陶醉在它的美妙景象 世界上最古老的大学之一 ( 现在的卡鲁因清真寺 ) 附近尽是当地工艺品商店 接下来再参观一间皮革商店, 了解皮革制作和传统染织动物皮的过程 第 6 天费斯 -65 公里 - 伊夫兰 -350 公里 - 厄夫特 今早, 在前往梅如卡的途中, 我们将停在阿特拉斯山脉中一个美丽的小镇 - 伊夫兰 它也被称为 摩洛哥的瑞士 然后, 继续前往厄夫特途经 Tizi n Talghamt 道路 第 7 天厄夫特 -60 公里 - 梅如卡 -200 公里 - 托德拉峡谷 - 170 公里 - 瓦尔扎扎特 第 4 天舍夫沙万 -202 公里 - 费斯 寻探舍夫沙万, 一座粉刷上不同蓝色的蓝色小镇, 在里夫山脉里成为戏剧性的背景设置但却如此壮观 充满华丽色彩的蓝色建筑物和人行道, 让您漫步其中, 感受它的可爱 在山顶上更可以让您欣赏到这座蓝色珍珠小镇无与伦比的全景 午餐后, 前往费斯住宿一夜 拉巴特市 乘坐四驱越野車穿越电影 阿拉伯的劳伦斯 里头壮观的厄尔切比沙丘 体验在雄伟的沙丘上骑骆驼散步和见证沙漠地平线上的日出或日落并捕捉壮丽景色的难忘照片 ( 日出或日落均以当时天气为准 ) 早餐后, 驱车穿越风景优美的棕榈树林, 到达鼓舞人心的托德拉峡谷, 欣赏高耸的岩石墙壁 随后, 沿着景色秀丽的路线前往达德斯河谷 最后, 在结束今天的旅程前您将抵达被誉为 沙漠之门 的瓦尔扎扎特

第8天 瓦尔扎扎特 -200公里- 马拉喀什 (酒店早 /道地午 /亚洲 ) 瓦尔扎扎特 探索被称为通往撒哈拉沙漠之门的摩洛哥 南部城市-瓦尔扎扎特 今天 您将参观创 建于1983年的阿特拉斯影城电影制片厂 其中著名的大片电影 如 阿拉伯的劳伦 斯 角斗士 和 木乃伊 更在此取景 随之 参观临近的陶里尔特古堡后再继续 前往摩洛哥最壮观的堡垒 - 阿伊特本哈特 它更被列入联合国科教文组织世界遗产 摩洛哥美食烹饪班体验 (大约3小时) 逃离熙熙攘攘的城市生活 发现摩洛哥传 统美食的秘密 您将学会识别芳香的摩洛 哥香料 然后参与综合烹饪班 准备开胃 菜 主菜和甜点 和摩洛哥典型甜品 让 我们尽情享受其中的乐趣 并品尝自己烹 煮的摩洛哥传统美食为今晚的晚餐 第10天 马拉喀什 - 250公里卡萨布兰卡 (酒店早餐/西式午餐/西式晚餐) 游览卡萨布兰卡 早餐后 前往卡萨布兰卡进行一日游 沿着联合国广场的宽阔大道行驶 途经安 发和艾因迪亚布的住宅区到建于大西洋上 的伟大杰作 - 哈桑二世清真寺 它是世界上 最高的清真寺之一 尖塔为689英尺 沙漠之门 第9天 马拉喀什 (酒店早 /道地午 /道地 ) 马拉喀什一日游 在这个被称为 南方的粉红明珠 的马拉喀 什城市 您将游览的景点包括了16世纪的萨 阿德皇陵 著名的库图比亚清真寺和壮丽 的巴伊亚宫殿 随后 参观漂亮的马裘黑 花园及其美丽的竹林 椰枣和各种百合覆盖 的游泳池 最后 您将在仿造由亨弗莱 鲍嘉和英格 丽 褒曼主演的经典电影 卡萨布兰卡 里头的 瑞克咖啡馆 享用晚餐作为告别 您美妙的旅程 第11天 卡萨布兰卡 / 返回家园 (酒店早 ) 早餐后 前往机场乘坐航班返回家园 第12天 抵达家园 带着甜蜜回忆抵达家园 前往马拉喀什市中心的Djma-el-Fna广场 在日落之后 算命先生 杂技演员 摊贩 蛇室和魔术师即将展现一个永无止境的表演 蓝色小镇舍夫沙万

Chefchaouen Fez Rabat Ifrane Casablanca MOROCCO Merzouga Todra Gorges Marrakesh Ouarzazate Hassan Tower, Rabat KEY ITINERARY FEATURES 主要行程特点 Tour commentary will be conducted in English with simple translation in Mandarin OR Cantonese, if required Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for * * your preferred activity Meticulously planned logistics for a well paced journey A mixture of Special Cuisines, Local, Western, and Asian meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure 评述均以英语为主 如有需要亦可以以华语 或粤语进行简单翻译 精心策划及节奏适中的旅程编排 包罗万象的丰富综合旅程 并让您有足够的 空闲时间进行您所喜欢的活动 美味丰富的特别美食料理组合 包括道地美 食 西餐 亚洲餐和您自选的美食佳肴 让 您尽情沉醉在享受餐饮的乐趣 MEAL PLAN 餐饮安排 Moroccan Cooking Class, Marrakesh Farewell Dinner at Rick s Café in Casablanca 摩洛哥美食烹饪班体验 马拉喀什 瑞克咖啡馆的饯别晚宴 卡萨布兰卡 * Specific restaurants mentioned will be replaced if closed for private events *以上餐馆如因私人活动关闭将以其他餐馆取代 Number of Meals : Lunch - 8 ; Dinner - 9 t 餐饮数量 : 午餐 - 8 ; 晚餐 - 9 View of The Leather Tanneries in Fez Terms & Conditions / 备注 1. Flight schedule, itinerary, hotel and meals which are stated on the itinerary above are subject to change according to departure dates without prior notice. Any changes after booking, will be informed accordingly. 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangement are subject to the final adjustment of the local ground operator. 3. Triple room sharing will be based on extra roll in bed basis. 4. We strongly recommend you to purchase travel insurance before departure. 5. To ensure the benefit of customers, please refer to the standard Terms & Conditions at the back page of your invoice. 1. 上述所列载的航班资料 行程 酒店住宿及膳食安排 将因不同出发 日期有所调整 若所报行程有所更改 本公司将另作通知 2. 行程 餐食及酒店住宿的先后次序 最终以当地接待社 地接 安排 为准 3. 三人房均以添加折叠式床为准 4. 我们建议您在出发前购买旅游保险 5. 为确保消费者权益 详情请参阅单据背页之基本条规细节 For Agent use: Tour Code / 团号 : XEKCMN12 Printed Date : January 2018 此旅游行程及游览内容仅供报名时参考之用 具体安排以出发前提供的出团通知书中最终确认行程为准 以上夜宿 餐食及观光景点 将会尽量保持不变 中文行程以英文版本为准 The above itinerary is subject to change, customers will be informed before departure date based on the final confirmation. However, the night stay, number of meals and sightseeing places will remain unchanged.