1. 实用文 2 题选 1 题作答 私人电邮 - 分享心得 / 经验 公务电邮 - 请求建议 / 投诉 150 字以上 2. 作文 3 题选 1 题作答 (2 题情境记叙文 [ 运用人物描写手法 确保详略得当 ] 1 题论说文 [ 利弊类 ]) 300 字以上 试卷二 : 1 小时 30 分钟 (

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Subject Format / Topics English Language Paper 1 Duration: 1 h 50 min Total marks: 70 (45%) Editing Skills, Situational Writing Skills, Continuous Writing Skills Paper 2 Duration: 1 h 50 min (45%) Comprehension and Summary Skills Paper 3 Duration: 45 min Total marks: 30 (10%) Listening Skills Higher Chinese 试卷一 :(80 分 ) 1. 实用文 私人电邮 - 话题讨论类 公务电邮 - 投诉 / 反映类 150 字以上 2. 作文 议论文 材料作文情境记叙文 3 题选一 400 字以上 试卷二 : (80 分 ) 语文应用 ( 短文填充 ) 病句修改 ( 成分残缺 ) 阅读理解一 (1 篇 ) 阅读理解二 (2 篇 ) 片段缩写 语文技能考查 ( 中一至中三上单元一 三 四 ) 试卷三 : 口试 (40 分 ) 听力 (20 分, 分数算在 CA 4) Chinese 试卷一 : 2 个小时 ( 总分 :60 分 ) 1

1. 实用文 2 题选 1 题作答 私人电邮 - 分享心得 / 经验 公务电邮 - 请求建议 / 投诉 150 字以上 2. 作文 3 题选 1 题作答 (2 题情境记叙文 [ 运用人物描写手法 确保详略得当 ] 1 题论说文 [ 利弊类 ]) 300 字以上 试卷二 : 1 小时 30 分钟 ( 总分 :70 分 ) 根据会考题型出题综合填空阅读理解一 (3 篇 ) 阅读理解二 (2 篇 ) 语文技能考查 ( 中一至中三上册所学技能 ) 课文生词考查 ( 第 1 2 4 5 7 8 课 ) 试卷三 : 口试 (50 分 ), 听力 (20 分 ) Higher Malay Kertas 1: Penulisan Fungsional dan Penulisan Esei (2 jam - 80 markah) Bahagian A: Penulisan Fungsional E-mel Tidak Formal atau Tidak Formal Bahagian B: Penulisan Esei Karangan deskriptif, ekspositori atau naratif Kertas 2: Tatabahasa dan Pemahaman (1 jam 45 min 80 markah) Bahagian A: Penggunaan Bahasa Pengimbuhan Peribahasa Mengisi tempat kosong Mengedit Bahagian B: Pemahaman 1 Soalan kefahaman Objektif Bahagian C: Pemahaman 2 Soalan Kefahaman Subjektif Bahagian D : Ringkasan Kertas 3 : Lisan Perbualan berdasarkan video Subject Format Topics 2

Mathematics Additional Mathematics Chemistry Physics Biology Science (Chemistry) Paper 1 & 2 (combined) Duration: 2 hour 30 minutes Total marks: 100 Paper 1 & 2 (combined) Duration: 2 hour Total marks: 80 Duration: 1 h 15 min Total marks: 60 Section A (15 marks): Multiple Choice Questions Section B (25 marks): Section C (20 marks): Free Response Questions Duration: 1 h 15 min Section A (10 marks): Multiple Choice Questions Section B (20 marks): Section C (20 marks): C1: Quadratic Equations and Functions C2: Linear Inequalities C3: Indices and Standard Form C4: Coordinate Geometry C5 : Graphs of Functions and Graphical Solution C1: Equations and Inequalities C2: Surds and Indices C3: Polynomials and Partial Fractions C4: Modulus and Power Functions 1. Chemical Formulae 2. Chemical Equations 3. Kinetic Particle Theory 4. Elements, Compounds & Mixtures 5. Atomic Structure 6. Bonding 7. Structure & Properties of Materials 8. Measurement & Experimental Techniques 9. Purification & Separation 10. Acids & Bases 11. Preparation of Salts 12. Ionic Equations 13. Moles A r & M r Mole & Avogadro s Number Empirical & Molecular Formula Reacting Masses 1. Physical Quantities, Units and Measurement 2. Kinematics 3. Dynamics 4. Mass, Weight and Density 5. Turning Effect of Forces 1. Cells 2. Movement of Substances 3. Nutrients 4. Enzymes 5. Nutrition in Humans 1. Kinetic Particle Theory 2. Measurement and Experimental Techniques 3. Separation and Purification 4. Elements, Mixtures and Compounds 5. Atomic Structure 6. Chemical Bonding 3

Science (Physics) Science (Biology) Geography Elective Geography History Elective History Social Studies Literature in English and Literature in English Elective Free Response Questions Duration: 1 h 30 min Duration: 1 h 40 min Duration: 1 h 25min Total marks: 44 Source-based Questions (24marks) Structured-essay Questions (20 marks) Duration: 1 h 10 min Total marks: 38 Source-based Questions (18 marks) Structured-essay Questions (20 marks) Duration: 1 h 10min Total marks: 33 Source-based Questions ( 18 marks) Structured-response Questions (15 marks) Duration: 1 h 40 min 7. Writing Chemical Equations 8. Periodic Table 9. Acids, Bases and Oxides 1. Physical Quantities, Units and Measurement 2. Kinematics 3. Dynamics 4. Mass, Weight and Density 5. Turning Effects of Forces 1. Cells 2. Diffusion and Osmosis 3. Nutrients 4. Enzymes Nutrition in Humans 1. Plate Tectonics 2. Weather and Climate (Gateway 1 Only) 1. Weather and Climate Geographical Investigations 2. Weather and Climate SBCS Skills: Making inferences Making comparisons Topics: Colonisation of Malaya Colonisation of Vietnam Treaty of Versailles & League of Nations Rise of Stalin SBCS Skills: Making inferences Making comparisons Topics: Treaty of Versailles Rise and Impact of Stalin s Rule SBCS Skills: Making inferences Making comparisons Topics: 1. Chapters 1-3 Set Text: The Road to Memphis Unseen: Choice of Prose or Poem 4

Literature in Chinese Elective Principles of Accounts Art Computing 问答 A 组 2 题必答题 Duration: 2 hours Total marks: 80 Section A (55 marks) Section B Final Accounts (25 marks) Duration: 2 h Total marks: 90 Duration: 1 h 15 min Total marks: 60 问答 A 组 考查内容 : 现当代文学作品选读 具体内容 : 微型小说 : 汪曾祺 陈小手 黄春明 鱼 诗歌 : 徐志摩 偶然 梁文福 回 声 余光中 民歌 1. Introduction to Accounting 2. The Accounting Information System 3. Elements of the Financial Statements and the Accounting Equation 4. The Concept of Double-Entry Recording 5. Special Journals 6. Bank Reconciliation Statement 7. Trial Balance 8. Income Statement 9. Balance Sheet Section A: Three structured questions will be set, each accompanied by a visual stimulus. Section B: Structured Comparison Question One structured comparison question will be set and accompanied by a pair of visual stimuli. Candidates must answer two questions in Section A and the question in Section B. 1. Basic Computer Hardware Computer Processor, Memory, Data and Address Bus, Input- Output, External Storage 2. Number systems Whole numbers to Binary Conversion between binary, hexadecimal and denary with technique explained. 3. Boolean Logic Logic gate, Truth Table Evaluate Boolean Statements by Truth tables. 5

4. Python (Program Development)* Basic Syntax Constants, Variables Loops, Selection Statements *- students need to refer to their teacher on which parts of python programming will be tested as it depends on the learning progress of the class. 6