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Function call #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> BOOL result(int value1, int value2){ if(value1 == value2) return YES; else return NO; } NSString *string (BOOL boolresult){ if(boolresult == YES) return (@"YES"); else return (@"NO"); } int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { int a = 5; int b = 5; NSLog(@"Is %d equal to %d? %@", a, b, string(result(a,b))); b = 7; NSLog(@"Is %d equal to %d? %@", a, b, string(result(a,b))); return 0; }


Recap #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> void modifiedpointer(int * a){ int * b; b =a ; *b = 3; } int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; } int * a; int b = 9 ; a = &b; modifiedpointer(a); NSLog(@"Result is %d", *a); [pool drain]; return 0; Result is?



Class( )


Class Object

Class object object class

Object? Class

Object Car

Behavior Car race behavior

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Message Car doraceing race

Other object as state Engine Honda Car engine wheel race

Object in code Application class class class object instance instance instance

Class - Object - instance,, Name - State - attribute, member,,, Behavior - method, action,,

Class & Instance in C class - instance - struct BookInfo { int rating; char title[titlelength]; char author[authorlength]; }; int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { struct BookInfo mybook; }

int a ; // a struct BookInfo b ; // b (int a;) function c struct function

Class in Objective-C - interface - implementation Class Object

Class - @interface Shape : NSObject { int color; } - (void) setcolor: (int) Color; - (void) draw; @end - (void) setcolor: (ShapeColor) Color withnum:(int) anum;

Class - @implementation Shape - (void) setcolor: (int) mycolor { color = mycolor; } @end

Function - void myplus(int a, int b); int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { myplus(4, 5); } void myplus(int a, int b){ printf("a + b is %d\n", a+b); }

Method - @interface Shape : NSObject { ShapeColor color; } - (void) setcolor: (ShapeColor) Color; - (void) draw; @end int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { Shape * s = [Shape new]; [s setcolor:blue]; [s draw]; } @implementation Shape - (void) setcolor: (ShapeColor) mycolor { color = mycolor; } @end

Class Diagram Shape color setcolor: draw

Recap - My Class typedef enum { red, green, blue, }ShapeColor; @interface Shape : NSObject { ShapeColor color; } - (void) setcolor: (ShapeColor) Color; - (void) draw; @end @implementation Shape - (void) setcolor: (ShapeColor) mycolor { color = mycolor; } - (void) draw { NSLog(@ draw some shape %d, color); } @end

Recap - Usage #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> // int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; Shape * s = [Shape new]; [s setcolor:blue]; [s draw]; } [pool drain]; return 0; Result is?

Objective-C method & C function Obj-C style : infix notation [s setcolor: yellow ] [someobj settitle: @ sometitle setkey:556677 ] Method name - (settitle:setkey:) C style settitleandkey(someobj, @ sometitle, 556677); Function name - settitleandkey

Variable - NSStirng * name = [[NSString alloc ] init]; [[NSString alloc ]init] [NSString new] [aobj something] something aobj

Shape int color Shape color method Shape color 5ff344

App Press Label button label pressed: Controller

Target / Action Press target action pressed: Label button label pressed: Controller

Demo HelloXcode

Basic Terms Class : Object Instance : Class, object Method : Object Instance Variable (ivar): Object

OO Terms Encapsulation Polymorphism object Inheritance hierarchical organization, share code, customize or extend behaviors

Inheritance Cat - Subclass inherits states and behaviors from superclass Superclass leg run: - Subclass may augment, replace the superclass methods Subclass Leopard leg roar: run:

Class Diagram Shape color setcolor: draw Circle draw

Recap - Inheritance typedef enum { red, green, blue, }ShapeColor; @interface Shape : NSObject { ShapeColor color; } - (void) setcolor: (ShapeColor) Color; - (void) draw; @end @interface Circle : Shape @implementation Shape - (void) setcolor: (ShapeColor) mycolor { color = mycolor; } @end @implementation Circle - (void) draw { - (void) draw { NSLog(@ draw some shape %d, color); } @end NSLog (@ Drawing circle... color is %d, color); } @end

Recap - Inheritance // int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; Circle * c = [Circle new]; [c setcolor:green]; [c draw]; } [pool drain]; return 0; Result?

Message Dispatching Shape color 3. dispatch superclass setcolor: draw 1. message Circle c; [c setcolor:yellow]; Circle draw 2. class setcolor:

Inherited Instance Shape color setcolor: draw Memory Layout of Circle object isa... color radius Circle NSObject Shape Circle Circle radius draw

Class & Instance Blueprint White house

Declare & Implement Hello.h Hello.m.h.m

Hello.h @interface Hello : NSObject { int age; } -(void) greeting:(nsstring *) words; @end

Hello.m #import Hello.h @implementation Hello -(void) greeting:(nsstring *) words{ NSLog(words); } @end

Message Syntax

Message Syntax [object signal] [object signal:argument] [object signal:arg1 withother:arg2]

Message Syntax - More [object signal] // object signal [object signal:argument] // object signal argument object [object signal:arg1 withother:arg2] // arg1 arg2 object // signal:withother: object object

Terminology Message Expression [object signal:argument] Message [object signal:argument] Selector Receiver [object signal:argument] Method message codes

Examples of Message Consumer *customer; // [customer buyonline]; int card = [customer creditcard]; if([customer iscardvalid]){ // } [customer buyitem:@ Macbook quantity:1]; NSString *address = [[customer bill] address];

Class & Instance Method instance method - (id) init; // e.g. [[Hello alloc ] init ] - (void) greeting:(nsstring *) word; class method + (id) alloc; // e.g. [Hello alloc] + imagenamed:(uiimage) image; // [UIImage imagenamed:@ hello.png ]

Class & Instance Example [NSString string]; // string is +/-? [@ 500 intvalue ]; // intvalue is +/-? [[NSArray alloc ] initwithobject:@ fine ]; // initwithobject: is +/-? [NSArray arraywithobject:@ ok ]; // arraywithobject: is +/-?

Convenient Way - Since Objective-C 2.0 - Dot Syntax NSString *name = person.name; // name = [person name] person.name = @ Michael ; // [person setname:@ Michael ] - Cascade person.bill.name = @ Andy ; // [[person bill] setname:@ Andy ] person.bill.name ; // [[person bill] name]

Demo ModifyClass Getter & Setter


Dynamic & Static - Dynamic id someobject; // id * - usually use id only - Static Customer *person; - Objective-C checks type at compile-time, usually uses run-time binding

Null pointer to Object Check exsiting if(person!= nil){} if(!person){} Usage person = nil; // assignment [child setfather:nil]; // as argument

Boolean Type Declare Usage BOOL lock; lock = YES; // true lock = NO; // false if(lock!= YES) if(lock) if(!lock)

Selector - choose method by name - Type Define SEL sel; - Usage SEL sel = [object work]; SEL sel = @selector(work:); SEL sel = @selector(work:who:); [object setaction:@selector(work:)];

Object works with selector id obj; SEL action = @selector(work); - Check response if([obj responsetoselector:action]) - Perform Selector [obj performselector:action]; // [obj work] [obj performselector:action withobject:who];

Demo Selector performselector


With Class - Feature Class me = [obj class]; NSString *name = [obj classname]; - Relationship if([obj iskindofclass:[uiview class]]){} // if obj inherit UIView if([obj ismemberofclass:[nsstring class]]){} // if obj is the instance of NSString

With Object - Check identity if(obj1 == obj2){ // the same object instance } - Check equality if([obj1 isequal: obj2]){ } // the same content, define by user

Overwrite -description - (NSString *) description; - Usage NSLog([@ test stringbyappendingformat:@"%@, obj]); // call [obj description]; - User can overwrite description to get the specific information NSLog([obj description]);

Numeric Type

- 32-bit - 64-bit NSInteger (int or long) NSUInteger CGFloat (float or double)
