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AppleScript for Absolute Starters

2 2 3 0 5 1 6 2 10 3 I 13 4 15 5 17 6 list 20 7 record 27 8 II 32 9 34 10 36 11 44 12 46 13 51 14 handler 57 15 62 63

3 AppleScript AppleScript AppleScript AppleScript AppleScript Photoshop QuarkExpres InDesign Filemaker Pro AppleScript Mac Mac-based kiosk k-buildermac GraphiConverter BBEdit Word AppleScript AppleScript AppleScript 15 Mac 0 Mac AppleScript AppleScript AppleScript Mac AppleScript AppleScript Mac Mac OS X AppleScript AppleScript AppleScript Mac OS X AppleScript AppleScript Java AppleScript 10 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

4 AppleScript AppleScript Studio Javascript 4 4.3 AppleScript Script Editor 2

5 0 Mac Mac 1 Mac Mac Mac AppleScript AppleScript 2 PC Mac T Activity Monitor Mac distributed computing projects DC Folding@home SETI@home Mac DC DC client DC DC client DC DC client Mac DC Mac Mac DC DC 3 Mac bug 4 Mac 5 3 Mac 4 DC DC client AppleScript AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

6 1 AppleScript Mac 1 Mac Mac beep 2 1 2 AppleScript 1 PC AppleScript Mac 3 Fred Trinoids Cellos Zarvox 4 Victoria # AppleScript Victoria Zarvox # AppleScript 1 4 AppleScript AppleScript Mac Mac OS X AppleScript Mac Finder Finder

7 Mac AppleScript Photoshop Photoshop Finder Mac 5 5.1 tell Mac OS X AppleScript Finder Mac OS X AppleScript 5.3 end tell 5 AppleScript Finder Finder tell xyz AppleScript 5.1 Finder 6 6.2 6.3 Finder Finder Finder tell Finder Finder Finder AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

8 Finder Mac OS X AppleScript 7 Finder 7.2 7.3 7.5 beep AppleScript beep Mac OS X AppleScript tell 8 Finder beep Mac OS X AppleScript tell Finder beep tell Finder Mac OS X AppleScript tell 9 9.5 Mac OS X AppleScript 9.2 9.3 9.5 10

9 Mac OS X AppleScript 10.4 Finder 10.5 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

10 2 Mac Script Editor AppleScript Check Syntax AppleScript Yo Finder! Dump my garbage. Hey Finder, clean out the bin. Finder Finder check syntax compile Mac OS X AppleScript AppleScript

11 2Mac OS X AppleScript Run #EnterEnter Return Shift Return Check Syntax Run Command R Run # AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

12 compiled script Run application Mac File Open # Run-only Run-only #

13 3 I 1 AppleScript tell application app application pqr AppleScript Mac AppleScript pqr tell ctrl 1 ctrl Tell Blocks Tell Finder 2 empty the trash tell 1 tell AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)


15 4 2 6 3*4 x y variables 2 6 x y=3*4 AppleScript 1 AppleScript set AppleScript errorbug x picturewidth 2 AppleScript 2 8 # AppleScriptset say beep AppleScript picturewidth _ # AppleScript 3 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

16 + - / * ^ 4 4 Result Result 4.1 10.0 4 1000.0 cubeedgelength^3 intergers fractional numbers 1.1 1.2 13 real numbers reals

17 5 1 1 greeting 1.3 AppleScript display dialog 2 AppleScript Mac AppleScript AppleScript 6 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

18 6 6.2 stringtobedisplayed 6.3 Hi there! 6.3 stringtobedisplayed 6.2 stringtobedisplayed AppleScript Mac 30 & 7 7.3 & resultingstring 7.3 is s 8 4 AppleScript escaping \ AppleScript 9

19 # blah blah \ blah AppleScript AppleScript 10 10 \ \n \t # 11 3 11 AppleScript 15 fifteen coercion 12 12.2 coercedtostring 12.1 15 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

20 6 list 1 display dialog 1 Cancel OK Cancel Cancel display dialog list OK 2.2 Cancel 2.2 OK OK AppleScript 2.2OK 3 3 4 display dialog

21 AppleScript display dialog 1~3 4.2 2.2,4.2 Mac 6 default button 3 3 & 7.44 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

22 7.1 7.2 addtobegin addtoend 1 2 8 8.3 get mylist 8 { winter, spring } 8.2 9 8.2 9.1 AppleScript tenth item 11 9.2 11th item last item 10 AppleScript -1-2 2 11 10 12

23 r u you are thru 12.2 through 13.2 13 12 14 reverse 15 16 5 5 17 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

24 & & theresult 18.3 mylist mylist 13 mylist mystring 20 20.3 b mystring b mystring 20.3 theresult

25 21 AppleScript s text item delimiters 22 22.3 22.5 22.4 text item item text item text item text item 23 24 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

26 22 24 Mac OS X AppleScript

27 7 record display dialog list display dialog 1.2 2 2 record button returned Yes button returned3.3 3.3 tempvar button pressed thebuttonpressed AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

28 4 4 AppleScript text returned 5.2 text returned 30 textentered 30 30 AppleScript 6.3 6.2 7.1

29 30 thirty 30 years AppleScript 10 age 3 5 button returned text returned AppleScript property item 10 AppleScript AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

30 11 12 age:5 12 13 13 14 14 30 15

31 15 age:73 set copy 16 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

32 8 II ctrl Dialogs Btn button Actions 10 toctrl Text Input - 2 Btns 7 1 Mac 1

33 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

34 9 AppleScript AppleScript -- (* *) outcomment (* *) ctrl Comment Tags Comment Tags Info

35 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

36 10 1 Run AppleScript 1 falsenot true 30 30 true AppleScript if then 2 if then conditional statement end if 2.1 true 2.2 3.3 ageentered is myage

37 if then end if 4 tell if then end end if AppleScript 4 4.7 5 if then else 5.3 5.6 5.3 = is (or, is equal to) > is greater than < is greater than >= is greater than or equal to <= is less than or equal to 6 >= AppleScript AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

38 <= AppleScript is not greater than /= is not 77 if then 8 Yes 8.5 AppleScript 9 4 if then end if begins with (or, starts with) ends with is equal to comes before comes after is in

39 contains does not start with does not contain is not in doesn t does not does not begin with does not start with comes before comes after 10 AppleScript 11 white space 12 ignoring white space end ignoring end considering AppleScript AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

40 begins with ends with is equal to is in contains 8 if then end if Dialog Actions

41 3 3 14.1 15.1 8.2 display dialog result if else else if if end if 14.5 is equal to = contains 15.1 AppleScript AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

42 set to string 4 16 Boolean + - and or not not not true false not false true 18 and x y z or x y z 20 20.4 and

43 20.5 or 20.4 20.5 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

44 11 AppleScript 1 AppleScript 1.3 1.3 1.2 try end try 2 2.6 AppleScript end try 2.4 7 3 4

45 13 try end try 17 on error number17.3 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

46 12 column view Finder path 1 1 Documents Documents Finder 2 2 ik AppleScript

47 Documents AppleWorks report 3 3.2 open file folder.cwk AppleWorks ClarisWorks Mac OS X command-i Finder Finder Finder Preferences Always show file extensions AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

48 report.cwk 4 Finder Finder 5 a reference to file 6

49 report.cwk alias file AppleScript Finder Documents report.cwk report.cwk funny_story.cwk Macintosh HD:users:Documents:report.cwk report.cwk ID Finder ID report.cwk ID Finder Finder ID ID 7 7 Documents alias ID Finder ID 7 ID alias ID report.cwk Documents Miscellaneous AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

50 7 ik ID alias alias Mac ID 7 7 Finder tell ID Finder Finder Mac OS X AppleScript AppleScript ID Finder 3 tell Finder jpeg Photoshop 8

51 13 AppleScript 1 repeat 2.7 tell try if then end repeat 2 3 2 3 text returned AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

52 3.21 else Mac4 5 repeat 4 3 correctentry true 6

53 set correctentry to true try AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

54 correctentry true 3 6 6valueEntered 7 1000 6 6 6 1 4 5 repeat 4 5 repeat 1 2 8.1 repeat counter repeat 1 5 5 9.1 stepsize 1 10.2

55 repeat 11 AppleScript 12 repeat AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)


57 14 handler AppleScript AppleScript handler AppleScript 1 2 1 3.1 texttodisplay 3.4 3.5 3 4 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

58 4.5 4.1 circlearea( ) pi * 3 ^ 2 get return 6 6.3 6.26.3 7 7.1

59 7.7 8.4 9 9 x 9.1 x 4 x AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

60 10 x 5 9.1 10.1 x AppleScript load script 1 2 load script tell tell tell 11

61 12.7 13 5 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)

62 15 AppleScript Macscripter Macintosh AppleScript 0 Bert

63 Bert Altenburg Xcode Become an Xcoder AppleScript for Absolute Starters Altenburg Altenburg PC AppleScript AppleScript C loewez 65 AppleScript for Absolute Starters (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)