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SHANGHAI Local useful information Restaurants, Bars, Attractions and Shopping Note: SICMO (Shanghai International Conference Management Organization has tried to make sure all the listed information is correct at the time of printing in late November, 2014. We suggest you call the properties to reserve in advance or to check availability. RESTAURANTS Paulaner Brauhaus( 宝莱纳餐厅 浦东滨江大道店 English Add: 2967 West Lujiazui Road, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东陆家嘴西路 2967 号 Sunday to Thursday 10:00 1:00 Friday to Saturday 11:00-2:00 Phone: +86 21 6888 3935 Remarks: On the Riverside Promenade and close to the Pudong Shangri-La, East Shanghai Morton s of Chicago Bar & The Steakhouse( 莫尔顿牛排坊 English Add: Store No. 15-16, 4F, Shanghai IFC, 8 Century Avenue, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东世纪大道 8 号国金中心商场 4 楼 15-16 号商铺 Sunday to Thursday 11:30-22:00 Friday to Saturday 11:30-23:00 Phone: +86 21 6075 8888 Remarks: Opposite of the Pudong Shangri-La, East Shanghai The Kitchen Salvatore Cuomo English Add: Room 402, Block D, 2967 West Lujiazui Road, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东陆家嘴西路 2967 号 D 座 402 室 11:00-23:00 Phone: +86 21 5054 1265 Remarks: Next to SHICC (the Congress Venue along the Riverside Promenade Din Tai Fung( 鼎泰丰 English Add: No. 24, 3F, Super Brand Mall, 168 West Lujiazui Road, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东陆家嘴西路 168 号正大广场 3 楼 24 号铺 10:30-22:00 Phone: +86 21 5047 8882 Remarks: It is famous for its steamed dumplings with different ingredients fillings.

Lost Heaven on the Bund( 花马天堂云南餐厅 English Add: A, 17 East Yan'an Road, Puxi Chinese Add: 浦西延安东路 17 号甲 11:30-15:00 17:30-24:00 Phone: +86 21 6330 0967 Remarks: Stylish interiors, natural ingredients from Yunnan, and innovative cooking style, has become a widely celebrated restaurant of choice in Shanghai. Lei Garden( 利苑 English Add: Shop 17 & 18, 3F, Shanghai IFC, 8 Century Avenue, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东世纪大道 8 号上海国金中心 3 楼 9:30-22:30 Phone: +86 21 5106 1688 Remarks: Cantonese food. Golden Bull( 金牛苑 English Add: No.19, 3F, Shanghai IFC, 8 Century Avenue, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东世纪大道 8 号上海国金中心 L3-19 号 11:00-22:30 Phone: +86 21 6190 8170 Remarks: Vietnamese food. The Jade Mansion( 苏浙总会 English Add: No. 13, 4F, Shanghai IFC, 8 Century Avenue, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东世纪大道 8 号上海国金中心 4 楼 10:00-22:00 Phone: +86 21 5012 7728 Remarks: Shanghai cuisine. BARS Lobby Bar English Add: 1F, Shanghai Oriental Riverside Hotel, 2727 Riverside Ave., Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东滨江大道 2727 号 1 楼 9:00 23:00 Phone: +86 21 5037 0000 Shanghai Night Bar English Add: 1F, Shanghai Oriental Riverside Hotel, 2727 Riverside Ave., Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东滨江大道 2727 号 1 楼 16:00 24:00 Phone: +86 21 5037 0000

100 Century Avenue Bar( 世纪 100 酒吧 English Add: 92F, Shanghai World Financial Center, 100 Century Ave., Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东世纪大道 100 号环球金融中心上海柏悦酒店 92 楼 Monday to Thursday 20:00 1:00 Friday and Saturday 20:00 2:00 Sunday: Closed. Phone: +86 21 6888 1234 Remarks: Inside the Park Hyatt Shanghai Hotel (the Bottle Opener Building Bar Level 87( 大堂酒吧 English Add: 87F, Shanghai World Financial Center, 100 Century Ave., Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东世纪大道 100 号环球金融中心上海柏悦酒店 92 楼 11:00 1:00 Phone: +86 21 6888 1234 Remarks: Inside the Park Hyatt Shanghai Hotel (the Bottle Opener Building Cloud 9( 九重天酒廊 English Add: 87F, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Ave., Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东世纪大道 88 号金茂大厦 87 楼 Monday to Thursday 17:00 1:00 Friday 17:00 2:00 Saturday 14:00 2:00 Sunday 14:00 1:00 Phone: +86 21 5049 1234 Remarks: Inside the Grand Hyatt Shanghai Hotel (the Pagoda-shaped Building Piano Bar( 钢琴酒吧 English Add: 53F, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Avenue, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东世纪大道 88 号金茂大厦 53 楼 17:00 1:00 Phone: +86 21 5049 1234 Remarks: Inside the Grand Hyatt Shanghai Hotel (the Pagoda-shaped Building Jade on 36 Bar( 翡翠 36 酒吧 English Add: 36F, Shangri-La Hotel, 33 Fu Cheng Road, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东富成路 33 号香格里拉大酒店紫金楼 36 楼 Monday to Thursday 17:00 1:00 Friday & Saturday 17:00 2:00 Sunday 17:00 1:00 Phone: +86 21 6882 3636 Remarks: Inside the Pudong Shangri-La, East Shanghai

Red Passion( 红魔酒吧 English Add: 30F, Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai, 1288 Lujiazui Ring Road, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东陆家嘴环路 1288 号上海凯宾斯基大酒店 30 楼 11:00-1:00 Phone: 86 21 3867 8888 Lobby Bar( 大堂酒吧 English Add: 1F, Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai, 1288 Lujiazui Ring Road, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东陆家嘴环路 1288 号上海凯宾斯基大酒店 2 楼 9:00-23:30 Phone: +86 21 3867 9031 Flair( 屋顶酒吧 English Add: 58F, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Shanghai IFC, 8 Century Avenue, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东世纪大道 8 号上海国金中心丽思卡尔顿酒店 58 楼 17:00-2:00 Phone: +86 21 2020 1888 Remarks: Inside the Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong Paulaner Brauhaus( 宝莱纳餐厅 浦东滨江大道店 English Add: 2967 West Lujiazui Road, Pudong Chinese Add: 浦东陆家嘴西路 2967 号 Sunday to Thursday 10:00 1:00 Friday to Saturday 11:00-2:00 Phone: +86 21 6888 3935 Remarks: On the Riverside Promenade and close to the Pudong Shangri-La, East Shanghai ATTRACTIONS & SHOPS Old City and Yu Yuan Garden( 豫园 English Add: 218 Anren Road, Puxi Chinese Add: 浦西安仁路 218 号 8:30-16:40 Phone: +86 21 6328 2465 Remarks:The Garden closes at 17:00. The shopping complex around the Garden closes around 22:00. Shanghai Museum( 上海博物馆 English Add: 201 People's Avenue, Puxi Chinese Add: 浦西人民大道 201 号 9:00-17:00 Phone: +86 21 6372 3500 Remarks:Free admission. An arts and crafts souvenir shop and a bookstore with various English books on Chinese culture, arts and crafts are located inside the Museum.

The Bund( 外滩 English Add: Zhongshan Rd. (E1, Puxi Chinese Add: 浦西中山东一路 Remarks:The landmark and symbol of Shanghai. Shanghai Fabric & Tailor Market( 南外滩轻纺面料市场 English Add: 399 Lujiabang Road, Puxi Chinese Add: 浦西陆家浜路 399 号 9:00-18:00 Remarks: You may have your garments tailor-made here. Xin Tian Di( 新天地 English Add: South Huangpi Road, Xintiandi, near Madang Road, Puxi Chinese Add: 浦西黄陂南路新天地, 近马当路 Remarks: Restaurants, bars and shops. East Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street( 南京东路步行街 English Add: from the Fairmont Peace Hotel to the People s Square, Puxi Chinese Add: 1. 浦西, 南京东路东入口 ( 和平饭店 OR 2. 南京东路和西藏北路口 Remarks: Shanghai s premier shopping street. Tian Zi Fang( 田子坊 English Add: 210 Taikang Road, Puxi Chinese Add: 浦西泰康路 210 号 Remarks: An arts and crafts enclave that has developed from a renovated residential area. China Art Museum( 中华艺术宫 English Add: 205 Shangnan Road, Puxi Chinese Add: 浦西上南路 205 号 9:00-17:00 Phone: +86 21 4009 219 021