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The Bhutanese name for Bhutan, Druk Yul, means 'Land of the Thunder Dragon'. Much of Bhutanese history is lost in legends but the first major event was the arrival of Guru Rinpoche, believed to have brought Mahayana Buddhism from Tibet in the eighth century. Bhutan, the world's last Mahayana Buddhist kingdom, became a coherent political entity around the 17th century and has never been conquered or ruled by another foreign power. Bhutan is a peaceful country with strong traditional values based on religion, respect for the royal family and care for the environment. Thimphu- The capital city Jakar(Bumthang) - An administrative town in the north and the birthplace of Buddhism in Bhutan. Mongar- One of the largest towns in east Bhutan. Paro- The location of the international airport and Taktsang Monastery. Punakha- A former winter capital of Bhutan. It still hosts the monastic body in winter. Phuentsholing- A town on the Indian border. The point of entry for travelers arriving by bus from West Bengai. Samdrup Jongkhar - An administrative town in the southeast. It is the point of entry for travelers arriving from [Assam]. Trashigang- A picturesque administrative town in the east. Trongsa- A small administrative town famous for its dzong and the Tower of Trongsa GEH-KB-PBHA07-001-0929

Happiness is a Place: 5 Days, 4 Nights Bhutan Tour DAY 1 HONG KONG-BANGKOK -Stay at Bangkok Novotel Suvarnabhumi Airport DAY 2 BANGKOK-PARO-THIMPHU -Early Mornig Flight to Paro -Arrive Paro International Airport -Drive to Thimphu valley(approx.1.5 hours) -Check in at -Lunch at -Sight-seeing and dinner at local eatery -Overnight in Thimphu DAY 3 THIMPHU Capital City Tour Visit: National Memorial Chorten Built by Mayum Phuntsho Choden in memory of her son, His Late Majesty the Third King of Bhutan Jigme Dorji Wangchuck in 1974. It is now a popular place where many people from all walks of life circumambulate the Stupa and also where many of the elderly generation gather to say their prayers. Visit: Tashichhoedzong Fortress of Glorious Dharma was rebuilt in the 1960s after a fire, by the Third King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck and currently houses His Majesty s office, Government administrative offices and is the summer residence of the Central Monastic Body.

DAY 3 THIMPHU Capital City Tour Visit: Simtokha Dzong The first dzong or fortress to ever be built in Bhutan in the 1600s by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, the unifier of Bhutan, it currently is used as a school for the Institute of Language and Cultural Studies. Visit: Changangkha Monastery This monastery houses the unique statue of a seated Avalokiteshvara in accordance with the founder of the monastery s vision. Sey Nima, one of the sons of a famous 13 th Century Drukpa Kagyu saint Phajo Drugom Zhigpo dreamt of his father in the form of a seated Avalokiteshvara and thereby built the monastery according to his vision. The image is made of Zhikhim-a lost Bhutanese art form of Statue making, made of various mixed metals, the image has a Smooth black surface. DAY 4 THIMPHU-PUNAKHA-PARO -07:00am Early Breakfast -08:00am Drive to Punakha Valley(approx.3.5 hours) Stop at Dochula Pass to view the 108 stupas built in memory of fallen soldiers -Lunch at local eatery in Punakha valley Visit: Punakha Dzong This fortress or dzong situated in the middle of two rivers has been partially destroyed many times by flood and fire, the most recent reconstruction was in the 1990s. Punakha valley was the old capital city of Bhutan. The dzong houses the Government administrative offices and is the winter residence of the Central Monastic Body.

Visit: Chimmi Lhakhang The founding place of the holy 14 th Century saint Drukpa Kuenley whose unorthodox practices allowed the then conservative locals to open their narrow views to true spirituality rather than just ritualistic practices that were common to his times. It is said that blessings from this monastery bestow children to childless couples who wish to have children. The saint is symbolically represented by a wooden phallus, which also represents fertility. -Drive to Paro Valley(approx. 4 hours) -Check in and dinner at hotel -Overnight in Paro valley DAY 5 PARO TAKTSANG (Tiger s Nest Monastery) -07:00am Early Breakfast -08:00am Drive to base of Taktsang (approx. 15 min from main town) This famous Tiger s Nest monastery is hanging from the sheer cliff face of a large mountain. It is considered one of the eight most holy places for Buddhists to visit in one s lifetime. It is where Guru Rinpoche meditated and left his bodily imprint. -Hike to Taktsang(approx. 3 hours hike) -Stop of lunch at Mid Point Canteen -Continue Hike -Drive back to hotel -Optional: Shopping/ Spa Treatment (usually includes Bhutanese Hot Stone Bath) -Dinner and overnight in Paro DAY 6 PARO-BANGKOK-HONGKONG -Drop off to Paro International Airport -Depart for Bangkok -Transit at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport then back to Hong Kong Or Stay Behind and Free leisure in Bangkok

不丹 (Bhutan) 地處喜馬拉亞山下, 土地不肥沃, 礦產不豐富, 國民所得不高卻是世界上最快樂的國家 位於中國和印度之間喜馬拉雅山脈下的不丹王國 不丹國名當地語言叫 竺域 ( 或作 朱玉 Druk Yul), 意為雷龍之地, 國歌是 雷龍王國 (Drukyle) 不丹 梵語的意思是 西藏旁的高地, 藏傳佛教影響著這裡的信仰和生活方式 Price Includes : 費用包括 : Round trip economy class air ticket (via Bangkok) 來回經濟客位機票 ( 經曼谷 ) 5 nights hotel accommodation and daily breakfast 五晚住宿連早餐 Full Board Private tour 私人導賞行程 ( 包全程膳食 ) Bhutan Travel Visa (5-7 Working Days) 不丹旅遊簽證 ( 需時 5-7 工作天 ) Tips for Guide and driver 導遊 / 司機小費 0.15% TIC Levy & HK security charge 0.15% 旅遊業賠償基金及香港機場保安稅 Airfare Surcharge : Departure Adult Child Booking Class Ticket Validity 01Mar-31May --- ---- V 0-3Month 1 晚曼谷機場 1 Night Novotel Suvarnabhumi Airport + www.novotel.com/gb/hotel-6183-novotel-bangkok-suvarnabhumi-airport/index.shtml 4 晚不丹 4 Nights Bhutan Date 2-3 Adult Twin Sharing 4-8 Adult Twin Sharing Child Single (Share Twin Supplement with 2 Adult) Bangkok Extension Per Room Per Night Twin/Double 01Mar-31May $20499 $18999 $3500 $15500 $1100 * 另有其他選擇, 歡迎查詢 Please Contact us for more hotel option.

Day Day 1 leisure time. 第一日 行程 Itinerary Hong Kong>Bangkok Arrival Self transport to and enjoy free 香港 > 曼谷, 乘坐客機飛往曼谷 抵達後, 自行返回, 及後自由活動 早餐 Breakfast 午餐 Lunch 晚餐 Dinner ~ ~ ~ 曼谷 Novetel 機場 Novotel Suvarnabhumi Airport Bangkok Paro Thimphu Day 2 第二日曼谷 帕羅 廷布 廷布 Timphu Thimphu Capital City Tour National Memorial Chorten/ Tashichhoedzong/Simtokha Dzong/ Changangkha Monastery/Institute of Zorig Chusum/Textile Museum/ Day 3 Folk heritage Museum 第三日 廷布 市內觀光 廷布三任國王佛塔 / 大西丘宗 / 西姆托卡宗 /Changangkha 廟 / 國家藝術學校 / 紡織博物館 / 民間文化遺產博物館 Thimphu Vally Punakha Dzong/ Chimmi Lhakhang PPunakha aro Day 4 第四日廷布 普那卡山谷 普那卡宗 切米拉康 帕羅 Paro Taktsang(Hiking) Tiger s Nest Monastery Shopping/ Spa Treatment(Bhutanese Hot Stone Day 5 Bath) 第五日 帕羅 遠足往虎穴寺 購物 / 不丹傳統熱石浴 Paro Bangkok Hong Kong Day 6 第六日帕羅 曼谷 香港 Price Includes : Round trip economy class air ticket 5 nights hotel accommodation with daily breakfast 0.15% TIC Levy & HK security charge ~ ~ 費用包括 : 來回經濟客位機票 五晚住宿連早餐 0.15% 旅遊業賠償基金及香港機場保安稅 廷布 Timphu 帕羅 Paro 帕羅 Paro Terms & Conditions : Package price is per person ( in HK$ ) and valid between 01 Mar 31May15 the whole journey must be completed by 31May15 Booking class : V Ticket validity : 3Months Twin room is based on 2 single beds or 1 double bed Airport tax & fuel surcharge are not included A non-refundable deposit of HK$5000 per person required upon reservation Full payment must be made after confirmation with no refund Upon confirmation, any amendment is subject to company s discretion All prices and conditions are subject to change without prior notice A service fee of HK$30 will be collected for each ticket issued 條款及細則 : 有效日期 :3 月 1 日至 5 月 31 日 ; 必須於 2015 年 5 月 31 日或之前完成入住 以上價錢以每成人計算 訂位代號 :V 機票有效期 : 3 個月 雙人房之房種為 2 張單人床或 1 張雙人床 ; 費用並未包括兩地機場稅及燃油附加費 訂位時須繳交訂金港幣每位 $5000 餘款需於機票及確認後繳付及恕不退還 於機票及確認後, 如需更改本公司擁有最終決定權 所有費用如有更改, 恕不另行通知 每發出機票乙張, 收取港幣 $30 服務費 Unit E, 12/F, MG Tower, 133 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Email : enquiry@pkg.getl.com.hk Website : www.greateasterntourist.com