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View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by Xiamen University Institutional Repository 学校编码 :10384 分类号 密级 学 号 :30220101154351 UDC 硕士学位论文 孟加拉国与中国经济贸易关系研究 Studies on Economic and Trade Relations between Bangladesh and China RAZIA SULTANA JULI 指导教师姓名 : 吴崇伯教授 专业名称 : 亚太国际关系 论文提交日期 : 2013 年 4 月 论文答辩时间 : 2013 年 6 月 学位授予日期 : 2013 年 月 答辩委员会主席 : 评阅人 : 2013 年月

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摘要 作为一个发展中国家, 孟加拉国正参与到与其他众多发展中国家和发 达国家的双边关系中 但目前, 孟加拉国与中国的关系仍然是一个重 大的问题 尽管在过去的 30 年里, 两国的国内政治形势和主要国际形 势发展了深刻变化, 但中国与孟加拉国的经济关系一直稳步向前迈 进 不仅在经济方面, 而且在军事和外交支持方面, 中国已成为孟加 拉国的重要合作伙伴, 同时中国力图在南亚获得战略立足点 本文通 过文献综述, 概述了中国和孟加拉国两国的经济关系及其意义 中国 和孟加拉国之间的贸易呈显著的上升趋势 本论文详细考察了孟加拉国与中国的关系, 并重点关注两国双边关系 与经济合作问题 自孟加拉国成立以来, 在中印南亚关系的争夺和竞 争的背景下, 多数分析人士都将研究重点放在孟加拉国和中国之间的 政治与军事关系上 通过大量引用相互依存理论以及政治经济学的概 念, 本文认为, 孟加拉国与中国之间显然已经发展成为经济与商业关 系居多, 而政治与军事影响有限的关系 这也突显了孟加拉国和中国 是如何得益于两国经济关系的不断发展的 本文还揭示出, 中国依靠孟加拉国的廉价劳动力和新兴消费者, 同时孟加拉国依赖于中国的金融投资和廉价的技术 本研究还探索了孟加拉国与中国在贸易量 援助额 能源集聚以及旅游业共识方面不断增长的因素 在经济领域, 孟加拉国与中国在双边贸易上正在每年迅速扩大, 并日益制度化 i

本研究的结论是, 如果孟加拉国和中国能够继续保持在经济发展的良好关系, 将特别有利于两国人民和全球发展中国家 在我看来, 孟加拉国与中国的关系应该是一个真正意义上的现代化合作伙伴关系, 它 致力于对外开放和解决两国面临的全球性挑战 关键词 : 孟加拉国 ; 中国 ; 经济关系 ; 合作 ; 贸易 ii

Abstract: Bangladesh, as a developing country, is involved in bilateral relations with many other developing and developed countries. But the current relation of Bangladesh between China is a significant issue in recent period. China-Bangladesh economic relations have moved ahead steadily in spite of profound changes in the domestic politics of both countries and major international developments during the last three decades. China has emerged as a reliable partner to Bangladesh, extending not only economic but also military and diplomatic support, while simultaneously attempting to gain a strategic foothold in South Asia. Through literature review, this paper provides an overview of China-Bangladesh economic relation and their significance for both countries. Trade between China and Bangladesh is rising seriously. This thesis scrutinizes Bangladesh-China relationship with a particular focus on the issues in bilateral relation and economic cooperation. Since the birth of Bangladesh, in the context of struggling and competitive elements of Sino-Indian relationship in South Asia, most analysts have continued to emphasize the politico-military connection between Bangladesh and China. Mostly using the principles of interdependent theory along with the concept of political economy, this research argues that Bangladesh-China relations clearly have evolved as an example of an economic and commercial relationship with limited political and strategic implications. This also accentuates how Bangladesh and China are benefited form the ceaseless expansion of economic relations between two countries. It reveals that while China relied on Bangladesh for cheap labor and new consumers, Bangladesh relied on China for financial investments and cheap technologies. This research then moves on to explore the elements within the Bangladesh-China relationship based on growing trade, aid, energy convergence and tourism consensus. In iii

the economic realm it is found that Bangladesh-China bilateral trade is increasingly being framed institutionally and rapidly expanding every year. This research concludes that if Bangladesh and china will maintain a trouble-free relation aiming at economic development through cooperation, which will be beneficial to the people of both countries in particular and to the developing world in general. In my view, Bangladesh s relationship with China ought to be a truly modern partnership one that is practical open and engaged on the global challenges that face both nations. Key words: Bangladesh; China; economic relations; cooperation; trade iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT IN CHINESE i ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TABLES x ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS xi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Literature review 2 11.1. Foreign policy of Bangladesh 3 1.1.2 Foreign policy of China 5 1.2.3 China-South Asia relations 7 1.2.4 Bangladesh-China relations 8 1.2 Research questions 9 1.3 Methodology 10 1.4 Data collections 10 1.5 Thesis structure 11 v

CHAPTER 2: THE HISTORICAL REVIEW OF BANGLADESH- CHINA RELATIONS 13 2.1 Analytical background 13 2.2 Historical legacy 19 2.2.1 Buddhism (400BC-1200AD) 20 2.3 Bangladesh-China-South Asia 22 2.4 South-South Cooperation 26 2.5 Joint Commission on Economic and trade cooperation 30 CHAPTER 3: DYNAMICS OF ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN BANGLADESH CHINA 32 3.1 A bitter experience for China in 1971 32 3.2 Political attachment with economic assistance 33 CHAPTER 4: CURRENT SINO-BANGLADESH TRADE RELATIONS 41 4.1 Bangladesh s import from China 41 4.2 Bangladesh s export to China 50 4.3 Balance of trade 56 CHAPTER 5: CHINESE INVESTMENT AID AND COOPERATIONS TO BANGLADESH 58 5.1 Chinese investment 59 5.2 Chinese Aid 65 vi

5.3 Nature of the Chinese aid to Bangladesh 67 5.3.1 Infrastructure 70 5.4 Cooperation in Defense 71 5.5 Cooperation in Tourism sector 75 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 76 6.1 Conclusion 76 6.2 Recommendation 78 REFERENCES 80 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 87 vii


LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Map of Bangladesh 13 Figure 2.2 GDP of Bangladesh 15 Figure 2.3 Map of China with neighboring countries 17 Figure 2.4 Modern states of Pala dynasty 21 Figure 2.5 Elimination of tariff in non LDCs and LDCs countries 28 Figure2.6 memberships of Bangladesh and China in various IGOs 29 Figure 4.1 Bangladesh s import from China (1991-2010) 42 Figure 4.2 Bangladesh s import from China (2006-2012) 44 Figure 4.3 Sectoral breakdowns of Bangladesh s imports from China in FY 2010 (million US$) 48 Figure 4.4 Bangladesh s export to China (1991-2012) 51 Figure 4.5 Sectoral breakdown of Bangladesh s export to China in 2009 52 Figure 4.6 Balance of Bangladesh-China trade (1991-2012) 56 Figure 5.1 Chinese Investment to Bangladesh 63 Figure 5.2 Sector wise Chinese Investment 64 Figure 5.3 Bangladesh s arms import from China (1991-2012) (in US$ million) 74 ix

LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Economic indicators of Bangladesh and China 18 Table 2.2 The overall trade figures for year 2010-2012 24 Table 2.3 China s trade with South Asian countries (2004-2012) 25 Table 3.1 Bangladesh-China economic cooperation from (1976-1990) 36 Table 3.2 Trends in Bangladesh-China economic cooperation in 1991-2002(million US$) 38 Table 4.1 Import payments of Bangladesh with China 44 Table 4.2 Principal import commodities of Bangladesh from China (2000-2009) 46 Table 4.3 Sectoral breakdown of Bangladesh s export to China (2010-2012) 49 Table 4.4 Major country/commodity wise export receipts 53 Table 5.1 Bridges built with Chinese assistance 70 Table 5.2 Bangladesh arms import from China (1991-2012) 73 x

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