(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock Code INTERIM REPORT

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2 公司資料 4 管理層討論及分析 11 其他資料 14 審閱報告 中期財務報告 16 綜合損益表 17 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 18 綜合財務狀況表 20 綜合權益變動表 21 簡明綜合現金流量表 22 未經審核中期財務報告附註



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目錄 公司資料 2 財務概要 3 主席報告 4 管理層討論及分析 7 董事及高級管理層履歷 17 企業管治報告 22 董事會報告 33 獨立核數師報告 40 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 42 綜合財務狀況表 43 綜合權益變動表 45 綜合現金流量表 46 財務報表附註 47

目 錄 企 業 架 構 2 財 務 摘 要 3 公 司 簡 介 4 發 展 歷 程 5 主 席 報 告 書 6 管 理 層 討 論 與 分 析 8 董 事 監 事 及 高 級 管 理 人 員 簡 介 28 董 事 會 報 告 39 監 事 會 報 告 58 企 業 管 治 報 告 61 獨 立 核


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代 理 人 者, 由 常 務 董 事 或 董 事 互 推 一 人 代 理 之 第 八 條 本 公 司 董 事 會 召 開 時, 總 經 理 室 應 備 妥 相 關 資 料 供 與 會 董 事 隨 時 查 考 召 開 董 事 會, 得 視 議 案 內 容 通 知 相 關 部 門 或 子 公 司 之 人


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(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock Code 1726 2021 INTERIM REPORT

CONTENTS 目錄 Pages 頁數 Corporate Information 公司資料 2 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 5 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 簡明綜合財務狀況表 6 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 簡明綜合權益變動表 8 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 簡明綜合現金流量表 9 Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 簡明綜合財務報表附註 11 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 28 Other Information 其他資料 35

CORPORATE INFORMATION 公司資料 2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 董事會 Executive Directors 執行董事 Mr. Wu An Ming (Chairman & Chief Executive Officer) 胡晏銘先生 主席及行政總裁 Mr. Koh Lee Huat 許利發先生 Independent Non-Executive Directors 獨立非執行董事 Mr. Siu Man Ho Simon 蕭文豪先生 Mr. Cheung Kwok Yan Wilfred 張國仁先生 Prof. Pong Kam Keung 龐錦強教授 AUDIT COMMITTEE 審核委員會 Mr. Cheung Kwok Yan Wilfred (Chairman) 張國仁先生 主席 Mr. Siu Man Ho Simon 蕭文豪先生 Prof. Pong Kam Keung 龐錦強教授 REMUNERATION COMMITTEE 薪酬委員會 Mr. Siu Man Ho Simon (Chairman) 蕭文豪先生 主席 Prof. Pong Kam Keung 龐錦強教授 Mr. Wu An Ming 胡晏銘先生 NOMINATION COMMITTEE 提名委員會 Prof. Pong Kam Keung (Chairman) 龐錦強教授 主席 Mr. Cheung Kwok Yan Wilfred 張國仁先生 Mr. Wu An Ming 胡晏銘先生 COMPANY SECRETARY 公司秘書 Mr. Chan Wing Hang 陳永恒先生 AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES 授權代表 Mr. Chan Wing Hang 陳永恒先生 Mr. Koh Lee Huat 許利發先生 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

CORPORATE INFORMATION 公司資料 REGISTERED OFFICE 註冊辦事處 Windward 3 Windward 3 Regatta Office Park Regatta Office Park P.O. Box 1350 P.O. Box 1350 Grand Cayman KY1-1108 Grand Cayman KY1-1108 Cayman Islands Cayman Islands HEAD OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN HONG KONG 總部及香港主要營業地點 Unit 2004, 20/F 香港九龍 K11 Atelier 尖沙咀 18 Salisbury Road 梳士巴利道18號 Tsim Sha Tsui K11 Atelier Kowloon, Hong Kong 20樓2004室 PRINCIPAL SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE 主要股份過戶登記處 Ocorian Trust (Cayman) Limited Ocorian Trust (Cayman) Limited Windward 3 Windward 3 Regatta Office Park Regatta Office Park P.O. Box 1350 P.O. Box 1350 Grand Cayman KY1-1108 Grand Cayman KY1-1108 Cayman Islands Cayman Islands HONG KONG BRANCH SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE 香港股份過戶登記分處 Boardroom Share Registrars (HK) Limited 寶德隆證券登記有限公司 2103B, 21/F 香港北角 148 Electric Road 電氣道148號 North Point, Hong Kong 21樓2103B室 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 3

CORPORATE INFORMATION 公司資料 4 LEGAL ADVISOR 法律顧問 TW Partners 黃錦華律師事務所 PRINCIPAL BANKERS 主要往來銀行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited 中國工商銀行 亞洲 有限公司 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited 華僑銀行有限公司 CIMB Bank Berhad 聯昌銀行有限公司 AUDITOR 核數師 Deloitte & Touche LLP Deloitte & Touche LLP Public Accountants and Chartered Accountant Singapore 執業會計師及新加坡註冊會計師 6 Shenton Way 6 Shenton Way OUE Downtown 2 OUE Downtown 2 #33-00 #33-00 Singapore 068809 Singapore 068809 COMPANY S WEBSITE 公司網站 www.hwakoon.com www.hwakoon.com STOCK CODE 股份代號 1726 1726 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

The board (the Board ) of directors (the Directors ) of HKE Holdings Limited (the Company ) announces the unaudited condensed consolidated results of the Company and its subsidiaries (the Group ) for the six months ended 31 December together with comparative figures for the corresponding period in 2019 as follows: HKE Holdings Limited 本公司 董事 董 事 會 董 事 會 公 佈 本 公 司 及 其 附 屬 公 司 本 集 團 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 之 未經審核簡明綜合業績 連同2019年同期之比 較數字如下 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 For the six months ended 31 December 截至年12月31日止六個月 Note 附註 Revenue 收益 Cost of services/sales 服務 銷售成本 Gross profit 毛利 Other income 其他收入 Other losses 其他虧損 Administrative expenses 行政開支 Finance costs 財務費用 Profit before taxation Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 2019 年 2019年 4,505,049 4,625,426 (3,817,624) (3,115,885) 687,425 1,509,541 4 269,763 217,467 5 (3,765) (59,834) (869,746) (882,144) 6 (1,072) (852) 除稅前溢利 6 82,605 784,178 Income tax expense 所得稅開支 7 (51,376) (92,679) Profit for the period 期內溢利 31,229 691,499 Other comprehensive loss: Item that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations, representing other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax 其他全面虧損 其後可重新分類至 損益的項目 換算海外業務之 匯兌差額 指除稅後 期內其他全面收益 (1,123,140) (33,821) Total other comprehensive loss 其他全面虧損總額 (1,123,140) (33,821) Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period 期內全面 虧損 收益總額 (1,091,911) 657,678 Earnings per share 每股盈利 Basic and diluted 基本及攤薄 See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial 3 9 0.004 cents 0.004新加坡分 0.086 cents 0.086新加坡分 參見隨附簡明綜合財務報表附註 statements. HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 5

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 簡明綜合財務狀況表 As at 31 December 於年12月31日 Note 附註 6 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Right-of-use assets 資產及負債 非流動資產 物業 廠房及設備 使用權資產 Total non-current assets 非流動資產總值 Current assets Trade receivables Other receivables, deposits and prepayments Contract assets Bank balances and cash 流動資產 貿易應收款項 其他應收款項 按金及 預付款項 合約資產 銀行結餘及現金 Total current assets 流動資產總值 Current liabilities Trade and other payables Contract liabilities Lease liabilities Income tax payable 流動負債 貿易及其他應付款項 合約負債 租賃負債 應付所得稅 Total current liabilities 31 December 30 June 年 12月31日 年 6月30日 (Audited) 經審核 604,989 29,570 649,114 67,572 634,559 716,686 1,961,559 1,693,123 150,620 3,568,994 23,305,860 343,007 2,425,645 25,236,850 28,987,033 29,698,625 1,559,299 527,462 29,000 80,893 1,019,775 691,663 65,487 119,297 流動負債總額 2,196,654 1,896,222 Net current assets 流動資產淨值 26,790,379 27,802,403 Non-current liabilities Lease liabilities Deferred tax liabilities 非流動負債 租賃負債 遞延稅項負債 27,310 2,240 27,310 Total non-current liabilities 非流動負債總額 27,310 29,550 Net assets 資產淨值 27,397,628 28,489,539 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021 10 11 12 13 14 15 13

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 簡明綜合財務狀況表 As at 31 December 於年12月31日 Note 附註 EQUITY Capital and reserves Share capital Share premium Merger reserve Translation reserve Accumulated profits 權益 資本及儲備 股本 股份溢價 合併儲備 換算儲備 累計溢利 Equity attributable to owners of the Company 本公司擁有人應佔權益 See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial 16 17 31 December 30 June 年 12月31日 年 6月30日 (Audited) 經審核 1,335,760 15,352,340 1,000,119 (635,885) 10,345,294 1,335,760 15,352,340 1,000,119 487,255 10,314,065 27,397,628 28,489,539 參見隨附簡明綜合財務報表附註 statements. HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 7

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 簡明綜合權益變動表 For the six months ended 31 December 截至年12月31日止六個月 Share Balance at 1 July 2019 (audited) premium Merger Translation Accumulated (Note 18) reserve reserve profits Total 換算儲備 累計溢利 總計 股本 股份溢價 附註17 附註18 合併儲備 1,335,760 15,352,340 1,000,119 10,255,762 27,943,981 691,499 691,499 (33,821) (33,821) (33,821) 691,499 657,678 1,335,760 15,352,340 1,000,119 (33,821) 10,947,261 28,601,659 1,335,760 15,352,340 1,000,119 487,255 10,314,065 28,489,539 31,229 31,229 (1,123,140) (1,123,140) (1,123,140) 31,229 (1,091,911) 1,335,760 15,352,340 1,000,119 (635,885) 10,345,294 27,397,628 之結餘 經審核 期內溢利 Other comprehensive loss 期內其他全面虧損 for the period (loss) for the period capital (Note 17) 於2019年7月1日 Profit for the period Total comprehensive income Share 期內全面收益 虧損 總額 Balance at 31 December 2019 於2019年12月31日 (unaudited) Balance at 1 July (audited) 之結餘 於年7月1日 之結餘 經審核 Profit for the period 期內溢利 Other comprehensive loss 期內其他全面虧損 for the period Total comprehensive income (loss) for the period 期內全面收益 虧損 總額 Balance at 31 December 於年12月31日 (unaudited) 之結餘 See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements. 8 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021 參見隨附簡明綜合財務報表附註

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 簡明綜合現金流量表 For the six months ended 31 December 截至年12月31日止六個月 Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 Operating activities 2019 年 2019年 經營活動 Profit before taxation 除稅前溢利 Adjustments for: 就下列各項作出調整 82,605 784,178 Depreciation for right-of-use assets 使用權資產折舊 38,002 46,871 Depreciation for property, plant and equipment 物業 廠房及設備折舊 51,159 49,813 Interest income 利息收入 (43,328) (179,564) Interest expense 利息支出 852 Interest on lease liabilities 租賃負債利息 1,072 Effect on exchange rate changes 匯率變動之影響 3,765 56 133,275 702,206 (268,436) 1,035,381 192,387 (455,295) (1,143,349) 303,496 539,524 358,562 Operating cash flows before working capital changes 營運資金變動前的經營 現金流量 Movements in working capital: 營運資金變動 (Increase) Decrease in trade receivables 貿易應收款項 增加 減少 Decrease (Increase) in other receivables, 其他應收款項 按金及預付 deposits and prepayments 款項減少 增加 (Increase) Decrease in contract assets 合約資產 增加 減少 Increase in trade and other payables 貿易及其他應付款項增加 (Decrease) Increase in contract liabilities 合約負債 減少 增加 (164,201) 23,196 Cash (used in) generated from operations 經營 所用 所得現金 (710,800) 1,967,546 (89,780) (276,993) (852) (800,580) 1,689,701 Income tax paid 已付所得稅 Interest paid 已付利息 Net cash (used in) generated from operating activities 經營活動 所用 所得現金淨額 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 9

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 簡明綜合現金流量表 For the six months ended 31 December 截至年12月31日止六個月 Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 Investing activities 2019 年 2019年 投資活動 Purchase of property, plant and equipment 購買物業 廠房及設備 (7,409) (13,359) Interest received 已收利息 43,328 179,564 35,919 166,205 Net cash generated from investing activities 投資活動所得現金淨額 Financing activities Interest paid on lease liabilities Repayment of lease liabilities 融資活動 已付租賃負債利息 償還租賃負債 Net cash used in financing activities 融資活動所用現金淨額 Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash 現金及現金等價物 減少 equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 增加淨額 the balance of cash held in foreign currencies (46,548) (39,799) (46,548) (804,460) 1,809,358 25,236,850 22,464,228 (1,126,530) (33,821) 23,305,860 24,239,765 期初現金及現金等價物 of the period Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on (1,072) (38,727) 匯率變動對以外幣持有的 現金結餘之影響 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period, 期末現金及現金等價物 represented by bank balances and cash (Note 14) 指銀行結餘及現金 附註14 See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements. 10 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021 參見隨附簡明綜合財務報表附註

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 1. GENERAL 1. 一般資料 HKE Holdings Limited (the Company ) was incorporated HKE Holdings Limited 本 公 司 於 and registered as an exempted company in the Cayman 2017 年 8 月 18 日 在 開 曼 群 島 註 冊 成 立 及 Islands with limited liability on 18 August 2017 and its 登記為獲豁免有限公司 其股份於香港 shares are listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange 聯合交易所有限公司主板上市 其註 of Hong Kong Limited. Its registered office is Windward 冊 辦 事 處 地 址 為 Windward 3, Regatta 3, Regatta Office Park, P.O. Box 1350, Grand Cayman Office Park, P.O. Box 1350, Grand KY1-1108, Cayman Islands. The Company was registered Cayman KY1-1108, Cayman Islands with the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong as a non- 本公司已於2017年10月13日根據公司條 Hong K ong c o m p a n y u n d e r P a rt 1 6 o f the Compa nies 例 香 港 法 例 第 622 章 公 司 條 例 第 Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the laws of Hong Kong) (the 16 部 向 香 港 公 司 註 冊 處 處 長 註 冊 為 非 香 Companies Ordinance ) on 13 October 2017. 港公司 The principal place of business is at Unit 2004, 20/F, K11 本公司主要營業地點為香港九龍尖沙咀 Atelier, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong 梳 士 巴 利 道 18 號 K11 Atelier 20 樓 2004 Kong. The Company is an investment holding company. 室 本公司為一家投資控股公司 本公 The Company and its subsidiaries (collectively, the 司及其附屬公司 統稱 本集團 的主要 Group ) are principally engaged in provision of integrated 業務為在醫療保健行業提供綜合設計及 design and building services in the medical and healthcare 建築服務 並具備進行輻射防護工程的 sectors with expertise in performing radiation shielding 專業知識 works. The functional currency of the Company is Hong Kong 本 公 司 的 功 能 貨 幣 為 港 元 港 元 而 dollars ( HK$ ) and the presentation currencies of the 本公司及其主要附屬公司的呈列貨幣為 Company and its principal subsidiaries are Singapore dollars ( ). The unaudited condensed consolidated financial 截至年12月31日止六個月的未經審 statements for the six months ended 31 December 核簡明綜合財務報表經本公司董事會於 were approved by the Board of the Company on 25 2021年2月25日批准 February 2021. HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 11

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 2. BASIS OF PRESENTATION OF UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. 未經審核綜合財務報表的呈列 基準 The unaudited condensed consolidated financial 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表乃根據國際 statements have been prepared in accordance with the 會 計 準 則 委 員 會 國 際 會 計 準 則 委 員 applicable International Financial Reporting Standards 會 頒 佈 之 適 用 國 際 財 務 報 告 準 則 國 ( IFRSs ) issued by the International Accounting Standards 際 財 務 報 告 準 則 編 製 此 外 未 經 審 Board (the IASB ). In addition, the unaudited condensed 核簡明綜合財務報表亦載有聯交所證券 consolidated financial statements include applicable 上 市 規 則 上 市 規 則 及 香 港 公 司 條 例 disclosures required by the Rules Governing the Listing of 所規定之適用披露事項 Securities on the Stock Exchange (the Listing Rules ) and by the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. Except as described below, the accounting policies and 除下文所述者外 截至年12月31日 methods of computation used in the unaudited condensed 止六個月之未經審核簡明綜合財務報表 consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 所採用的會計政策及計算方法與編製本 31 December are the same as those followed in the 集 團 截 至 年 6 月 30 日 止 年 度 之 年 度 preparation of the Group s annual financial statements for 財務報表所遵循者相同 the year ended 30 June. The IASB has issued the following new and amendments 國際會計準則委員會已頒佈以下新訂國 to IFRSs that are first effective for the current accounting 際財務報告準則及其修訂本 其於本集 period of the Group and the Company. 團及本公司之本會計期間首次生效 Amendments to Definition of Material IAS 1 and IAS 8 Amendments to IFRS 3 國際會計準則第1號及國際 重大的定義 會計準則第8號修訂本 Definition of a Business 國際財務報告準則第3號 業務的定義 修訂本 Framework Amendments to References to the Conceptual 框架 Framework in IFRS Standards Amendments to IFRS 9, Interest Rate Benchmark Reform IAS 39 and IFRS 7 提述國際財務報告準則 概念框架之修訂 國際財務報告準則第9號丶 利率基準改革 國際會計準則第39號及國際 財務報告準則第7號修訂本 Amendments to IFRS 16 Covid-19-Related Rent Concessions 國際財務報告準則第16號 修訂本 12 與COVID-19相關的 租金減免 The directors of the Company anticipate that the application of all other new and amendments to IFRSs 本公司董事預計 應用所有其他新訂國 will have no material impact on the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the period. 內未經審核簡明綜合財務報表造成重大 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021 際財務報告準則及其修訂本將不會對期 影響

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 3. REVENUE AND SEGMENT INFORMATION 3. 收益及分部資料 Revenue represents the fair value of amounts received 收 益 指 就 (i) 向 外 部 客 戶 提 供 服 務 包 括 and receivable from (i) provision of services including 就建築設計及規格進行制定及諮詢 進 preparation and consultation on building design and 行建築工程 主要包括輻射防護工程 機 sp ec i f i c at i o n s, p e rf o rm a n ce o f b u i l d ing works ( ma inly 電 工 程 及 裝 修 工 程 及 就 建 築 工 程 協 助 including radiation shielding works, M&E works and fitting- 獲 取 法 定 批 准 及 認 證 綜 合 設 計 及 建 築 out works) and assisting to obtain statutory approvals and 服 務 (ii) 提 供 維 護 服 務 一 般 包 括 對 certifications for the building works ( Integrated design 輻射防護工程及機電工程進行檢查 零 and building services ) to external customers, (ii) provision 部 件 替 換 及 維 修 工 程 如 需 要 而 提 供 of maintenance services generally comprise conducting 其他配套服務一般包括小型改造及安裝 examinations, replacement of parts and repair works (if 工程 舊醫療設備拆卸及處理 建築廢 necessary) in relation to the radiation shielding works 料清除及建築工程完工後的工地清理等 and mechanical & electronical works, and provision of 維 護 及 其 他 服 務 及 (iii) 工 具 及 材 料 other ancillary services generally include minor renovation 如輻射防護製品 標誌牌 鉛板及鉛玻 and installation works, dismantling and disposal of 璃 銷售 工具及材料銷售 已收及應收 used medical equipment, removal of construction waste 款項的公平值 materials, and cleaning of the work sites upon completion of building works, etc. ( Maintenance and other services ) and (iii) sales of tools and materials (such as fabricated radiation shielding products, signage boards, lead sheet and lead glass) ( Sales of tools and materials ). Information is reported to the shareholder, being the 本 集 團 向 股 東 即 主 要 營 運 決 策 者 主 chief operating decision maker ( CODM ) of the Group, 要 營 運 決 策 者 報 告 資 料 以 分 配 資 源 for the purposes of resource allocation and performance 及評估表現 主要營運決策者按服務性 assessment. The CODM reviews revenue by nature of 質 即 綜合設計及建築服務 維護及 services, i.e. Integrated design and building services, 其他服務 及 工具及材料銷售 審閱收 Maintenance and other services and Sales of tools 益 概無定期向主要營運決策者提供本 and materials. No other analysis of the Group s results 集團的業績或資產及負債的其他分析以 nor assets and liabilities is regularly provided to the 供審閱 而主要營運決策者審閱本集團 CODM for review and the CODM reviews the overall 整體的全面業績及財務表現 因此 主 results and financial performance of the Group as a whole. 要營運決策者已確認一個經營分部 僅 Accordingly, the CODM has identified one operating 按照國際財務報告準則第8號經營分部呈 segment. Only entity-wide disclosures on services, major 列實體層面的服務 主要客戶及地區資 customers and geographical information are presented in 料的披露 accordance with IFRS 8 Operating Segments. HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 13

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 3. REVENUE AND SEGMENT INFORMATION (Continued) 3. 收益及分部資料 續 An analysis of the Group s revenue for the six months 本集團於截至年12月31日止六個月 ended 31 December is as follows: 的收益分析如下 Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 Revenue from: 2019 年 2019年 來自以下各項的收益 Integrated design and building services 綜合設計及建築服務 over the time Maintenance and other services at a point in time Sales of tools and materials at a point in time 4,316,019 4,467,292 在某一時間點確認 186,291 158,134 2,739 4,505,049 4,625,426 工具及材料銷售 在某一時間點確認 Segment revenue reported above represents revenue 上文所呈列之分部收益指來自外部客戶 generated from external customers. There were no inter- 之收益 報告期內並無分部間銷售 segment sales for the reporting period. 14 隨時間確認 維護及其他服務 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 3. REVENUE AND SEGMENT INFORMATION (Continued) 3. 收益及分部資料 續 Major customers 主要客戶 The revenue from customers individually contributed over 截至年12月31日止期間 來自個別 10% of total revenue of the Group during the period ended 佔 本 集 團 收 益 總 額 超 過 10% 的 客 戶 的 收 31 December are as follows: 益如下 Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 2019 年 2019年 1,051,047 Customer A 客戶A Customer B 客戶B 721,965 Customer C 客戶C 202,895* 1,976,867 Customer D 客戶D 864,550 Customer E 客戶E 490,446 * The corresponding revenue did not contribute over 10% of the total revenue of the Group for the reporting period. * 相關收益於報告期間佔本集團收益總額不 超過10% Geographical information 地區資料 The Group principally operates in Singapore. Revenue 本集團主要於新加坡經營業務 截至 derived from Singapore represents 100% of total revenue 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 根 據 所 提 for the six months ended 31 December (2019: 100%) 供產品及服務以及本集團的物業 廠房 based on the location of products, services delivered and 及 設 備 的 所 在 地 均 位 於 新 加 坡 源 自 the Group s property, plant and equipment which are all 新 加 坡 的 收 益 佔 收 益 總 額 的 100% 2019 located in Singapore. 年 100% HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 15

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 4. OTHER INCOME 4. 其他收入 Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 年 Government grants (Note) Interest income Others 5. 政府補助 附註 利息收入 其他 2019 2019年 199,547 43,328 26,888 2,513 179,564 35,390 269,763 217,467 Note: 附註 Government grants mainly include the Wage Credit Scheme, the Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme and the Workforce Training Scheme, all of them are compensation for expenses or losses already incurred or for the purpose of giving immediate financial support to the Group with no future related costs. Government grants in mainly also include COVID-19-related support by the Singapore government to help companies tide through this period of economic uncertainty, such as the Foreign Worker Levy rebates and the Job Support Scheme totalling to 188,450. 政府補助主要包括加薪補貼計劃 生產力與創新 優惠計劃及就業培訓計劃 所有該等補助均為對 已產生開支或虧損的補償或以給予本集團即時財 政支持為目的 而不會產生未來相關成本 年的政府補助主要亦包括新加坡政府為協助公司 渡 過 此 經 濟 不 穩 的 期 間 而 推 出 有 關 COVID-19 的 支援 例如外籍工人徵費回扣及僱傭補貼計劃合 共188,450 All government grants are compensation for expenses or losses already incurred or for the purpose of giving immediate financial support to the Group with no future related costs. 所有政府補助均為對已產生開支或虧損的補償或 以給予本集團即時財政支持為目的 而不會產生 未來相關成本 OTHER LOSSES 5. 其他虧損 Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 年 Foreign exchange losses, net 16 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021 外匯虧損淨額 3,765 2019 2019年 59,834

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 6. PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 除稅前溢利 6. Profit before taxation has been arrived at after charging: 除稅前溢利經扣除以下各項後達致 Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 年 Finance costs Interest on lease liabilities Depreciation for Recognised Depreciation for equipment Recognised Recognised expenses 財務費用 租賃負債之利息 right-of-use assets 使用權資產折舊 as cost of services/sales 確認為服務 銷售成本 property, plant and 物業 廠房及設備折舊 as cost of services/sales as administrative 確認為服務 銷售成本 確認為行政開支 Expense relating to variable lease Expense relating to short-term leases 可變租賃之費用 短期租賃之費用 Annual audit fees paid to auditors of the Company 支付予本公司核數師的年度 核數費用 Directors remuneration Other staff costs Salaries and other benefits Contributions to retirement benefit scheme 董事薪酬 其他員工成本 薪金及其他福利 退休福利計劃供款 Total staff costs 員工成本總額 Cost of materials recognised as cost of services/sales Subcontractor costs recognised as cost of services/sales 確認為服務 銷售成本之 材料成本 確認為服務 銷售成本之 分包商成本 2019 2019年 1,072 852 38,002 46,871 34,481 34,551 16,678 15,262 51,159 49,813 4,200 18,000 94,466 65,219 159,123 183,794 1,198,059 879,058 77,859 65,073 1,435,041 1,127,925 457,695 524,479 2,119,243 1,397,476 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 17

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 7. INCOME TAX EXPENSE 7. 所得稅開支 Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 Tax expense comprises: 稅項開支包括 Current tax 即期稅項 Singapore corporate income tax 8. 2019 年 2019年 51,376 新加坡企業所得稅 92,679 Singapore CIT is calculated at 17% (2019: 17%) of the 新加坡企業所得稅按估計應課稅溢利的 estimated assessable profit. Singapore incorporated 17% 計 算 2019 年 17% 於 新 加 坡 註 companies can also enjoy 75% tax exemption on the first 冊 成 立 的 公 司 應 課 稅 收 入 首 10,000 新 加 10,000 of chargeable income for Years of Assessment 坡 元 的 75% 於 2021 年 及 年 評 稅 年 度 2021 and and a further 50% tax exemption on the next 亦可豁免繳稅 其後190,000的 190,000 of chargeable income for Years of Assessment 50% 分 別 可 於 2021 年 及 年 評 稅 年 度 2021 and respectively. 進一步豁免繳稅 DIVIDENDS 8. 股息 The Board does not recommend the payment of an interim 董事會不建議派付截至年12月31日 dividend for the six months ended 31 December 止六個月之中期股息 2019年 無 (2019: Nil). 18 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 9. EARNINGS PER SHARE 每股盈利 9. The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share 本公司擁有人應佔每股基本及攤薄盈利 attributable to the owners of the Company is based on the 乃根據以下數據計算 following data: Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 Profit attributable to the owners of the Company () Weighted average number of ordinary 年 2019年 本公司擁有人應佔溢利 31,229 691,499 800,000,000 800,000,000 已發行普通股加權平均數 shares in issue Basic and diluted earnings per share 2019 每股基本及攤薄盈利 0.004 cents 0.086 cents 0.004新加坡分 0.086新加坡分 Diluted earnings per share is the same as the basic earnings 截 至 年 及 2019 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 per share because the Group has no dilutive securities that 月 每股攤薄盈利與每股基本盈利相 are convertible into shares during the six months ended 31 同 乃由於本集團並無可轉換為股份之 December and 2019. 攤薄證券 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 19

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 10. 物業 廠房及設備 10. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Computers Plant and Leasehold and office Machinery properties equipment Cost At 1 July 2019 Additions Disposals Total 汽車 傢俬及裝置 總計 Motor vehicles 廠房及機械 租賃物業 電腦及 辦公設備 60,335 2,195 631,290 125,534 14,988 62 390,855 42,287 4,000 51 1,250,301 21,183 113 At 30 June (audited) Additions Exchange realignment 於年6月30日 經審核 添置 匯率調整 62,530 1,629 631,290 140,584 5,780 (244) 390,855 46,338 1,271,597 7,409 (198) (443) At 31 December (unaudited) 於年12月31日 64,159 631,290 146,120 390,855 46,140 1,278,564 49,529 3,641 161,720 11,691 83,557 16,536 7 193,073 65,543 33,699 3,482 5 521,578 100,893 12 Accumulated depreciation At 1 July 2019 Charge for the year Elimination on disposals 累計折舊 於2019年7月1日 年內開支 於出售時對銷 At 30 June (audited) Charge for the period Exchange realignment 於年6月30日 經審核 期內開支 匯率調整 53,170 1,710 173,411 5,845 100,100 8,887 (39) 258,616 32,771 37,186 1,946 (28) 622,483 51,159 (68) At 31 December (unaudited) 於年12月31日 54,880 179,256 108,948 291,387 39,104 673,575 9,360 457,879 40,484 132,239 9,152 649,114 9,279 452,034 37,172 99,468 7,036 604,989 Carrying values At 30 June (audited) At 31 December (unaudited) 20 成本 於2019年7月1日 添置 出售 Furniture and fittings 賬面值 於年6月30日 經審核 於年12月31日 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 11. 貿易應收款項 11. TRADE RECEIVABLES Trade receivables 貿易應收款項 31 December 30 June 年 年 12月31日 6月30日 (Audited) 經審核 1,961,559 1,693,123 The Group grants credit terms to customers typically for 30, 本集團就貿易應收款項授予客戶的信貸 60 or 90 days from the invoice date for trade receivables. 期 通 常 為 發 票 日 期 起 計 30 天 60 天 或 90 天 The table below is an analysis of trade receivables by age 下表為於各報告期末根據發票日期呈列 presented based on the invoice date at the end of each 的貿易應收款項之賬齡分析 reporting period: 貿易應收款項之分析 Analysis of trade receivables: 31 December 30 June 年 年 12月31日 6月30日 (Audited) 經審核 Within 30 days 30天內 334,427 260,308 31 days to 60 days 31天至60天 270,006 6,495 61 days to 90 days 61天至90天 697,292 1,057,126 91 days to 180 days 91天至180天 379,192 2,365 Over 180 days 180天以上 280,642 366,829 1,961,559 1,693,123 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 21

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 12. OTHER RECEIVABLES, DEPOSITS AND PREPAYMENTS Deposits 22 按金 12. 其 他 應 收 款 項 按 金 及 預 付 款項 31 December 30 June 年 年 12月31日 6月30日 (Audited) 經審核 103,089 115,231 Prepayments 預付款項 23,039 40,950 Advances to staff 員工墊款 12,690 8,500 Grant receivables 應收補貼 Sundry receivables 其他應收款項 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021 114,920 11,802 63,406 150,620 343,007

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 13. CONTRACT ASSETS/CONTRACT LIABILITIES 13. 合約資產 合約負債 Contract assets construction contracts 合約資產 建築合約 Retention receivables (Note) Contract liabilities construction 31 December 30 June 年 年 12月31日 6月30日 (Audited) 經審核 3,459,721 2,273,220 109,273 152,425 3,568,994 2,425,645 (527,462) (691,663) 應收質保金 附註 合約負債 建築合約 contracts Analysed for reporting purposes as: 就呈報用途而作出之分析如下 Contract assets 合約資產 3,568,994 2,425,645 Contract liabilities 合約負債 (527,462) (691,663) 3,041,532 1,733,982 Note: Retention monies withheld by customers of construction works are 附註 建 築 工 程 客 戶 扣 留 的 質 保 金 在 相 關 合 約 的 released after the completion of warranty period of the relevant 保修期 通常為自完成日期起計12個月 結 contracts, which is usually 12 months from the completion date, and 束後解除 並分類為流動 原因為預期質 are classified as current as they are expected to be received within 保 金 將 於 本 集 團 一 般 營 運 週 期 約 12個 月 內 the Group s normal operating cycle of approximately 12 months. 收回 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 23

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 14. 銀行結餘及現金 14. BANK BALANCES AND CASH Bank balances and cash 銀行結餘及現金 Fixed Deposit 定期存款 Cash and cash equivalents in the 現金流量表中的現金及 statement of cash flows 24 現金等價物 31 December 30 June 年 年 12月31日 6月30日 (Audited) 經審核 4,538,174 4,327,289 18,767,686 20,909,561 23,305,860 25,236,850 As at 31 December, the Group has a Hong Kong 於年12月31日 本集團有一筆港元 Dollar time deposit with maturity of three months, carrying 定期存款 為數18,767,686 三 interest at 0.42% per annum, amounting to 18,767,686 (30 個 月 到 期 及 按 年 利 率 0.42% 計 息 June : 20,909,561). 年6月30日 20,909,561 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 15. 貿易及其他應付款項 15. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES 31 December 30 June 年 年 12月31日 6月30日 (Audited) 經審核 Trade payables 貿易應付款項 959,857 495,912 Trade accruals 貿易應計費用 165,233 492 1,125,090 496,404 132,240 264,300 23,373 91,842 187,202 76,295 90,900 90,900 494 34 434,209 523,371 1,559,299 1,019,775 Accrued operating expenses 應計營運開支 Other payables 其他應付款項 GST payable 應付貨品及服務稅 Payroll and retirement benefits 應付工資及退休福利 scheme payable 計劃供款 Deferred grant income 遞延補助收入 Others 其他 The credit period on purchases from suppliers and 從 供 應 商 及 分 包 商 的 採 購 之 信 貸 期 為 14 subcontractors is between 14 and 90 days or payable upon 至90天或於交付及提供服務時支付 delivery and rendering of services. HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 25

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 15. 貿易及其他應付款項 續 15. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES (Continued) The following is an aged analysis of trade payables presented based on the invoice date at the end of each reporting period: Within 90 days 91 days to 180 days 以下為於各報告期末根據發票日期呈列 的貿易應付款項的賬齡分析 31 December 30 June 年 12月31日 年 6月30日 (Audited) 經審核 90天內 91天至180天 642,135 317,722 416,065 79,847 959,857 495,912 16. 股本 16. SHARE CAPITAL Movement of the authorised and issued share capital of the Company are as follows: 本公司法定及已發行股本之變動如下 31 December 30 June 年12月31日 年6月30日 No. of shares HK$ Equivalent to 股份數目 港元 等值 No. of shares HK$ Equivalent to 股份數目 港元 等值 (Audited) Authorised: At beginning of period and end of period 法定 於期初及期末 Issued and fully paid ordinary shares: 已發行及繳足 普通股 於期初及期末 At beginning of period and end of period 26 經審核 1,500,000,000 15,000,000 1,500,000,000 15,000,000 800,000,000 8,000,000 1,335,760 800,000,000 8,000,000 1,335,760 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 簡明綜合財務報表附註 17. 股份溢價 17. SHARE PREMIUM The amounts of the Group s share premium and the 本集團截至年12月31日止六個月之 movements therein during the six months ended 31 股份溢價金額及其變動於綜合權益變動 December are presented in the consolidated 表呈列 statement of changes in equity. Share premium represents the excess of consideration for 股份溢價指已發行股份代價超出總面值 the shares issued over the aggregate par value. 的部分 18. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS 18. 關聯方交易 Compensation of key management personnel 主要管理人員薪酬 The remuneration of directors and other members of key 年內董事及主要管理層其他成員之薪酬 management during the year were as follows: 如下 Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 Short term benefits 短期福利 Post-employment benefits 離職後福利 Total compensation 薪酬總額 19. APPROVAL OF THE INTERIM RESULTS 2019 年 2019年 397,432 249,714 18,085 13,289 415,517 263,003 19. 批准中期業績 The unaudited consolidated interim financial statements 截至年12月31日止六個月之未經審 for the six months ended 31 December were approved 核 綜 合 中 期 財 務 報 表 於 2021 年 2 月 25 日 and authorised for issue by the board of Directors on 25 經董事會批准並授權刊發 February 2021. HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 27

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層討論與分析 BUSINESS REVIEW AND OUTLOOK 業務回顧及前景 The Group is a Singapore-based contractor specialised in the 本集團是一家以新加坡為基地的醫療保健行業 medical and healthcare sectors with expertise in performing 專業承建商 具備進行輻射防護工程的專業知 radiation shielding works. The Group mainly provides integrated 識 本集團主要為新加坡的醫院及診所提供綜 design and building services for hospitals and clinics in 合設計及建築服務 次要業務方面 本集團亦 Singapore. To a lesser extent, the Group is also engaged in 從事提供維護及其他服務 以及工具及材料銷 providing maintenance and other services, as well as sales of 售 tools and materials. For the six months ended 31 December, the revenue of 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 本 集 團 收 益 the Group was approximately 4.5 million, representing a 約為 4.5百萬 新加坡 元 較 截至2019年 12 月31 decrease of approximately 0.1 million, or 2.6%, as compared 日 止 六 個 月 約 4.6 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 下 跌 約 0.1 百 to approximately 4.6 million for the six months ended 31 萬 新 加 坡 元 或 2.6% 為 應 對 新 型 冠 狀 病 毒 爆 December 2019. To tackle the novel coronavirus outbreak, the 發 新 加 坡 政 府 實 行 阻 斷 措 施 由 年 4 月 Singapore Government had imposed circuit breaker measures 7日至年6月1日 阻斷期 暫停非必要行 under which non-essential businesses were suspended from 業營業 緊隨阻斷期後 本集團能重啟大部分 7 April to 1 June (the Circuit Breaker Period ). 項目 因此 收益減少並不重大 Our group was able to recommence most of our projects immediately after the Circuit Breaker Period, therefore the decrease of revenue was insignificant. In Singapore, the transformation journey for healthcare is to 在新加坡 醫療健康的轉型過程乃為了確立一 ensure that a good and sustainable system is in place. The trend 個良好且可持續的系統 隨著新加坡的人口老 of increasing demand for health and aged care services will 化 對醫療及養老服務需求的增長趨勢將繼 continue as Singapore s population ages. Higher development 續上升 由於兀蘭醫療園區 新加坡綜合醫 expenditure in FY is budgeted as higher cashflows required 院 (SGH) 急 診 醫 學 大 樓 及 SGH Elective Care for major projects such as Woodlands Health Campus, Singapore Centre 等 重 點 項 目 需 要 更 高 的 現 金 流 因 此 General Hospital (SGH) Emergency Medicine Building and SGH 財政年度有更多的相關發展支出納入財政 Elective Care Centre. New clean rooms and radiology-related 預算 新醫療設施通常需要新無塵室及放射相 facilities are generally required in the new healthcare facilities. 關設備 因此 董事認為新加坡政府增加醫療 The Directors are therefore of the opinion that the Singapore 相關設施供應的計劃將推動對醫療相關輻射防 Government s initiative to increase the medical-related facilities 護工程的需求 will, therefore, drive the demand for medical-related radiation shielding works. 28 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層討論與分析 FINANCIAL REVIEW 財務回顧 Revenue 收益 The Group s principal operating activities are as follows: (i) 本集團的主要經營業務如下 (i)綜合設計及建 integrated design and building services; (ii) maintenance and 築 服 務 (ii) 維 護 及 其 他 服 務 及 (iii) 工 具 及 材 other services; and (iii) sales of tools and materials. 料銷售 The table below sets forth the Group s revenue by business 下表載列按業務分部劃分之本集團收益 segment: Six months ended 31 December 截至12月31日止六個月 2019 年 2019年 Revenue from: 來自以下各項之收益 Integrated design and building services 綜合設計及建築服務 4,316,019 4,467,292 Maintenance and other services 維護及其他服務 186,291 158,134 Sales of tools and materials 工具及材料銷售 2,739 4,505,049 4,625,426 The Group s revenue for the six months ended 31 December 本 集 團 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 之 收 益 was approximately 4.5 million, representing a decrease 約為4.5百萬 較截至2019 年12月31 of approximately 0.1 million, or 2.6%, as compared to revenue 日止六個月約4.6百萬下跌約0.1百萬 of approximately 4.6 million for the six months ended 31 新 加 坡 元 或 2.6% 緊 隨 阻 斷 期 後 本 集 團 能 December 2019. Our group was able to recommence most of our 重啟大部分項目 因此 收益減少並不重大 projects immediately after the Circuit Breaker Period, therefore the decrease of revenue was insignificant. Revenue deriving from integrated design and building services 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 綜 合 設 計 及 was approximately 4.3 million for the six months ended 31 建 築 服 務 之 收 益 約 為 4.3 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 較 截 December, representing a decrease of approximately 0.2 至2019年12月31日止六個月約4.5 百萬新加坡 million, or 3.4%, as compared to approximately 4.5 million for 元下跌約0.2百萬或3.4% the six months ended 31 December 2019. HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 29

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層討論與分析 FINANCIAL REVIEW (Continued) 財務回顧 續 Gross Profit and Gross Margin 毛利及毛利率 The Group s gross profit was approximately 0.7 million for 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 本 集 團 之 毛 the six months ended 31 December (six months ended 31 利 約 為 0.7 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 截 至 2019 年 12 月 31 December 2019: approximately 1.5 million), with gross profit 日 止 六 個 月 約 1.5 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 而 毛 利 margin of approximately 15.3% (six months ended 31 December 率 則 約 為 15.3% 截 至 2019 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 2019: 32.6%). The additional running costs incurred after the 月 32.6% 於阻斷期後產生的額外運營成本 Circuit Breaker Period reduces the gross margin of the projects. 降低項目的毛利率 Other Income 其他收入 For the six months ended 31 December, the Group s other 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 本 集 團 其 他 income was approximately 0.3 million, or 6.0% of revenue for 收 入 約 為 0.3 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 或 佔 截 至 年 12 the six months ended 31 December (six months ended 31 月31日止六個月收益之6.0% 截至2019年12月 December 2019: approximately 0.2 million, or 4.7% of revenue 31 日 止 六 個 月 約 0.2 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 或 佔 截 至 for the six months ended 31 December 2019). 2019年12月31日止六個月收益之4.7% Administrative Expenses 行政開支 For the six months ended 31 December, the Group s 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 本 集 團 的 行 administrative expenses remained stable at approximately 政 開 支 維 持 穩 定 於 約 0.9 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 或 佔 截 0.9 million, or 19.3% of revenue for the six months ended 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 收 益 之 19.3% 31 December, compared with the Group s administrative 而 截 至 2019 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 的 行 政 開 支 expenses for the six moths ended 31 December 2019, which 則約0.9百萬或佔截至2019 年12月31 was approximately 0.9 million, or 19.1% of revenue for the six 日止六個月收益之19.1% months ended 31 December 2019. Profit for the period 期內溢利 As a c om b i ned e f f e ct o f th e a b o v e, d u ri ng the six months 由 於 上 文 所 述 之 合 併 影 響 於 截 至 年 12 ended 31 December, the Group recorded a profit of 月31日止六個月 本集團錄得溢利約0.03百萬 approximately 0.03 million, as compared to a profit of 新 加 坡 元 而 截 至 2019 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 approximately 0.7 million for the six months ended 31 之溢利則為約0.7百萬 December 2019. 30 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層討論與分析 FINANCIAL REVIEW (Continued) 財務回顧 續 Interim Dividend 中期股息 The Board does not recommend a payment of an interim dividend in the six months ended 31 December (six months ended 31 December 2019: Nil). 董 事 會 不 建 議 派 付 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 Liquidity and Financial Resources 流動資金及財務資源 Shareholders funds 股東資金 Total shareholders funds amounted to approximately 27.4 million as at 31 December, as compared to approximately 28.5 million as at 30 June. 於 年 12 月 31 日 股 東 資 金 總 額 約 為 27.4 Financial position 財務狀況 As at 31 December, the Group had current assets of approximately 29.0 million (30 June : 29.7 million) comprising cash and cash equivalents of approximately 23.3 million (30 June : 25.2 million), and current liabilities of 2.2 million (30 June : 1.9 million). The Group s current ratio (defined as current assets divided by current liabilities) as at 31 December was 13.2 (30 June : 15.7). 於 年 12 月 31 日 本 集 團 之 流 動 資 產 約 為 個月之中期股息 截至2019年12月31日止六個 月 無 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 而 於 年 6 月 30 日 則 為 約 28.5百萬 29.0百萬 年6月30日 29.7百萬 新 加 坡 元 包 括 現 金 及 現 金 等 價 物 約 23.3 百 萬 年6月30日 25.2百萬新加坡 元 而 流 動 負 債 為 2.2 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 年 6月30日 1.9百萬 於年12月 31 日 本 集 團 之 流 動 比 率 定 義 為 流 動 資 產 除 以流動負債 為13.2 年6月30日 15.7 The Group s gearing ratio, expressed as a percentage of interest-bearing liabilities to total assets, was at 0.0% as at 31 December (30 June : 0.0%). 於 年 12 月 31 日 本 集 團 之 資 產 負 債 比 Cash and cash equivalents 現金及現金等價物 As at 31 December, the Group had cash and cash equivalents of approximately 23.3 million (30 June : 25.2 million), most of which were denominated in Hong Kong dollar. 於 年 12 月 31 日 本 集 團 之 現 金 及 現 金 等 Capital Structure 資本架構 The shares of the Company were successfully listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Stock Exchange ) on 18 April 2018 (the Listing Date ) and there has been no change in capital structure of the Group since then. 率 以 計 息 負 債 佔 資 產 總 值 之 百 分 比 列 示 為 0.0% 年6月30日 0.0% 價物約為23.3百萬 年6月30日 25.2百萬 大部分以港元計值 本公司股份於2018年4月18日 上市日期 在 香港聯合交易所有限公司 聯交所 主板成功 上市 自此本集團之資本架構概無變動 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 31

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層討論與分析 FINANCIAL REVIEW (Continued) 財務回顧 續 Treasury Policy 庫務政策 The Group has adopted a prudent financial management 本集團已就其庫務政策採取審慎的財務管理方 approach towards its treasury policy and thus maintained a 針 故 於 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 均 維 healthy financial position throughout the six months ended 持穩健的財務狀況 董事會密切監察本集團的 31 December. The Board closely monitors the Group s 流動資金狀況 以確保本集團的資產 負債及 liquidity position to ensure that the liquidity structure of the 其他承擔的流動資金結構能一直滿足其資金需 Group s assets, liabilities, and other commitments can meet its 求 funding requirements all the time. Pledge of Assets 資產質押 As at 31 December, the Group had no pledged bank 於 年 12 月 31 日 本 集 團 概 無 任 何 已 抵 押 deposit (30 June : Nil). 銀行存款 年6月30日 無 Foreign Exchange Risk 外匯風險 The Group transacts mainly in Singapore dollars, which is 本集團的交易主要以計值 而新加坡 the functional currency of the Group s principal operating 元為本集團主要營運附屬公司的功能貨幣 然 subsidiaries. However, the Group mainly retains proceeds from 而 本集團主要保留以港元計值的上市所得款 the Listing in Hong Kong dollars that are exposed to foreign 項 有關款項面臨外幣匯率風險 exchange rate risks. Significant Investment, Material Acquisitions and Disposal of Subsidiaries and Associated Companies 重大投資以及有關附屬公司及聯營公司的 重大收購及出售事項 There were no significant investments held, material acquisitions 於 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 本 集 團 並 or disposals of subsidiaries and affiliated companies by the 無持有重大投資 亦無有關附屬公司及聯屬公 Group during the six months ended 31 December. 司的重大收購或出售事項 Future Plans for Material Investments or Capital Assets 有關重大投資或資本資產的未來計劃 Save as disclosed under the section headed Use of Net 除本報告 上市所得款項淨額用途 一節所披露 Proceeds from the Listing in this report, the Group did not have 者 外 於 年 12 月 31 日 本 集 團 並 無 有 關 other future plans for material investments or capital assets as at 重大投資或資本資產的其他未來計劃 31 December. 32 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層討論與分析 FINANCIAL REVIEW (Continued) 財務回顧 續 Employees and Remuneration Policy 僱員及薪酬政策 As at 31 December, the Group employed a total of 50 full-time employees (including two executive Directors), as compared to the 43 full-time employees as at 31 December 2019. Total staff costs in the six months ended 31 December amounted to approximately 1.4 million (six months ended 31 December 2019: approximately 1.1 million), which included Directors emoluments, salaries, wages and other staff benefits, contributions and retirement schemes. In order to attract and retain valuable employees, the performance of the Group s employees are annually reviewed. The Group provides adequate job training to the employees to equip them with practical knowledge and skills. Apart from central provident fund and job training programs, salaries increment and discretionary bonuses may be awarded to employees according to the assessment of individual performance and market situation. The emoluments of the Directors have been reviewed by the remuneration committee of the Company, having regard to the Company s operating results, market competitiveness, individual performance and achievement, and approved by the Board. 於 年 12 月 31 日 本 集 團 共 僱 有 50 名 全 職 僱 員 包 括 兩 名 執 行 董 事 而 於 2019 年 12 月 31 日 則 有 43 名 全 職 僱 員 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 的 員 工 成 本 總 額 為 約 1.4 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 截 至 2019 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 約 1.1 百 萬 新 加 坡 元 當 中 包 括 董 事 薪 酬 薪 金 工資及其他員工福利 供款及退休計劃 為吸 引及挽留有價值的僱員 本集團僱員的表現會 每年進行檢討 本集團向僱員提供充分的工作 培訓 使彼等具備實踐性知識及技能 除中央 公積金及在職培訓計劃外 本集團可能會根據 個人表現評估及市況向僱員進行加薪及授予酌 情花紅 本公司薪酬委員會檢討董事酬金時已 計及本公司的經營業績 市場競爭力 個人表 現及績效 並經董事會批准 Capital Commitments and Contingent Liabilities 資本承擔及或然負債 As at 31 December, the Group has not provided guarantee to any customer (30 June : Nil). 於 年 12 月 31 日 本 集 團 概 無 向 任 何 客 戶 提供擔保 年6月30日 無 As at 31 December, the Group had no material capital commitments (30 June : Nil). 於 年 12 月 31 日 本 集 團 並 無 重 大 資 本 承 擔 年6月30日 無 Use of Net Proceeds from the Listing 上市所得款項淨額用途 T he net p r oc ee d s f ro m th e L i s ti n g, a f te r deducting listing expenses (including underwriting fee), and other expenses arising from the Listing ( Net Proceeds ) were approximately HK$74.0 million. The Group intends to apply the Net Proceeds in accordance with the proposed applications set out in the section headed Future Plans and Use of Proceeds to the prospectus of the Company dated 28 March 2018 (the Prospectus ). As stated in the Prospectus, the Company intended to apply the Net Proceeds for: (i) acquisition of additional property for workshop and office use; (ii) strengthening our manpower by recruiting additional staff; (iii) increasing our reserve for financing the issue of performance guarantees in favour of our customers; (iv) financing the acquisition of additional motor vehicles and additional machinery; (v) increasing our marketing efforts; and (vi) use as general working capital. 上 市 所 得 款 項 淨 額 所 得 款 項 淨 額 經 扣 除 上市開支 包括包銷費 及因上市而產生的其他 開 支 為 約 74.0 百 萬 港 元 本 集 團 擬 根 據 本 公 司日期為2018年3月28日之招股章程 招股章 程 未 來 計 劃 及 所 得 款 項 用 途 一 節 所 載 的 擬定用途動用所得款項淨額 誠如招股章程所 載 本公司擬將所得款項淨額 (i)用於購置作 工場及辦公室用途的額外物業 (ii)用於通過招 募 更 多 員 工 擴 充 人 力 (iii) 用 於 增 加 我 們 就 出 具以我們的客戶為受益人的履約保函提供資金 的 儲 備 金 (iv) 為 購 置 額 外 汽 車 及 額 外 機 械 撥 資 (v) 用 於 加 大 市 場 推 廣 力 度 及 (vi) 用 作 一 般營運資金 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 33

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層討論與分析 FINANCIAL REVIEW (Continued) 財務回顧 續 Use of Net Proceeds from the Listing (Continued) 上市所得款項淨額用途 續 The Net Proceeds applied by the Group during the period from 於 上 市 日 期 直 至 年 12 月 31 日 期 間 本 集 the Listing Date up to 31 December are as follows: 團已按以下方式動用所得款項淨額 Actual use of Net Proceeds from the Unutilised Expected date of Listing Date to balance up to full utilisation of Net Proceeds 31 December 31 December Net Proceeds Planned use of Use of Net Proceeds: 自上市日期至 所得款項淨額用途 Acquisition of additional property for workshop and office use (Note 1) 購置作工場及辦公室用途的 年12月31日 截至 悉數動用 所得款項 的所得款項 年12月31日 所得款項淨額之 淨額計劃用途 淨額實際用途 之未動用結餘 預計日期 HK$ 000 HK$ 000 HK$ 000 千港元 千港元 千港元 34,000 34,000 on or before 30 June 2021 額外物業 附註1 於2021年6月30日或之前 Recruiting additional staff 招募更多員工 21,500 7,287 14,213 on or before 30 June 2021 Issue of performance guarantees 出具履約保函 4,800 144 4,656 on or before 30 June 2021 Acquisition of additional motor vehicles and 購置額外汽車及機器 5,100 850 4,250 on or before 30 June 2021 Increasing our marketing efforts 加大市場推廣力度 2,300 1,315 985 on or before 30 June 2021 Use as general working capital 用作一般營運資金 6,300 6,300 on or before 30 June 2021 於2021年6月30日或之前 於2021年6月30日或之前 machinery 於2021年6月30日或之前 於2021年6月30日或之前 於2021年6月30日或之前 Note 1: As at 31 December, the Directors were considering quotations 附註1 於年12月31日 董事已考慮若干物業代理 from a few property agents in deciding the best location and price 的報價 以決定購置新物業的最佳地點及價格 for the acquisition of the new property. 34 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

OTHER INFORMATION 其他資料 DIRECTORS AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE S INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS IN THE SHARES, UNDERLYING SHARES AND DEBENTURES OF THE COMPANY AND ITS ASSOCIATED CORPORATIONS 董事及最高行政人員於本公司及 其相聯法團的股份 相關股份及 債權證的權益及淡倉 As at 31 December, the interests and short positions 於 年 12 月 31 日 董 事 及 本 公 司 最 高 行 政 of the Directors and chief executive of the Company in the 人 員 於 本 公 司 或 其 相 聯 法 團 定 義 見 證 券 及 期 shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company 貨條例 證券及期貨條例 第XV部 的股份 or its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV 相關股份及債權證中 擁有根據證券及期貨條 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance ( SFO )) which were 例 第 XV 部 第 7 及 第 8 分 部 已 知 會 本 公 司 及 聯 交 notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to 所 的 權 益 及 淡 倉 包 括 根 據 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 的 Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests and 有 關 條 文 被 當 作 或 視 為 擁 有 的 權 益 及 淡 倉 short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under 或 根 據 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第 352 條 須 登 記 於 該 條 such provisions of the SFO) or which were required, pursuant to 所指登記冊內的權益及淡倉 或根據上市規則 Section 352 of the SFO, to be entered in the register referred to 附錄十所載上市發行人董事進行證券交易的標 therein or which were required to be notified to the Company 準守則 標準守則 須知會本公司及聯交所的 and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model Code for 權益及淡倉如下 Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers as set out in Appendix 10 ( Model Code ) of the Listing Rules were as follows: (a) Long positions in the shares of HK$0.01 each of the Company ( Shares ) (a) 於 本 公 司 中 每 股 面 值 0.01 港 元 股 份 股份 的好倉 Percentage Name of director Nature of interest 董事姓名 權益性質 Mr. Wu An Ming ( Mr. Wu ) Held by a controlled corporation Number of of issued Shares held share capital 所持股份數目 股本百分比 600,000,000 75% 佔已發行 (Note 1) 胡晏銘先生 胡先生 由受控法團持有 附註1 Note: 1. 附註 600,000,000 Shares are held by Eagle Fortitude Limited ( Eagle Fortitude ) which is owned as to 100% by Mr. Wu. 1. 600,000,000 股 股 份 由 Eagle Fortitude Limited Eagle Fortitude 持 有 而 Eagle Fortitude由胡先生全資擁有 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 35

OTHER INFORMATION 其他資料 DIRECTORS AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE S INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS IN THE SHARES, UNDERLYING SHARES AND DEBENTURES OF THE COMPANY AND ITS ASSOCIATED CORPORATIONS (Continued) 董事及最高行政人員於本公司及 其相聯法團的股份 相關股份及 債權證的權益及淡倉 續 (b) Long position in the shares of associated corporations (b) 於相聯法團股份的好倉 Percentage of interest Name of Name of director associated corporation Nature of interest Number of in associated shares held corporation 於相聯法團 董事姓名 相聯法團名稱 權益性質 Mr. Wu (Note 1) Eagle Fortitude Beneficial owner 胡先生 附註1 Eagle Fortitude 實益擁有人 Note: 1. 權益百分比 1 100% 附註 The Company is owned as to 75% by Eagle Fortitude. Eagle Fortitude is owned as to 100% by Mr. Wu. 1. 本公司由Eagle Fortitude擁有75%權益 Eagle Fortitude由胡先生全資擁有 Save as disclosed above, as at 31 December, none of the 除 上 文 披 露 者 外 於 年 12 月 31 日 概 無 Directors or chief executive of the Company had any interests or 董事或本公司最高行政人員於本公司或其任何 short positions in any shares, underlying shares or debentures 相 聯 法 團 定 義 見 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第 XV 部 的 of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within 股份 相關股份或債權證中 擁有根據證券及 the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which were notified to the 期 貨 條 例 第 XV 部 第 7 及 第 8 分 部 已 知 會 本 公 司 Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 及 聯 交 所 的 任 何 權 益 或 淡 倉 包 括 根 據 證 券 及 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions 期貨條例的有關條文被當作或視為擁有的權益 which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of 或淡倉 或根據證券及期貨條例第352條須登 the SFO), or which were required, pursuant to Section 352 of the 記於該條所指登記冊內的任何權益或淡倉 或 SFO, to be entered in register referred to therein, or which were 根據上市規則所載標準守則須知會本公司及聯 required to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange 交所的任何權益或淡倉 pursuant to the Model Code of the Listing Rules. 36 所持股份數目 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

OTHER INFORMATION 其他資料 SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS IN THE SHARES AND UNDERLYING SHARES OF THE COMPANY 主要股東於本公司股份及相關股 份的權益及淡倉 As at 31 December, the following persons had interests 於 年 12 月 31 日 以 下 人 士 於 本 公 司 股 份 or short positions in the shares and underlying shares of the 及 相 關 股 份 中 擁 有 根 據 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第 XV Company which were notified to the Company and the Stock 部第2及第3分部已知會本公司及聯交所的權 Exchange pursuant to Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO 益 或 淡 倉 以 及 根 據 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第 336 條 and entered in the register maintained by the Company pursuant 已記錄在本公司備存的登記冊的權益或淡倉如 to Section 336 of the SFO were as follows: 下 Long positions in the Shares 於股份的好倉 Percentage Name of shareholder Nature of interest 股東姓名 名稱 權益性質 Eagle Fortitude Beneficial owner Eagle Fortitude 實益擁有人 Number of of issued Shares held share capital 所持股份數目 股本百分比 600,000,000 75% 600,000,000 75% 佔已發行 Mr. Wu (Note 1) Held by a controlled corporation 胡先生 附註1 由受控法團持有 Note: 1. 附註 Eagle Fortitude is owned as to 100% by Mr. Wu. 1. Eagle Fortitude由胡先生全資擁有 Save as disclosed above, as at 31 December, the Company 除 上 文 所 披 露 者 外 於 年 12 月 31 日 本 had not been notified by any persons who had interests or short 公司並無獲任何人士知會彼於本公司股份或相 positions in the shares or underlying shares of the Company 關股份中擁有根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2 which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the 及第3分部條文須向本公司披露或須記錄於本 provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or which 公 司 根 據 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第 336 條 規 定 備 存 的 were recorded in the register maintained by the Company 登記冊內的權益或淡倉 pursuant to Section 336 of the SFO. HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 37

OTHER INFORMATION 其他資料 SECURITIES TRANSACTIONS BY DIRECTORS 董事進行證券交易 The Company adopted the Model Code as set out in Appendix 本公司已採納上市規則附錄十所載標準守則作 10 of the Listing Rules as the codes of conduct regarding 為董事及本公司相關僱員進行證券交易的操守 securities transactions by Directors and by relevant employees 守則 經本公司作出具體查詢後 全體董事已 of the Company. All Directors have confirmed, following specific 確 認 彼 等 於 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 enquiries by the Company, that they fully complied with the 期間一直遵守標準守則及其有關董事證券交易 Model Code and its code of conduct regarding directors 的操守守則 securities transactions throughout the six months period ended 31 December. SHARE OPTION SCHEME The Company conditionally adopted a share option scheme on 本公司於2018年3月15日有條件採納一項購股 15 March 2018 (the Scheme ) and shall be valid until 15 March 權計劃 該計劃 其有效期直至2028年3月 2028. Pursuant to the Scheme, certain eligible participants 15 日 根 據 該 計 劃 包 括 其 中 包 括 董 事 及 including, among others, the Directors and employees of the 本集團僱員的若干合資格參與者可獲授購股權 Group may be granted options to subscribe for Shares. The 以認購股份 該計劃旨在獎勵或回饋僱員對本 purpose of the Scheme is to provide incentives or rewards to 集團所作出之貢獻 及 或使本集團得以招聘 employees for their contribution to the Group and/or to enable 及挽留能幹之員工以及吸納人才 該計劃的主 the Group to recruit and retain high-calibre employees and 要 條 款 概 要 載 於 招 股 章 程 附 錄 四 其 他 資 料 attract human resources. A summary of the principal terms of the 1. 購 股 權 計 劃 一 段 該 計 劃 條 款 乃 根 據 上 市 Scheme is set out in the paragraph headed Other Information 規則第17章條文制定 自採納該計劃以來 概 1. Share Option Scheme in Appendix IV to the in the 無 授 出 購 股 權 於 年 12 月 31 日 亦 無 未 行 Prospectus. The terms of the Scheme are in accordance with the 使購股權 provisions of Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules. No share option has been granted since the adoption of the Scheme and there was no share option outstanding as at 31 December. 38 購股權計劃 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021

OTHER INFORMATION 其他資料 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 企業管治 Except for the deviation from code provision A.2.1 of the 除偏離上市規則附錄14所載企業管治守則 企 Corporate Governance Code contained in Appendix 14 of 業 管 治 守 則 守 則 條 文 第 A.2.1 條 外 於 截 the Listing Rules (the CG Code ), the Company s corporate 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 及 直 至 本 報 告 日 governance practices have complied with the CG Code during 期 本公司之企業管治常規已遵循企業管治守 the six months ended 31 December and up to the date of 則 企 業 管 治 守 則 條 文 第 A.2.1 條 規 定 主 席 this report. CG Code provision A.2.1 stipulates that the role of 與行政總裁之角色應有區分 且並不應由一人 chairman and chief executive officer should be separated and 同時兼任 胡晏銘先生現時為董事會主席 主 should not be performed by the same individual. Currently, Mr. 席 及本公司行政總裁 行政總裁 董事會 Wu An Ming is both the chairman of the Board (the Chairman ) 認為 胡先生同時擔任主席及行政總裁 有利 and the chief executive officer of the Company (the CEO ). The 於確保本集團內部領導貫徹一致 並為本集團 Board is of the opinion that vesting the roles of both Chairman 提供更有效及高效的整體戰略規劃 董事會亦 and CEO in Mr. Wu has the benefit of ensuring consistent 相信 權力制衡並不會受到影響 而現時董事 leadership within the Group thus enabling more effective 會的組成可確保有足夠的權力制衡 and efficient strategic planning for the Group. The Board also believes that the balance of power and authority is not compromised and is adequately ensured by the composition of the existing Board. The Board will continue to review and consider splitting the 董事會將繼續檢討及考慮於適當時候區分主席 roles of Chairman and CEO at a time when it is appropriate 與行政總裁的職務 並以本集團整體情況作為 and suitable by taking into account the circumstances of the 考量 董事得悉 本公司預期會遵守企業管治 Group as a whole. The Directors are aware that the Company 守則 企業管治守則的任何偏離情況均應予仔 is expected to comply with the CG Code. Any deviation from 細考慮 並於中期及年度報告披露 除上文披 the CG Code should be carefully considered and disclosed in 露者外 本公司將繼續遵守企業管治守則 以 the interim and annual reports. Save as disclosed above, the 保障本公司股東的最佳利益 Company will continue to comply with the CG Code to protect the best interests of the shareholders of the Company. PUBLIC FLOAT 公眾持股量 As at the date of this report, based on the information that is 於本報告日期 根據本公司所得公開資料及據 publicly available to the Company and within the knowledge 董事所知 本公司已維持上市規則項下規定的 of the Directors, the Company has maintained the prescribed 公眾持股量 public float under the Listing Rules. HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED 二零二一年中期報告 39

OTHER INFORMATION 其他資料 PURCHASE, SALE OR REDEMPTION OF THE LISTED SECURITIES OF THE COMPANY 購買 出售或贖回本公司上市證 券 During the six months ended 31 December, neither 於 截 至 年 12 月 31 日 止 六 個 月 本 公 司 及 the Company nor any of its subsidiaries purchased, sold or 其任何附屬公司概無購買 出售或贖回本公司 redeemed any of the Company s listed securities. 任何上市證券 AUDIT COMMITTEE 審核委員會 The audit committee of the Company has reviewed the Group s 本 公 司 審 核 委 員 會 已 審 閱 本 集 團 截 至 年 unaudited condensed consolidated results for the six months 12月31日止六個月之未經審核簡明綜合業績 ended 31 December and discussed with the management 並與本公司管理層就本集團所採納的會計原則 of the Company on the accounting principles and practices 及慣例進行討論 且本公司審核委員會並無異 adopted by the Group, with no disagreement by the audit 議 committee of the Company. By Order of the Board 承董事會命 HKE Holdings Limited HKE Holdings Limited Wu An Ming 主席兼執行董事 Chairman and 胡晏銘 Executive Director Hong Kong, 25 February 2021 40 HKE HOLDINGS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2021 香港 2021年2月25日