学校编码 :10384 学号 :X 硕士学位论文 电子产品制造业新产品导入项目管理应用研究 The Application Research of Project Management in New Product Introduction in Electronic Manuf

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摘要 全球经济一体化带来的变化, 使企业间的竞争更加剧烈, 原来的职能式管理模式难以适应这样的挑战, 项目管理正是在这样的变革中得以推广普及 然而, 在国内, 项目管理在各行业的应用水平却高低不齐, 在建筑业 IT 业应用水平较高, 而在 电子制造业应用水平较低 同时, 目前电子产品制造企业对项目管理的研究主要集 中在新产品开发阶段, 而对新产品开发基本定型后到正式开始量产前的过渡阶段, 即本文定义的新产品导入阶段, 却没有给予足够的关注 本文正是基于目前在电子产品制造业新产品导入过程中存在的问题, 对项目管理在电子产品制造业新产品导入阶段的应用进行研究 本论文首先阐述了论文的背景, 论文研究的目的和意义, 介绍了论文研究的内容和论文的结构 在文献综述部分, 对项目管理理论的发展及国内外项目管理发展 现状及趋势进行研究 而后, 应用产品生命周期理论, 对电子产品新产品导入阶段进行界定, 论述了新产品导入阶段的管理模式, 阐述了项目管理在电子产品新产品导入阶段的应用, 并进行了可行性分析 论文第 4 章以 GN 公司新产品导入项目管理的实践为例, 对电子产品制造业新产品导入从项目启动 项目实施和控制以及项目的验收和交接的全过程进行了深入地分析研究, 论述了如何应用项目管理的方法对新产品导入时间 成本 质量进行有效管理 论文最后, 对本文所做的研究进行总结并提出进一步研究的建议 关键词 : 项目管理 ; 新产品导入 ; 制造业

Abstract The changes with economic globalization bring sever competition among enterprises, which makes the traditional function-based organization model unsuitable any more. Just in this situation, project management, as a new organization model, has been gradually applied in variant businesses. However, in China, the application of project management is unbalanced in different fields. It is applied with higher level in construction and IT, and, with lower level in manufacturing. Meanwhile, the project management research in electronic manufacturing is mainly focused in new product development phase, while less concern in the transition stage between new product development and mass production, which is defined as New Product Introduction phase in this thesis. Based on the issues currently existed in project management in New Product Introduction in electronic manufacturing, this thesis do the project management application research during New Product Introduction phase in electronic manufacturing. Firstly, in paragraph 1, the thesis presents the background information & the purpose of this thesis, and introduces the structure of the thesis. In paragraph 2, it shows the development of project management theory and the global overall status of project management currently. Then, in paragraph 3, the thesis introduces the product life cycle theory and applies it to identify where the New Product Introduction phase covers, and elaborate the application feasibility to adopt project management mode in New Product Introduction phase. Finally, in paragraph 4, with experience in New Product Introduction in company GN, the thesis deeply analyzes and studies the whole process of electronic new product introduction from project kick-off, project execution & control and project acceptance & handover, to efficiently control the schedule, cost and quality of new product in New Product Introduction Phase. Paragraph 5 is the conclusion of

this thesis and further research suggestion. Keywords: Project management; New product introduction (NPI); Manufacturing

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