学校编码 :10384 学号 :X 硕士学位论文 基于数据整合与分析技术的银行对公账户管理系统的设计与实现 Design and Implementation of Bank Corporate Account Management System Based on Data In

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摘要 客户是银行业务发展的基础, 是价值创造的来源 国内外经济金融形势趋紧, 同业对存款和客户的争夺日益激烈 目前, 经营管理层面对对公账户基本情况缺乏渠道 进行分析研究, 无法全面掌握现存对公账户情况, 迫切需要开发一套能对全行的对 公账户进行分析 研究 管理的系统 银行信息化为银行业积累了丰富的数据, 为 银行行业数据分析和挖掘奠定了基础和数据依据 随着数据整合与分析技术的不断发展与成熟, 其研究和应用逐渐深入到各个行业中 本文针对银行对公账户业务面临的问题和挑战, 采用数据整合技术建立综合数据管理平台, 设计并实现了一个银行对公账户管理系统 主要研究成果包括 : 1. 设计银行对公账户数据仓库数据模型, 采用 ETL(Extraction Transformation Load) 技术 元数据管理技术对异构的银行对公账户相关数据进行抽取 转换 整合, 建立数据管理综合平台, 为对公账户数据分析提供具有良好数据质量的数据基础 ; 2. 在数据管理综合平台基础上, 采用数据分析技术实现对银行对公账户的有效挖掘和合理管理, 分析了账户状态 存款 交易和贡献度等情况, 为管理者提供决策制定客户战略 ; 3. 设计并实现了一个银行对公账户管理系统, 该系统有助于加强账户营销 维护和考核工作, 对做好 客户战略 实施工作形成强有力的支持 关键词 : 数据整合 ; 数据分析 ; 银行对公账户

Abstract Customers are the ground base of bank s business development and the source of value creation. The situation of the domestic and international economic and financial becomes tightening. The competition to get deposits and customers is increasingly fierce. At present, managing staffs lack a channel to analyze and study the basic information of corporate account, thus unable to get the information the existing corporate accounts in detail. So there is an urgent need to develop a set of system that can analyze, research and manage corporate accounts. Banking informationization has accumulated a wealth of data for the banking industry, which not only laid a foundation for data analysis and data dissection but also provides a data base. As the data integration and analysis technology continues to develop and become mature, its research and application are gradually involved in various industries. In this paper, in corresponding to the problems and challenges of the bank s corporate account business, we adopt a data integration technology to establish the comprehensive data management platform so as to realize a corporate account management system in one bank. The main research findings include: 1. Design the data model of bank corporate account data warehouse; adopt ETL technology, metadata management to extract, transform and integrate the corporate accounts related data so as to provide good data base for the data analysis of corporate accounts; 2. In the comprehensive data management platform, data analysis technology is adopted to realize the effective analysis and proper management, including analysis of account s status, deposit, transaction, contribution degree and so on, which is for managers to have decision making and set up customer strategy; 3. Design and realize corporate account s management system in one bank. The system helps to strengthen the account sale, maintenance and inspection work. It

is also a great support to implement customer strategy. Keywords: Data Integration; Data Analysis; Bank Corporate Account

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