The Conrad Hong Kong is part of the exciting Pacific Place development located in the Central business district. The hotel is only a 10-minute walk fr

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The Conrad Hong Kong is part of the exciting Pacific Place development located in the Central business district. The hotel is only a 10-minute walk from the Star Ferry and directly above the MTR Admiralty Station. Completed in 1990, the Conrad has a total gross floor of 551,687 sq.ft. with 513 guest rooms including 46 suites. The hotel has a business centre which offers a complete range of secretarial services as well as an extensive range of conference and function rooms. The hotel has several elegant food and beverage outlets including The Golden Leaf Chinese Restaurant, Nicholini s serving Italian cuisine, Brasserie On the Eighth serving French specialties and an International Coffee Shop. The hotel has a health club with modern gymnasium as well as a heated outdoor swimming pool for its guests. Renovation for the executive floors and executive lounge including new food and beverage outlets is planned. 1990 551,68751346 67


Prominent on the Kowloon waterfront, The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers is situated on top of the China Ferry Terminal in China Hong Kong City. The hotel is within walking distance from the Kowloon Star Ferry and the MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station. With a total of 673 guest rooms, the hotel has a Royal Executive Club located on the 19th and 20th floors of the Towers Wing which is specifically designed for business travellers. It is also equipped with a business centre that renders a full range of secretarial services. The hotel offers a variety of dining experiences including a coffee shop, lobby lounge and bar. A fitness centre and a squash court are available exclusively for hotel guests. Following the completion of a major renovation of the hotel lobby last year, renovation for the executive floors and executive lounge is currently planned. 673 69


The City Garden Hotel is located at the edge of the Causeway Bay district. Within a few minutes walking distance from the MTR Fortress Hill Station, the hotel is in close proximity to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Central district and two of the Cross Harbour Tunnels to Kowloon. With a total of 611 guest rooms, the hotel has two specialty restaurants offering both Western and Chinese cuisines. There is also the Admiral s Bar in the basement. For recreational purposes, there is an outdoor swimming pool, a fitness centre and a sauna exclusively for hotel guests. For business travellers, there is an executive floor and business centre that offers full secretarial services. At City Garden Hotel, the renovation of four floors of executive guest rooms, the lobby and an additional alfresco outlet extending to the lobby and banquet rooms was fully completed in August 2002. 611 71

GBS, OBE, JP* JP* * * JP Maples and Calder 12 (852) 2721 8388 (852) 2723 5901 Ugland House P.O. Box 309 George Town, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands British West Indies 111 5 (852) 2528 4511 (852) 2528 3158 ( ) 1221 72

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (i) (i) (i) 10% 73

(1) (2) (3) (ii) 20% 74

(1) (2) (3) (iii) (i) (ii) (i) (ii) 10% 6. 2 (i) 2000 2(1) 75

(ii) (iii) 2(1) (iv) 2(1) (v) (vi) 2 20008 18 19 76

163 163 163. (a) (b) (c) (c) (b) 77

167.(a) 167.(a) 167.(a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 78

169 169 169. (i) (ii) (iii) 79

170 170 170. 167 172 172 167 173 173 173. (a) (b) 163 80

12 111 5 81





(I) 50 FCIS 56 44 FCCA FHKSA ICPAS 54 60 (II) GBS OBE JP 63 86

(II) JP 65 Management of Organizations 64 87

34 34 17 95 17,972,552 1 8,030,542 15 22 23 24 88

, GBS, OBE, JP, JP, JP 89

215,168 638,463 853,631, GBS, OBE, JP 277,329 277,329, JP 66,485 66,485 6,050 6,050 8.10 90

33 33 33 375,335,208 91

, JP 92



5 126,232,767 153,618,642 (45,392,314) (56,303,160) (5,270,930) (5,455,294) (17,094,408) (20,649,728) (39,459,211) (27,438,910) 7 19,015,904 43,771,550 8 6,132,770 4,100,724 9 (58,102,786) (98,898,411) (51,970,016) (94,797,687) 91,317,555 113,202,778 58,363,443 62,176,641 12 (8,520,076) (10,443,014) 49,843,367 51,733,627 13 15,863,948 15,584,114 14 6.28 6.63 95

15 1,960,421,353 1,955,687,413 16 2,949,696,855 3,122,576,971 17 1,372,920,722 1,744,797,927 25 25 18 181,973,180 180,718,193 30(b) 1,347,567 1,315,276 3,516,662,822 3,882,518,809 2,949,696,880 3,122,576,996 958,787 1,672,854 19 6,434,966 7,067,255 1,984 3,967 20 411,377,197 238,637,052 30(c) 7,500,000 15,395,512 18,749,596 52,359 65,902 434,166,462 273,626,757 54,343 69,869 21 14,125,365 17,790,890 755,990 880,192 20 16,779,694 1,630,346 3,963,251 24 184,669,212 525,642,731 217,204,617 547,396,872 755,990 880,192 216,961,845 (273,770,115) (701,647) (810,323) 3,733,624,667 3,608,748,694 2,948,995,233 3,121,766,673 22 803,054,199 789,139,626 803,054,199 789,139,626 23 1,724,541,123 1,688,622,607 2,145,822,709 1,988,297,223 2,527,595,322 2,477,762,233 2,948,876,908 2,777,436,849 24 820,167,243 946,308,007 26 118,325 344,329,824 27 385,862,102 184,678,454 1,206,029,345 1,130,986,461 118,325 344,329,824 3,733,624,667 3,608,748,694 2,948,995,233 3,121,766,673 95 133 96

1,254,987 (46,434,535) 49,843,367 51,733,627 51,098,354 5,299,092 3 15,121,693 (332,496,663) (317,374,970) 97

28 284,746,806 53,118,059 38,375,000 110,850,000 6,132,770 4,100,724 (59,380,013) (101,841,656) (4,125,000) (1,760,113) (1,397,698) (673,605) (1,680,533) (21,430,961) 10,030,837 (3,695,484) (3,107,579) 753 10,636 (3,694,731) (3,096,943) (6,872,024) (1,769,053) (32,291) 77,247 3,802 (29,135,813) (6,900,513) (30,827,619) 252,720,601 29,224,334 98

252,720,601 29,224,334 29 466,991,750 735,476,533 385,862,102 73,226,978 (1,115,643,388) (841,222,222) (591,660) (143,942) (263,381,196) (32,662,653) (10,660,595) (3,438,319) 25,438,312 28,876,631 14,777,717 25,438,312 15,395,512 18,749,596 7,500,000 (617,795) (811,284) 14,777,717 25,438,312 99

1. 34 2. 4 3 203 100

3. 2 332,496,663 247,716,496 248,722,111 7,761,193 7,761,193 (42,059,973) 7,360,500 (290,436,690) 262,838,189 256,483,304 2,103,000 2,103,000 101

4. 102

4. 103

4. (i) 20 (ii) 10% 20% 20% 104

4. 105

4. 5. 109,498,622 122,577,998 12,274,170 26,378,215 2,509,975 2,509,975 1,950,000 2,152,454 126,232,767 153,618,642 106

6. (a) 109,498,622 12,274,170 2,509,975 1,950,000 126,232,767 21,121,101 (1,548,656) 2,504,548 1,950,000 24,026,993 (5,011,089) 19,015,904 6,132,770 (58,102,786) 91,317,555 58,363,443 (8,520,076) 49,843,367 107

6. (a) 1,981,479,555 2,820,831 181,980,857 2,166,281,243 1,372,920,722 411,627,319 3,950,829,284 15,102,938 946,208 6,000 16,055,146 1,407,178,816 1,423,233,962 6,832,907 39,117 6,872,024 1,811,882 24,153 1,836,035 4,259,100 4,259,100 108

6. (a) 122,577,998 26,378,215 2,509,975 2,152,454 153,618,642 37,423,182 3,485,746 2,504,548 2,152,454 45,565,930 (1,794,380) 43,771,550 4,100,724 (98,898,411) 113,202,778 62,176,641 (10,443,014) 51,733,627 109

6. (a) 1,979,152,744 4,847,211 180,805,599 2,164,805,554 1,744,797,927 246,542,085 4,156,145,566 15,507,704 2,732,899 6,000 18,246,603 1,660,136,730 1,678,383,333 1,748,911 20,142 1,769,053 1,180,067 137,395 1,317,462 (b) 110

7. 10 281,000 281,000 46,096,597 49,111,557 1,286,770 2,062,811 47,664,367 51,455,368 4,259,100 377,900 395,900 (70,040) 65,600 8,856,857 13,442,902 1,836,035 1,317,462 298,247 2,355 17,210,922 10,685,705 2,103,000 2,103,000 23,682 1,436,935 8. 5,858,119 2,759,325 274,651 1,341,399 6,132,770 4,100,724 111

9. 17,779,854 45,182,969 38,562,819 52,317,744 56,342,673 97,500,713 1,760,113 1,397,698 58,102,786 98,898,411 10. 143,000 143,000 138,000 138,000 281,000 281,000 1,000,000 112

11. 2,793,488 2,507,888 106,493 101,029 2,899,981 2,608,917 1,000,000 12. 16% 1,175,732 3,194,482 186,094 8,532 1,361,826 3,203,014 7,158,250 7,240,000 8,520,076 10,443,014 113

13. 1 1 7,891,396 7,761,193 1 1 7,972,552 7,822,921 15,863,948 15,584,114 1 1 14. 49,843,367 51,733,627 794,110,871780,099,882 2 6.36 0.27 6.63 114

15. 1,950,110,500 12,086,126 1,962,196,626 6,872,024 6,872,024 (832,189) (832,189) 1,950,110,500 18,125,961 1,968,236,461 6,509,213 6,509,213 1,836,035 1,836,035 (530,140) (530,140) 7,815,108 7,815,108 1,950,110,500 10,310,853 1,960,421,353 1,950,110,500 5,576,913 1,955,687,413 115

16. 86 84 2,949,696,769 3,122,576,887 2,949,696,855 3,122,576,971 34 615,829,087 698,761,598 17. ( 25 25 1,237,310,568 964,331,263 135,610,154 (32,596,473) 813,063,137 1,372,920,722 1,744,797,927 25 25 116

17. (42,059,973) (42,059,973) 170,362,727 170,362,727 170,362,727 (42,059,973) 128,302,754 (9,463,500) (9,463,500) (2,103,000) (2,103,000) 4,259,100 4,259,100 4,259,100 (11,566,500) (7,307,400) 166,103,627 (30,493,473) 135,610,154 (32,596,473) (32,596,473) 20 Asian Glory Limited 25% 25% Greenroll Limited 50% 25% 117

17. (a) (b) (c) Greenroll Limited 35 18. 379,514,424 379,514,424 23 (197,541,244) (198,796,231) 181,973,180 180,718,193 19. 3,494,035 2,997,333 443,030 491,062 3,730 385,332 41,562 53,485 3,982,357 3,927,212 2,452,609 3,140,043 6,434,966 7,067,255 118

20. 410,331,391 303,783,635 21. 2,980,780 4,895,712 87,620 4,531 9,014 13,624 2,989,794 5,001,487 11,135,571 12,789,403 14,125,365 17,790,890 119

22. 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 789,139,626 776,119,328 789,139,626 776,119,328 8,115,621 6,172,784 8,115,621 6,172,784 5,798,952 6,847,514 5,798,952 6,847,514 803,054,199 789,139,626 803,054,199 789,139,626 0.858 8,115,621 1 1,152,418 1.22 5,798,952 1 120

23. 332,496,663 (152,361,696) 54,904,517 1,532,787,278 247,716,496 2,015,543,258 3 (332,496,663) 15,121,693 (317,374,970) (152,361,696) 54,904,517 1,532,787,278 262,838,189 1,698,168,288 (46,434,535) (46,434,535) 883,283 883,283 (143,942) (143,942) 51,733,627 51,733,627 (15,584,114) (15,584,114) (198,796,231) 55,643,858 1,532,787,278 298,987,702 1,688,622,607 1,254,987 1,254,987 1,275,770 1,275,770 (591,660) (591,660) 49,843,367 49,843,367 (15,863,948) (15,863,948) (197,541,244) 56,327,968 1,532,787,278 332,967,121 1,724,541,123 (197,541,244) 56,327,968 1,532,787,278 94,103,082 1,485,677,084 238,864,039 238,864,039 (197,541,244) 56,327,968 1,532,787,278 332,967,121 1,724,541,123 121

23. 54,904,517 1,823,877,078 248,722,111 2,127,503,706 3 7,761,193 7,761,193 54,904,517 1,823,877,078 256,483,304 2,135,264,899 883,283 883,283 (143,942) (143,942) (132,122,903) (132,122,903) (15,584,114) (15,584,114) 55,643,858 1,823,877,078 108,776,287 1,988,297,223 1,275,770 1,275,770 (591,660) (591,660) 172,705,324 172,705,324 (15,863,948) (15,863,948) 56,327,968 1,823,877,078 265,617,663 2,145,822,709 2,145,822,709 1,988,297,223 122

24. 502,967,042 524,831,447 501,251,618 946,308,007 617,795 811,284 1,004,836,455 1,471,950,738 386,593,087 525,642,731 618,243,368 946,308,007 1,004,836,455 1,471,950,738 184,669,212 526,304,496 524,526,618 946,308,007 299,250,000 1,008,445,830 1,472,612,503 25 (3,609,375) (661,765) 1,004,836,455 1,471,950,738 (184,669,212) (525,642,731) 820,167,243 946,308,007 123

25. 2,250,000 2,250,000 4,125,000 (2,250,000) 4,125,000 2,250,000 1,588,235 794,117 1,177,390 794,118 (2,250,000) 515,625 1,588,235 3,609,375 661,765 26. 27. 124

28. 58,363,443 62,176,641 (91,317,555) (113,202,778) 1,836,035 1,317,462 4,259,100 (2,103,000) (2,103,000) 1,177,390 794,118 (6,132,770) (4,100,724) 58,102,786 98,898,411 298,247 2,355 714,067 11,162 632,289 4,877,640 242,765,265 193,404 (628,185) 4,253,368 16,779,694 284,746,806 53,118,059 125

29. 831,023,845 855,831,474 111,451,476 720,259,551 73,226,978 735,476,533 (645,000,000) (196,222,222) 13,903,581 (143,942) 794,118 844,783,484 946,308,007 184,678,454 524,831,447 385,862,102 466,991,750 (445,056,389) (184,678,454) (485,908,545) 15,190,343 (591,660) (4,125,000) 1,177,390 859,382,167 501,251,618 385,862,102 502,967,042 126

30. (a) 1,950,110,500 1,950,110,500 181,973,180 180,718,193 29,836,756 1,265,980,160 (b) 1,347,567 1,315,276 (c) 7,500,000 (d) 31. 1,460,617 2,058,142 2,655,667 4,713,809 127

32. 507,194,213 526,304,496 138,750,000 152,000,000 138,750,000 152,000,000 138,750,000 152,000,000 645,944,213 678,304,496 33. (a) (i) 12,262,537 12,137,501 (ii) 258,348 1,322,800 (iii) 5,858,119 2,759,325 (iv) 1,000,000 1,000,000 (v) 950,000 994,831 (i) (iv) 128

33. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Wylan Limited 950,000 (b) 106,547,756 25% (c) (i) 20 27 (ii) 138,750,000 152,000,000 129

34. 100% 2 100% 2 Aldrich Worldwide 100% Holdings Limited 1 100% 2 Asian Statesman 100% Limited 1 Halliwell Ltd. 100% 1 100% 2 Sheridan Holdings Ltd. 100% 1 Sino Fortune Limited 100% 1 Sino March Assets Ltd. 100% 1 Toby Investments 100% Limited 1 130

34. Bosco Limited 100% 1 100% 2 100% 2 City Garden Hotel 100% Limited 2 Park Lane Towers 100% Limited 2 R.P. Hotel Limited 100% 2 Speed Advance Limited 100% 1 Wellrich International 100% Ltd. 1 131

35. Greenroll Limited Asian Glory Limited Greenroll Limited Asian Glory Limited 425,228,000 487,084,000 256,179,801 317,290,008 142,945,000 178,000,000 79,534,357 96,678,041 71,472,500 89,000,000 19,883,590 24,169,510 3,370,582,000 2,588,811,000 3,276,878,563 4,264,628,549 133,890,000 91,238,000 106,210,509 786,391,003 (139,872,000) (76,249,000) (76,507,759) (1,154,677,632) (892,104,000) (690,325,000) (2,140,546,022) (2,704,340,985) 2,472,496,000 1,913,475,000 1,166,035,291 1,192,000,935 1,236,248,000 956,737,500 291,508,823 298,000,234 132

35. Asian Glory LimitedAGL 119,500,000 29,875,000 133

126,232,767 153,618,642 141,823,369 144,894,920 207,252,024 19,015,904 43,771,550 39,575,009 31,040,299 26,682,633 (51,970,016) (94,797,687) (95,376,192) (113,307,096) (99,237,943) 91,317,555 113,202,778 96,188,495 60,728,768 81,073,232 58,363,443 62,176,641 40,387,312 (21,538,029) 8,517,922 (8,520,076) (10,443,014) (6,626,439) 61,548 (4,778,375) 49,843,367 51,733,627 33,760,873 (21,476,481) 3,739,547 3,950,829,284 4,156,145,566 4,184,178,265 4,190,010,895 4,033,967,811 1,423,233,962 1,678,383,333 1,709,890,649 1,645,320,193 1,604,555,645 2,527,595,322 2,477,762,233 2,474,287,616 2,544,690,702 2,429,412,166 3 134

19 19 19 3.7.1 19 3.10 19 135

--------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I/We (Note 1) of being the registered holder(s) of SINO HOTELS (HOLDINGS) LIMITED Proxy Form for use at the Annual General Meeting (or at any adjournment thereof) (Note 2) ordinary shares of HK$1.00 each in the capital of the above-named Company, HEREBY APPOINT the Chairman of the Meeting or (Note 3) of as my/our proxy to act for me/us at the Annual General Meeting (or at any adjournment thereof) of the Company to be held at The Pacific Rooms, 9th Floor, Tower Block, The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers, 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 2002 at 10:30 a.m. and at such meeting (or at any adjournment thereof) and in the event of a poll to vote for me/us and in my/our name(s) as indicated below or if no such indication is given, as my/our proxy thinks fit. 1. To receive and consider the audited Financial Statements and the Directors and Auditors Reports for the year ended 30th June, 2002. 2. To declare a final dividend of HK$0.01 per ordinary share with an option for scrip dividend. 3. (i) To re-elect Mr. Paul Cheng Ming Fun, JP as Director. (ii) To re-elect Ms. Florence So Yeo Guat Eng as Director. (iii) To fix remuneration of Directors. 4. To re-appoint Messrs. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as Auditors for the ensuing year and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration. 5. (i) To approve share repurchase mandate (Ordinary Resolution on item 5(i) of Notice of Annual General Meeting). (ii) To approve share issue mandate (Ordinary Resolution on item 5(ii) of Notice of Annual General Meeting). (iii) To approve extension of share issue mandate (Ordinary Resolution on item 5(iii) of Notice of Annual General Meeting). 6. To approve amendments to the Articles of Association (Special Resolution on item 6 of Notice of Annual General Meeting). Dated Signature (Note 5) For (Note 4) Against Notes: 1. Full name(s) and address(es) to be inserted in BLOCK CAPITALS. 2. Please insert the number of ordinary shares of HK$1.00 each registered in your name(s). If no number is inserted, this form of proxy will be deemed to relate to all the ordinary shares of the Company registered in your name(s). 3. If any proxy other than the Chairman of the Meeting is preferred, strike out the words the Chairman of the Meeting or herein inserted and insert the name and address of the proxy desired in the space provided. ANY ALTERATION MADE TO THIS FORM OF PROXY MUST BE INITIALLED BY THE PERSON WHO SIGNS IT. 4. IMPORTANT: IF YOU WISH TO VOTE FOR A RESOLUTION, TICK IN THE RELEVANT BOX MARKED FOR. IF YOU WISH TO VOTE AGAINST A RESOLUTION, TICK IN THE RELEVANT BOX MARKED AGAINST. Failure to complete the boxes will entitle your proxy to cast his vote at his discretion. Your proxy will also be entitled to vote at his discretion on any resolution properly put to the Meeting other than those referred to in the Notice convening the Meeting. 5. This form of proxy must be signed by you or your attorney duly authorised in writing or, in the case of a corporation, must be either under its common seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised. 6. In order to be valid, this form of proxy, together with the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of such power or authority, must be deposited at the principal office of the Company, 12th Floor, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for holding the Meeting or adjourned Meeting (as the case may be). 7. In the case of joint holders, any one of such joint holders may vote at the Meeting, either personally or by proxy, but if more than one of such joint holders be present at the Meeting personally or by proxy, that one of the said persons whose name stands first on the register of members in respect of the relevant shares shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof. 8. The proxy need not be a member of the Company but must attend the Meeting in person to represent you. 9. Completion and deposit of the form of proxy will not preclude you from attending and voting at the Meeting if you so wish. (Note 4)

1 1.00 2 3 1. 2. 0.01 3. (i) JP (ii) (iii) 4. 5. (i) 5(i) (ii) 5(ii) (iii) 5(iii) 6. 6 5 4 4 1. 2. 1.00 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. -------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------