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2011 10 10 157 JOURNAL OF RAILWAY ENGINEERING SOCIETY Oct 2011 NO. 10 Ser. 157 1006-2106 2011 10-0007 - 0124-05 710043 6 TBM TBM U455. 43 A Structural Calculation and Analysis of Transfer Node of Three - line Transfer Station HU Shuang - ping China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Ltd Xi'an Shanxi 710043 China Abstract Research purposes In an urban rail transit network there must be two lines or above intersecting to form various forms of transfer and at the same time the transfer to the ground railway station airport major ground bus hub ferry and road passenger station should be considered. Thus the transfer station is an important hub for subway and its design and analysis are rather complex. The Ranjiaba Station of the first - phase project of the Line 6 of Chongqing subway is a transfer station and it is necessary to make the three - dimensional analysis of the transfer regional nodes for providing a theoretical basis for the design to ensure the safety of the station structure. Research conclusions Based on the analysis of the Ranjiaba Station with the three - dimension model the design method for the stress reinforcement in the transfer node region is offered. According to the load - bearing characteristics of the plate thickness of the transfer node the double - plate arrangement mode is presented. According the load - bearing situation of the middle column the scheme of the steel section concrete column is given. Based on the simulation analysis of TBM passing the station the scheme of bearing the TBM load with the rail - mounted middle plater by temporary support and bearing the structure load by the permanent load - bearing structure is pointed out. Key words subway transfer station reserved node internal force of structure stress - concentration rail - mounted middle plate 2011-06 - 01 1977

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