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PLC Modicon MB1 6.x 7.x Modbus Modicon PLC Honeywell UDC UMC Moore Mobus RTU ASCII Modicon 7.x MMP 6.x Modbus Plus Modicon PLC SA85 984 Quantum PLC WIN95 NT SA85 SM85 AT-984 MC-984 MBE Modicon PLC Siemens SIE S5 PLC CP525 3964R S_7 S7 PLC Profibus (L2) (H1) (TCPIP) Profibus FMS MPI PC CP 5412-A2 PC Board for PROFIBUS S7-5412/Windows NT 1.10 PLC CP-343-5 CP-443-5 EXT PLC MPI (H1) PC CP 1413 PC Board for Ethernet S7-1413/Windows NT 1.10 (TCPIP) PC 3-COM Etherlink III Card Ethernet SOFTNET S7 for Industrial Ethernet / Windows NT S7 PLC PG/PC Interface Software Configuration Release,153 STEP 7 Software version V 3.02

SL4 7.x - ISO Transport Layer S5 S7 TI PLC S5 115U 135U 155U CP143 CP1430 S7 300 400 PLC CP443-TCP TI 545 555 560 565 CP1434TF 3COM S7 200 PPI OPC Server softwaretoolbox S7-212 S7-214 S7-215 S7-216 Single Master MultiDrop RS485 S7 200 PLC PLC Modbus ifix PLC Mitsubishi MIT 6.x Mitsubishi Protocol format one A PLC CPU AnA AnN AnS AnU 95/98/NT A1SJ71C24 AJ71C24 AJ71UC24 MIE 6.x TCPIP MELSEC A PLC MELSEC PLC CPU AnN/AnS, AnA, AnS, AnU MELSEC AJ71E71 WIN95/98/NT Mitsubishi FX NET Driver OPC Server softwaretoolbox FX FX2C FX0n FX NET RS-485 Multidrop MEL MELSECNET 10 PLC OMRON OMR 6.x OMRON Host Link WIN95/98/NT C CV P K OMF 6.x OMRON FINSGATEWAY OMRON PLC Omron Controller Link Units( Omron Controller Link Support Board #3G8F5-CLK21) Omron Ethernet Unit ( ) Omron Sysmac Link Units( Omron Sysmac Link Board #3G8F5-SLK21) Omron Sysmac Net Link Unit ( Omron Sysmac Link Board #3G8F5-SLK21) C CV PLC

OMRON FINSGATEWAY 2.1 WINNT FINSGATEWAY Controller Link CLK_Unit0 Version 2.1 ETN_Unit Version 2.1 SYSMAC LINK SysmacLink Version 2.1 SERIAL_Unit Version 2.1 NEC PLC GE GE6 CCM2 GE PLC WIN95/98/NT PLC 9030/9070 ( CMM711 ) 1 DCU 5( CCM ) 6( CCM IOCCM ) 6.x LogicMaster 5 PLC GE Master-Slave G90 GE SNP GE 90 PLC 6.x Win95/98/NT CCM2 GE9 9030/9070 PLC 7.x NT GE 9070 PLC GE Fanuc 90-70 TCP/IP (Part No IC651ENS042A) PLC 9030 PLC 90-30/20s (Part No IC641SWP306L) GIO GE - Genius GE Fanuc PCIM (Single-Slot PC Interface Module) IC660ELB922/IC660ELB921/IC660ELB906 Series 5, 6, & 90-70 Devices : Datagrams; Series 90-30: Global Data; Genius I/O Blocks PCIM 6.x Win95/98/NT DCS Fisher Rosemount RNI TCPIP Fisher Rosemount RS/3 Matrikon 7.x OPC Server Rosemount RNI API for Windows NT Rosemount RNI Version 2.x NT NT Server DCS Yokogawa CNT Yokogawa Centum DCS CGWU - 2 RS232 SARLA Technologies 6.x

Win95/98/NT CEN Yokogawa Centum CS V-Net & E-Net Yokogawa ACG10S TCPIP 6.x Win95/NT SARLA Technologies DCS Honeywell TDC 2000/3000 Honeywell Personal Computer Serial Interface (PCSI) Unit Digital Systems, Inc. 6.x Win95/NT DCS FOXBORO FIA TCPIP FOXBORO IA Matrikon Systems, Inc. Win95/NT DCS Moore APACS APX Moore APACS 3COM Ethernet Moore RNI/NIM M-Bus Moore MS Windows NT 32-bit Runtime API(P/N 15939N656V4.03) APACS M-BUS 6.x NT DCS Bailey CIU Bailey Infi-90 Net-90 DCS DCS Bailey Net-90 CIU02 Bailey Net-90 CIU03 Bailey Infi-90 CIU04 SE-ACE Innovations, Inc. 6.x Win95/NT OPS Bailey Infi-90 Net-90 DCS CIU02 CIU03 CIU04 ICI01 INPCI02 OPC Bailey DCS Previse Inc. OpsCon Bailey DCS OPC ifix DCS Westinghouse WDP WDPF DCS DCS SIU FM Systems, Inc. 6.x Win95/NT Controller Fisher Remote Operations Controller ROC Fisher ROC 300 (306, 312, and 364) 407 (FLOBOSS)

Multi-Drop(422/485) 6.x Win95/NT Controller Foxboro 760, 761, 762 Loop Controller FB7 Foxboro 760, 761C, 743C, 762C, 743CB RS-232 to RS-485 RS-485 FM Systems, Inc. 6.x Win95/NT BEL Foxboro 761 RS-232 to RS-485 Sarla Technologies (P) Ltd. 6.x Win95/NT Controller Honeywell/EIM 620 (S9000) EIM 620-12 620-1633 620-36 S9100e UDC 9000 EIM 620-0089 ELPM 620-0073 TCPIP 10 Base2 10 Base5 AUI 6.x Win95/NT Controller Honeywell UDC UDC RS422 / 485 6.x Win95/NT Controller Moore Series Controller M32 Moore MYCRO 351 352 353 382 383 MYCRO 320 Independent Computer Interface (ICI) 7.x NT 320 ROM BBA BCA Controller Opto22 Mistic OPM 6.x NT M4RTU Mistic Arcnet Opto OptoControl v2.1 API Controller ABB Kent Taylor Mod 31 A30 7.x NT ABB 1701J 1701N 1702R 1703R 1711R 2002N Base Unit 2002P Regulatory Control ID 1720N Communication Link for ICN 1733N Model A - Mini Link for ICN

ABB PC 30 ABB AD5 Adam 5000 6.x Sarla Technologies (P) Ltd. Win95/NT RS232/485 5017 5018 5024 5051 5056 5060 DNP V3.00 Level 2 6.x 95/NT Triangle Microworks, Inc. Bitronics, Inc. Alpha Series Meters Arga Controls DM15/25 Series Meters Harris D20 RTU ABB DPU2000R Relay Siemens MJ-X Voltage Regulator IEEE RTU-IED NT U51 Fisher-Rosemount Model 1151 Hart NT Digital Systems, Inc. LNI Lonworks Lonworks PCLTA PCNSS-10 SLTA Echelon NT pclta.sys & ldv32.dll WIN95 ldvpclta.sys & wldv.dll ldvslta.sys & wldv.dll Bach Systems, Inc. 1. ifix ifix Internet ifix C/S Advanced Historical Server / IE Client ifix Client/ ibatch ibatch Client Server IIS iwebserver SQL Server ifix SCADA Server ilogic PLC or Other

2 ifix ifix Server 150 I/O 300 I/O ifix IO ifix i-client VBA ActiveX IO ifix Server ifix HMI Pak ifix Server iclient 150 I/O 300 I/O I/O (Server Option): ifix OPC Client connector ifix OPC Server OPC ifix ifix Redundancy ifix Server Partner (Client Option): ifix OPC Universal connector Workspace OPC OPC ifix Auto Alarm ifix Recipe SQL Server 7 SQL Server 7 VisiconX Enterprise Access ActiveX Controls ActiveX OLE DB RDB SQL SQL Server RDB ifix Integration Toolkit API DLL VC VB

ifix Database Dynamo Toolkit VC PDB 30 ifix OPC Toolkit VC ifix System Extension Toolkit ifix OEM iglobalcare ifix iglobalcare Basic Intellution Intellution Intellution Web Web SIM( ) iglobalcare Assist 90 90 Web iglobalcare Email Web 24 /7 Intellution Web iglobalcare Complete iglobalcare iglobalcare Assist iglobalcare Web 3 iglobalcare Developer Support( ) iglobalcare Developer Support Intellution VBA

20 VBA Intellution US$200/ Intellution 3. GMS ActiveX OpsCon DCS ifix DCS ifix DCS ifix OPC Previse Inc. OneStep Link Modicon PLC Concept Modicon PLC ifix OFS OPC Server 4. ifix TAG TAG ifix ifix IO TAG IO 5. Advanced Historian ( ) Intellution OSI PI OEM FIX 10 100 2M 1G IFIX PI 2500 6. ( ) 1. / C/S ifix Intellution

/ NETBEUI TCPIP ifix Server ifix Client HMI Pak ifix Server.Node.Tag.Field FIX Node ifix Tag Field IFIX Server Tag IO iclient HMI Pak 300 IO ifix Server IO iclient HMI Pak ifix Server IO ifix ifix ifix Chart Object SCADA Server IO 7.x 7.x ifix Client IO Server 2. ifix WAN

ifix NT Server RAS NT Server iwebserver ifix iwebserver ifix iclient+iwebserver+iis4.0 WWW NT Server Workstation Peer Web Service iclient ifix Server iwebserver ifix iwebserver HTML JDF JDF Applet iwebserver Play Back IWebServer IWebServer WWW ifix 1. ifix HMI ERP MIS ifix MIS ACCESS SQL Server Oracle Sybase Informix DB2 ifix ODBC OLE DB ODBC ifix ODBC ifix ODBC ifix ODBC 1.1 PDB SQL

- ODBC - ifix ODBC - SQL - PDB SQT SQD 1.2 ifix VBA ODBC ifix ifix ODBC ifix OLE DB ifix Intellution VisiconX OLE DB VisiconX ActiveX VisiconX SQL VBA VBA OLE DB OpenRDA C/S ifix OpenRDA ODBC Server ifix Server OpenRDA Client ifix ifix SQL SQL JOIN ifix Automation Technology Inc. 2. ERP ERP SAP Intellution EnvisionIT Software SAP R/3 FIX SCADA Object Visual Batch Object SAP PP-PI FIX EDA Intellution OSI PI SAP R/3

SAP PP-PI QM PM 3. COM/DCOM ActiveX ifix COM/DCOM ActiveX ifix COM/DCOM ifix VBA MS Office Intellution Workspace ActiveX Secure Containment ActiveX AutoCAD AutoCAD ActiveX ifix AutoCAD ActiveX ifix 4. OPC Intellution OPC(OLE for Process Control) ifix OPC OPC Server OPC Client Universal OPC Connector WorkSpace User Application OPC Client Connector ifix PDB User OPC Client OPC Driver Local/Remote OPC Server Intellution OPC Intellution OPC Server OPC Server OPC Server OPC 5. Integration toolkit ifix Integration toolkit VC VB ifix ifix

6 MES Intellution MES Intellution MES Intellution MES Intellution Dynamics Intellution s MES - Camstar Systems, Inc. - CIMNET, Inc. - Realtime Info, Inc. - POMS Corporation MES / ifix ifix PLC SCADA LAN VIEW PLC PLC Intellution PLC PLC Intellution LAN ifix NetBIOS TCPIP SCADA Auto FailOver ifix Redundancy SCADA Server ifix ifix TCPIP SCADA_A SCADA_B

SCADA_A SCADA_B 1. ifix HMI Pak 2. ifix Redundancy ( ifix ) ifix Client SCADA SCADA_A SCADA_B IO SCADA_A SCADA_B SCU LINE1 SCADA_A SCADA_B LINE1 SCADA_A Partner SCADA_B SCADA_B Partner SCADA_A LINE1 ifix TAG SCADA_B SCADA_A 1-2 ifix ifix