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1 series Indication of Model Numbers 機種型號表示 減速機機型 型號 Type Model L 1 速比 Ratio 出力軸軸承選擇 Output Bearing 單段 1-Stage 口標準品,, 滾珠軸承 Standard 雙段 2-Stage (Ball Bearing) 2,, 0, 0, T :滾錐軸承 0 Taper Bearing P0 背隙等級 Backlash Class 單段 1-Stage Ps 1 弧分 P0 弧分 P1 弧分 P2 弧分 雙段 2-Stage Ps 弧分 P0 弧分 P2 弧分 P0 9 弧分 MOTOR 馬達型號 Motor Type () () () () () 靜音 使用斜齒輪實現順暢安靜地運轉 Quiet operation 高精度 High precision 背隙低於 弧分 定位精確 高剛性 高剛性高扭矩 () () () Helical gears contribute to reduce vibration and noise. Backlash arc-min is ideal for precision control. 使用整體式滿針滾針軸承 大大提高了剛性和扭矩 High rigidity & torque 馬達連接板的模組化設計 獨特的馬達連接板模組化設計 適用於任何廠牌法 蘭型式的伺服馬達 Modular Design of Motor Connection Plate 無潤滑脂洩漏 無潤滑脂洩漏維護方便 No grease leakage & Maintenance-free 使用高粘度不易分離的潤滑脂 有效防潤滑脂洩 漏 在產品壽命期內無需更換潤滑脂 安裝更便捷 High rigidity & high torque are achived by uncage needle roller bearings. The special modular design of motor connection plate is suitable for any flange mounting servomotors. Perfect solution using high viscosity anti-separation grease. No need to replace the grease for the life of the unit. Can be attached in any position.

2 Features of Series 系列產品特性 一體式行星臂架及雙 一體式行星臂架及雙懸臂 行星臂架及雙懸臂設計 懸臂設計 行星臂架與輸出軸採一體式的結構設計 以確保提高 扭轉剛性及精確度 並使用一次加工完成 控制精度 在公差之內 滿針的滾針軸承設計 In t eg ra t ed P lane t a ry Arm Bracke t The p lane t a ry a rm bracke t and the ou tpu t sha f t a r e one-p i ece cons t r uc t ed to incr ea se to r s iona l r ig id i t y and accu r acy. The en t i r e s t r uc tu r e i s one- t ime mach ined fo r con t ro l l i ng accuracy in the spec i f i ed t o l e r ance. Fu l l Need le Rol l e r Bea r ings Des ign The p lane t a ry gea r t r ansmis s i on employs fu l l need l e r o l l e r bean ings wi rhou t r e t a i ne r to inc r ea se the con t ac t su r f ace, which gr ea t l y upgr ades s t r uc tu r a l r i g id i t y and ou tpu t to rque. 筒夾式連結機構 一體式螺旋內齒 一體式螺旋內齒輪箱 Col l e t Chuck Lock ing Mechan i sm The inpu t- end and the moto r ar e coup l ed th rough a co l l e t chuck lock ing meshan i sm. I t i s dynamica l l y ba l anced to as su r e concen t r i c i t y and ba l ance on the connec t i on when r unn ing a t h igh speed. No back la sh fo r power t r an smis s ion. OneOne -p iece He l i ca l Gea r Box The gea r box and in t e rna l gear r ing a r e one-p i ece cons t r uc t ed, the speed r educt i on mechan i sm employs he l i ca l gea r s, which prov ides two t imes mesh ing r a t e o f t e e th when compar ing wi th r e gu la r spu r gea r s. In add i t i on, i t a l so f ea tu r e s ext r eme ly smoo th runn ing, low no i s e, h igh to rque and low back l a sh. 輸入端與馬達的連結採用筒夾式的鎖緊機構 並經動 平衡分析 以確保在高輸入轉速下結合介面的同心度 和平衡度 及零背隙的動力傳遞 行星齒輪的傳動介面採用不含保持器之滿針滾針軸 承 增加接觸面積以提高結構剛性及輸出扭矩 齒輪箱和內環齒輪採一體式的設計 減速機構採用螺 旋齒輪設計 齒形嚙合率為一般正齒輪的二倍以上 具有運轉平順低噪音高輸出扭矩和低背隙的特性

3 MODEL RATIO RATIO,,,, 單段 1-Stage Stage unit:mm Model A B C Code A1 A2 A h A h A A H A A8 A9 A H B1 h B2 B B B B B B8 B9 C1 C2 C C C H8 C C C8 C MxP0. -MxP0.8 -MxP MxP M8xP P MMMM M P MMM 8911 MMM P M M MM8M M8 P /"PT M8MM P M 1/"PT

4 MODEL RATIO RATIO,,,, 單段 1-Stage Stage 規格 單位 速比 Model No. Unit Ratio 額定輸出扭矩 Rated Output Torque 最大輸出力矩 Max. Output Torque 額定輸入轉速 Rated Input Speed 最大輸入轉速 Max. Input Speed 背隙 Backlash Ps 背隙 Backlash P0 背隙 Backlash P1 背隙 Backlash P2 扭轉剛性 Torsional Rigidity 滾珠軸承 Ball Bearing 滾錐軸承 Taper Bearing 使用壽命 Service Life 效 率 Efficiency 使用溫度 Operating Temperature 潤 滑 Lubrication 防護等級 Gearbox Protection Degree 安裝方向 Mounting Position 噪 音 值 Noise Level 重 量 Weight ±% 倍額定輸出力矩 Times of Rated Output Torque rpm,000,000,000,000, / N 0 1, 2,, N 2,0,,20 hr % 9% -2 C ~ +9 C 全合成潤滑油脂 Synthetic Grease IP db Kg 連續運轉壽命為,000 (,000hrs),000 (Continuous operation life,000hrs) 任意方向 Any 8 0

5 MODEL RATIO RATIO 雙段 2-Stage Stage unit:mm Model A B C Code A1 A2 A h A h A A H A A8 A9 A H B1 h B2 B B B B B B8 B9 C1 C2 C C C H8 C C C8 C MxP0. -MxP0.8 -MxP MxP M8xP P MMM M P MM8M M8 P /"PT 1. MMM 8911 MMM 8911 MMM P M 8 0 P M M

6 MODEL RATIO RATIO 雙段 2-Stage Stage 規格 單位 速比 Model No. Unit Ratio 額定輸出扭矩 Rated Output Torque 最大輸出力矩 Max. Output Torque 額定輸入轉速 Rated Input Speed 最大輸入轉速 Max. Input Speed 背隙 Backlash Ps 背隙 Backlash P0 背隙 Backlash P1 背隙 Backlash P2 扭轉剛性 Torsional Rigidity 滾珠軸承 Ball Bearing 滾錐軸承 Taper Bearing 使用壽命 Service Life 效 率 Efficiency 使用溫度 Operating Temperature 潤 滑 Lubrication 防護等級 Gearbox Protection Degree 安裝方向 Mounting Position 噪 音 值 Noise Level 重 量 Weight ±% 倍額定輸出力矩 Times of Rated Output Torque rpm,000,000,000, , / 9 N 0 1, 2,, N 2,0,,20 hr % 9% -2 C ~ + C 全合成潤滑油脂 Synthetic Grease IP db Kg 連續運轉壽命為,000 (,000hrs),000 (Continuous operation life,000hrs) 任意方向 Any 8 0

7 L MODEL:L RATIO:,,,,1,,1,( 單段 1-Stage Stage) A B C unit:mm Model Code 1 A A A h A h 1 A A H A A A9 -MxP0. -MxP0.8 -MxP MxP M8xP1.2 A H 8 B1 h B B B B 1 B. 1 B 8 B8 B B C C2 M M M M M M M M M8 M M8 M M8 M M C C C H C M P0. M P0. M P1.0 M8 P1.2 M P1. C C8 1/8 PT 1/8 PT 1/8 PT 1/ PT 1/ PT C C

8 L MODEL:L RATIO:,,,,,1,,1,( 單段 1-Stage Stage) 規格 Model No. 單位 Unit 速比 Ratio 1 額定輸出扭矩 Rated Output Torque 最大輸出力矩 Max. Output Torque ~ 倍額定輸出力矩 Times of Rated Output Torque 額定輸入轉速 Rated Input Speed rpm ~ 最大輸入轉速 Max. Input Speed ~,000,000,000,000,000 背隙 Backlash Ps ~ 背隙 Backlash P0 ~ 背隙 Backlash P1 ~ 背隙 Backlash P2 ~ 扭轉剛性 Torsional Rigidity / ~ 滾珠軸承 Ball Bearing 滾錐軸承 Taper Bearing 使用壽命 Service Life hr ~ N ~ 0 1, 2,, N ~ - - 2,0,,20,000 ( 連續運轉壽命為,000hrs),000 (Continuous operation life,000hrs) 效率 Efficiency % ~ 9% 使用溫度 Operating Temperature ~ -2 C ~ +9 C 潤滑 Lubrication ~ 全合成潤滑油脂 Synthetic Grease 防護等級 Gearbox Protection Degree ~ IP 安裝方向 Mounting Position ~ 任意方向 Any 噪音值 Noise Level db ~ 8 0 重量 Weight ±% Kg ~

9 L MODEL:L RATIO: ( 雙段 2-Stage Stage) A B C unit:mm Model Code 1 A A A h A h 1 A A H A A A9 -MxP0. -MxP0.8 -MxP MxP M8xP1.2 A H 8 B1 h B B B B 1 B. 1 B 8 B8 B B C C2 M M M M M M M M M M M M8 M M8 M C C C H C M P0. M P0. M P0. M P1.0 M8 P1.2 C C8 1/8 PT 1/8 PT 1/8 PT 1/8 PT 1/ PT C C

10 L MODEL:L RATIO: ( 雙段 2-Stage Stage) 規格 Model No. 單位 Unit 速比 Ratio 1 額定輸出扭矩 Rated Output Torque 最大輸出力矩 Max. Output Torque 2~0 倍額定輸出力矩 Times of Rated Output Torque 額定輸入轉速 Rated Input Speed rpm 2~0 最大輸入轉速 Max. Input Speed 2~0,000,000,000,000,000 背隙 Backlash Ps 2~ 背隙 Backlash P0 2~0 背隙 Backlash P1 2~ 背隙 Backlash P2 2~0 扭轉剛性 Torsional Rigidity / 2~ 滾珠軸承 Ball Bearing 滾錐軸承 Taper Bearing 使用壽命 Service Life hr 2~0 N 2~0 0 1, 2,, N 2~ ,0,,20,000 ( 連續運轉壽命為,000hrs),000 (Continuous operation life,000hrs) 效率 Efficiency % 2~0 92% 使用溫度 Operating Temperature 2~0-2 C ~ + C 潤滑 Lubrication 2~0 全合成潤滑油脂 Synthetic Grease 防護等級 Gearbox Protection Degree 2~0 IP 安裝方向 Mounting Position 2~0 任意方向 Any 噪音值 Noise Level db 2~0 8 0 重量 Weight ±% Kg 2~0


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