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1 进口食品境外出口商或代理商及境内收货人备案 管理系统 - 境外出口商或代理商企业端 用户手册 V1.0 Administrative Recording System for Overseas Exporters / Agents of Imported Food: User Manual V1.0 第 1 页共 26 页

2 目录 Content 1 初次备案申请 Application for Initial Recording 操作步骤 Procedures 填写说明 Notes on the Recording Form 备案变更申请 Application for Revision of Recording 操作步骤 Procedures 取消备案申请 Application for Cancellation of Recording 操作步骤 Procedures 进度信息查询 Checking Application Status 操作步骤 Procedures 备案名单查询 Checking the List of Recordings 操作步骤 Procedures 找回查询号 Fidning the Query Number 操作步骤 Procedures 企业投诉申请 Filing a Complaint 操作步骤 Procedures 第 2 页共 26 页

3 1 初次备案申请 1 Application for Initial Recording 1.1 操作步骤 1.1 Procedures 第一步 : 启动 IE6.0 或以上版本的浏览器 登录进口食品境外出口商或代理商及 境内收货人备案管理系统 : Step 1: Start Internet Explorer 6.0 or above. Login the Administrative Recording System for Overseas Exporters / Agents and for Domestic Consignees of Imported Food. Below is the translation of the above screen: 第 3 页共 26 页

4 Administrative Recording System for Overseas Exporters or Agents, and for Domestic Consignees of Imported Food Administrative Recording System for Administrative Recording System Overseas Exporters or Agents for Domestic Consignees Login Login Search the Records List Search the Records List Download: User Manual for Overseas Download: User Manual for Domestic Consignees Exporters or Agents 第二步 : 点击境外出口商或代理商备案系统图片下的 登录系统 连接, 进入境 外出口商或代理商备案管理子系统 : Step 2: Click on the Login link below the logo (of the Administrative Recording System for Overseas Exporters / Agents) and enter the subsystem. 第三步 : 在上面的页面中点击 初次申请 按钮, 进入境外出口商或代理商备案信息 初次备案页面 : Step 3: Click on Initial Registration button and enter the page of Initial Recording (Initial Filing): 第 4 页共 26 页

5 第 5 页共 26 页

6 第四步 : 填写完企业备案信息, 点击承诺书 同意, 再点击 暂存 按钮, 保存信息 此时信息被暂存, 可以下次登录时进行提交 ; 或者直接点击 提交 按钮 提交成功后, 在局端的出口商或代理商备案审核页面可以查看到提交的信息, 可以进行备案审核 Step 4: After all information is completed, please click on Agree button at Section 4 - Letter of Commitment of the screen. To save the information that you have completed, please click on Temp Save at the bottom of the screen and you can submit when you login the system next time. Alternatively, you can also submit the application directly. 第五步 : 在上面的提交确认页面, 点击 确定 按钮. 提示 备案提交成功, 弹出结 果提示信息, 提示备案号与查询号 Step 5: Click on 确定 (confirm) button if you are sure to submit the application. After the submission, a Filing Code and a Query Code will be shown on the screen. 注意 : 用户一定要记录下备案号与查询号, 以便于登录出口商或代理商企业端系统, 在首 页面输入备案号与查询号后点击 初次申请 / 登录 按钮后进入初次备案页面, 可 以进行提交 变更后提交 或变更后暂存操作 Note: 第 6 页共 26 页

7 Users are advised to note down the Filing Code and the Query Code in order to login the Overseas Exporters / Agents System next time. After entering your Filing Code (i.e. Registration No.) and Query Code, you can click on the Login button or Initial Registration button to revise your recording details, temporarily save your recording or submit your recording. 1.2 填写说明 1.2 Notes on the Recording Form 第 7 页共 26 页

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9 1 以上信息中, 带 * 星号的项目如果不填写, 系统将无法提交 The items with asterisk * are compulsory items in order to submit your recording. 2 企业名称 ( 英文 ): 请按照企业名称正确填写, 注意空格 字母大小写等 Company name (English): The company name needs to be correctly entered. Please pay attention to the space, upper case / lower case, etc. 3 [1] 国家 / 地区 : 输入时, 点击蓝色按钮, 在列表中选中对应项目前的单选按 钮, 点击 确定 按钮 3. [1] Country/ Region: Please click on the blue button, select your country and then click on the OK button. 4 [2] 联系人电子邮件信息 : 此信息请正确填写, 将用于企业查询号的找回 4. [2] Contact person s address: Please make sure that the address is correct. You may need this to find your Query Number. 5 [3] 要增加中国贸易伙伴信息, 点击 增加 按钮, 会增加一条记录 如果要 删除一条中国贸易伙伴信息, 点击对应行的 删除 按钮, 可以删掉当前行 备案申 请时, 至少要填写一条记录信息 5. [3] If you wish to add more Chinese trade partners, please click on the Add button. If you wish to delete one Chinese trade partner, please click on the Delete button. You must enter at least one Chinese trade partner in order to submit your recording. 6 [4] 暂存或者提交之前, 请阅读企业承诺书, 并点击 同意 按钮, 才可以完 成数据暂存或提交 6. [4] Before you temporarily save or submit the information, please read the Letter of 第 9 页共 26 页

10 Commitment, and click Agree. 2 备案变更申请 2. Application for Revision of Recording 2.1 操作步骤 2.1. Procedures 当下面操作中一种情况出现时可以登录企业端, 进行备案变更操作 You can revise your recording when one of the following situations occurs: 1 局端备案审核不通过 1. Recording fails to be approved. 2 局端备案抽查不通过 2. Recording fails to pass random checks. 3 总局备案信息发布 3. Recording is published by AQSIQ. 4 备案信息暂存 4. Records information is temporarily saved. 第一步 : 启动 IE6.0 或以上版本的浏览器 登录进口食品境外出口商或代理商及 境内收货人备案管理系统 : Step 1: Start Internet Explorer 6.0 or above. Login the Administrative Recording System for 第 10 页共 26 页

11 Overseas Exporters / Agents of Imported Food. 第二步 : 点击境外出口商或代理商备案系统图片下的 登录系统 连接, 进入境 外出口商或代理商备案管理子系统 : Step 2: Click on the Login link below the logo (of the Administrative Recording System for Overseas Exporters / Agents) and enter the subsystem. 第 11 页共 26 页

12 第三步 : 分别输入企业备案号 查询号以及附加码, 然后点击 登录 按钮, 进入备案信息维护页面 Step 3: Enter your Registration No, Query No and Extra code, then click on the Login button. 注 : 如果企业状态是 备案信息暂存, 且是初次申请, 那么此处点击 初次申请 登录境外出口商或代理商备案管理子系统 Note: If your status is Temporary Save for the initial recording, please click on the Initial Registration button to enter the subsystem. 第 12 页共 26 页

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14 第四步 : 在上面的页面修改信息内容 ( 如果不是在暂存状态下进行变更, 其中企 业名称与国家 / 地区无法修改 ), 点击企业承诺书的同意按钮, 点击 提交 按钮 提示 企业端备案提交成功, 请等待局端审批 Step 4: You can revise your recording shown above (if your status is not Temp Save, your Company Name and Country/Region cannot be changed). Click on Agree button in Section 4 - Letter of Commitment and click Submit. A pop-up message will display: Successfully submitted. Please wait for AQSIQ s approval. 如果是在初次暂存下变更提交后, 备案信息流程状态变为 : 备案申请, 待审核 当在其它情况下, 备案信息流程状态变为 : 备案变更, 待审核 3 取消备案申请 3 Application for Cancellation of Recording 3.1 操作步骤 3.1. Procedures 当下面操作中一种情况出现时可以登录企业端, 进行备案删除操作 You can cancel your recording when one of the following situations occurs: 1 局端备案审核不通过 1. Recording fails to be approved. 2 局端备案抽查不通过 2. Recording fails to pass random checks. 3 总局备案信息发布 第 14 页共 26 页

15 3. Recorded information is published by AQSIQ. 4 备案信息暂存 4. Recording is temporarily saved. 第一步 : 启动 IE6.0 或以上版本的浏览器 登录进口食品境外出口商或代理商及 境内收货人备案管理系统 : Step 1: Start Internet Explorer 6.0 or above. Login the Administrative Recording System for Overseas Exporters / Agents of Imported Food. 第二步 : 点击境外出口商或代理商备案系统图片下的 登录系统 连接, 进入境 外出口商或代理商备案管理子系统 : Step 2: Click on the Login link below the logo (of Administration Recording Management System for Overseas Exporters / Agents) and enter the subsystem. 第 15 页共 26 页

16 第三步 : 分别输入企业备案号 查询号以及附加码, 然后点击 登录 按钮, 进 入备案信息维护页面 Step 3: Enter your Registration Number, Query Number and Extra-code. Click Login button. 第 16 页共 26 页

17 第 17 页共 26 页

18 在上面的页面修改信息内容点击 取消备案 按钮 提示页面如下 Click on Cancel Record button at the bottom of the screen. The following dialog box will be shown: 点击 确定 按钮 提示 取消备案成功等待审核 Click on OK button. The following message will be shown: Cancellation successful. Waiting for approval. 4 进度信息查询 4 Checking Application Status 4.1 操作步骤 4.1. Procedures 第一步 : 启动 IE6.0 或以上版本的浏览器 登录进口食品境外出口商或代理商及境内收货人备案管理系统 : Step 1: Start Internet Explorer 6.0 or above. Login the Administrative Recording System for Overseas Exporters / Agents. 第 18 页共 26 页

19 第二步 : 点击境外出口商或代理商备案系统图片下的 登录系统 连接, 进入境 外出口商或代理商备案管理子系统 : Step 2: Click on the Login link below the logo (of Administrative Recording System for Overseas Exporters / Agents) and enter the subsystem. 第三步 : 分别输入企业备案号 查询号以及附加码, 然后点击 登录 按钮, 进 第 19 页共 26 页

20 入备案信息维护页面, 点击信息 进度信息查询 项, 可以看到在备案信息提交的每个操 作过程 备案状态显示为当前最新状态 如备案发布 : 审核通过已发布 Step 3: Enter your Registration No., Query No. and the Extra-code. Click Login. Click on the Information Query tab, where you can see the current and previous status of the recording. 所有的备案状态分别为, 可参见如下 :Below is a complete list of all recording status: 备案暂存, 待提交 ;Recording temporarily saved, waiting to be submitted; 备案提交, 待处理 ;Recording submitted, waiting to be processed; 备案申请, 待审核 ;Recording submitted, waiting to be approved; 审核不通过, 待修改 ;Not approved, waiting to be revised; 审核通过, 待发布 ;Approved, waiting to be published; 审核通过, 已发布 ;Approved and published; 第 20 页共 26 页

21 抽查不通过, 待修改 ;Fail to pass random checks, waiting to be revised; 备案变更, 待审核 ;Recording revised, waiting to be approved; 备案删除, 已归档 ;Recording deleted, archived; 取消备案申请, 待审核 Recording application cancelled, waiting to be approved; 备案申请删除, 已归档 ;Recording application deleted, archived; 备案变更暂存, 待提交 ; Recording revision temporarily saved, waiting to be submitted; 备案变更提交, 待处理 ;Recording revision submitted, waiting to be processed. 5 备案名单查询 5 Checking the list of recordings 5.1 操作步骤 5.1. Procedures 点击国家质检总局食品安全局网站上的备案名单查询链接, 弹出页面可以进行备案名单查询 在页面上可以看到单位名称 进口产品种类 主管局信息 Click the website link of the recording list of China AQSIQ s Food Safety Bureau, where you can search the information of all recorded companies, including the Company Name, Product Category and the relevant Administrative Bureau. 第 21 页共 26 页

22 查询 : 在页面上输入出口商或代理商企业名称 ( 英文 ) 国家 / 地区可以查询到要找的企业备案信息 Search: Enter the name of the exporter / agent (in English) and country/ region, and you can find the records. 第 22 页共 26 页

23 6 找回查询号 6. Find the Query Number. 6.1 操作步骤 6.1. Procedures 第一步 : 启动 IE6.0 或以上版本的浏览器 登录进口食品境外出口商或代理商及 境内收货人备案管理系统 : Step 1: Start Internet Explorer 6.0 or above. Login to the Administrative Recording System for Overseas Exporters / Agents. 第 23 页共 26 页

24 第二步 : 点击境外出口商或代理商备案系统图片下的 登录系统 连接, 进入境 外出口商或代理商备案管理子系统 : Step 2: Click on the Login link below the logo (of the Administrative Recording System for Overseas Exporters / Agents) and enter the subsystem. 第三步 : 在页面上点击 找回查询号 按钮 Step 3: Click on Find Query No. 在上面的找回查询号页面, 分别输入企业名称 ( 英文 ) 国家/ 地区, 然后点击 确定 按钮, 提示 成功取回查询号信息 (Successfully recover the query code information)! 用户可以在备案信息初次审请时填写的联系人电子邮件邮箱中收到找回查询号邮件 邮件返回客户 : 查询号 备案号 第 24 页共 26 页

25 On the above dialog box of I forget Query No., enter your Company Name (in English) and Country/Region information and click OK. If the information is correctly entered, a message will pop up saying Successfully recover the query code information! You will receive an showing your Query Number and Registration Number in the address you entered during initial registration. 7 企业投诉申请 7 Filing a complaint 7.1 操作步骤 7.1 Procedures 在初次申请时, 如果填写信息中企业名称 国家 / 地区已存在, 点击 提交 按钮, 弹出投诉信息页面 During initial recording, if the company name and country/region information already exist, the following dialog box will be displayed after the submit button is clicked. Prompt: This company has already been recorded. Repeated filing is not permitted. Do you want to file a complaint? 在上面的页面, 点击 确定 按钮 Click OK. 第 25 页共 26 页

26 在上面的页面中, 填写投诉信息, 点击 提交 按钮, 提示 提交成功 投诉成功后总局用户就可以在投诉管理页面中看到企业的投诉信息 On the above page, please fill in the information needed to file a complaint. And click submit. A message will display: successfully submitted. AQSIQ s users will be able to see your complaint on the Complaint Management page. 第 26 页共 26 页


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