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3 OS OS MiniOS OS_intStatus CPU OS_ReadyTable OS_intNest OS_lockNest OS_pCurTask (TCB) OS_iCurTask OS_intSource OS_tickCount ini OS API int SpSInit(void); int SpSStart(void);51 Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 3

4 int SpSTaskCreate(pTask function, void *pparameter, void *pstacktop, int iprio); int SpSTaskExit(void); int SpSTaskDel(unsigned int iprio); int SpSTaskSuspend(int iprio); int SpSTaskResume(int iprio); void SpSTimeDly(unsigned int itimecount); int SpSTimeDlyResume(int iprio); void SpSSchedLock(void); void SpSSchedUnLock(void); HEvent SpSSemCreate(unsigned int ivalue); int SpSSemPend(HEvent hevent, unsigned int itimeout); int SpSSemPost(HEvent hevent); int SpSSemAccept(HEvent hevent); HEvent SpSMboxCreate(void* pmail); void* SpSMboxPend(HEvent hevent, unsigned int itimeout, int* err); int SpSMboxPost(HEvent hevent, void* pmail); void* SpSMboxAccept(HEvent hevent); HEvent SpSQCreate(void* pstart, unsigned int isize); void* SpSQPend(HEvent hevent, unsigned int itimeout, int* err); int SpSQPost(HEvent hevent, void* pmsg); int SpSQPostFront(HEvent hevent, void* pmsg); void* SpSQAccept(HEvent hevent); void SpSSetVector(int Vector_No, void (*pisr)()); void SpFAddINTVec(unsigned long ulvector); void SpFDelINTVec(unsigned long ulvector); unsigned long SpFGetINTVec(void); HMem SpSMemCreate(void* pstart, unsigned int iblock, unsigned int isize, int *err); void* SpSMemGet(HMem hmem); void* SpSMemGetWait(HMem hmem, unsigned int itimeout, int *err); int SpSMemPut(HMem hmem, void* pblk); int SpSGetPri(); int SpSVersion(); Sunplus University Program 4

5 1 MiniOS 15X 15X OS MiniOS CPU--µ nsp CPU OS OS MiniOS MiniOS MHz 49152MHz MiniOS Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 5

6 C MiniOS API RAM 85 2 CPU Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 6

7 2 OS OS 21 CPU 8 KeyPress() Uart() KeyPress() Uart() UART while(1) function1(); // 1 function2(); // 2 function3(); // 3 KeyPress(); // 4 function5(); // 5 function6(); // 6 function7(); // 7 Uart(); // 8 Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 7

8 KeyPress() Uart() UART UART Uart() function1 function7 Uart() function7 OS CPU CPU OS OS int a=0; function() a = ; // a a 1, // ISR a ;, Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 8

9 Linux CPU MiniOS 1 Ready 2 Ready 3 4 OS API OS API ( ) Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 9

10 22 OS MiniOS API SpSInit(); SpSTaskCreate(,,, ) MiniOS CPU CPU 15 CPU CPU 15 // 1 B // example 1: single task // descriptions: port B low byte: connect to 8 LEDs // Program run to turn on LEDs one by one,control signal output from port B // author: Taiyun Wang // date: 2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 10

11 #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" int err; int t1stack[20]; //err No //Task stack volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); //Port B data register volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7007); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008); //Port B direction register //Port B attribute register main() void Task1(); SpSInit(); *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; //initialize OS kernel //Set Prot B is output //Set prot B attribute err = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,0,t1stack+19,1); //Create a task SpSStart(); //Start kernel void Task1() //task one unsigned int i = 1; while(1) *P_IOB_DATA = i; i<<=1; if(i == 0x0100) i = 1; SpSTimeDly(20); //Delay 20 tick API CPU tick MiniOS 128Hz tick 1/ ICE // // example 2: two tasks // descriptions: This example based on example 1, // two tasks do not communicate with each other and run independently Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 11

12 // author: Taiyun Wang // date: 2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" int err; int t1stack[20]; int t2stack[20]; //err No //Task 1 stack //Task 2 stack volatile unsigned int *P_IOA_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7000); //Port A data register volatile unsigned int *P_IOA_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7002); //Port A direction register volatile unsigned int *P_IOA_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7003); //Port A attribute register volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); //Port B data register volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7007); //Port B direction register volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008); //Port B attribute register main() void Task1(); void Task2(); SpSInit(); //Initialize OS kernel *P_IOA_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOA_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; //Set Port A output //Set Port A attribute *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; //Set port B output //Set port b attribute err = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,0,t1stack+19,1); //Create first task err = SpSTaskCreate(Task2,0,t2stack+19,2); //Create second task SpSStart(); //Start kenel void Task1() //task 1 unsigned int i = 1; while(1) *P_IOB_DATA = i; i<<=1; if(i == 0x0100) Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 12

13 i = 1; SpSTimeDly(30); //Delay 30 tick void Task2() //task 2 unsigned int i=0; while(1) *P_IOA_DATA = i; i<<=1; if(i == 0) i = 1; SpSTimeDly(5); //Delay 5 tick OS 1 2 C 3 4 IDE OS Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 13

14 3 MiniOS 15X MiniOS 15X sposvarh sposh RAM ROM sposvarh sposvarh sposconfigh sysstructh sposconfigh #define BODY_SPCE061A // 1 #define MAXTASK 5 // 2 #define MAXEVENT 3 // 3 #define MAXQUEUE 3 // 4 #define MAXMCB 3 // 5 #define MAXIFT 3 // 6 #define STACKSIZE 128 // 7 #define BODY_SPCE061A, body spce061a sposvarh sposh #define MAXTASK OS 15 MAXTASK #define MAXEVENT 3 MAXTASK 0 RAM #define MAXQUEUE 3 0 MAXEVENT #define MAXMCB 3 #define MAXIFT 3 #define STACKSIZE 128 sposvarh sysstructh TCB ECB sposvarh TCB TCB_struct OS_TCB[MAXTASK]; TCB_struct sysstructh TCB OS_TCB, MAXTASK, sposconfigh sposconfigh MAXTASK Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 14

15 TCB C C sposh API body sposconfigh sysstructh sposbodyh sposbodyh sposconfigh body BODY_SPCE061A sposce061ah body body body spce061a #ifdef BODY_SPCE061A // #include "sposce061ah" //spce061 body #endif sposce061ah extern void SpFAddINTVec(unsigned int ulvector); extern void SPFDelINTVec(unsigned int ulvector); extern unsigned int SpFGetINTVec(void); body body body os body body sposconfigh #define BODY_SPCE061A body define sposconfigh Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 15

16 CPU 3 B 8 // // example 3: semaphore // descriptions: The first task turned on LEDs from left to right,moved slowly until the eighth LED lighten, // then the second task started up, it turned on LEDs from right to left,moved fleetly // until the first LED lighten,and then the first task started up againthe program repeat endless // author: Taiyun Wang // date: 2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 16

17 #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" int err; int t1stack[20]; int t2stack[20]; HEvent sem; //error No //Task 1 stack //Task 2 stack //Event handle volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); //Port B data register volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7007); //Port B direction register volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008); //port B attribute register main() void Task1(); SpSInit(); *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; err = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,0,t1stack+19,1); sem = SpSSemCreate(1); SpSStart(); //Initialize OS kernel //Set port B direction //Set prot B attribute //Create first task //Create a semaphone //Start kernel void Task1() //task 1 void Task2(); unsigned int i = 1; err = SpSTaskCreate(Task2,0,t2stack+19,2); //Create second task while(1) SpSSemPend(sem,0); // Waiting semaphone for(i = 1;i<0x100;i<<=1) *P_IOB_DATA = i; SpSTimeDly(30); //Delay 30 tick SpSSemPost(sem); //Release semaphone void Task2() //task 2 volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA = (unsigned int*)(0x7005); unsigned int i = 0x80; Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 17

18 while(1) SpSSemPend(sem,0); //Waiting semaphone for(i = 0x80;i!= 0;i>>=1) *P_IOB_DATA = i; SpSTimeDly(5); //Delay 5 tick SpSSemPost(sem); //Release semaphone 8 B synchronism 4 05 ICE IDE // // example 4: task synchronization // descriptions: The first task wait for a semaphore,when the semaphore is Realeased, // this task turn on LEDs one by one // The second task sends a semaphore at the rate of 05 second // author: Taiyun Wang // date: 2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" int err; int t1stack[20]; int t2stack[20]; //Error No //Task 1 stack //Task 2 stack Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 18

19 HEvent sem; //Event handle volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7007); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008); //Port B data register //Port B dirction register //Port B attribue register main() void Task1(); SpSInit(); *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; //Set Port B output //Set Port B attribute err = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,0,t1stack+19,1); //Create first task sem = SpSSemCreate(0); SpSStart(); //Create semaphore //Start kernel void Task1() //Task one void Task2(); unsigned int i = 1; err = SpSTaskCreate(Task2,0,t2stack+19,2); //Create second task while(1) for(i = 1;i<0x100;i<<=1) SpSSemPend(sem,0); //Waiting semaphore *P_IOB_DATA = i; void Task2() while(1) SpSSemPost(sem); SpSTimeDly(32); //Realease semaphore //Delay 64 tick tick 1 Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 19

20 1 0 PEND N N 0 m m<n m // // example 5: counting semaphore // descriptions: Semaphore initialized is 3, thus 3 LEDs can be turned on at the same time // There are 8 initialized tasks,one task corresponds to one LED,they share the // resource each other Each task occupys the semaphore some cycles, then it releases // the semaphore,so other task can gain semaphore and turn on its own LED // author: Taiyun Wang // date: 2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" typedef struct int portval; int dlyval; par_t; //parameter struct int err; int stack[8][25]; HEvent sem; //Error No //Task stack //Event handle volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(uns igned int*)(0x7007); //Port B data register //Port B direction register Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 20

21 volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008); //Port B attribute register int portb = 0; main() void Task(void* inval); int i; par_t par[8]; int dlypar[8] = 53,43,31,29,23,19,17,13; //structure array //Delay tick of every task SpSInit(); *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; //Set Port B is output //Set Port B attribute for(i = 0;i<8;i++) par[i]portval = 1<<i; par[i]dlyval = dlypar[i]; for (i = 0; i<8;i++) err = SpSTaskCreate(Task,(void*)&par[i],&stack[i][24],i+1); sem = SpSSemCreate(3); //Create task //Create semaphore SpSStart(); //Start OS kernel void Task(void* inval) //task n(n=18) while(1) SpSSemPend(sem,0); //Waiting semaphore portb = ((par_t*)inval)->portval; *P_IOB_DATA = portb; SpSTimeDly(((par_t*)inval)->dlyval); portb &= ~((par_t*)inval)->portval; *P_IOB_DATA = portb; SpSSemPost(sem); SpSTimeDly(((par_t*)inval)->dlyval); //Release semaphore //Delay 8 8 PC 8 void Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 21

22 42 void* 6 char // // example 6: Mail box // descriptions: First task displays the value of byte in binary way, // the second task sends the value to the first task in runing time // author: Taiyun Wang // date: 2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" int err; int t1stack[25]; int t2stack[25]; HEvent mailbox; //Error No //Task 1 stack //Task 2 stack //Event handle volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7007); //Port B data register //Port B direction register volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008) ; //Port B attribute register int portb = 0; main() void Task1(); Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 22

23 void Task2(); SpSInit(); *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; err = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,0,t1stack+24,1); err = SpSTaskCreate(Task2,0,t2stack+24,2); mailbox = SpSMboxCreate((void*)0); SpSStart(); void Task1() int msg = 0; SpSMboxPost(mailbox,&msg); while(1) void Task2() int msg; int * pmsg; int err; while(1) SpSTimeDly(128); msg = (msg+1)%256; //Set Port B is output //Set Port B arribute //Create first task //Create second task //Create mailbox //Start OS kernel //Delay 128 tick SpSMboxPost(mailbox,&msg); //Send a mail to task 2 pmsg = SpSMboxPend(mailbox,0,&err); msg = *pmsg; *P_IOB_DATA = msg; //Waiting mail //Copy mail to local variable //Write mail value to prot B 43 Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 23

24 CPU // // example 7: This program demo how to use Message queue // descriptions: The first task send message with front insert mode, // the second task receive message and display time // author: Taiyun Wang // date: 2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" int err; int t1stack[25]; int t2stack[25]; HEvent queue; int *Q[5]; //Error No //Task 1 stack //Task 2 stack //Event handle //Message queue array volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7007); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008); //Port B data register //Port B direction register //Port B attribute register int portb = 0; main() void Task1(); void Task2(); SpSInit(); *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; err = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,0,t1stack+24,1); err = SpSTaskCreate(Task2,0,t2stack+24,2); queue = SpSQCreate((void*)Q,5); //Set Port B output //Set Prot B attribute //Create fist task //Create second task //Create Message queue Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 24

25 SpSStart(); void Task1() int msg[2]; msg[0]=0; msg[1]=1; SpSQPostFront(queue,&msg[0]); SpSQPostFront(queue,&msg[1]); //SpSQPost(queue,&msg[0]); //SpSQPost(queue,&msg[1]); while(1) SpSTimeDly(256); msg[0] = (msg[0]+2)%256; msg[1] = msg[0]+1; SpSQPostFront(queue,&msg[0]); SpSQPostFront(queue,&msg[1]); //SpSQPost(queue,&msg[0]); //SpSQPost(queue,&msg[1]); void Task2() int msg; int * pmsg; int err; while(1) pmsg = SpSQPend(queue,0,&err); msg = *pmsg; *P_IOB_DATA = msg; SpSTimeDly(128); pmsg = SpSQPend(queue,0,&err); msg = *pmsg; *P_IOB_DATA = msg; SpSTimeDly(128); //Start Os kernel //insert queue head //insert queue head //insert queue //insert queue //Delay 256 tick //Waiting first message //Send first message to prot B //Waiting second message //Send second message to prot B 44 Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 25

26 API 1 SpSSemCreate() SpSSemPend() SpSSemPost() 2 SpSMboxCreate() SpSMboxPend() SpSMboxPost() 3 SpSQCreate() SpSQPend() SpSQPost() SpSQPostFront() tick tick // // example 8: Use mail to create complex task: // 1The main program creates first task and runs OS kenel // 2First task creates second task, // send the third task's structure including parameter and address and so on // and turn on lamp every other 17 tick // 3 Second task receives mailbox create third task and turn on lamp every other 11 tick // 4 After third task delay 4 second, it delete first task and second task and display lamp // author: Taiyun Wang // date:2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" typedef struct void (*start_add)(void *para); //function pointer Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 26

27 void* para; //task parameter int* stacktop; //task stack size int priority; //task priority stru_task; //structure name int err; int t1stack[25]; int t2stack[25]; int t3stack[25]; HEvent mailbox; //Error No //Task 1 stack //Task 2 stack //Task 3 stack //Event handle volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7007); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008); int portb = 0; //Port B data register //Port B direction register //Port B attribute register main() void Task1(); SpSInit(); *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; //Set port B direction *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; //Set prot B attribute err = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,0,t1stack+24,1); //Create first task mailbox = SpSMboxCreate((void*)0); //create mailbox SpSStart(); //Start OS kernel void Task1() void Task2(); void Task3(); stru_task msg; msgstart_add = Task3; msgpara = (void*) 0; msgstacktop = t3stack+24; msgpriority = 3; err = SpSTaskCreate(Task2,0,t2stack+24,2); //Create second task SpSTimeDly(20); //Delay 20 tick,running task2 SpSMboxPost(mailbox,&msg); //Send mail to task 2 while(1) *P_IOB_DATA = 0x55; SpSTimeDly(17); Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 27

28 void Task2() stru_task msg; stru_task* pmsg; int err; pmsg = SpSMboxPend(mailbox,0,&err); msg = *pmsg; //Waiting mail //copy mail to local variable //create task 3 err = SpSTaskCreate(msgstart_add,msgpara,msgstacktop,msgpriority); while(1) *P_IOB_DATA = 0xAA; SpSTimeDly(11); void Task3() int i = 1; SpSTimeDly(512); //Delay 512 tick SpSTaskDel(1); //Delete task 1 SpSTaskDel(2); //Delete task 2 while(1) *P_IOB_DATA = i; i <<=1; if (i == 0x100) i = 1; SpSTimeDly(20); //Delay 20 tick Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 28

29 5 51 OS OS OS SR 4 CPU MiniOS API MiniOS API void SpSSetVector(int Vector_No,void (*pisr)()); unsigned long SpFGetINTVec(void); void SpFAddINTVec(unsigned long ulvector); OS void SPFDelINTVec(unsigned long ulvector); Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 29

30 MiniOS 4 MiniOS API API Void Interrupt_function(); Unsinged int t1stack[20]; Main() SpSInit(); // // Interrupt_function() 1 // 1 // SpSSetVector(0x1,Interrupt_fuction); // 1 SpFAddINTVec(0x1); tid1 = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,0,t1stack+19,1); SpSStart(); // Void Interrupt_function() // OS OS 8 SpSSetVector(0x1,Interrupt_function); 0x1 bodyh define, spce061a #define FIQ_PWM_VEC 0 #define FIQ_TMA_VEC 1 #define FIQ_TMB_VEC 2 #define IRQ0_PWM_VEC 3 #define IRQ1_TMA_VEC 4 #define IRQ2_TMB_VEC 5 Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 30

31 #define IRQ3_EXT2_VEC 6 #define IRQ3_EXT1_VEC 7 #define IRQ3_KEY_VEC 8 #define IRQ4_4KHZ_VEC 9 #define IRQ4_2KHZ_VEC 10 #define IRQ4_1KHZ_VEC 11 #define IRQ5_4HZ_VEC 12 #define IRQ5_2HZ_VEC 13 #define IRQ6_TMB1_VEC 14 #define IRQ6_TMB2_VEC 15 #define UART_RX_VEC 16 #define UART_TX_VEC 17 SpSSetVector(FIQ_PWM_VEC,Interrupt_function); PWM 52 1 Pend SpSSemPend, SpSMboxpend, SpSQPend Pend Accept, ( SpSSemAccept SpSQAccept ) tick Timer tick // // example 9: Send message in interrupt // descriptions: The interrupt function send semaphore to task 1 and task 2 Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 31

32 // pay attention to the interrupt function that lie in system clock interrupt // author: Taiyun Wang // date: 2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" int err; int t1stack[20]; int t2stack[20]; HEvent sem1,sem2; int tick1 = 0,tick2 = 0; //Error No //Task 1 stack //Task 2 stack //Event handle volatile unsigned int *P_IOA_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7000); volatile unsigned int *P_IOA_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7002); volatile unsigned int *P_IOA_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7003); //Port A data register //Port A direction register //Port A attribute register volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7007); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008); //Port B data register //Port B direction register //Port B attribute register main() void Timer_INT(void); void Task1(); void Task2(); SpSInit(); *P_IOA_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOA_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; //Set Port A direction //Set Port A attribute *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; SpSSetVector(IRQ6_TMB2_VEC,Timer_INT); err = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,0,t1stack+19,1); err = SpSTaskCreate(Task2,0,t2stack+19,2); sem1 = SpSSemCreate(0); sem2 = SpSSemCreate(0); SpSStart(); //Set Port B direction //Set Port B attribute //Set interrupt function //Create first task //Create second task //Create semaphore //Start OS kernel void Task1() //task one Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 32

33 unsigned int i = 1; while(1) SpSSemPend(sem1,0); *P_IOB_DATA = i; i<<=1; if(i == 0x0100) i = 1; //Waiting semaphore void Task2() //task two unsigned int i=0; while(1) SpSSemPend(sem2,0); //Waiting semaphore *P_IOA_DATA = i; i<<=1; if(i == 0) i = 1; void Timer_INT(void) tick1++; tick2++; if (tick1 == 30) //tick==30? SpSSemPost(sem1); //Release semaphore 1,running task 1 tick1 = 0; if (tick2 == 5) //tick==5 SpSSemPost(sem2); //Release semaphore 2,running task 2 tick2 = 0; Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 33

34 6 API MiniOS 15X, // // example This program show to memoroy management API // author: Taiyun Wang // date:2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" int taskerr; //Error No int t1stack[25]; //Task 1 stack int t2stack[25]; //Task 2 stack int t3stack[25]; //Task 3 stack int MemPart[6][8]; //Partition HMem pmem; //Memory control block data structure pointer main() void Task(); unsigned int err; int *a; SpSInit(); pmem = SpSMemCreate(MemPart,6,8,&err); //Create memory control block taskerr = SpSTaskCreate(&Task,0,t1stack+24,1); //Create first task taskerr = SpSTaskCreate(&Task,0,t2stack+24,2); //Create second task taskerr = SpSTaskCreate(&Task,0,t3stack+24,3); //Create third task SpSStart(); void Task() int *a,*b,*c; int err; Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 34

35 a=(int*)spsmemget(pmem); //Obtaining a memory block if(a) *a = 1; b=(int*)spsmemget(pmem); //Obtaining a memory block if(b) *b = 2; c=(int*)spsmemgetwait(pmem,0,&err); //Obtaining a memory block if(c) *c = 3; SpSTimeDly(5); SpSMemPut(pmem,(void*)a); SpSMemPut(pmem,(void*)b); SpSMemPut(pmem,(void*)c); //default call SpSTaskExit Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 35

36 7 Windows Linux Windows DDK DDK DDK Linux 386 Windows Linux UART UART UART LED Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 36

37 8 10 MiniOS ICE ICE J24 J25 // // example 10: This example Plays original sound on OS, explain how to Play sound on OS // author: Taiyun Wang // date:2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" #define BUFLEN 60 #define BUFSIZE 2 extern long RES_ORIG2_RAW_SA; extern long RES_ORIG2_RAW_EA; unsigned int* pstart; unsigned int* pend; int SegStart; int SegEnd; int playpointer = 0; int playbuf = 0; int buff[bufsize][buflen]; //sound buffer int err; int t1stack[32]; int t2stack[20]; //Error No //Task 1 stack //Task 2 stack Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 37

38 HEvent sem; //Event handle volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7007); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008); //Port B data register //Port B direction register //Port B attribute register volatile unsigned int* P_DAC_Ctrl = (unsigned int*) 0x7015; volatile unsigned int* P_DAC1 = (unsigned int*) 0x7017; volatile unsigned int* P_DAC2 = (uns igned int*) 0x7016; //DAC control register //DAC1 data register //DAC2 data register void int_func(void); //interrupt function main() void Task1(); void Task2(); void DACInit(); SpSInit(); *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; DACInit(); *P_DAC1 = 0x0; *P_DAC2 = 0x0; //Set Port B direction //Set Port B attribute err = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,(void*)0,t1stack+31,1); //Create first task err = SpSTaskCreate(Task2,(void*)0,t2stack+19,2); //Create second task sem = SpSSemCreate(0); SpSStart(); //Start OS kernel void DACInit() pstart = (unsigned int *)(int)res_orig2_raw_sa; //Start pointer pend = (unsigned int *)(int)res_orig2_raw_ea; //End pointer SegStart = (unsigned int)(res_orig2_raw_sa>>6)&0xfc00; //Start segment SegEnd = (unsigned int)(res_orig2_raw_ea>>6)&0xfc00; //End segment SpFSetTimer(OS_SET_TIMEA,0x0030,0xFA23); void Task1() int fillbuf(int buffno); int ret; Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 38

39 fillbuf(0); fillbuf(1); SpSSetVector(FIQ_TMA_VEC,int_func); SpFAddINTVec(FIQ_TMA_EN); while(1) SpSSemPend(sem,0); ret = fillbuf(((unsigned int)(playbuf-1)%bufsize)); if(ret) SpSTimeDly(1); SpFDelINTVec(FIQ_TMA_EN); *P_DAC1 = 0x78f0; *P_DAC2 = 0x78f0; SpSTaskExit(); void Task2() unsigned int i = 1; while(1) *P_IOB_DATA = i; i<<=1; if(i == 0x0100) i = 1; SpSTimeDly(20); void int_func(void) *P_DAC1 = (unsigned char)buff[playbuf][playpointer]; *P_DAC2 = (unsigned char)buff[playbuf][playpointer++]; if(playpointer == BUFLEN) playbuf = (unsigned int)(playbuf+1)%bufsize; playpointer = 0; SpSSemPost(sem); int fillbuf(int buffno) int i; Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 39

40 unsigned int tmp; asm ("INT OFF \n\t" //Set data segment "SR = SR AND 0x03FF \n\t" "SR = SR OR %0" : :"m"(segstart) ); SpSEnableINT(); //Enable interrupt for(i = 0;i <= BUFLEN;i++) asm ("%0 = D:[%1] \n\t" //Read sound data to tmp :"=r"(tmp) :"r"(pstart) ); pstart++; buff[buffno][i] = tmp; if((pstart >= pend)&&(segstart == SegEnd)) //Play finished return 1; if(pstart == (void*)0) SegStart+=0x0400; asm ("INT OFF \n\t" //Set data segment "SR = SR AND 0x03FF \n\t" "SR = SR OR %0" : :"m"(segstart) ); SpSEnableINT(); return 0; 48Kbps 16K S480 for MiniOS library 1 2 SpSSemPend, Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 40

41 SpSSemAccept SpSSemPend SpSSemAccept void* 0 3 S480 S ICE, MiniOS 15X S480 for MiniOS library A 8 B 8 VDD 1 2 SW1 1 2 SW2 1 2 SW3 1 2 SW4 1 2 SW5 1 2 SW6 1 2 SW7 Pin0 Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5 Pin6 Pin0 Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5 Pin6 Pin7 LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 LED6 LED7 LED8 100 R6 100 R6 100 R6 100 R6 100 R6 100 R6 100 R6 100 R6 1 2 SW8 Pin7 // // example 11: S480 on MiniOS // description: The program uses a semaphore to synchronize decoding task and interrupt playing task // keyboard scan uses a mailbox to save key value // author: Taiyun Wang // date: 2003/2/22 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sposvarh" #include "sposh" Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 41

42 #include "s480h" #define MaxSpeechNum 3 #define MaxVolume 15 void CDecoderTask(); void shiftled(); void ScanKeyTask(); int t1stack[20]; int t2stack[20]; int t3stack[100]; HEvent hdecodersem; HEvent hkeymbox; //Task 1 stack //Task 2 stack //task 3 stack //Event handle //Event handle volatile unsigned int *P_IOA_DATA=(unsigned int*)(0x7000); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DATA =(unsigned int*)(0x7005); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_DIR =(unsigned int*)(0x7007); volatile unsigned int *P_IOB_ATTRIB = (unsigned int*)(0x7008); // int main() SpSInit(); hkeymbox = SpSMboxCreate(0); //Create mialbox SpSTaskCreate(CDecoderTask,0,t3stack+99,3); //Create task of decoder SpSTaskCreate(shiftLED,0,t2stack+19,2); //Create task of LED SpSTaskCreate(ScanKeyTask,0,t1stack+19,1); //Create task of scan keyboard SpSStart(); //Start OS kernel void ScanKeyTask( ) unsigned int bdown=0; unsigned int bkeepdown=0; unsigned int itemp; while(1) itemp = *P_IOA_DATA; itemp &=0x00FF; if(itemp == 0) bdown = 0; bkeepdown = 0; Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 42

43 else if(bdown == 0) bdown = 1; else if (bkeepdown == 0) SpSMboxPost(hKeyMbox,&iTemp); bkeepdown = 1; SpSTimeDly(2); void shiftled( ) unsigned int i = 1; while(1) *P_IOB_DIR = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_ATTRIB = 0XFFFF; *P_IOB_DATA = i; i<<=1; if(i == 0x0100) i = 1; SpSTimeDly(20); void CDecoderTask() int Ret = 0; long Addr; int Mode; //Send scan keyboard value void * pkey; int Key = 0; int SpeechIndex = 0; int VolumeIndex = 8; unsigned int i=0; Mode = Auto; SpSSetVector(FIQ_TMA_VEC,F_FIQ_Service_SACM_S480); hdecodersem = SpSSemCreate(1); while(mode == Auto) //Set interrupt function //Create semaphore Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 43

44 Ret = System_Initial(); Ret = SACM_S480_Initial(Auto); SACM_S480_Play(SpeechIndex,DAC1+DAC2, Ramp_UpDn_On); while(1) pkey=spsmboxaccept(hkeymbox); //Read key if(pkey!= (void*)0) Key = *(unsigned int*)pkey; else Key = 0; switch(key) case 0x01: SACM_S480_Play(SpeechIndex,DAC1+DAC2, Ramp_UpDn_On); break; case 0x02: SACM_S480_Stop(); break; case 0x04: SACM_S480_Pause(); break; case 0x08: SACM_S480_Resume(); break; case 0x10: VolumeIndex++; if(volumeindex > MaxVolume) VolumeIndex = MaxVolume; SACM_S480_Volume(VolumeIndex); break; case 0x20: if(volumeindex == 0) VolumeIndex = 0; else VolumeIndex--; SACM_S480_Volume(VolumeIndex); break; case 0x40: if( ++SpeechIndex == MaxSpeechNum) SpeechIndex = 0; SACM_S480_Play(SpeechIndex,DAC1+DAC2, Ramp_UpDn_On); break; case 0x80: Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 44

45 if( --SpeechIndex < 0) SpeechIndex = MaxSpeechNum-1; SACM_S480_Play(SpeechIndex,DAC1+DAC2, Ramp_UpDn_On); break; default: break; SACM_S480_ServiceLoop(); MiniOS Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 45

46 9 MiniOS OS 5 C 5 91 OS_intStatus OS_readyTable OS_intNest OS_lockNest OS_pCurTask OS_iCurTask OS_intSource OS_tickCount FIQ IRQ 1 0 TCB 1 1/ OS_intStatus CPU 912 OS_ReadyTable ( ) 0 : Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 46

47 913 OS_intNest 0 1 IRQ FIQ OS_lockNest OS_pCurTask (TCB) idle, idle 916 OS_iCurTask, OS_intSource 16 16, 1, 918 OS_tickCount 1/128, 128, 92 TCB_head[16] 16 TCB_head[3] 3 TCB TCB_head TCB typedef struct TCB_struct TCB_reg* SP; enum Tsk_status taskstate; unsigned int tasktimedly; struct ECB_struct* eventptr; TCB_struct; //Register struct //task state //Time delay count //waiting event handle TCB_reg typedef struct TCB_reg unsigned int reserved; unsigned int SB; unsigned int R1; unsigned int R2; // // shift buffer // Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 47

48 unsigned int R3; unsigned int R4; unsigned int BP; unsigned int SR; unsigned int PC; TCB_reg; SHTBUF shift buffer enum Tsk_status taskstate, enum Tsk_status Unused = 0x00, Ready = 0x01, Running = 0x02, SusPend = 0x04, Delay = 0x08, WaitSem = 0x10, WaitMail = 0x20, WaitQueue = 0x40, waitflag = 0x80, waitmem = 0x100, SemDly = 0x18, MailDly = 0x28, QDly = 0x48, FlagDly = 0x88, MemDly = 0x108, SemSus = 0x14, MailSus = 0x24, QSus = 0x44, FlagSus = 0x84, MemSus = 0x104, SemDlySus = 0x1C, MailDlySus = 0x2C, Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 48

49 ; MQDlySus = 0x4C, FlagDlySus = 0x8C, MemDlySus = 0x10C unsigned int tasktimedly tick 0 tick 0 void *eventptr 93 ISR_head[18] body SPCE ISR_head body body typedef struct IFT_struct struct IFT_struct *next; unsigned int SR; void (*function)(void); IFT_struct; 94 typedef struct ECB_struct enum Event_type eventtype; unsigned int waittable[2]; union unsigned int count; unsigned int flag_grp; void *msg; struct QCB_struct *p_qcb; comm; ECB_struct; 4 word word 1 enum Event_type eventtpe Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 49

50 enum Event_type None = 0, Semaphore, Mailbox, Queue, Flag ; word count, typedef struct QCB_struct void *start; void *end; void *in; void *out; unsigned int entries; QCB_struct; +1 FIFO 95 typedef struct MCB_struct void *MCB_freeList; int waittable[2]; MCB_struct; 3 word MCB_freeList OS_readyTable Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 50

51 10 ini OS API int SpSInit(void); OS_NO_ERR OS_OVER_MAX 15 OS_UNDER_ONE 0 SpSInit( ) SpSStart( ) Void main() SpSInit(); /* Initialize MiniOS*/ SpSStart(); /* Start Multi-Tasking */ 1012 int SpSStart(void); OS_NO_TASK SpSInit( ) SpSStart( ) SpSStart( ) SpSInit( ) int SpSTaskCreate(pTask function, void *pparameter, void *pstacktop, int iprio); function pparameter pstacktop Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 51

52 iprio OS_NO_ERR OS_PRIO_EXIST OS_PRIO_INVALID 14 OS_NO_TCB TCB 15 int err; /* error number */ int t1stack[20]; /* Task stack */ Void main() void Task1(); SpSInit(); /* Initialize minios*/ err = SpSTaskCreate(Task1,0,t1stack+19,1); /* Create a task */ SpSStart(); /* Start Multi-Tasking */ void Task1() 1022 int SpSTaskExit(void); OS_IN_ISR SpSTaskExit( ) void TaskN() SpSTaskExit(); Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 52

53 1023 int SpSTaskDel(unsigned int iprio); SpSTaskDel SpSTaskExit SpSTaskDel SpSTaskExit OS_NO_ERR OS_PRIO_INVALID 14 OS_PRIO_NULL void TaskN() SpSTaskDel(10); /* delete task with priority 10 */ 1024 int SpSTaskSuspend(int iprio); SpSTaskResume() OS_NO_ERR OS_PRIO_INVALID 14 OS_PRIO_NULL SpSTaskResume() void TaskN() while(1) err = SpSTaskSuspend(10); /* suspend task with priority 10 */ Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 53

54 1025 int SpSTaskResume(int iprio); SpSTaskSuspend OS_NO_ERR OS_PRIO_INVALID 14 OS_PRIO_NULL OS_RESUME_SELF OS_NO_SUSPEND void TaskN() while(1) err = SpSTaskResume(10); /*resume task with priority 10 */ 1026 void SpSTimeDly(unsigned int itimecount); 0 time tick MiniOS 1 tick = 1/128s 78ms void TaskN() while(1) SpSTimeDly(10); /* delay task for 10 ticks */ Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 54

55 1027 int SpSTimeDlyResume(int iprio); SpSTimeDly OS_NO_ERR OS_PRIO_INVALID 14 OS_PRIO_NULL OS_NO_TIMEDLY SpSTimeDlyResume () void TaskN() int err; while(1) err = SpSTimeDlyResume(10); /* resume task with priority */ if (err == OS_NO_ERR) 1028 void SpSSchedLock(void); SpSSchedUnLock 1 0 SpSSchedLock SpSTimeDly SpSSemPend API Void TaskN(void *parm) SpSSchedLock(); /* Prevent other tasks to run */ /* code protected from content switch */ SpSSchedUnLock(); /* Enable other tasks to run */ Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 55

56 1029 void SpSSchedUnLock(void); 0 SpSSchedLock HEvent SpSSemCreate(unsigned int ivalue); ECB NULL ECB HEvent sem; //Event handle main() SpSInit(); sem = SpSSemCreate(0); //Create semaphore SpSStart(); //Start kernel 1032 int SpSSemPend(HEvent hevent, unsigned int itimeout); 0 SpSTaskSuspend() SpSTaskResume() hevent itimeout TICK OS_NO_ERR OS_PEVENT_NULL OS_ECB_TYYPE_ERR Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 56

57 OS_IN_ISR OS_TIME_OUT HEvent sem1; //Event handle void TaskN() while (1) SpSSemPend (sem1, 0); //Waiting semaphore 1033 int SpSSemPost(HEvent hevent); 0 1 SpSSemPost OS_NO_ERR OS_ECB_TYPE_ERR OS_PEVENT_NULL HEvent sem; /* Event handle */ void TaskN() while(1) SpSSemPost(sem); /* Realease semaphore */ 1034 int SpSSemAccept(HEvent hevent); SpSSemPend Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 57

58 0 1 0 HEvent sem; //Event handle void TaskN() int value; while(1) value = SpSSemAccept(sem); //reading semaphore if (value>0) 1035 HEvent SpSMboxCreate(void* pmail); ( ) pmail ECB NULL HEvent mailbox; //Event handle main() SpSInit(); mailbox = SpSMboxCreate((void*)0); //Create mailbox SpSStart(); //Start OS kernel Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 58

59 1036 void* SpSMboxPend(HEvent hevent, unsigned int itimeout, int* err); SpSMboxPend SpSMboxPend SpSTaskSuspend SpSTaskResume hevent itimeout tick err OS_TIME_OUT 0 err Err OS_NO_ERR OS_PEVENT_NULL OS_ECB_TYPE_ERR ECB OS_IN_ISR OS_TIME_OUT err OS_NO_ERR NULL err SpSTaskSuspend HEvent mailbox; /* Event handle */ void TaskN() int * pmsg; int err; while(1) pmsg = SpSMboxPend(mailbox, 0, &err); /* Waiting mail */ if (err == OS_NO_ERR) 1037 int SpSMboxPost(HEvent hevent, void* pmail); OS_MBOX_FULL Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 59

60 hevent pmail OS_NO_ERR OS_PEVENT_NULL OS_ECB_TYPE_ERR OS_MBOX_FULL pmail HEvent mailbox; /* Event handle */ void TaskN() int err, msg = 0; while(1) err = SpSMboxPost(mailbox, &msg); /* Waiting mail */ 1038 void* SpSMboxAccept(HEvent hevent); SpSMboxPend () NULL NULL HEvent mailbox; /* Event handle */ void TaskN() void *msg; while(1) msg = SpSMboxAccept (mailbox); /* Waiting mail */ if (msg!= (void *)0) Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 60

61 else 1039 HEvent SpSQCreate(void* pstart, unsigned int isize); ISR pstart isize ECB NULL ECB QCB HEvent queue; /* Event handle */ int *Q[5]; /* Message queue array */ void main(void) SpSInit(); queue = SpSQCreate((void*)Q,5); /* Create Message queue */ SpSStart(); /* Start Os kernel */ void* SpSQPend(HEvent hevent, unsigned int itimeout, int* err); SpSQPend SpSTaskSuspend SpSTaskResume hevent itimeout err OS_TIME_OUT 0 err OS_NO_ERR Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 61

62 OS_TIME_OUT OS_ECB_TYPE_ERR OS_IN_ISR OS_PEVENT_NULL err OS_NO_ERR err int err; //Error No HEvent queue1; //Event handle void TaskN() unsigned int *pmsg; while(1) pmsg = SpSQPend (queue1, 0, &err); //waiting queue int SpSQPost(HEvent hevent, void* pmsg); (FIFO) hevent pmsg OS_NO_ERR OS_QUEUE_FULL OS_ECB_TYPE_ERR OS_PEVENT_NULL HEvent queue; //Event handle int msg[5]; Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 62

63 void TaskN() while(1) SpSQPost(queue, &msg[0]); //insert queue int SpSQPostFront(HEvent hevent, void* pmsg); SpSQPost (LIFO) SpSQPost hevent pmsg OS_NO_ERR OS_QUEUE_FULL OS_ECB_TYPE_ERR OS_PEVENT_NULL HEvent queue; //Event handle int msg[5]; void TaskN() while(1) SpSQPostFront (queue, &msg[0]); //insert queue void* SpSQAccept(HEvent hevent); SpSQPend Pend NULL Sunplus University Program 63

64 NULL HEvent queue; /* Event handle */ void TaskN() void *msg; while(1) msg = SpSQAccept (queue); /* check queue for a message */ if (msg!= (void *)0) /* message received, process */ else /* message not received */ void SpSSetVector(int Vector_No, void (*pisr)()); Vector_NO ( SposCE061Ah pisr OS_NO_ERR OS_NO_IFT Void TaskN() void func1(); SpSSetVector(FIQ_TMA_VEC, func1); void func1() Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 64

65 1042 void SpFAddINTVec(unsigned long ulvector); bit 1 Void TaskN() void func1(); SpSSetVector(FIQ_TMA_VEC, func1); SpFAddINTVec(FIQ_TMA_EN); 1043 void SpFDelINTVec(unsigned long ulvector); Void TaskN() for(; ; ) SpFDelINTVec(FIQ_TMA_EN); 1044 unsigned long SpFGetINTVec(void); Void TaskN() unsigned long ulintvector; Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 65

66 ulintvector = SpFGetINTVec(); HMem SpSMemCreate(void* pstart, unsigned int iblock, unsigned int isize, int *err); pstart iblock isize err: OS_NO_ERR OS_MEM_INV_ADDR OS_MEM_INV_BLKS OS_MEM_INV_SIZE OS_MEM_NOMCB NULL int MemPart[6][8]; //Partition HMem pmem; //Memory control block data structure pointer void main(void) unsigned int err; SpSInit(); pmem = SpSMemCreate(MemPart,6,8,&err); //Create memory control block SpSStart(); 1052 void* SpSMemGet(HMem hmem); hmem, NULL Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 66

67 HMem pmem; //Memory control block data structure pointer void Task(void) int *a; for (; ;) a=(int*)spsmemget(pmem); //Obtaining a memory block 1053 void* SpSMemGetWait(HMem hmem, unsigned int itimeout, int *err); hmem itimeout err OS_NO_ERR OS_MEM_HANDLE_NULL OS_IN_ISR OS_TIME_OUT NULL HMem pmem; //Memory control block data structure pointer void Task(void) int *a; for (; ;) a= (int*)spsmemgetwait(pmem, 0, &err); //Obtaining a memory block if(a) *a = 1; 1054 int SpSMemPut(HMem hmem, void* pblk); Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 67

68 hmem pblk OS_NO_ERR OS_MEM_HANDLE_NULL OS_MEM_PBLK_NULL ; HMem pmem; /* Memory control block data structure pointer */ int * a; void Task(void) for (; ;) SpSMemPut(pmem, (void*)a); /* memory block released */ int SpSGetPri(); Void TaskN(void) int pid; for (; ;) pid = SpSGetPri(); /* get priority */ 1062 int SpSVersion(); OS Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 68

69 Void TaskN(void) int os_version; for (; ;) os_version = SpSVersion(); /* obtain MiniOS version */ Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 69

70 11 ROM 2735 RAM 85 CODE TEXT IRAM RAM SpSInit SpSStart SpSTimeTick SpSsetVector kern_sched SpSTaskCreate SpSTimeDly SpSIdle SpSSchedLock SpSSchedUnLock SpSTimeDlyResume SpSGetPri SpSTaskDel SpSTaskExit SpSTaskSuspend SpSTaskResume SpSSemPost SpSSemPend SpSSemCreate SpSSemAccept SpSMboxPost SpSMboxPend SpSMboxCreate SpSMboxAccept SpSQPost SpSQPend SpSQCreate SpSQPostFront SpSQAccept Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 70

71 SpSMemCreate SpSMemGet SpSMemGetWait SpSMemPut var SpFAddINTVec SpFSetINTStatus SpFGetINTVec SpFDelINTVec kern_break kern_fiq kern_irq kern_irq kern_irq kern_irq kern_irq kern_irq kern_irq kern_irq kern_intentry SpSversion SpSEnableIN ROM ( OS API) 2735 word RAM 128Hz 24 word 85 word RAM 1 4 word 2 3 word 3 5 word 4 3 word 5 3 word sposconfigh MHz M 1237 Sunplus University Program unsp@sunpluscomcn 71

, 7, Windows,,,, : ,,,, ;,, ( CIP) /,,. : ;, ( 21 ) ISBN : -. TP CIP ( 2005) 1

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