Microsoft PowerPoint - Unity3d_Input

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1 Unity3d 輸入設備相關指令 ( 滑鼠 鍵盤 搖桿 ) 龍華科技大學多媒體與遊戲發展科學系林志勇編輯請勿外流轉載, 上傳網路 2013/12/28

2 Mouse( 滑鼠 )

3 OnMouse(Down, Drag, Enter, Exit, Over, Up) 跟遊戲物件 (GameObject) 有關

4 OnMouseDown // Loads the level named "SomeLevel" as a response // to the user clicking on the object function OnMouseDown () { } Application.LoadLevel ("SomeLevel");

5 OnMouseDrag // Darken the material color while user holds down the mouse. function OnMouseDrag () { } renderer.material.color -= Color.white * Time.deltaTime;

6 OnMouseEnter // Attach this script to a mesh to make // it red when the mouse is over the mesh function OnMouseEnter () { renderer.material.color =; }

7 OnMouseExit // Assigns a white color to the material // attached to this mesh. function OnMouseExit () { renderer.material.color = Color.white; }

8 OnMouseOver // Fades the red component of the material to zero // while the mouse is over the mesh function OnMouseOver () { } renderer.material.color -= Color(0.1, 0, 0) * Time.deltaTime;

9 OnMouseUp // Register when mouse dragging has ended. OnMouseUp is called // when the mouse button is released. See Also: OnMouseDown, OnMouseDrag. function OnMouseUp () { } Debug.Log("Drag ended!");

10 Hierarchy Create Sphere 林志勇

11 OnMouse(Enter, Over, Exit, Down) 透過滑鼠不同動作 改變球的顏色 // Attach this script to a mesh to make // it red when the mouse is over the mesh function OnMouseEnter () { renderer.material.color =; } function OnMouseOver () { renderer.material.color -= Color(0.1, 0, 0) * Time.deltaTime; } function OnMouseExit () { renderer.material.color = Color.white; } function OnMouseDown () { renderer.material.color =; } 林志勇

12 Sphere OnMouse

13 OnMouseDrag.js var speed = 100; function OnMouseDrag () { transform.position += Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime*Input.GetAxis ("Mouse X") * speed; transform.position += Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime*Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y")* speed; } 林志勇

14 Cube OnMouseDrag 林志勇

15 JavaScript 與 VC# JavaScript VC#

16 Input

17 Input.GetMouse

18 Input.GetMouse(Button, ButtonDown, ButtonUp) 偵測滑鼠按鈕狀態 ( 跟遊戲物件無關 ) 林志勇

19 Input.GetMouseButton // Detects clicks from the mouse and prints a message // depending on the click detected. function Update() { if(input.getmousebutton(0)) Debug.Log("Pressed left click."); if(input.getmousebutton(1)) Debug.Log("Pressed right click."); if(input.getmousebutton(2)) Debug.Log("Pressed middle click."); } 林志勇

20 Input.GetMouseButtonDown // Detects clicks from the mouse and prints a message // depending on the click detected. function Update() { if(input.getmousebuttondown(0)) Debug.Log("Pressed left click."); if(input.getmousebuttondown(1)) Debug.Log("Pressed right click."); if(input.getmousebuttondown(2)) Debug.Log("Pressed middle click."); } 林志勇

21 Input.GetMouseButtonUp // Detects clicks from the mouse and prints a message // depending on the click detected. function Update() { if(input.getmousebuttonup(0)) Debug.Log("Pressed left click."); if(input.getmousebuttonup(1)) Debug.Log("Pressed right click."); if(input.getmousebuttonup(2)) Debug.Log("Pressed middle click."); } 林志勇

22 Hierarchy Create GUI Text 林志勇

23 GetMouse.js function Update() { } if(input.getmousebutton(0)){ guitext.text="pressed left click."; } if(input.getmousebutton(1)){ guitext.text="pressed right click."; } if(input.getmousebutton(2)){ guitext.text="pressed middle click."; } 林志勇

24 GUI Text GetMouse

25 MousePosition( 滑鼠位置 ) & RayCast

26 OnMouse.js Input.mousePosition var particle : GameObject; function Update () { if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) { // Construct a ray from the current mouse coordinates var ray : Ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition); var hit : RaycastHit; if (Physics.Raycast (ray,hit,100)) { // Create a particle if hit Instantiate (particle, hit.point, transform.rotation); } } } 林志勇

27 Main Camera OnMouse Particle Flame

28 MouseSensor.js var target1: Transform; var target2: Transform; function Update () { if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { var ray: Ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); var hit: RaycastHit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, hit)) { if (hit.transform == target1) { print("hit target 1"); } else if (hit.transform == target2) { print("hit target 2"); } } else { print("hit nothing"); } } } Lcy

29 Main Camera MouseSensor Target1 Cube Target2 Sphere

30 MouseScrollWheel.js Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") var teststring : String = ""; function OnGUI () { var wheelvalue = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); if (wheelvalue!= 0){ teststring = teststring + " " + wheelvalue; GUI.Label(Rect(0,0,320,480),testString); } transform.translate(0, wheelvalue*10,0); } 林志勇

31 Sphere MouseScrollWheel

32 Main Camerea MouseXY Lcy

33 MouseXY.js var mouse : Texture2D; var mouseps =; function Update () { mouseps = Input.mousePosition; } function OnGUI () { Screen.showCursor = false; GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(mousePs.x,Screen.height-mousePs.y,25,25),mouse); gameobject.find("guitexth").guitext.text ="Screen.height:" +Screen.height.ToString(); gameobject.find("guitexty").guitext.text ="mouseps.y:" +mouseps.y.tostring(); var diffh; diffh=screen.height-mouseps.y; gameobject.find("guitexthy").guitext.text =diffh.tostring(); GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(0,100,25,25),mouse); } Lcy

34 MouseBMP Lcy

35 Input.GetButton, GetButtonUp, GetButtonDown

36 Input.GetButton, GetButtonUp, GetButtonDown

37 GameObject Create Empty Lcy 37

38 GameObject Lcy 38

39 Javascript Lcy 39

40 InputPress.js function Update () { if(input.getbuttonup("jump")){ Debug.Log("We Have Hit the Space Bar!"); } } Lcy 40

41 GameObject InputPress Lcy 41

42 Edit ProjectSettings Input Lcy 42

43 Name Jump Positive Button space Lcy 43

44 Input.anyKey, anykeydown 林志勇

45 Input.anyKey, anykeydown

46 Input.anyKey // 檢測是否有任何按鍵被按到 function Update() { } if(input.anykey) Debug.Log("A key or mouse click has been detected"); 林志勇

47 Input.anyKeyDown // 檢測是否有任何按鍵被按到 ( 按下一瞬間 ) function Update() { } if(input.anykeydown) Debug.Log("A key or mouse click has been detected"); 林志勇

48 inputstring 林志勇

49 inputstring // Shows how to read typing input from the keyboard // (eg. the user entering his name). // You need to attach this script to a GUIText object. function Update () { for (var c : char in Input.inputString) { // Backspace - Remove the last character if (c == "\b"[0]) { if (guitext.text.length!= 0) guitext.text = guitext.text.substring(0, guitext.text.length - 1); }else if (c == "\n"[0] c == "\r"[0]) { // End of entry // "\n" for Mac, "\r" for windows. print ("User entered his name: " + guitext.text); }else { // Normal text input - just append to the end guitext.text += c; } } } 林志勇

50 Input.GetKey(Down, Up)

51 Input.GetKey

52 Input.GetKey

53 Input 林志勇

54 Input 林志勇

55 Horizontal 林志勇

56 Vertical 林志勇

57 Fire1 林志勇

58 Jump 林志勇

59 Mouse X 林志勇

60 Mouse ScrollWheel 林志勇

61 Window Shake X 林志勇

62 Horizontal 林志勇

63 Fire1 林志勇

64 Jump 林志勇

65 Input.GetAxis, GetAxisRaw

66 Input.GetAxis

67 Input.GetAxis // A very simplistic car driving on the x-z plane. var speed : float = 10.0; var rotationspeed : float = 100.0; function Update () { // Get the horizontal and vertical axis. // By default they are mapped to the arrow keys. // The value is in the range -1 to 1 var translation : float = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") * speed; var rotation : float = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * rotationspeed; // Make it move 10 meters per second instead of 10 meters per frame... translation *= Time.deltaTime; rotation *= Time.deltaTime; // Move translation along the object's z-axis transform.translate (0, 0, translation); // Rotate around our y-axis transform.rotate (0, rotation, 0); } 林志勇

68 Input.GetAxis

69 Input.GetAxis // Performs a mouse look. var horizontalspeed : float = 2.0; var verticalspeed : float = 2.0; function Update () { // Get the mouse delta. This is not in the range var h : float = horizontalspeed * Input.GetAxis ("Mouse X"); var v : float = verticalspeed * Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y"); transform.rotate (v, h, 0); }

70 Input.GetAxisRaw function Update () { } var speed : float = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime; transform.rotate (0, speed, 0); 林志勇

71 Input Size 林志勇

72 Input Rename 林志勇

73 Input 林志勇

74 Input.GetJoystickNames // Prints a joystick name if movement is detected. function Update () { } // requires you to set up axes "Joy0X" - "Joy3X" and "Joy0Y" - "Joy3Y" in the Input Manger for (var i : int = 0; i < 4; i++) { } if (Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis("Joy"+i+"X")) > 0.2 Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis("Joy"+i+"Y")) > 0.2) Debug.Log (Input.GetJoystickNames()[i]+" is moved"); 林志勇

75 搖桿 (JoyStick)

76 讀取搖桿狀態函數 Input.GetAxis("X axis") Input.GetAxisRaw("X axis") Input.GetButton("joystick button 0") 無法區分不同搖桿按鈕 Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Joystick1Button0) 可區分不同搖桿按鈕

77 搖桿按鈕替代鍵碼 KeyCode.JoystickButton0

78 讀取搖桿旋轉軸數值 Input.GetAxis

79 Input.GetAxis ( Vertical ) ( 垂直軸 ) Input.GetAxis ( Horizontal )( 水平軸 ) // A very simplistic car driving on the x-z plane. var speed : float = 10.0; var rotationspeed : float = 100.0; function Update () { // Get the horizontal and vertical axis. // By default they are mapped to the arrow keys. // The value is in the range -1 to 1 var translation : float = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") * speed; var rotation : float = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * rotationspeed; // Make it move 10 meters per second instead of 10 meters per frame... translation *= Time.deltaTime; rotation *= Time.deltaTime; // Move translation along the object's z-axis transform.translate (0, 0, translation); // Rotate around our y-axis transform.rotate (0, rotation, 0); }

80 讀取搖桿旋轉軸值及按鈕值

81 讀取搖桿旋轉軸值及按鈕值 var speed : float = 10.0; var rotationspeed : float = 10.0; function Update () { if(input.getkey(keycode.joystickbutton0)) { transform.rotate(5, 0, 0); print("up arrow key is held down"); } if(input.getkey("joystick button 1")) { transform.rotate(0, 5, 0); print("up arrow key is held down"); } if(input.getkey("joystick button 2")) { transform.rotate(0, 0, 5); print("up arrow key is held down"); } var translation : float = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") * speed; var rotation : float = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * rotationspeed; // Make it move 10 meters per second instead of 10 meters per frame... translation *= 0.1; rotation *= 0.01; // Move translation along the object's z-axis transform.translate (0, 0, translation); // Rotate around our y-axis transform.translate (rotation, 0, 0); }

82 範例程式

83 Arcade Stick for Sony Playstation 3

84 Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller

85 搖桿示意圖

86 測試程式介面

87 搖桿輸入裝置設定 Edit Project Settings Input

88 增加 Size 數量, 設定新增搖桿轉軸

89 測試程式

90 讀取搖桿按鈕值 Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Joystick4Button0)

91 讀取搖桿轉軸數值 Input.GetAxisRaw("J2-3")

92 無線搖桿控制台 裝置管理員 人性介面裝置

93 羅技搖桿測試程式搖桿 1,2,4 對應 Unity3d Joystick1,2,4( 無 Joystick 3)

94 Mode 亮 x, y Axis 5th, 6thAxis

95 Mode 不亮 5th, 6thAxis x, y Axis

96 Input.GetButton(Down, Up)

97 Input.GetButton

98 Unity3d IPhone

99 Android 手機 Bundle Identifier 設定

100 Bundle Identifier Bundle Identifier: Bundle Identifier 就是 package name Package Name 可自訂任何名字, 但業界有通用格式, 例如 : com.mycompanyname.mygame net.yourcompanyname.yourgame Bundle Identifier(Package Name) 在上架 Android Market 時, 很重要 因為同一個 PackageName 只能存在一個 Bundle Identifier(PackageName) 取 com.mywebsite.mygame, 但是已經有人取這個名字並已上架了,Android Market 就不會讓你用同樣的名字 簡單來說, 就是作為獨一的識別名字 Bundle Version: 備註程式第幾版本 Bundle Code: 備註程式是哪一個小版號

101 iphoneutils.vibrate(); 手機震動 // Press button to vibrate function OnGUI() { } if (GUI.Button(Rect(0, 10, 100, 32), "Vibrate!")) iphoneutils.vibrate();

102 Input.GetTouch Input.touchCount TouchPhase.Moved TouchPhase.Began

103 Touch

104 TouchPhase

105 Input.touchCount

106 Input.GetTouch



109 Input.acceleration



112 Screen.orientation

113 Input.deviceOrientation


115 Input.gyro


117 省電 // Disable screen dimming Screen.sleepTimeout = 0.0f;

118 Reference/Screen.html

119 // Start in landscape mode function Start () { Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft; }

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