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1 兩款火車三條路線 落基山登山者號 送豪禮 GIFT PACK 價值 VALUE $138 Up 加拿大國鐵 + 落基山巴士火車 完美組合用不同的角度去體驗落基山 8 度榮獲全球最佳火車之旅 閃耀 加拿大西岸 落基山 巴士火車團 SPARKLING.CANADA WEST.ROCKIES.COACH COACH & RAIL 溫哥華 / 西雅圖出發 VANCOUVER / SEATTLE DEPART 4/29-10/13/2017

2 落基山登山者號火車巴士簡介 INTRO TO ROCKY MOUNTAINEER RAIL & COACH 落基山登山者號 Rocky Mountaineer 落基山登山者號運行 27 年, 共獲得 55 項大獎,8 度榮獲 世界最佳火車旅行體驗, 是國際公認的 世界上最佳旅遊方式之一 縱橫跨越落基山脈! 提供 2 款不同路線組合 ( 豪華 7 天及輝煌 8 天 ) 乘坐豪華旅遊巴士欣賞山峰 冰河及湖泊 ; 再乘最奢華的觀景火車, 帶您穿梭於公路所不能到達的山河美景中, 與大自然融為一體落基山登山者號只於白天行駛, 名副其實的 景觀列車, 兩種列車服務級別任君選擇 : 金楓葉及銀楓葉人氣推薦! 落基山行程巴士前三排, 令您視野更開闊, 沿途美景第一時間盡收眼底, 座位有限, 欲購從速, 售完即止! 靈活安排! 提供溫哥華或西雅圖機場 郵輪碼頭或西雅圖水族館 ( 市中心 ) 接送服務 超貼心! 可安排西雅圖酒店及接送, 更多自由時間遊覽 戀上西雅圖! 多等級溫哥華酒店選擇, 毗鄰購物 交通及餐廳 更可選擇市中心喜來登酒店 - 豪華景觀房 寬大的落地窗可一覽市區及海灣美景 頂級享受! 新玩法! 溫哥華出海觀鯨, 尋覓虎鯨 座頭鯨 海豚 海獅 海豹等海洋生物 省時便利! 全程膳食, 特別安排露易絲湖堡壘酒店豐盛的西式午餐及冰原午餐 ( 冰原午餐僅適用於 YMN8) 特別贈送溫哥華夜遊 : 暢遊市中心 蓋斯鎮 蒸氣鐘 奧運村等, 漫步福溪邊, 欣賞卑斯體育館 科技館等都市夜景 ( 每房最多送兩位 ; 送完即止 ) 金楓葉 GoldLeaf Awarded by World Travel Awards as "World s Leading Travel Experience by Train. eight times, Rocky Mountaineer is highly regarded as one of the best traveling experience - winning 55 national and international awards Transpass the Rocky Mountains by tour bus and the best train in the world. Two different routes (Deluxe 7 days and Glorious 8 days) to choose from. Immerse yourself with an unforgettable journey to the Rockies Rocky Mountaineer only travels during daylight hours. Two levels of services: GoldLeaf and SilverLeaf Don t miss the opportunity to capture more of the Rockies by reserving First 3 Rows during the Rockies tour (optional) Greeting service and transfers on the first day & last day at Vancouver/Seattle Airport or Cruise Terminal or Seattle Aquarium (Downtown). Discover your Seattle. Book your pre-hotel and explore more! Various hotel options in Vancouver. Optional stay in Deluxe View Room at Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre. Enjoy panoramic views of downtown Vancouver Enjoy a spectacular whale watching tour to discover southern resident, killer whales, humpback whales and more! All Inclusive Meal Plan available, including a lunch at Chateau Lake Louise and dinner at Columbia Icefield (applies on YMN8). Take a memorable Vancouver Night Tour exploring Downtown, Gastown, Olympic Village and False Creek (limited to max. 2 guests per room; subject to availability; while supplies last) 銀楓葉 SilverLeaf 獨享全景觀玻璃圓拱形雙層車廂外, 還可以到專用的露天觀景車廂欣賞風景 在特設的豪華餐車內, 享用專業大廚新鮮烹調的佳餚醇釀, 欣賞窗外沿途美景 隨時享用各式飲料和小吃, 專業車廂服務人員提供沿途風景介紹及豪華住宿安排 Two levels, glass domed coach with full-length windows, the GoldLeaf Service is the ultimate experience with exclusive dining room and gourmet hot meals prepared by onboard chefs. Complimentary beverages and snacks, and luxurious accommodation. 單層圓拱車廂內的超大玻璃窗提供半全景景觀, 在舒適的座椅上享用早 午餐 ( 可選主菜 ) 美味小吃及不含酒精飲料 熱情的乘務員為乘客講解各個特色景點及舒適住宿安排 Single-level glass domed coach with oversized windows, SilverLeaf Service serves selections of entrees the guest can enjoy right at his/her own seat. Non-alcoholic beverages are included while wine or beer are available at lunch. Comfortable hotel accommodation..

3 - 落基山登山者號 - 螺旋型隧道 - 踢馬河谷 - 甘露市 (早*午*) 5 班夫 Banff - Rocky Mountaineer - Spiral Tunnels - Kicking Horse Canyon - Kamloops (B*/L*) 早上在酒店大堂集合 乘坐火車公司專線巴士前往火車站 乘搭 落基山登山者號 踏上豪華火車之旅 冰川 及隨處可見被白雪覆蓋的群峰映入眼簾 途徑城堡山 露易絲湖 著名的卑斯省和阿爾伯塔省大陸分水嶺 螺旋型隧道 優鶴國家公園 黃金鎮 踢馬河谷 羅傑斯隘口 冰河及灰熊國家公園 最後一口釘等 傍晚抵達 甘露市 Meet at hotel lobby in the morning. Travel onboard the Rocky Mountaineer from the town of Banff to Kamloops. Your journey takes you through a spectacular array of scenery: glacier and snowcapped peaks of the Canadian Rockies, remarkable tunnels over mountain passes, beautfiul lakeshores and the serene ranchlands of the interior. Today s highlights include the Continental Divide, Spiral Tunnels, Kicking Horse Canyon, Rogers Pass and Craigellachie(last spike of the Canadian Pacific Railway). Overnight in Kamloops. 住宿 Hotel: 甘露市酒店* Kamloops Hotel* - 落基山登山者號 - 地獄門 - 菲沙河谷 - 溫哥華 (早*午*) 6 甘露市 Kamloops - Rocky Mountaineer - Hell s Gate - Fraser Valley - Vancouver (B*/L*) 冰川天空步道 Glacier Skywalk 早上在酒店大堂集合 繼續精彩的火車旅程 一路向西行駛 景色由一片片沙漠狀的內陸 變換成蜿蜒曲折 的河流峽谷及草木蒼翠的原始森林 猶如一幅幅山水畫卷映入眼簾 菲沙峽谷的蒼翠綠野 奔騰咆哮的地獄 門激流及湯普森河沿岸的險峻 每一個變化無窮的美景都讓您終生難忘 晚上到達溫哥華後 由專人從火車 站送返酒店 Gather at hotel lobby in the morning and continue your journey westwards. On today s journey you will again see dramatic changes in the scenery: desert-like environment of the interior, winding river canyons and pristine forests to the lush green fields of the Fraser River Valley. Highlights include the steep slopes and rock sheds along the Thompson River and the rushing waters of Hell s Gate in the Fraser Canyon. Your rail journey ends upon arrival in Vancouver this evening. Tour guide will meet you at the train station and transfer to your hotel. - 原居地 (早) 7 溫哥華 Vancouver - Hometown (B) 溫哥華 - 西雅圖 - 原居地 (早) [需附加費] 上午可自由活動或探親訪友 或於酒店附近的 著名食府品嚐各式美食 之後前往溫哥華國際 機場 結束愉快的旅程 Enjoy a free day of shopping or fine dining. Transfer to Vancouver airport afterwards. 莫連彎道 Morants Curve Vancouver - Seattle - Hometown (B) [Surcharge applies] 早上由酒店出發 中午抵達西雅圖水族館 郵輪碼頭或 機場 建議搭乘下午3點後的航班 Depart in the morning and arrive at Seattle Aquarium, Cruise terminal or Sea-Tac Airport around noon. Suggested departure flight time after 3pm. 小住幾日 戀戀不捨 維多利亞 惠斯勒 杜芬奴等 溫哥華周邊玩個遍 *食宿和火車上行程講解由火車公司提供 Extend your stay in Vancouver for more fun tours to Victoria, Whistler, Tofino and more! Meals, accomodation and tour presentation during the train are provided by train company 溫哥華免費接送機時間(按巴士班次): 8:00am-9:30pm A/B類酒店 8:00am-8:00pm C/D類酒店 Free YVR airport transfer time (scheduled operation): 8:00am-9:30pm (Type A/B Hotels) or 8:00am-8:00pm (Type C/D Hotels) 温哥華 落基山登山者號火車巴士 輝煌八天遊 VANCOUVER ROCKY MOUNTAINEER RAIL & COACH GLORIOUS 8 DAYS 出發日期: Departure Date: 落基山行程路線圖 Rockies Tour Bus Route 水上飛機線路圖 自選 5/6-5/31 逢週六出發 Sat 6/1-10/10 逢週二 六出發 Tue & Sat Seaplane Route (Optional) 太平洋 冰原 Icefield 火車路線 Pacific Ocean 東岸 Rail Route 甘露市 Kamloops East Coast 乃磨市 維能市 Vernon 溫哥華 Vancouver 維多利亞 Victoria Golden 班夫 Banff 卡那那斯基斯 Kananaskis 充裕時間遊覽班夫風情小鎮 多種休閒戶外活動任君選擇 如直升 機 橡皮艇漂流 騎馬 馬車遊覽 溫泉水療浴等 Plenty of time at leisure in Banff, enjoy various Optional Activities to choose from: Rafting, Helicopter Tour, Horse-back Riding, Carriage Rides & Hotsprings, etc. 基洛納 Kelowna 精挑細選 兩晚住宿國家公園內及一晚住宿原住民保護區內酒店 西雅圖 Seattle 按雙人房計算 夜遊每房最多送兩位 送完即止 Gift Pack(total value at $168; per twin room); Complimentary False Creek Mini Ferry, PVA Cooling Towel, Luggage Tag, Beaver Badge, 2017/18 Calendar, Entertainment Coupon, National Park Adm, and Vancouver Night Tour (night tour is complimentary to max.2 guests per twin room; while supplies last). 黃金鎮 Nanaimo Tofino Lake Louise Salmon Arm 惠斯勒 Whistler 杜芬奴 露易絲湖 鮭魚灣 YMN8 每房送豪禮價值$168 含特色漁港小渡 PVA酷爽毛巾 行李牌 卡通團章 2017/18年曆卡 娛樂禮券 國家公園門票及溫哥華夜遊 賈斯柏 Jasper 團號 Tour Code Map Not to scale Two nights at National Parks and one night accommodation at Stoney Nakoda Resort & Casino. - 溫哥華 (餐 晚) 1 原居地 Hometown - Vancouver (Meals: D) 加國內陸航班抵達 於3號行李帶集合 Domestic arrivals: meet at claim belt #3 國際航班抵達 於接機大廳 木頭人雕像 集合 International arrivals: meet at Welcome Figures wooden statue in Arrival Hall 郵輪碼頭抵達 五帆 酒店門口 Cruise arrivals: Pan Pacific Hotel Entrance 特別贈送精選市區遊(約3.5小時 限中午前與導遊會合的客人) 暢遊市中心 史丹利公園 以 五帆 為標誌的加拿大廣場 國際會議中心 冬奧聖火 盆等 送特色漁港小渡 沿英格烈灣至格蘭威爾半島 欣賞兩岸如 畫風景 Complimentary City Tour! (duration: approx. 3.5 hrs; meet our tour guide before noon): Downtown, Stanley Park, Canada Place, Vancouver Convention Center and Olympic Cauldron etc. Bonus Mini Ferry Ride to Granville Island! 原居地 - 西雅圖 - 溫哥華 (餐: 晚) [需附加費] Hometown - Seattle - Vancouver (Meals: D) [Surcharge applies] 機場抵達 於1號行李帶約中午12點集合(送西雅圖迷你市區遊 不 含溫哥華精選市區遊 逢週六集合時間延後約半小時) Sea-Tac Airport arrivals: meet at claim belt #1 at approx. 12pm. (Bonus Complimentary Mini Excursion of Seattle rather than Vancouver; Saturday Arrival: postpones 30 mins) 郵輪碼頭抵達 約下午1點15分於66號或91號碼頭集合 Cruise Terminal arrivals: meet at Seattle Pier 66 or Pier 91 at approx. 1:15pm. 市中心抵達 或下午1點45分於水族館正門集合在太空針廣場拍照留 念后 送往溫哥華酒店 Downtown arrivals: meet at Seattle Aquarium Main Entrance at approx. 1:45pm. Transfer to Vancouver Hotel after a brief stop at Space Needle.

4 溫哥華 - 菲沙河谷 - 基洛納 - 歐墾娜根湖 - 酒莊 - 蜂蜜廠 - 鮭魚灣 / 維能市 ( 早午晚 ) 2 Vancouver - Fraser Valley - Kelowna - L. Okanagan - Winery - Honey Farm - Salmon Arm/Vernon (B/L/D) 早上乘豪華旅遊車經菲沙河谷, 抵達基洛納, 漫步於印地安神話傳說中湖怪出沒的歐墾娜根湖畔 參觀該市首家認證的有機酒莊, 此地出產的冰酒因獨特清甜而成為英國女皇國宴的禦用餐酒 了解紅 白及冰酒的釀制過程, 品嚐當地佳釀 隨後前往蜂蜜廠, 可選購蜂王漿 蜂膠等純天然蜂蜜制品 Start our journey via the Fraser Valley and head east to the heart of the Okanagan Valley - Kelowna. At Lake Okanagan, search for the lake monster Ogopogo from the First Nations legendary history. Stop at the renowned Winery for moderate wine tasting of icewine, red wine. Later, Visit a Honey Farm. 住宿 Hotel: Comfort Inn & Suites / Village Green Hotel or similar 或同級鮭魚灣 / 維能市 - 最後一口釘 - 班夫國家公園 - 登山纜車 - 約翰斯頓峽谷 - 卡那那斯基斯 ( 早 * 午晚 ) 3 Salmon Arm/Vernon - Last Spike - Banff N.P. - Gondola - Johnston Canyon - Kananaskis (B*/L/D) 前往崇山峻嶺間的飛鷹坳, 追尋太平洋鐵路東西橫貫接駁處的 最後一口釘 穿越優鶴國家公園, 進入班夫國家公園 乘登山纜車 ( 門票 ) 鳥瞰疊章山巒 雄偉冰川 隨後沿弓谷公園大道來到約翰斯頓峽谷, 它由數千年的河水侵蝕而成, 深邃的峽谷裏溪水潺潺, 瀑布應接不暇 經三姐妹峰和弓河谷省立公園後來到卡那那斯基斯 天然影城 安排選乘直升飛機, 身臨其境於多部奧斯卡提名電影取景地 : 如李安導演的 斷背山 布拉德 皮特主演的 神槍手之死 萊昂納多主演的 荒野獵人 等 Swing by Eagle Pass via Trans-Canada Highway and visit the Last Spike of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Passing by Yoho National Park, enter Banff National Park. Take an exciting Gondola Ride(adm) to the summit. Explore Johnston Canyon in the afternoon and get super close to the roaring water, breathtaking cliffs and rushing waterfalls. Pass through The Three Sisters and Bow Valley Provincial Park, we will arrive in Kananaskis, where numerous Oscar-nominated movies were filmed. Take the optional Helicopter Tour by dusk for a guaranteed highlight of your trip! 住宿 Hotel: 印第安原住民保護區內娛樂酒店 Stoney Nakoda Resort & Casino 卡那那斯基斯 - 夢蓮湖 - 露易絲湖 - 班夫風情小鎮 - 驚奇角 - 自選活動 ( 早 * 午晚 ) Kananaskis - Moraine Lake - Lake Louise - Town of Banff - Surprise Corner - Optional Activities (B*/L/D) 4 清晨途經城堡山後前往夢蓮湖 ( 視路況 ), 其迷人景色曾被印製在 20 元加幣的背面 到訪 落基山脈藍寶石 露易絲湖, 碧綠澄澈的湖水倒映著遠處的維多利亞冰川 特別安排團友在露易絲湖堡壘酒店內享用豐盛西式午餐 ( 包餐計劃 ) 下午來到被譽為 落基山脈靈魂 的班夫鎮, 登上驚奇角, 遠眺地標性建築班夫春泉堡壘酒店和弓河瀑布 漫步於班夫大道, 領略十九世紀的歐式風情建築 更可體驗多種戶外休閑活動 : 橡皮艇漂流 觀光馬車 溫泉水療浴 騎馬探險等 Pass by Castle Mountain, head to Moraine Lake (subject to road conditions). The Ten Peaks view was once featured on the twenty-dollar Canadian bill. Stroll along world-famous Jewel of the Rockies - Lake Louise to capture the snow-capped Victoria Glacier along shores of the dazzling turquoise lake. Celebrate your day with a premium meal at Chateau Lake Louise (meal plan). Arrive at Town of Banff, capture the best view of Banff Springs and Bow River at the Surprise Corner. Continue with more activities (optional) such as Rafting, Horseback Riding etc. Explore on your own for the rest of the day. 住宿 Hotel: Elk+Avenue Hotel (former Banff International) / Inns of Banff 山景房 / Sunshine Mountain Lodge 山頂酒店 * or similar 或同級 ( 可升級入住班夫春泉堡壘酒店或露易絲湖堡壘酒店, 晚餐後送至酒店 optional upgrade to Banff Springs or Chateau Lake Louise, transfer to hotel after dinner) 5 班夫風情小鎮 - 冰原 - 冰川天空步道 - 亞迪巴斯加瀑布 - 賈斯柏小鎮 ( 午 ) Town of Banff - Icefield - Glacier Skywalk - Athabasca Falls - Town of Jasper (L) 沿冰原大道, 經弓湖進入賈斯柏國家公園, 更可有幸偶遇路邊覓食的野生動物 乘坐特製的巨型雪車 冰原探險家號 ( 門票 ) 登上除北極圈外世界上最大的冰原遺跡 - 哥倫比亞冰原 踏上厚度深達 300 公尺的亞迪巴斯加冰川, 置身於冰雪的奇幻世界 隨後來到冰川天空步道 ( 門票 ), 漫步於森瓦普塔瀑布上方透明玻璃觀景臺, 遠處冰雪群山環繞, 腳下深邃峽谷盡收眼底 感受亞迪巴斯加瀑布的震撼氣勢後, 抵達幽靜的賈斯柏小鎮, 體驗山間小鎮風情 Drive along the Icefields Parkway, pass by the Bow Lake and proceed to the Jasper National Park in the morning. Feel the pristine combination of uncultivated terrain and wildlife habitat before arriving at the Columbia Icefield. Ride on the massive Ice Explorer (adm) onto the Athabasca Glacier followed by a thrilling walk on the Glacier Skywalk (adm) for an eye-opening look of the Sunwapta Falls. Visit the spectacular Athabasca Falls and Jasper a town nestled in a rugged wilderness of unparallel beauty. 住宿 Hotel: Sawridge Inn/Marmot Lodge or similar 或同級 6 賈斯柏 - 落基山登山者號 - 羅布森山 - 金字塔瀑布 - 甘露市 ( 早 ** 午 **) Jasper - Rocky Mountaineer - Mt. Robson - Pyramid Creek Falls - Kamloops (B**/L**) 早上在酒店大堂集合, 乘火車公司專線巴士前往火車站, 乘搭 落基山登山者號, 踏上豪華火車之旅 途徑 8 字型盤山螺旋型隧道 高達 3954 米的加拿大落基山脈第一高峰 - 羅布森山 呈階梯狀飛流直下的金字塔瀑布 奔騰不息的踢馬河和冰川國家公園的中心地帶 - 羅渣氏坳, 穿過灰熊國家公園及鮭魚灣 沿途中隨處可見蒼松翠柏, 更有機會見到熊 麋鹿等野生動物, 充分感受壯麗的自然美景 傍晚抵達甘露市 Meet at hotel lobby in the morning. Take the shuttle bus to the train station and travel on board to the Rocky Mountaineer. As you journey to the west and south, you will be surrounded by the dramatic scenery of the Continental Divide and by the river valleys of the Monashee and Cariboo Mountains. Highlight of the day include Mt. Robson and Pyramid Creek Falls. Overnight in Kamloops. 住宿 Hotel: 甘露市酒店 ** Kamloops Hotel ** 甘露市 - 火車遊覽 - 地獄門 - 菲沙河谷 - 溫哥華 ( 早 ** 午 **) 7 Kamloops - Rocky Mountaineer - Hell s Gate - Fraser Valley - Vancouver (B**/L**) 早上在酒店大堂集合, 繼續精彩的火車旅程 欣賞沿途不斷變換的自然美景 : 湯普森河沿岸的險峻, 菲沙峽谷的蒼翠綠野 地獄門的激流 無論是沙漠狀的內陸地區 還是蜿蜒的河流峽穀, 猶如一幅幅山水畫卷令您目不暇給 晚上到達溫哥華後送返酒店 Meet at hotel lobby in the morning and continue your rail journey westwards. Along the way, you will experience dramatic changes of the scenery. Capture steep slopes and rock sheds along the Thompson River and the rushing waters of Hell s Gate at Fraser Canyon. Upon arrival in Vancouver, tour guide will meet you at the train station and transfer you to hotel. 溫哥華 - 原居地 ( 早 ) 溫哥華 - 西雅圖 - 原居地 ( 早 ) ( 需附加費 ) 8 Vancouver - Hometown (B) Vancouver - Seattle - Hometown (B) [Surcharge applies] 上午可自由活動或探親訪友, 或於酒店附近的著早上由酒店出發, 中午抵達西雅圖水族館 郵輪碼頭或機名食府品嚐各式美食 之後前往溫哥華國際機場, 場, 建議搭乘下午 3 點後的航班 Depart in the morning and 結束愉快的旅程 Enjoy a free day of shopping or fine arrive at Aquarium, Cruise Terminal or Airport around noon. dining. Transfer to Vancouver airport afterwards. Suggested departure flight time after 3pm. 小住幾日, 戀戀不捨! 維多利亞, 惠斯勒, 杜芬奴等, 溫哥華周邊玩個遍! Extend your stay in Vancouver for more fun tours to Victoria, Whistler, Tofino and more! 溫哥華免費接送機時間 ( 按巴士班次 ): 8:00am-9:30pm(A/B 類酒店 ); 8:00am-8:00pm(C/D 類酒店 ) Free YVR airport transfer time (scheduled operation): 8:00am-9:30pm (Type A/B Hotels) or 8:00am-8:00pm (Type C/D Hotels) 約翰斯頓峽谷 Johnston Canyon 直升機 Rockies Heli 夢蓮湖 Moraine Lake 亞迪巴斯加冰川 Athabasca Glacier 羅布森山 Mt. Robson * 早餐視酒店供應情況而定 *Complimentary Breakfast subject to hotel ** 食宿和火車上行程講解由火車公司提供 **Meals, accomodation and tour presentation during the train are provided by train company

5 落基山登山者號金楓葉 Rocky Mountaineer Gold Leaf 獨享玻璃圓拱形全景車廂專業服務, 帶來視覺和味覺雙重驚喜 Glass domed coach and deluxe service provides you an experience of a lifetime 意猶未盡, 延住酒店邂逅更多美 Stay Longer, Explore Further Honolulu 4-7 Days Tour [HI4-7] 惠斯勒一天 Whislter 1 Day Tour [WHI01] 維多利亞一天遊 Victoria 1 Day Tour [YYJ01] 黃刀鎮北極光三至四天遊 Yellowknife Aurora 4-Days Tour [YZF3-4] 特別鳴謝以下各大機構及攝影師所提供之精美插圖 Special Thanks to all the followings for providing photos in this production: participants of Super Vacation Photo Contests, Rockies Heli Tour, Banff Lake Louise Tourism / Paul Zizka Photography, Brewster Travel Canada, Harbour Air Seaplanes, Rockies Mountaineer and VIA Rail. 本公司保留改變行程權利, 以利團體進行 行程中如發生意外而引至傷亡或其他損失 ( 包括行李及財物遺失 ), 當根據航空公司 酒店 餐廳 巴士等營運機構所訂之條例, 作為解決依據, 概與本公司無涉 若因天氣, 路面, 機械等狀況而導至行程延誤, 本公司將不負上法律責任 如有需要, 請購買旅遊保險 We reserve the rights to modify the itinerary without liability. Super Vacation, (hereinafter referred to as the operator ) acts only in the capacity of agents for hotels, restaurants, airlines, bus companies or shipping lines providing transportations, hotel accommodations, meals and other services. The operator is not liable for any injury, death, loss or damage of personal property resulting from the use of the services. If the services included in the tour cannot be supplied or there are changes in an itinerary for reasons beyond the control of the operator, the operator will arrange for the provision of comparable services. Any resulting additional expenses will be payable by tour participants. Purchase of travel insurance is strongly recommended. 特約旅行社 : B.C. Reg. No PR

6 團號 Tour Code 每位 ( 加幣 ) CAD p.p. 溫哥華酒店類別 Type of Vancouver Hotel 雙人房 Twin 第三 / 四人 3rd/4th Pax 2-11Yrs 單人房 Single 溫哥華 落基山登山者號 火車巴士 豪華 7 天遊 Vancouver Rocky Mountaineer Rail & Coach Deluxe 7 Days A YRN7 頂級金楓葉 GoldLeaf YRN7 銀楓葉 SilverLeaf 特價門票 ( 須預繳 ) Admissions (Must be Prepaid) 閃耀 Sparkling 落基山巴士行程膳食 Rockies Bus Tour Meals 膳食安排 Meal Plan 全程膳食 ( 含落基山膳食 ) All Inclusive (Includes Rockies Meals) 司機及導遊服務費 : 溫哥華迎接 / 精選市區遊 / 溫哥華夜遊 : 每位共計 $4; 溫哥華送機 : 每位共計 $2; 西雅圖接 / 送 : 每位共計 $8; 旅遊團每天每位共計 $9 Pr Gratuities (Tour Guide & Driver): Vancouver Arrival Transfer/Mini City Tour/Night Tour $4/pax; Vancouver Departure Transfer $2/pax; Seattle Arrival/Departure Transfer $8/pax; Full Day Tour $9/pax/day Adult 少年 Youth 12-15Yrs 6-11Yrs Adult 2-11Yrs 餐數 No. of Meals Adult 2-11Yrs 4/29-5/30; 9/3-9/29 逢週三 六 日 Wed, Sat & Sun 5/31-9/2; 9/30-10/11 逢週三 六 Wed & Sat; 加開 Add. 10/ 特別安排 B 登山纜車 Gondola 露易絲湖堡壘 C 天空步道 Skywalk 酒店西式午餐 冰原雪車 Ice Explorer Lunch at Fairmont D 早 3 午 3 晚 Chateau Lake Louise 3B 3L 3D A B C 早 3 午 2 晚 B 3L 2D D 溫哥華 落基山登山者號 火車巴士 輝煌 8 天遊 Vancouver Rocky Mountaineer Rail & Coach Glorious 8 Days A YMN8 頂級金楓葉 GoldLeaf YMN8 銀楓葉 SilverLeaf 5/6-5/31 逢週六 Sat 6/1-10/10 逢週二 六 Tue & Sat 特別安排 B 露易絲湖堡壘 登山纜車 Gondola C 天空步道 Skywalk 酒店及冰原午餐 冰原雪車 Ice Explorer 加送兩天酒店早餐 D Lunchat Chateau Lake 2 早 4 午 4 晚 Louise & Icefield 2B 4L 4D A Two Complimentary Hotel Breakfast B C 午 3 晚 D L 3D YRN7 & YMN8 價格如有變動, 恕不另行通知 Subject to change without prior notice 溫哥華 落基山 冰原酒店 VIA 火車巴士 深度 8 天遊 Vancouver Rockies Glacier View VIA Rail & Coach Ultimate 8 Days YGV8 經濟座席 Economy YGV8 臥鋪 Berth YGV8 包廂 Cabin 5/1-10/12 逢週四出發 Thu A B 特別安排 登山纜車 Gondola 露易絲湖堡壘酒 C 天空步道 Skywalk 冰原雪車 Ice Explorer 店午餐及冰原晚餐 D LunchatChateauLake Louise& Dinnerat Icefield A B 早 3 午 5 晚 B 3L 5D C D 早 3 午 3 晚 B 3L 3D A B C D YGV8 為基礎票價, 會因火車最新票價而調整, 最終價格須訂團時確認 Above are base price. Final Price will be confirmed at booking. 位於富貴門中心區 Located in Central Richmond 西雅圖接送 Seattle Arrival/Departure Transfer (package tour only): 單程每位 $50 one way per pax 位於溫哥華市中心 Located in Downtown Vancouver Type A 超值 Value 酒店 : Hampton Inn By Hilton / Best Western Plus or Similar 或同級 Type C 經濟 Budget 酒店 : Barclay Inn or Similar 或同級 Type B 豪華 Deluxe 酒店 : Executive Plaza (Plaza Room) / Westin Wall Centre or Similar 或同級 加幣 + 稅 CAD +TAX Type D 特級 Premium 酒店 : Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre or Similar 或同級

7 加拿大150週年慶 敬請盡早報名 Celebrate Canada 150th Anniversary with us! 加幣+稅 CAD+TAX 閃耀 2017 夏季 加拿大西岸 落基山脈 火車巴士 旅遊組合 Summer Canada West Coast Rockies Rail & Coach Tour Packages EXCLUSIVE 全程膳食 All Meal Plan EXCLUSIVE 特色行程安排 Arrangement 食 含露易絲湖堡壘酒店 豐盛的西式午餐 Includes premium lunch at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise 及冰原特色餐 & special meal at Columbia Icefield (適用於輝煌&深度; applies to Glorious & Ul mate Series) 精挑細選溫哥華高級食府 Well Chosen Vancouver Restaurants 例如 For example: 麒麟海鮮酒家 Kirin Seafood Restaurant 卑斯輪渡自助餐 BC Ferries-Pacific Buffet 鴻星海鮮酒家 Red Star Seafood Restaurant 翠亨邨 Tsui Hang Village 三寶鮮日韓料理 Shabusen Yakiniku House 送紀念禮包(價值$138) 含溫哥華精選市區遊 加送 溫哥華夜遊 漁港小渡 PVA 酷爽毛巾 行李牌 卡通團章 年曆卡 國家公園門票等 Gi Pack(value $138 & up): Vancouver Mini City Tour, Bonus Vancouver Night Tour, Mini Ferry, PVA Cooling Towel, Luggage Tag, Beaver Badge and more! SPARKLING EXCLUSIVE 優質酒店 Quality Hotels 遊 加送! 溫哥華夜遊 暢遊市中心 蓋斯鎮-蒸汽鐘 奧運村等 Bonus! Complimentary Vancouver Night Tour: explore Downtown, Gastown, Olympic Village and more! (約2小時行程; 5月-9月中; 每房最多送兩位 送完即止; dura on 2 hours; May-Mid Sep only; 第三 四位每位 comp. to max 2 guests per room; while supplies last) Surcharge per extra pax $35 新玩法! 出海觀鯨 尋覓 虎鯨 座頭鯨等海洋生物 Enjoy a spectacular Whale Watching Tour (約3-5小時行程; 適用於有半日以上溫哥華自 由活動的客人; about 3-5 hours; applies to guests Adult $147 (4-12 Yrs) $92 with half free day in Vancouver) 人氣推薦! 落基山行程內 巴士前三排 視野更開 闊 美景唾手可得 每位附加費 Recommend reserving First 3 $60 &up Rows during Rockies coach tour Surcharge per pax 提供旅遊保險服務 為您的出行保駕護航 Provide op onal Travel Insurances tailor to your personal travel needs 宿! 多等級溫哥華 酒店選擇 可入住市中 心喜來登酒店-豪華景 觀房 一覽都市美景 Various Hotel Op ons in Vancouver, select Deluxe View Room at Sheraton Wall Center in Vancouver 每房每晚附加費 $60 Surcharge per room per night Downtown 落基山行程內升級選擇 Upgrade options during Rockies Tour 房型 雙人房 Room Type Twin 第三/四位 單人房 3rd/4th Pax Single 班夫春泉堡壘酒店 Banff Springs 山景房 Mt. view 標準房 Fairmont $359 $199 $199 $719 $399 露易絲湖堡壘酒店 Chateau Lake Louise 湖景房 Lakeview 標準房 每張保單 Surcharge per case $20&up Fairmont $349 $189 $189 $699 $379 (以上升等為每位附加費 All surcharges per person) 小住幾日! 溫哥華周邊玩個夠! 暢遊維多利亞 惠斯勒 杜芬奴等! Extend your stay in Vancouver for more fun tours for Victoria, Whistler, Tofino and more! 延住一晚西雅圖! 代安排酒店 接送及行程服務 暢遊漁人碼頭 世界 第一家星巴克 微軟總部園區 太空針塔* 波音工廠* 乘Amtrak火車*等! Book your pre-tour hotel and tours in Sea le and explore Pike Place Market, the first Starbucks 每位附加費 Coffee Shop, Microsoft Campus, Space Needle*, Boeing Factory*, Amtrak Train* and more Surcharge per pax $249&up Remarks: 備註: * Tour Fare Includes: Expert tour coordinator (separate driver during Rockies tour), accommodation and * 費用包括:專業華籍導遊(及落基山行程內專職司機) 酒店及旅遊車 transportation as per itinerary * 費用不包括:稅金 膳食 行程內之入場費 須預繳 機票 旅遊保險 所有私人性 * Tour Fare Excludes: Applicable taxes, meals, admission (must be prepaid), air fares, travel insurance, 質之費用 有效簽證及護照有效期為半年以上(如適用) 導遊及司機服務費 personal incidentals, visa/valid passport (if applicable) and tips to tour coordinator & driver * Triple and quad are to be shared with two beds; infant occupies a seating and tour fare applies. * 三人房及四人房均以兩張床為準 嬰兒須佔座位 費用按每位團費收取 * Service charge of $30 per room per night will be added if you opt to stay at a specific hotel. * 客人如指定某一間酒店 酌此服務費每房每晚$30 * All hotel rooms are non-smoking. Any violation will be penalized $350 and up. (non-refundable cleaning fee) * 所有酒店房間均禁止吸煙 違例者酒店將罰款$350 * Limited to two checked baggages. Surcharge will apply if each one s weight is over 30 kg (Rocky Mountaineer) * 每位旅客可攜帶兩件托運行李 總重量不超過30 公斤(落基山登山者號)或23 公斤(加拿 or 23 kg (VIA Rail). A surcharge of $35 for each additional piece of luggage applies. 大國鐵) 超重部分需附加費 額外行李附加費每件$35 * Sunshine Mountain Lodge deluxe room is based on one Queen and one pullout bed * Tour Cancellation Policy: (All cancellation request must be submitted in writing) * Sunshine Mountain Lodge酒店房間以1張雙人床和1張單人多用床為準 days prior to departure date 30% penalty * 團友因個人理由取消定位 必須以書面通知 出發前30天內取消訂位 按以下方法辦理: days prior to departure date 50% penalty 1. 出發前23-30天 - 收取團費的30 % 3. No refund within 14-day prior to departure date. No partial refund on any unused services. Non-refundable for 2. 出發前15-22天 - 收取團費的50 % any changes or cancellation for upgrade hotel option(s) 3. 出發前14天內更改或取消訂位而不能享用行程內之某一或全部活動 膳食 入場費或 * 100% non-refundable on any cancellation or change once confirmation is issued by Rocky Mountaineer/VIA Rail * Upgrade hotel and optional activities (such as Whale Watching Tour, Space Needle, Boeing Factory, Amtrak 酒店住房 本公司恕不作任何退還 etc) are non-changeable and 100% non-refundable for any cancellation. * 火車票 升等酒店以及自費活動(出海觀鯨 太空針塔 波音工廠 Amtrak火車等)確 * Train, Tour fares and hotel upgrade surcharge in Rockies tour are subject to change 認後不可更改 取消不作任何退款 * We reserve the rights to modify the itinerary without liability. Super Vacation, (hereinafter referred to as the * 團費及落基山酒店升等附加費可能會因各種因素隨時調整 operator ) acts only in the capacity of agents for hotels, restaurants, airlines, bus companies or shipping lines * 公司保留改變行程權利 以利團體進行 行程中如發生意外而引至傷亡或其他損失 包 providing transportations, hotel accommodations, meals and other services. The operator is not liable for any 括行李及財物遺失 當根據航空公司 酒店 餐廳 巴士等營運機構所訂之條例 injury, death, loss or damage of personal property resulting from the use of the services. If the services included in the tour cannot be supplied or there are changes in an itinerary for reasons beyond the control of the operator, the 作為解決依據 概與本公司無涉 若因天氣 路面 機械等狀況而導至行程延誤 本 operator will arrange for the provision of comparable services. Any resulting additional expenses will be payable by 公司將不負上法律責任 建議購買旅遊保險 多一份出行保障 tour participants. Purchase of travel insurance is strongly recommended. B.C.Reg.No.3565 Pr

YtrainPAGE 01-VF b A3.pdf

YtrainPAGE 01-VF b A3.pdf 美亞假期 美亞假 13年全球華人參觀洛磯山人數之冠 信心保證! 13 No.1 7度榮獲全球最佳火車之旅 價值 Value 山登山者號 洛磯山登山者號 $158 加拿大國 加拿大國鐵 美亞旅遊大使 閃 加 拿 大 西 岸 洛 磯 山 火 車 巴 士 團 耀 Sparkling Canada West Rockies Coach & Rail Packages

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CtrainPAGE 01-VF b A3.pdf

CtrainPAGE 01-VF b A3.pdf 美亞假期 美亞假 13年全球華人參觀洛磯山人數之冠 信心保證! 13 No.1 7度榮獲全球最佳火車之旅 價值 Value $158 加拿大國鐵 加拿大國鐵 洛磯山登山者號 美亞旅遊大使 璀 加 拿 大 西 岸 洛 磯 山 火 車 巴 士 團 璨 Bright Canada West Rockies Coach & Rail Packages 5/2-10/10/2016

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CANAM VACATION 溫哥華 班夫 落基山登山者號火車巴士八天遊 VANCOUVER BANFF ROCKY MOUNTAINEER RAIL & COACH 8 DAYS 團號 TOUR CODE: YMN8 2018 出發日期 Departure Date 5 月 1 日 -10 月 9 日逢週二 May 1 - Oct 9 Every Tue. 亮點 Highlights 落基山登山者號運行 28 年, 共獲得 62

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